Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Feb 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKILY TIME> sýtj ilin very poor ýMarolnSimps])on, ie wekodwlth on. MisDoroth: ipsoni came, down f( t eravemnof a joving huslband and L LE fahr Sincouro symipathyv is extended to r halt ce f amily cof thie latoMrs. Robert' and Ale2c. Burley Srý.Shwaaredotee at Mr. i. I fo mnyyars ail will aho sadly missedb~ a ost of frienr4s. lattenlded The Women's Instituteweeetr MIrs. 1Isýaaci, olid at their January meeting y ?hursday. M.s-SidneyLancaster a -t horhoe (qiýid A- t wa;s dec-ided to not hold a F2bruLary iSitod ho meting- but to hiold partie2s at thec Stpeohomes of the vaionms leaders for- war healh. ork nstad.The March meneting Coanviilo, wili be -a'-,t. Patrick's Tea and Eni- -Miss; Marty tranotand will bho ild in the ýy and mi.bsmn of t'ho uited churth. or hel r Sun-1 Y. P. U. ýMeetinlg Y.P.U. hield their reg-ular g ou Monday nighit l t ,ho i ba3semeiht. Franiik McMullen, esident. waýs ini the car Fol- th cie vo t ion l prîodlu Mýar'yULane re nd(1thle Scrip- Mr. MCeLaclan Iendîng îin Thie buiness of the ovoningf scnnol, niî wýs doid ,0t 1Orno Y.P.U. for Febrtary hchis Y, P. National Night Bay 'ofQuintoe ofrue onel augesnndSoeineof hisý of Pr Granby vSehlool proVidï- exe.etprogranmmle. Ms Huhe rndered alvoysoo iaid yMrs. Goo. Cnpei or of ruch iutrost ad hl ýive- 'Mr. Hugheus on 'Hlo- tii rea artstgivinig'a inlsigit ïinto bIis eal f e, tnd >nig smeof bis Inmast er-pieo ngs on "h Life of Jss"S atmes were eiqyed hyal: The fnineatednc.The meeting with the NationalAnhm (Tee late foir last -weel) Max Stapleten is conflued te ouse with rheumtým. Ronald Bur-ley left te jein thle ..P. at Gat on Monday. Bert Stapleton is takinig a scourse ln telephenie work in te. 4W -V Port MùNicell bof MUiss Beatty va s remnoved te Ho is ln a se-i -ruanît and Mr. gusaof Ms sunlday eoig WeVodham cand lisited bis par aryWoodhaim. lMr. nnd iîs. Sbirfhl of a babyv lespîtail 0onMonl lipatbyto-Mr S.'JohnIl Sundaj,,y nightsevc in the United Chtuch was of specia, interest .and quiito inispilÏng. It was patriotic i' character and the pastor prehedI on "iChristian Intioi .~ u thej djedica'tion serviýce which follow-ed, of a large silik Union Jack presented to th e congrergation b y one of the 1 moniiers, the paýstor sa 1id( in part, "This flag- is moie than n lovol.y and aworthy ecraio.It ,shoiildineyer becoe cmme-plce.It shonild 1>o aconstant reinder(LI of whlat is Sig- if, cs. For it, under it, over it and in1to lt ha[flwedthle ïlo mn of our lnes manhonod and mn h ,o:od(. ft ib eiimtic of aprcoos heie hbanded on to us. 0On]Y as- it cotne to fly ,-froni our flag polos, and ador onr o n hoools, ou' car crcsand othelr ý'intitionis (.au wu hope to continue on in our way of Ide. WVelove to sing, "We'll nover. loý1t!ý toboi flag fll That it ra ot fali wu nnsthopropar11ed to pay the pioin blood and sweat 'nnd tear-s."' The choir sang appropriate mse ThreMiseps Daveys, of J'Bethoscda (Hope Tow,ýnship'>, ani Miss Jeýan C-ampiýbloll rendered a lovely quartette. At the close, of the serviethe cou- gregation assonibled in the basoment anid thoroughly enjoyed a sinig-sonig of oltîmne hymns under the leader- sýhip of Mr. George ýCamipb)ell. ThIe congregation thon paid honor te one of itfs most highly~ esteemed and imui-ch belovod iiembers and workers, Mr. John EMer. treastiror of tht Chuirch. Hol was called to the plat- form