Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 May 1942, p. 2

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BE STOPPED astndpoint ofec- Use of gasoline the ftaOCk onrole ing truead ito crr holiday-makers i% a of getting around cha e law. There wHilbh a thyi or nytrc finds his liene Cau- use of such practice,.s. g ap- mens- re the (~fl ,iC vabrideiseI I efore lie gee meo e i-(,daysý- ask h te ba-ske lercury LEFT as ý myore orý ce thle Ga-- Bsy Pr im e NA Thbe re eed thru"gh Mr. ChurehUlls grimly measured senw tences yesterday a! oÈ the ONd deemiaiothe old forýce and' lire, bckdby a>e, cnfdec and aa new uteitsasT,-e New York HeraldTribun. It was the nanwerale utheityof ev- in the lastdays o!1940 lias tCe Prime Mý-inisftree n wthquijte this .ringp, e igwitli the àlong been alla to, Tbrîonùgh tetoln er sîche e collEapeoy Famce flie Brltsh arc ctrPrime Mister bav hd to seak ut 0 do gednes, curag audlittiC e le aides. lut nnoW a Jtte weapous an'd thÉ utoit ih li r ChurecHi againadresssCteen- la the crucilyear< that we are greatest aod elpstemsdo cisiva atel hsoy nd tha peut it, shakeothe wld. the peel e AtY,1thi-s sel ùma mu1 onu t, Mr ned wîhte Churchili ansapitr !tha, conquerors,1 actul tiaio1tm bttrthan orxer et the jauy eue, anud teaDuatrig tal Europe wbwee o! the Western Weorld two years utan rn aec uid hve daa1a hat if- woldlaîj; far btttar thai-nou FaOIS Review 0coud bave lieped nayear Ligue FINALS n-ta attîsnl tngled in cor conf'u- iontedoop sio ndcxprts WCr% Prdiwntiug oeup to dosn, thaeud ofet rmsin lua spaca o!- ire p tothe weeks; latter fl n eefa mersreor aad(lu the enungmnts bte pljayoffa lu e-vn at sema points thn many i , odfay supposa. is promise of ;a n hm c. bobiug offensiva ly Amican as thener Record wî sBiibpaa sae mor fomidbl thann e uld ex- dioredle' yet there ta neovdue la h hadt a habit Nazis bv scedeînmasn -six enth fora ne Rusian ffenis -WnsrStar SOMETING BREWING? "What's çee-okiign uIal? as the Niagara Pulls Rview. Could be ln"aroi - or then agaim. it Inight bA Musoini's goose. TWO GOOD REASONS Lord Eeverbooksays thýat lgussia xmay sttetise mar:for u£ ,he meautima let ns aiso ,vork Ji-ske bazeS te helPI13her etiei A-nd aise u ae ae osnt FIRST CONTRACT hieh ad ne previeous con- kit. ions 0f Bee's Travel By Train tu sonl, ',594 d tîrvough crafe bas called pac- ces te ilie ta01,9.- etf the tii-st wr astati WliaucilthLE"sa hInt aaseaul a gaina sd1oenar so mews as the initiam ucen" lu fie, CrIsea > heatnilîu a "lest"CliiuIU ary ila Buin, U, laclffcut edoufit t+nt aventls are at atipnfarrmro leas mardi teward a tremeuadeus elimx. Oe mnay neyer for a mo- menýIt torgef f-,-at fiissue et ltha Climax la as yet budecidad, and effort oaudaut baavy cet. ut-fli long, long îetreat, At leaa Stl endiug. Slen'y crmea-a m- and aggrasaton are clIngIr»aais tl,ýieJves the taribe logic o!, hlstor'y, as tfliay nbave douýe seo ften lur thea past. fn'sfla ac 'lii Mr~ ~ ~ ~~~î Crcilauune tethea woland anuouucad n particu- artey -fielermalaniC e Jap- aureSe peýoplc. 