Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Nov 1941, p. 3

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praiîse inr u Tha caksaepbnci1r ge wren eshy haed.When thawd o be, r y bsteovea- lias spead fro(tamingcqmmuu Itilles to teCilas, ruwvea av iearnd tiey eu w 11)upcalkes, themat ire amiy ft~enlocker Otre Jgrilen Ill ea boug[lt lu uanitîe, nÈ ep Thr re s wen ogrwil hav bosped lng.Iro iruraove, zi boiliiu î eCaigbuis oa babIs an preerve tochomle cn time in tire kitc n bt 0lb1wil i permitlier o sere apptin iia onen thre yea around, aud BabyHa s A Rie Stilgng~ecam ni nChicago NawsEdibria onGetar"a Wubow t nl a au rua rortugl. fi-uni Liabo a load of f sud lb was war zune. biown up- ~ ~iec wasa j~ ýýo the, wyto Ail). ti Assoia A'u lien, 'lh- mu1hl saiubatd po1 Tire mer boats row idbowed tit have ýIIso moâmooTiRýi By MEATRICE FABER EdIna Kahlay, s~toff ber feet by Sam Gl1adney in a wiî win.d courtship, marries hmand tbaey go to Taxas to live. Their bappinles s further enrichedl -wben their itt!e boy Sami is bore. But thre chilçl la killed in an acci- dent anid Edna, hiding ber wratch- ednee;s becomacs a britle society, mjatrGn. Then their frilead, IDr. Max Bresiar hellps Edna stari a Jay nursery for poor chidren and this brngs ber and Saink to- gethier again. But when Sam'sý business is ruined in the Wal Stiý#et ct rash, they move to Fort Wortb to begin ail over again. Here, Edela starta ani- othan nursery, Than. Sai's strug- gle to pay off bis detbts uncler- mine is bealth and he is.Me and moýre, Edna becom*as tta.cbed to "Little Sain," one of the orpbaned cildren who is not givým 'out for adoption as h& is lame alla must giaa a braca. One day, Edea is visitad by a young- girl who is tragically unb.iappy because, engaged tco be married3, she bias just discovered be Ic- e gitimnacy. Edea remambiars ber oWn1 adoptad sistar Charlotte, who, f aced wth tIse saine prob- lins ad commnitted suicide on tise ave of bar marriaglae. Sise startýs out on a stata-wida campaiga to have thse Word "illegitmmate", struck Out of birth- records. CHAPTER SIX (Conclusion) Fealiag at venr lWvebb 0oa murnig, 'Easw s uddenly za new wohm as shet read tAle tale- grani that came for hem, lb wavCs piortuni la tIre opposit, str.ong p-roper mighi ator COttroa, ait lascraal-an op,- to hitrodulce byour 1 nisatr ext wee-k. The i liowavar, ipetty ýd ais I hava ntt bd theI ne bu prepare, wish you me at once f0Alustin eour coarmittea on tIre ou stabe so ardaabi."ý ne( tears of gratitude lan as ah. looked at ax.,ý for Austin to-day, ii, juat a weýek iter tia cotton aboodÀbaf'ora e gislatune and mdaIis, ,"Ir cri-ed, "par- avery ,'ýbody paya but abe hecivilsav ,ouabry. 'They oaa- hlout e:xposing ti,- l ýy cannot h-.ave chiu- hadigOn tireir iak and bitter Lienr;- lii. le ia Il-,)in 0,U aven ilow,- tirerre e risof io, Why,- lb old cOatù tof Txshuadreds of ds of dlasfor ithe te- 015 Y ML I I wrapp. nad i matai sait, bean i ~- bu tira uf gl~ 'froni produ Tha ufactu la a which sud a )-Sîray I andy alone, It would lCave their la- mues their ioved ones, unpro- tectd an ope toassoiation woul alow tosewho trans-. gesdthe mra cdetogo un- But t ths moentEdna rushi- es forward to the dais., ing rom he bttomof lier heart, "1f an, bh-a made so mucji mri)e beauifu bysympathy, by love2 an understanding than lb ever canrb intolerant rues and laws ~and reulation. I've een ihearts brknVIve senapure and ia- oe4yoùng ï11fedest.royed by tha înumantty of thiÀs this mia!ýn madalaw. Bcausa it ila man made.Godias placed 'no diýs- honoron thse innoeent -andc help- les icims. Oh, believe meii ,gentleen there are 1no illegibi- maý -ute b a b ie S. The raaore nly Dimi-y, dý her roar of appla)U seC, knlew that thera wn,,s cheigand wlxvitinglanthe gi[- lemr She tried to respond toulb but soehoww, could ot She fait waak and spent. Christmnats GitS hehad alimost forgotten that it wa Chriaa Byve and whell she aprived back homle that ave- ni nigjlbwaa wiheadazed aton ishment that she looked around and notied AIl t hiday decor- Thani Zeke brouglit in a par- cal "Crismasgif t, Mi7Z Giad'- SIhîC open[ed lb and sae.The "glt" aalitle amysbrace I "MryChristmiaa, Aunty Bd- - na" cied amm's mali voice in triumiph andii when ahe looked upi, there lhe in late doorway beieDr.Max-. 