Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Feb 1942, p. 5

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THE ORONO WEI ýe gave ýary 19,th, as a celegate fi YEstitute. This meeting w. mxen's ruily regurixng the p àng law. Mrs. Richardson aumuxary of what the wome to prevent the risin~g of pri eecount of this raliy may iu another article on this pý Extra large Grapefruit, 5 f or 0. W. Rolphl, president, con the g-eneral business. It waý d to hiold a St;' Patrick's Socle' evening of 'Mýarech 1î7th.NTh( afghan w\ill ýbe r-affled off th( eveingil. The amount of $. oted on to go toward prize's foj usîcal festival. The fund o- realized at thie l W. 1. carý will be încreasedI to $20.00 an -nout sent to the Brtish Wai s' Funcix They also voted oý urchase of a victory bond. Boý thev business, many ltterýs o -iation were read! from the sic] s whomi the W. 1. have r-emeni This -oocl workla scarried oi end- At the conclusion of the meeting Feb- tea w~as sei-ved fr>om a centi-e tabi( ouiý cover-ed withi a lace table cloth, la th, WO- centre a silverý basket of foweris ani( ceil- the table was set with a silver ten ,e do service. Mi-, R. H. Br'owni poureé An tea, while Miss Mar-garet Roy and und the committee lu charge aerved ade licious lunich, inceluding. the sandwielh cMrs. Everett Brown favoured with 1 es whielh were demonistrated. IIn Orono it's Mac Smith's 5 S ALE 0F AFTERNOON DRESSES Sizes 12 to 20, and 38 te 44, ail Reduced in Price Misses' Striped or White Blouses ....... $1. 98 MEN-Buy that Suit before any more restrictions are enforced. Tip Top Tailors Madeto-Measure Clothes are the best values that your money can buy. Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Agent for Wood, Gundy LtLd. Bonds, etc. Office at Rear of Store MAC. SMITH PHONE 611r 2 .- - ORONO RED& WHJTE STORES Eclipse Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 69c Cooking Onions, 5 lbs. Fine or course RoIled Qats, 5 lbs. Bee Hive Corn Syrup, 5 IL tin 58e Super Suds, old price,2c Oxydol, special Kleenex, large pkg. 25C Fresh Silver Bright Salmon, lb. 20c Porterhouse Steak, IL Pork Chops, IL. Small Link Sausage, IL Breakfast Bacon, Whyte's best grade, IL 25t 25c 25c 29c 29e- 22c 39C 23c J, J. CORNISH 99. Phorne. For Ih Pro] ZI v n .1 vis sp f re, inm Idfo M"R. f ber end e ,co i a ci I ter T u eni Li wb ph po Lai I Local News Mr. iiri Lintoni, of M1armiora is ýiting -into. Pte. Tomn Lewvis, of Camjp Bordeni, ent the week-end at his home-i here. Rev. S. Delve, of Ivanhloe, visited ltve iere last week and took his ther, Ar. . Delve, baQk with hlmii pa visit. Staff Sergeant C. F. Duncean, of the ýC. 0. C.,aw, spent the week- ci with his parents, Mr. an.d Ars. >d Dunican. )on't for'get to attend the Orono n11tinný,ation Sehool Commiiencemient Orono Town Hall on Friday eveni- g, February 27th. ýVe are pleased to report that Mrs. ,Henry %woiobas been in the Osh- a Hospital, is now recuperating in ý7OnValUScent 1home. DJr. and Mrs. W. Sher-win and Ms H1. Brown attended the funerai of W. J. Jibb, at Caluborne o esday of this week. VIr. W. F. Riekard, M.P., and Mr. Ls, Eagleson attended ýthe funeral r.Jamnes MeCamius ýat Bailie- ýo on>i Sunday last. M'r. J. F. Lorriman spent the week- id in Toronto visiting his son, ýut. Fred Lorrimani, of Newmlarket, ho was visiting ln Toronto. rwenuity-four miemibers of Orono 0.O.F. visited Cobour-g Lodge on sdnesday night of last week an~d miferred al degree on, candidates in) mt Lodge. The residents east of Dean's Cor- r are obig-ed to Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,111 for shovelling out the 4th Con- sslon after the recent storm. More wer to theni after the nlext storm- A large number of our citizens ut- mîdedth concert given in the Col- inity Hall Newcastle, on Monday eTcning,- last. The revue, "Ritzi' e Blitz, ws very ente rtainingi. irougho'ut and well worth seeing. The police were in Orano oüne day is week, checking uip on articles ulen from-i the Orono 5c. to, $1.00 ýre. The two, mlen caughit in Orono [jWednjesda.y after-nooni of