At tl,- ie nnua bnqutf the Aýssocaton of Canadian Adver-' tisr Ml at tNe Royal York flotel, John Murray' Gibbonl,Motel general pbiIagecnt, aada Pacifie Rilway, ces awnrded theý sive iedal ofth asocationfor an outstaading contibution te Canadan advertieing b>' a aderti"sing manager. C. Rl. \Tntpeade t teasocaiopreseated the medal t Mv, Gibbon oni the eemedainof a jury comiposed of promIin-eatm CanadiSn advertîiing and promon xetiives, iended b>ý' H. H. JRimrir3., Teronto, as harmn luanwardigngte medalteuMN.uGbbon, r. Rimmaerlauded thec long cmer of tMswel kaownrailay xcutive whom hte referredl te a->,-an "advertising and publicit> specEais, peet, novelelibrettist and musician, Mwhoi drenderued distinguished service raçt oni>' ia advertisxag hils oacop nbuisem indvertising the Doiioni of Canada, dace onng the CaadaPacifie Rn,,iiwny ini1907. I f - îected witilia lai the famil>' Edved sagrî e3 word-"'Tan- iMereiy pince in l the liand, and dip it ita BY ROBERTA LFEE he happyens to know tSAt mewouiîd 1uke to I-eloag -t- afrtnty 1. It necessay tuat a busines mnan rise when awmnepoe 3.Should a a il bo--y wo igbearer at edlilvea boutounnire ia the butteahle er hie jacket? ,. Whienit j ,ýe neessar>' te co p1a>et ether people t',cireacri 0or-bave onie% eoat la a theatrewhat je tne cect manner or so doing? 5, If oeeml a bouse guest and hie ii th tablcloth n'r thetabe h, should lie do'? y. l ut proper te fold npis foi the cianer table, îInto fane>',1 Whpes"! ANSWERBý 1.N;l'e Shoufld cncntat o digsemecthing w ls'mc'i as foo0t- bal, ebainig, or an'ntiot'e bitemin campu leades, 2. o; iteive 1a woman isior.l.,N0 4. Do not trri se thaLtin ac these people, but slip la oreu witli yor bnc1ki0twards themn,ad wihaqiet "pardonmeI." De î't is ais quiekly as possible,1 nd tk car-enerto te1brus11yorpure o ceto er heleAds oA te peple seateid la the owimeatlyl front.5. Replace toentableclotli luth a new one and arrange te have the tabese finisbedor apole. gise and send the liostes agift ýýthieh amiounts te t[e cee fth-a damniage. 6ý. No; thecretcae for tliednnrla le areeterfi purfect squlare or th1 ohr(ge1 tAhelthuetriangle n>' la use forbrafsanluce. -Auto Graveyards Source of Mîetals The proposal of thie Amerigasuý AutmobleAssociation tîný.t a wel-ofoniedeffort be mnade -ro r!ecove,-r the valuable metal nowý, goin,'g to wa"Ste in junked caý'r» graveynrds ail over t;h ecountr-y deerespomnpt action,avie The e York Times. The Auto- moieClub of lNew York lias es- timated that some ÉP,0000tons of steel scrap and m-uci tonnagie in ether meals needed for de.~ fence c anlie ç,salvýage.d from thq P,009,000 outworn cars and car frames iin the nntion's dumips. At a time !whien shortages are rah in;g inte every field of machinery Otan ss metal, uny cnsierabe part of ths car waste would li wonlh recovery, th* junk yards would lie a bles~- sigto the ontyid.Heei a cause which is at once WtCi tannialand Laesthetic. United States Navy Gets Private Yacht WVýilliam K Vanderbul of Nord-. commander of thle Naval Reserve, lias offered lis sagoing yacht Asva to tde Government as a Navy D'ay, gift'. The Alva ian oveuai l ingt of 26% feet, a beami of 46 feet, a draft of 19 feet, and a designed speed of 16 kants. it la powered by two diesel enigines of 2,1900 horsepower each. D. D, D.r ICIIIflf Ith%,k ReIeva, FL e '!0g nia a CPtiýri LU 10the P5 Tlie fn cnul iMered ef great lînortance and ea'ggests the pos- eibily of Canada's production o? banise beig increased by a hua- drsd-fldhifa1940th tu pnt vw BaIte le requied in the dnIllng OU 0f lwells. La ground form it, gives adedw it te the mu DinS contrilUng gas pressure. it aIse le used as a fImmer l rubber, paper, oillot, txtiesleaherand plasz- tcand as 'a(pigment îand exte- der la paitt. 