bhy the pastor, who read an ad- dires of appreciation, following whichMr Johnt Lancaster and Mr Arthunr Redknap made the proenta- tien of a beautifuil dc(k and an elee. trie desk lailip. M1r. Elmner fîttin1glý iepliod; expressing bis great surprise bis sineere thanks and bis purpose t( cryon. "Blest be the Tie tha Li1Bind(Lour Harts in Christian Love,' wa b~~ y ail. Refrcshmn-ents werî thon :servýed. If ok sl igprwihcs G-ot Br-itain about three hundre million dlasto fortify -will ho ahl lesýt iu a few (Lays of flgbtinlg. Wns if worthl it ? LIBERALS AND C.C.!. CAPTURE FOUR SEATS, A N'O UNCOE The tension tha,,t held the Poic of Onitar-io and IProv-ince of Qe in its gipfol. the past rotwas broken on MIonday oa this week ila cone:ton lththe four bye-e lec- tios akngplceon ithat day, twe luT Onta-rlo nnd t-wo lu ubc The ee of the vwhole Dominion of Canadawere fcussedon thleseel- tions, wondering what the outcome vwo(uld iho. The higge t surpr se of the bye-lec:tionsý was the defeat of Rt. H'on. Arthur Meig,,ho n l South York, 'who rosigned firom the ýSenate to coni- test this srn Coniservative riding ,with the idea of ontering: the lieuse of Gommons as the leader of the Op- position. HiS opponient,JoehW Noseworthyý, C.C.F. can)didate, defeat- edi Mr. Meighen ýby around 4,000O of a ma-iority. in Welland, Hion. Humphrey Mit- 0hlýell, Liberal, defoeated J.Doga WI'att, InIdependenIt, and Mak Kiluk,' CCFwhile ini theý two Qulebec r' Id- in-gs beinig cnoso Hon). torilsSt. LarnLiboral, defeated Paufl B chard, ýCanladian Party, Iby niearly fe ated Raouil Prllr Canadliani Party,- Marcel Ostoguy ,,nid Em ile Naiud, hoth Liberals. ýVictory Loan Sunday Feb 221 CI-uicil recognition and Support of the Seùond 7iVictor-y Loan campaigei Ibejng lanunchied noxýt menth, as an essential phase of the war e-fforýt to preservo r-eligieus as well as social aidu national fr-ýedomi in Canada, will ýbe g1-iven throuogh' observance ef Vie-l tery Loan Sundlay on February 22. 1 Starting off the second -week of the $G00,000.000 Lean drive, sciiedul- ed for February 16 te Match 7, the observance will nmark ceoperatien of the euntry's churches ln the ne'w ,offering of Victory 'Bonds. It is ox- pected the churehes will assist chiofly hy roforencos te tho Loan an-d ap- poals fori, is support, oithor from- pul- pits or by lay speakers ln brie-f ad- diresses fromn the chiancels of Protes- tanit churches. Leader-s of ai church denoinia- tesacr-oss thie country have heen asked hyý Hon. J. L. Iley, Mi' se of Finnice, te arrange assistanice -Jong these Iines. A similar pp- dm1,inig the provionsic Victory Lean camnpaign last June mot with widie- sprad ospnsothroughout the Do- miini was recalled at headquar- tors of the Nationial WarFiac Co(-mmittoo, diroc,ýtinig priepar-atiens for1 offer-ing of thli new, ban.1 gÉitzin' tho BIitz"5 Top-ranking talent of the stag'es of Can~ada, the Ujnited States, Great Britain and South Africa, who gave up their professional careers to en- lst in the various armed forces of the Dominion, will present the second and entirely revised edition of "Ritzin' the Blitz," the hilariaus revue, which will corne to the Newcastle Comimunity Hall Monday, February 23rd direct froni its spectacular week's engagement at the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Toronto. edition includes established artists of stage and radio. The master of ceremnonies is Rex Doyle, brilliant vocal star with many of the f ar- ous dance bands of the United States prior to his enistmnent in the Canadian. army. Predominant throughout the vers atility of thîs new "Ritzin' the Blitz" is the sure- fire comedy projected across the footlights by these talented rnem- bers of the arrny, uavy and air force who now assume the rnantle of the farnous "Duinbel?' of the Iast wair. $ 33C. il --* Dýr. West's Miracle Tuft Tocoth Brushes, each ........ ..............5c. Tek Tooth Brushes .......... 29c. 2 for.............................. Ipana Tooth Paste.10C-, 29c, 49C Briten Tooth Paste, large tube, for .......................................... 29c. 2 tubes, for .............--49c. Pepsodent Tooth Paste .25., 43c Pepsodent Tooth Powder 25c, 4.5e Rexali Milk of Magne-sia Tooth Faste, giant tube ......... 26C. CUE, a Liquid Dentifrice, small for . .......................... 29c. Large for ....................4.........-9C. MIi 31 Tooth Paste ......30c., 45c. Kleen-or Anitiseptie, 8 ozs. 39C. Listerine Antiseptic.29c, 49C, 89e Dettol Liquid, the Br'iitish Anlti- septic, boýtt1e...................... 50e. Lavorile An'tiseptie. 2-,7e, 49c, 93e., Hygeol Aýntisepie, cleans fals:e teeth withoput brushing. Hlar- less to dentures. Ask us for a sampfle, 6 oz. bottie ......... 35e> 146 oz. economy sîze.... 6e LARGE29 PMj5 on the air--Share the Wealth" evel? Saturday Night. Lots of big cash prizes. 31 Canadisti stations-C.B.C. Sce your radio listing for timie and station. e4District Nelws Doreothy Adoe, augh-tor of Mr% apid Mrs. ýC. E. Ad!ockCoeugis the first gil of tha.t district te jein the Canadian Wenren's Armiy Corp, and bas noxv boon apILed staff driver f er .Brigadier a logg1 1I Armsrong D.OC. fr Mlitnry Dis- trict, No. , with hecadquarfors at Kingston. Miss Acc holds the tankî1 of corporal. MUiss Agatha Merey, in cempauy with thiree& other Oshaiwa girls, sus- tainod a broken leg, concussion, cuts and bruises as the result of an ac- cident fhree niiles easf of Graffon on Januau.y 31. She was adm-itted te Cobourg hospital. The car, driven. hy Jean Newell, skidded on an icy ,spot on the highway and eniterord thet sûtuth ditch whiere it bit a tree bead- on and toppled over. The car was damiaged almoist beyond repair. Miss Newell, the driver, aIse received cufs and bruises, while the other two g-irls esceaped intjury. Four occupants of a car, James M'orrow, bis inother and sister, and MUiss Anale Sequire, of Brigbhtoni, had a narrow escape from serlous miju ry whe-i(n the car in whîch they were r-iding dropped into a ditch 13 feet below the road and went 44,0 feet ho- fore cmigte a stoýp. The car skid- ded te oe e ido w%ýhile pr-oceeding down Roseberry 11l, west of Port Hlope, 'plung-ed over a 13-foot drop at the, end ef the guard rails, pro- ceedIed along the ditch until 'it src a side rcad, thoen upset and rl"'lod over and over for a diistance of 923 ft. The occupants of the car scpe with lnotingi1 more than a bad sha- inig up. After ani illness ýof ijirco Bowmainvillle lost one of i ts, chiants lui the por-son of Charles erick Rice, who passed pea, away at isç homne on Srinday 1sf, lu is- 69th yoar-.lie w son of the late John and Sarýa* and had lived ah bhis lifo in manville. F or the past 41 yeý was associatod in the well hadaefirm eof Rice & Ceo. w brother irry. He was a monie the firo brigade of that towu vears. chahiman of the Public Mlany o-f the more serious mouith cokd i tions would neyer exist if ev~dycare