last we ,re Mîkije Zarakov, a miemîiber of the nadian active arm, and( Fred Mjrs. Reg. Sutton suiffereci a severe uru on the poalmi of one of hier hands ,en she sli'pped and lst lher bal- ce, and in tryingý, to save herseif laced her hand' On the top) Of the ot stove on Tue-,d ay last. She Was ken to Bowmaanrile Hospital whr e -will remlain for -a f ew (aYs. Police Trustee Meeting TheOToo Plic Trstes met in regular session ou MoTnduy eveni- ing lat with Messrs. Ciarke, Mercer andi Riddell present. The mninutes of the ýlast regular -meeting were rýead and adopted. George Butters waa paid the sum of $1200 for sanding tne sidewalks of ýthe village. This was the only account presented. A communication was received from the- Orono Chamber of Com- merce, recommending to the Orono Police Trustees that the sidewalk on the north ide cf Church street from the- east of the Kum-rite Apartmieuts to the corner of Churcli street, be raised. ThMs was referred to the com- mittee on sidewalks and tanks. UTnited Church Services "ýTue Character o«f the Kingdk>m," was thie title of Rev. S. ýLittewood's seimon last iSUnda.y imomniug, anld bore a wealth of interest for ail pres- eut. iu the evening another discus- sion of a series of subjeets was taken up, his latter one beiug termied "Grac-e." The morninvg anthem by the choir wars 111 must tell you of ray Father." Tha-t of the eveuiug was "He careth for theeY Among the visitors at the services were Mr. W. F. Rickard, M.P., of Newcastle, send Sergeant 'Clarence Dunean, of Ottawa. A lantern lecture wiil off er variety at the evening service of Sunday next, and a good attendance is anti- DEATHS PIDGON -Iu Port Hope, on MVon- dfay, February 9th, 1942, William Pidgon-, beloved husband of Bea- trice 'M, Rusk. Interment ýwas mnade lu Port Hope Cemetery. Mrs. Pidgon is a ýsister of Mirs. Frank Peate, Oronio. New, modern test equipment en- ables one te make fast, dependable Iwpairs te any ma1<e of radio. Chas. R. Knox, 42 r 2, Orono. t.. Womenï Kee rold On Fiow to Prices Down At Rally in Torontoi (Coutinuied from page one) Commitee. Tere are 1,3 avens with sunch commjjittees ,ýthrjjoughiout Canadaa, afoiwBrockýville, Charlottetown,~ donnHalifax, London, Alo n - tre-al, North Bay, Queb)ec City, Re- gina, St.h, Toronito, at Northern Ontario Building, Vanceouver and Winnli'peg.ý Anyonec in the Toronto aveu withi acom--plainlt to register. couid uise th4e f obowngketeras a guide: Women' Regio alidvsory Commiiittee, N. 0. Building, Toronto, Mesdames : I pnrehased froml John Doe's Grocery on 'March 3, 1942, and paid 1$1010 for(ge a fuIl description of the article bouglht.) On Apnil 30, 1942, 1 purch1ased,ý from the same store and samne article exactly, and paid $0.00. Yours very truly, Then sign your name, adidres and telephoue num-iber. Exenmptions to the pnice ceiling are summnarized as follows- Fresh fruits, fr-esh vegetuables, ex- -cep't onions. greenhonse products, gurmrents an-d wearing apparel wholly of fur; fresh, frozen,' cured, canued or otherwise proeessedý fish of the followiag Jkinds: Codf!s'h (Easteru or Western), herring (includÀïlng sar- dines), haddlock, ameits, imuekerel, clamas, hake, halibut, and al fresh- wý%ater flh (i.e., filih wich inhabit fresh wvater, excinding saimon and oCher fish whiich inhabit fvesh water oufly temiporarily); lsonsehold pets and il other living cureatures; im- ported teýxt books, rmusie books, scier- tific, religions and techuical books. The comimittee is -ready to anawer any questions regarding pvoblemrs that tuay arise. When somaeone re- ports a hgh price or ioýwer quality, ber namne is kept quiet. Any Ivomnan -Who pays a higher price than she knows abe ahouId l is ible to a fine of $5,0O or two yeavs in jail. Women rimut learu to buy as car-e- fnliy and economlically as Possible, to adopt for their slogan "Eut lt up," "wear. it out," "m1akeQ it d. Begin with a price list, then check and ýcomipare as the montha pass. "We muaýt eut aIl barriera- and "be ready ýto dlo our job. iMay wýe be worthY of sihis 1ret iour in