1Ha shon'adflu thtthaily 'arie airaady û-,T fa r on, h(, ronad te atigltf , , ,Ul catastrophe, MA w tb fhy areflie e0,- au thora ankLd vn'hid"-,li oa ba vate ORly U fley change thIr wcourse., And ha spoka nwj'il fia utilIri4 e! avents. Propbc lathpoidnt cf mapsons s fIs, aceris te, ~RFGCU'LAR FE ým-me-narv onu Curenîtilvents ceod Cheer Given I îins t e rChu-ar c hli I We a're tooclose t cli avents3 -f lrecen.t da-ys as thebrlt.!ýsh sala- ure o ýf iMadagasca,uitha dramatiec reversa inluthe Battie ot Burma, or t th nnig lw deat t o,Éthe BattUle et th-;e Cocra Sa, e eal te stiataclearily thirlonger, on bt badsl u ]uma. orthe Ceral Sea bas yet te lie coutd anid inlneitber cs teepi- Sodae defrluey closed. Yet wo far als wa au ud owthe nava a, setback te Japan oA the f&Y dieuios.Sncba ate etlosse, biurcliil eams te be more a nJr cl r a c'nlliàug ilo' aeople l an a ea(jing and ,Ie eula 1' sp Mee ws horastcf in i He lias beau conidet,- .stre decels that qcf ai') mira ï h tepandtise nidne fa mian featd. M. C urceu1i,-for axampl, cf seral bomings; ie w;ud nev e ave tauntad n H(iirfe i cfars, as i didor ance hlm se t hluntl aganst asort t piso gais, unless l a er convoei t-hat the ý" UiedNais 2uow haLd NeDeataon the grouuds -Ts is eferance tepthe %iMd aie- te wan thir centsue 'ntla if wasgeOtigae. Butlian Mr.e Churchii i"ti s e w thelet e! May, and he yae assiuhe- iL nsOf ttng afo i lr momentand erif ilyhoutwit ead da tho t asther l, ra son fr greiug cn inc ea wlit bld lis ae Ils ne th dlasieteî esels oet bu luiswarigtnGerauy gainat1 tha use o! po aTeLn Simple Solution A Nc.r1t!,- Eq sfet Soad tIug him te )gý o on witl bhis plougil- iug as ha had net plouglied his wholc quota,replic-(!ha bis taffÈ n'as dep ad ud fat flic iambing ssonnlad coule upen AUSi lia plouhin woldhave Yte lesus- pended for a short pe led. Haý bas reeivd areply inis-ruet- inlg llias te ýpostpua lic mmlýaiI- in tsnfor a montts. lL ERS-Mighty Casey, Jr., $wp restricting sales of new, retreadled, and used tire, new a ond used ",tubes, and re-treading srie Only a iiedfw he Owners of emsnia eligible ve-hicîe,, may nçov obtain usable tires orY tubes,>r C tI' in services. Apar--t from aesprmte by the nwreua ionn person may buy or sel, bc;rr-oî or lelld, býarte.r, gv away, mortgage, brcut, detroyor oherwi,;se disoef aySuýCh7tire or tube, Elgbevehicle ùowýners are dvddinto tlhree caseon ithis bs Gs:Wh mbuu Polie, w What may be bonght: New, raread'ed, oruse ties; tiv uy uew tire 0or tuba, retreaded tire services, apply for Ratýion ,Permi tte s er office etWarf maPrices udTradèe Board:ý (For used tire or ue ue e RÎetreaded or use tre; se Used tires, used tubes, Toý buy retreaded tiraetreaigsr vices, purcliaSer must apply for Ration Perit e enearestooff !Wa,- timen Prices and Trade Bord For Used tie or used tube sea below). A vehica=ein utis cdas may buy only Used twigor uglitujbes, Hamuet Prove uecessi t eauj; authorird ealer Mu Ii on-,t with the idealer za Purcliase Certificate. Classaýs "A" ,and "B" ma aiebuY used tires and tubes unger tJ, semae conditions.