1'han, avn as eht gzed at hlm, he came racing tord hrà1er, ha well, stuÉLrdy legs free and norma-l ai nyboys ai last Thae r ear os inher eyesï asah caught hlmii to lier braast, Ohmy darling, miy darlig' A inand again she kaased hm And then, jjust at tat imoml- ent, nohe Christtmas present came. lb It was a telegram fromi Seao Cotton. " BïlrthiCertifi- cats Bill passed tby healthyajor-. ity. ;,Merr-y Xa Thab's what made l il Q sopar fýc-t. Thiat was why, when the house was quiet with ail the chul- dra a-edEdna w-;as So totally iunprepared to have Dr. Max turiï bU)ie brisrkly and say, "WllEdna, yOU'vedoun. somi-e godwork. 1Now, al tha's left ltoget littlie Samminy set," Mora Christînas Gifts uewn n opan.LüTheral wsayoungcop, the Eld- idges, who would ba perfect as Sammy's parents. They could give hlm a fine hmein every way and Shers wouid b. ail the love luý tira wvorid for hlm.. le was then that Edua blazed ont,1 "They tant have littie SMMY. Ui l hadn't been for Me hawudhave died, I gave hilm hais life. Be loves mle. BF'e e - longsltonie." Dr, Max slowly grew anguy. "ButEdna he needa a homne and a father . . and a nmother, onle that belonga to lm. nýTbis iSn'tl an oe it'a anintuio" "Ti'en;" ah. said shrilly, "0'il Fve found parents or tliousancia of chuîren. Thousands. i wanti a cl1d formyeif." 5h. cent to thle desk uand quickly srwldout note. "Bere's 1-1Yreiaio to the Bord, Lax, leans I'm thogh 'ml goiing back teo Wis- coiiin ad make a homie for vmy 'fien, wibht I a 1i baïýCkwrd glance she ruahed up the stairsa% 4nd inilto )littie sa-mmy's usez Quic:kly, ah. ega aku i thn, ettin1g himi ready for the tnpI. They wourld laatouightc t'here was a tanoutî in an h ouar. She and litble Sam w ,ould go on that. Ail at once ah. eemee a'spictur e. Ilb a in her study. She descended the stairs and had juat reached Éh,ý. foot of the steps wlien she sbopped ShrtA police officer stood in the hall- way wîv-th two littie childre,a boy and a gir. obl bots wereý pinche.d and wan and! woefully bedragged. Th,,-,officer -said, "Goo'd ave. nia' Mrs. CGladaeCY, Igot a couple of Christmas preseats for You. We picked 'em uop ilu aspot that was raided." The, littia girl piped up know- inigly, "'Oh, -we're always being raided. MUy rama's a .. "The officer clapped lbs hand over lier mouth. Now the littla boy began to whimper. "inmtrby. ' m1 awfuil thîrsty." Keieping ,at Edua looked at themi dazedly. Tliey were so, yo-ung. And they had seen so muclithat asevil andbwd. Shle booli the boy's hot littla 'handa. "Hleavensl Whyv thi chid iasa raging f ever. Wihna haîf hour she, had bathed the chîidren and dressed them in cdean uighbclothes. Thaic littie boy was already raacbing favomaly to Dr. ax's dtreatn, and the littiegorlwas Sound aslaep, Butlabetweeu btendting tbhe Chidran Ednahad had vtime to maka a taephonle caîl. Now cheI doorbell rang. lb was thre Bld- ridga's, sha knew. Moiig M lax Io go to the doorý, s1he hur- ried Upaktaira. Litt.le Sam wa Sound asleep on the coveriat He', voice was. tremiulona s a h. picked im iiUp. "Coma along1-7 swethuart," ah. ,crooaad. "You're, goi: to go away bo yourne mlummy vwhara bliere's lots ofifttia puppy dogs and aswm ngol and a niice Daddy and other 1ittieC childreu to play witli." Bult Somaliow, tha chlid senised somuething. "And then 1 can comae býack bo you Aunty Edua caa't She answerce, ech word sbas bing ,,to hlier heart. "Wall no, 1 don'[tbhink so dalinjg, You se, FI on[y your Auaty Eduia.Ad in lots of othar chuîdrens' ,Aunlty1 Edaa too. But this lovaly lady viil be your . . . yoi ur ummy," Ha was fightingý back Iis tears, jI nrust't cry, must I Aunty Edna?" "No, you rmustni't cry," ah., Quavered. And then shle haldhltr close. "Oh Sammuy dariing. Sam- muy, But.1 a moment later, shae des- cenAddtble stairs sbeadily, neyer faltarng until sehMd Placad littia Sammuy la the armai of Leba iEldridge who was waiting aut the foot of the stairs. Then someho1lw, lb was al wrt while, seeing tha radiant, awa- fillod