our, history," said Miss Sanders. DEATHTS MOFFAT TuOro-no, on Wdedy February 25th, 10)42, Apgnes Scott Moffat, widow of the late David Moffat, aged 80 years. Resting at the faiiiy residence until Friday noon, Febru-ary 27th. Sei-vice at thie United Churcýh, Orono, on Friday afternoon at 8.00 p.m. Flowers gatefully declined.. o0 A few fromn Orono went to Bow- mianville. last Friday and Saturdlay to see the display of, war equipment. Orono Tins hop FirL"stCas wPLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHJNG And ail kinds of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone 30i46 PARK SI. UNITED CHURCB H S Rev. S. Littiewood Pastor SUNDAY, MARCHI lt 11 a.m.-Series on Kingdomi of God. V., the subjeet of the King-domi. 2.30 p.m-i.-Sunduy Sehool. 7 p.m. -- Illuistrated Lectureý. "Science te the aid of Chineseý Agriculture?' Holsteiu Breeders, Poultry Fan- clers, Fruit Growers, Saints and Sinuers, -will findi intereut lu this serlvice. A weddingof intereýst took lac. Opei01 nr on Sat-iurdaýy atrnoFeb 2I , an-atruo the H1illereat Farm, Bailieboro, the NX Thursda, home of Mr-. -an id Mr1,s. W. R. Mon- lonthily bus erfwhen itheir daughter, Marionhed vro Gwendlynbe(amie ithe ride of Rev. ntswok Morgan E'rsRowland, IB.A.Fija- sèrville, Son of Rev. and is". .W. Total Casi RolnPeter'bor'ough. Thecere- Armed1 mony wý,as conucted by thie father of the groom. The cost of The bride, given in mar)iage by " has grown to hier fath-er, was ch-armiing in1 a g'own At Jiianiay 2 Of dusty roe, ith a corsage Of red by the ai pîukBrarliferoses, and carrying foilows : -le agold evenin bag which had been Nv-ii prýesented to hrgrandmother, Mr. ther deaths MI W. I. Barnar'd, on the occa--qsion of Army (Ov her golden wedding anniversary. The enemy action bride was attended ihy her sister, 439, mrissing, Mis Heleni Moneief, Who wore, a Deatha (ail ci gowu of .queeu's bine with a corsage- and missing 1, ')f pr-em-ier Supreme pînk roses. Mr. Air Force- Floyd A. Rowland of Peterborough missing 417,d was g-roomasman for his brother. The ýnd ml-ssiug 1 we-idding 1Mmdc was played 'Dy Mrs. war, 128. W. E. Thompson ýof Peterborough, Total (al aient of the bride. ing 2,767. Ti Foliowing the ceremony the ibridaI clude the casu party welcomied their ýguests against Kong. a background of feras, daffodils and the m1-eilowý glealll of lighted caudies. In about teu The bride's mother received her Vîctory Loan guests weainig a black ai-d goId past. The oh; gown with a corsage of Bettertim-e froirheing re roses. She was asslsted by the______ groo's mther, who wore Carr.ibean was the bridt green with a corsage of yeliow J o- ents, M r. and; hanua 11111 rosmes. The bride's table axiî her g-rand was iovely lu plink and white, wit'i hi. Th suny daffodils. The buffet Iluucheon chie. LThesg was served Iby girl friend's of the --1r1s.pL. s.g bride attired in pretty frocks. alo pesnt Later the bride and glroomk left uncle, Jozsep on a 1-otor ttrp to Ottawa a-ndc points -Manining Pool East, the bride travelling lu a rab- Manie Van A] bit's bain dress with brown accessor- Divis-ion) -werî les, a black coat wvith .mnink ti.Im. Ou weddilng. Gu( their reburu they will live at the present fromn United CGhnrch parsonage, Fraser- Peteriborough. ville, -wbere the groom a the iniis- Som)Iie of tiý ter. mnember the An initeresting feature of the day lived here so: cle( w ýarto Cami ,oan appreci 3, 1942, catsa a,vied for-ces, eon active 52, total for n )Verseas)- 147, died< Army lu auSýes) 518. 10l. -Killed 730, drowuied 8. 1,M15, an dp forces) dead 'ese figuares i ualties imeurr AR MSTRO N Il PAYS TO PA&Y Phones 21 r "I and 701 r 1 Specials Thùrsday, Vriday,, Saturday, Fel Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb. 73c. Fresh Side Pork Fresh Shoulder Pork ib. Round Steak lb. Javax Bottie Fresh Dates IcO steak 27c. Fresh Fillets 20e Hayoe's Tea Special Blend 1-2 lb. Loin Pork Chops trimmed -.4 SI Lettuce, large heads. Celery. New Carrots. Spinach. Cabbage Ripe Tomatoes 1-

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