ý FULL DETAILS 0F THE7 NEW ORPER ARE OTIAL FROM ANY TIRE DEALER Very neyere penalties wfli be împosed for any infractions of the new regulatiins, The tire dealers, of Caýna-daare c-prtn with. the Government in the efficient, oýperation of the order, and iii its enforcement, It is their patriotic duty tq- repair aný-,d legaily reseiliail usable tires in their possession, and turni over at once to thec, nearest salvage agency any. scrap rubber they have on hand or receive in the future, inl D.n i tires and tub)es no longer serviceable. Ever peson whther a eairor not, must report by MKay 31 te the'Tire RtnngRepresentative ai his nea.resýt Wartâme Prices and Trade Boardoffice, âIl tiresý and tubes .ýin iis possession on Mfay 15, which P.re net scraf,, andwhc are net on the- runniing! wheels asnci ana spare rim ai each veýhicle he Qawns, Departmnent of Munitions and Supply HONOURABLE C. MD. HOWE, MINISTER, OTTAWA CONSERVE YOUR TIRES-THI-EY ARE PROBABLY THE LAS'T YOU WILL HAVE UNTIt, THE WAR !S OVER I I More Women In War Work M'Ake PC eleCate 9IPlstrume nts Th Avotter Fe Wfek Of riningi lI ievrosbranchbes co!'mlui- tins varies widcely accordiug pte, thenatur e !t Ce work; lu swe insances ut lv as ion'as flrea par cent, inGoers as higlias 60ý per cent. In air cra!t f;!.Ctes-ia., oniaes work la growingly assenual and aigiificantý. Oclu the arl days o!f lic LdgexpansipOn, pa wore Used =u "wemus n'ok OUMy", scb as seing o!fabi -New, fhey dolu io!fte alec- troca Wirouflcrivettng and weliug ad te fttng ! uf ýfli- assernbly work. Wý0een are mkn it-ct anidalicata ntrmusLfa oýnly a tan' weket intensive trniaîugn,. More. are ý,ceoýïýý 'MbnMng1 bead and Nbad n'ein lu makiu arUCAcSson n'hicî ti10i, e et airîcu eftu anl'ourecer- tain sids o! work, raquiing dl- lcacy o ofnL"ucthe bauds cf n'- iaen are dentar fan mauy.'sP b(> Lerafieus tIntdemand accurate au rpaitveusvaents. m iqSe fori om, a 'r,-ken cf tisa2lar1g at autmai 1c guný plants- a iiei worldsituatad l i Ontarlo, employa n'oman lt<e op- era-,te lathes, m3ill.g machines, aýnd barrai turnlng machines. At anthrfaCtory, estalisbad wf Go"ermmen Capial and Owned by the Pee0ple, ; ilipreneo wmnare worýklng lm fhe ma-ý hneSbop maklng Ie-ull rleslu he Dominion Arsenals thouýsanda eof women aad girls iara t-nng eut nmillions e ou ,1nds cf malarmr4awmiýmitïin. ehmclplants as r rwu -hmeeinigly on fepmale laboulu 1 e oee!th-e Imoat itrsigo!flice puicl-wned ptrpissmany women are werlking 0on parts forj and the assambly o! tank pari scpe, anefinderCls, anld fireý controldavices. Admarriage 1 t1,bar non' te tempraryCivi Sericepositioins. luoua month lona the Civil SericeComisaontoek ou ai- nuoat qmtal mbas-322 and 3v2 raspetivel o! ypists anld stene- grplr fe(,'Iymntl sud mad erunvarsity wweîn n'li dom and Canaa.Sat oallinda parts. udmqthe aaofrn phi, n'lll techical ducaton an rion a sadl uraig To Ration Candie-s In Great Britain FoOd Mnse or o'o strigJuly 27, Anewper sonl rýation lbook il i ise Lord Woolton said -2tedceô abledstiuono vlbI p- ples Gndy ntinvu o te spec'àal book for chldrU, By GEINE BYRNMý,ESý 77e purchasës n, ay be made:

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