1A miii capalble 0f treatin.g 150' on0f ere a day r >about L4-5.000 tons a year lias been erected at Walta, bout2 iniles fremi the, dJo, l oa cta Two car- gees of barite, enýchLitf'about 2,500) <tons. leayhaebeen ahipiped te Triid Afr use lan te ou wWll tune and fMu0 tos te pueu LOCUST KILLER Bobylevanmember othe sta= 'fhebussa Tashkent IMedical 1insýtitte, lissucddiii develop.- lng a micbe citulure tllat Ibil lout.The mcoeis bred iia an infusion 0f lia>', wlicli Le prink. ed on the iafesed field. The b.- custs devoun the grass &'nd net onyperieli b"ut infect tiheir fl lews. The mirobeis rmeet !umn1 be Wings "and a"inile. Feed Plan Saves About $2,750,000 Unider the gevenmeut's new plan e? aiuig farmns ot Baste Cana1,da b>'pYiatransportatLion ceets on1 feed grains fromu the Wesýt, iis e.simnted, tle farm11ers of0f1On taielonle wifl benepfit to the ex- tent of arouad$25750COO0. The aid te farnuiïers willrua areul 12I cents a buose and the estimated requieens ef fendorcre grains in the province le put at 221005,00 busàe1-e. C.N.R. Surplus To Set Hfigh Record President R, C. Vaughian of Canadian National Riwassaid iin, aný intervieýw the comnbinle ex,- pectled to -have a surplus 'for the1 curetyerof '$3,000,O00 to $5,O00, pthe firnsu ice 1929 and largeetin A itshcory. Mvr, Vnughian estimated net ' profits at betwýeen $6(3,000,0 0 annd SO*8,(000,000, before f ixe'd profits nt between $66,000,000 Mlovement of wvar mnaterials lias boo 0Sted ý0!fr eight Volume te the largee inssice ý1923, wenthe rail- Way-,s were reorgan,.ized in their peetfor-n, Mr. Vaughan Said' adding that there lad been ai "ýlSubstantial imiprovcieent" la pas- senc-ger, steamship and hotel bus!- ness. The lailways are uaing Ameri-~ ana coal in corne of its operationSe! because of the production slowâ d!o'wn in Cape Breocai mines, the President saîd. "We hiave- been oliigged to slip SAFE S Ptesyouzr BOK ad C(ASHT Yrem FMRE aud THIEqVES4. W. hae ize olm tye'0fSare, aor Caietfor nnypros.VilS ma , opwiefor pleo t Delpt. W. liP; Front St. U.. Toroinc, TORoNTo SAFE WORKS AmrCa oal as far ec nn M JlQu"ebc, an du~asn a rcuitofth sow dewJ>Mv.Vauglan xplaned "Tesituation "'s împroxriag ga duali>.','bUt wearestli Usi Amicn eI inth!Maitme Canadffian 1coal lain,1ta -4,.i Sebastopol Seýbastopol jharborl, osje iofth 'pIzeýs which fthe Grasseek iM the Crimepa, l 36to 20feetdep It Èje the main -Russia;lack S,-. '-- naval base, I l teCrea Wa it à- aderweýnt a siege for 3-49 ay before i grio mrhdot HARNESS & C-OLLAS Farmers Attention-Cost 'your nearest M. arnie ss Shp about Staco Elarness Supplies., Weý seil our goods only thýrough, youri local Staco eahe Goods dealer. The goodsar r'ight, and so are Ourprcs We manuIfacture il- our fac- tories -- aresHorse oi larse, Sweat Pads Horse ia kýets, and Leathler Taeln Goodes. Inisist 0o2 Staco Brandl TrAde Marked G.oode, anld you gtstsati on. Madý Cie only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD.ý WRITE FOR CATAýLYOGUE 42 W/ellingtciiS,EToot I ~...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME~NTSU., AÀEROMYUý,AIC i'EEUFRAUTO- mobie, tuçktracuto, busan marie in nes Mre ýpuwer-! Stop cabon!25%more mileage. Ail mail forciuckinformation! Agenlts, write fot tre, oyDept. 9.Box 6,Vnoe.Cnaa EîABY CH1ICKS tÀe-tla t's what the Goveur- metsays fethe eau of Eritain 'orCaadt(ian eggus. Buy ehlicks il y.11. jee n, tel e good maktW've dayý-old 'te 2 weeký 1,bicks, ïci id1ng 1pu lJetILS. Aiso 111eS Chiksst ar ted, daiyoid, BrayRather,)ohn st. N., [Ram- BLUES LCICMCIE fou prticuars. lerkl Poducts Lt. l5253 Cleg tre, To- ronto.lvl* 1 'AT EÀRDS S T 1)H CO 1,1 lIA 1 'STE u m mA y atrsttesFr faimland orcltyproerty, wIte S 11 1 (ue t AI ELECTRIU 1TOR01,O'SALE FAR-M -DUTY ELECTRIC U'MOTORS, lItuadreda b cto(> efromJ onc;QjS & AMoore Eeti omayLnt olin EngneTypeZ. Ini goud 500.J. R. 2McCaw,Bare ARSTO RENT -,N EVRY ,PART of Sakthwn rite Johni AN IN- T AdIe-ýi at ir 120 iW Ce., Box 2 ~ur Films To sales ses- s 25e; se- h fiee e»- carde AT YOUR IiRUG STORE sir," lr- eý te îlei came in yetecrdye." 'cetsma wette t ieforp ,11, Vai at hiie granld. rt get an0 it :s ex- ?" ~he