w,ýere takeil in guarding the teeth and gumis from' infection and decay. REM~EMBER TO "Brush your teeth twice a day. See your dentist at least twiee a year." HERE ARE Lowes t Cash Prices (on your Favo)rite Denitifricýe and Antiseptie Colgate Tooth Paste, 1 15c. TUBE FREE -with eaeh 10c. tube2 BOTH FOR Minty's Toothi Paste, 25c. tube 3 FOR 49c Charles. Agent for Jaekman Flowers Cookies! KINDNESS ith hs j jTelephone: Offiee 668 ber of Telephone Colleet for 251 Se'hool th e W est D urham A gricultuwal Se- i a e nd h s s c nd xfja ciety for a number of years. Hows1Ggadhi eodwf a one of the besf knewni and most suc-1 merly Gladys Beumore of ConbY cossfuh chicken fanciers lu Bowmv-iani-1\vlo sur-vives wîvth five children, ville distiref, heing a contant prize sons and one daughter. Re-v. winner at Ganadiani National Exhibi- 'rfih iit r o rnt tion, Royal 'Winter Fait and the local riitpniorfTinyU faits of the district.lHe was nmarrid Church officiated, with intermieni traetive Greetings .y price from-...... le. .......50c. each 0F PREVENTION Tyrrel Phone 68 Orono Cookies Raisin Cokies, a delicious cookie with plenity of raisins and seasoning. Week-end Special, 2 lb 35c. Granny's Cookies, a plain cookie ideal for lunch pail or table, about 20 to lb. Week-end Special 2 lb. for ......... ........ .... ........ 35c. Minute Tapioca, 1-2 lb. pl-g............ .... 12c. Tapioca (Bulk), lb . ......... .... 15c. Newport Fluifs (Puffed Wheat), 8 qts. wiith 8 oz. tiimbler ....... ..... ..... ............ 24c. Quality Cocoa for ail purposes, 1-2 lb. tin ..... 15c. Sunbeami Seeded Raisins (large, sticky). Week- end Special, 1 IL pkg ......... ........... 16c. Shredded Cocoanut, mnedium shred , 1-2 lb...10c. Blue Rose Rice, large kernel, 2 lbs ............ 19e. Vanilla Extract, good qiuiahty, large 8 oz bottie 12c. Habitant Pea Soup. Special, 2 large 28-oz tins 19e. Repeat Speèial- 1 reg. box Grape Nut Filakes and 1 reg. box Post Corn Flakes, ail for...... 15c. Canadian Maid Evaporated Milk, 2 tail tins ... 19c. Measuring Spoons, set of four, set .........ý. 15c. Measuring Cups, set of four, governrnent tested, set .................. ................. 29c. Rubber Staon Soles, will stick to leathe.r or rub- ber, complete with cernent........ ........ 15c. Candy Special- Nougate Roîls, a mediumn hard Candy. Week-end Price, lb ........ ....... 20c. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO 5c. TO $1.0O STORE Motor Equipmieat Equipped to takie care of thie modest f uneral reasonable charge as well as the largesi Most exaeting Bowin SERVICE at the most t and land 726i nailville, Ont. with the exc- )n the defen-, FOR A Sweet Vialentine THIS VEAR SEND Smiles 'N Chuckles Candies at 25c., 50c. and $1.40 per box -ALSO SPECIAL, ELITE Boxes at $1.010 eaeh Lentheric Colognes Make moest acceptable gifts. Ji, famous presentations of "Ted,"Pink Party" antd "Shýan-ghai-" At. ..$L25, $1.541 and $1-90 Sheet Music We have a Comiplete stock of the newýest popular mnmbers in sheet at lowest prices WE GIVE PROMPT A'TTEN- TION TO SPECIAL ORDERS Prescriptions a Speeialty Cookies! y, thîs elaborate all-serv- e lias hitherto been play- to arrny, navy and air iences but, because of the denands of civilian 'oers that they, too, be î to witness this eut- revue, the eolorful coni- Private Ambulane Northcuitt and Smith Funeral Direetors and Furriâure Dealers COUIRTESY mom

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