happineaýs lainthaees of that other womnan hearinglia way ah. said, "Mýy boy,, nmy bA! a"suah.clasped littIe Saimmy ln lier arma. A bit laber bhey were gone and Edna sat la thearchr before Sami's picture. She hiad put gladiolas around lb and as the fautb sweet uslc of theChrist- priaascaro1s camne fromn the streat, Sam".s voîce aereed to say, "You're nover going to desa-t Ednla.Ner" Her ayes were closed and sha nlodded, richly co1ýbenb'. sha had dom) thea riglit thiag,it a onl thig. Irehadkpt faibi wvibh) __________THE END,ý ITHE FEMININE I TOUCH 46-' B j If#'EjF94,.ZK(#P0 $le o Ask your grocar for Calumietl. Ty k aud se how dul-cinparmits yen tu se less laed still gat bta aut Noticeý, Ioo, how t"e2 almtinopn al a sligbt twist of tise wnist -yýel ve fpilis, aven whaen ftil. Under mtIe Lid l a handy davice ticilave aecliaenfla y ou use il. rÂIIIFT I Is Rcir SUPPISMINGLY LO Balke Cup Cakes For A Changpe ,y: KATHARINE- BAKER Cup cakes care to tire ra ou many an amargeacy uMea. Tirey're esseaitiaily sniple Lbut lu tireurselves lu ,anjy umbo),r of dec- orations. ýWahtrer tihe family t dinig alune or tir youngsters, bringng fiendahometo bte s and with avaroyoecrto wigive gamor to yur tan tabla *IË you're buclgatîg your egg, consomptio hies. aksare a lifa. savar tiroy oniy reuira two agga. As w cmas te two rostnga ivea, below you IICali use mitad coo late, nuts, -fruits Or coec Iudt SMIALL CAKES-CP CAKES w12taspoon doubieaig baking powdelr icup sugar 2 eggs, wauellbten eïhorwac 811 f lun oce, eaiuîraua! bakrgpowan qud st together bine. Amas. Crcantabutter tirer- oupryad sugar gnýadually, aud craatogebiIra util i IgIIt an fIiUby. Add egtien floun, -aller- niately biPml, a maili amouilt at a lime. Beýdat aer aucir addition un1t;il amoobir. Add fiavonlng. Pu Wabogreaaad cup-cako Pans, fillag theta about 22Mul. Buekin a mo eaae ovea l F)20 bo 25 min- utes". Makes 2dozen cup cakes. porut as deairad, BTER FFIOSTING 4 Lablespoona butte i. teaspoon vnili *2 cua IfLýoui one t i oners.;"4]ugaIi Cembuitter utl eysoit. Âdd sogar graduaily, blendiug biorougÉi iY. Add vaiIa, Thi-la i ni, au dm0» aI a time untîof nrc oua- sistancy t) spread. Spraad ou caes. SprikIa wit prmieta dhroq cocut iMdesied. PASTLJELLY TOPPtNGS buat w jIL aytc ivà hogama MuAdà e01 WiîbPUY udsl, nioveîr i re uI cine he. rie,. n.,, Hiler'8 Estimate HAIblr in iris iatest order of tIre dayf0the troopa on1 the Russian frontù gava aIn accounit of tre destruction tliey have bogi ripon the eaîeny. "This olrtstaad(- ag' acvemenilb," saW-idi tler,, "wsobtaîinad wiLh sciie thýat, Irowever paiiful in inmdlvi- dual cýasas, l Ie total amouat to saci par cent oftos ojf tlie World Wari.." Total German casuaiies la irieh Worid War amouated te 7,142,- 55$8, according f0tire Worid AI- maa.Five Par centL of tuat am-otwould b. 2:57,150maiea bat , lu tIre preserit Rsinwar.. Put on Saptembar 19 thae Germaa Hi C ommnd racapitulated itgb caulisup Ite thýenad of Aug- as.Tliay were 402,865, mo tebegmnunhg of Septamber tr figlrting ýbecame aüven îmorLe la- tense, but seemoiagly t.hera wer, les thýan iro casualties. Ou ir oteliand, oaa con.sarvabive BrMt- ish i esimb Says ýtha GammaÀ9 catsualtias vare 1J7,000 a Lay. It bringa tireGarman bases f v» nea,&rly 2,000,000 mon, for l"esu tHan four arona of fightln agaiaat more thanl four yaars lar R~..Baby Bomb saof a new Briiaisuper- charged "baby bomrb" whith nakes a erateroaYlysx fuet Wi% but ,shatters windo,,ws tw%>omie awywas ep)orýte-d zrcantIy b»' BlansouIrcesila Loudon. Whien btie R.AF. dropped one, ofthese bomnba into oaanelg vilgaccording f0 tir. frýea e, gin ews sService label, th(,',walls,, doors and chimneys of buildings miorec than '300 feet from IriCe ose- tuai biasb w:eredoie d aAu not a panae of glass in theenir vilage remained intact. N4azi Raidllers SNow Teli1 Dif fe-ent Story Thns "dantiûcturea" of tr Battiaof 1h. blnielas bean gie ythe Grmnradioan atnbtdto a Nazi airaran: "Two yaars ago fighbiga 0ouVOY 'jUat meanit drop)ing a e for dmage. "Nwit's miore iababra alina farniydfnecon- Qunr 'lnsgo brug ïa. W.ek

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