eve in tempern rcy Canni aï-t Weoi tc il Ca'o ,'L lieO S o.~ c, fi adsorkDiy tr rý atso a t- hi s3eemls tLInt île y trin t(ta gamnethan salies. tabufila ar'eia tl, 'l uir e LiFE BENEFICIAL duin -Élie reat Wnrjj. la, o!ficially aamuaiiced o! îlle soldions under- bng hib Lis couirly are 1 ning ln weiglit, nai- thîe gou eocs >! tlem xpnien e 1 the-ir diet becomesSp a, natter o! fac, plenty ne !od plus ladequafe us fr7esb ;a! i -la uualily lly Star. a Tmes- os bath ýLP 'HTLR tatro thed crafiprdcto tnfbel a- H it lir w-'nbcl oresan nee- 0 Gone E)eoeO Atls h ais ane iehnz wr mac hine is forced Vu yield as aur aksaround aganstmoem ethds Geman1o the iussian front are forced to cal! on cavalý'ry-\ the serviceý aM mn aelbeebosle"Aoe, cvaly akeýs a comeback aý s CGerman ldiSbor sons reýal hospoer irgs eam crssa tram Canada's Splen-idid War Effort Something Everyone -Sholuld Knocw lyj by George K. She-ila, Depuity- taen Arnerican Auience. te-sluni!orm srvg oveî-saa or avalallefor' service nwbr lýas ?a reserv-e myfoi'r oe de- Thfee incînde m 13aly iosneo île duailon -ha are now eevi ;i-,(I urtaiigcamps), ýOr a ia defeýnse po)sta crosîeDoion Ale fromaaurfe-serve frces, seicte ra ofld be îl equi vie verseas fu Iersany thons,- onde eal manil Thie Royal Canadian Navy uaw- las îýmor-e than 200 vese-lë o! il types seoring arauad île BrillaI laSICS sud an îe iglseWt- W sbi onils canada'S nay w-oi have about 400 shlps iu consoy Operaiing undjc,ý er le Royal Can adlaus ,nAir Force la îlýe- Brll le ComoneathAirr. igplan -aMeihing w-bdmywel prove taô b. ore o!île deilefaar la te war, The iairtriigpa opr-S 100 air ied and atoa e! aen 120 iraiuing esiat ,b li- Afeinahave PenistCLind lu île R.C .F. snd 600 menicansare as nstaciraThier- e eaiea 7000 Air Training Plan Canaa povid~ aoqi90) per ceai o! îïele onso! île air- frm o t îi .r, Emnip ireconins Menu lh y molhyoung 1moen are rM nurlair caala. hii addiin ta ur efforts d eced pnimaliy taw-rd a'ieve- Iment meeoeCanadac le-suat esia"fnygw-th e uielbd Stto B=it ain i sfr tînt Graeni Bn- tail ning subst_1,atial orches os la Caada, Butby fac le ag flot tn worry about ber shortage Of(CanaLdi n money. Mawue Brialns prchseswill continue tW be pid for by Canadians. At te d a! te cuirrent fsa year, Canada WHl bave financed Brra,)a heext ent 0f about &a bjilon Ianahaif dollaIrs, thle equivalent o! $2e,0p0,00,00 o rth of goodsnineasured lan termrs o! American population and income. You 1migit cil this, If-youwill, Our "lease-lent"contribution to the ava. ASide atgehrfrom ncb contribution wblhiwed in tM2 ligbt o! the extntfa!Our popula- tio, is teinos Canada hersel! ws at war and in the war mits hu- drdùf thousanids o! the creami of lier yontb, waita hnndreds a of slpand wltbna production o! muitDýins faýr lnexceSs o! the needs o! île Canadian Army. To- day our production is sncb that le coulde euip îa division eVer"I lew weeks WOer and above ibis pdutnwe are PrOduein g eait quantities o!£mn etotsafwar o! il-. types wichn' are movinýg aVecu- seau lua addition, ou cour"e, Can- ada ispayig Ont o! ber own pock- et by far île largest proporion of Mh cost of nle giganilo Brioi Commi~weltbAir Trainijg Phln. Millions OnrNewProjecta ~oreoveurlng tbe ourse a! thewa, anda o er on e- spo)nsib)iiît, bas inhtiated and coni. Vîleted p ecsrnnning Jmia îleý hundredeailos of é sa dllas de- îigne ta eet Britain's nmunitins needs witblout any refer.ence or agreem-lent rgr i tbir utmt fianig.Te fiurs hic mua'y laer le wrtÉen la l edgers bave in nu wayuffected aur effort, îthe mnagnitude o! whicb bas been de- terrnined only by the limittions. a! aureppulationand aur resowrc es. in briet, we have due aur ut most to *arnessOur entire ecan- oimy tn the sliigle end o! winniag the war'. Our prime iniser bas pointed out that tbe cast a!fCaada's war arcites Plus ollr fiancial sup- p'j ort ai Brtain, ý'fif raslated inita comarbleAmî-ianfigureson thebass o poulaionandi- careswoud ma-'unt ta somlething like$5 ilionduing tbe ancrent fiscl year, Preset estmatoso0-te sum lre- quird t finnceCarïadaCs own war prraîn p u auraid ta BnI- etain aamutnt atoe aggregate ta about 40 per centAf lie anticipat- ed national icarne for tle yarl encing Machsi1next. Caildane a emariabl ob. W hava uii22boia-n n plsisplant"s wladrn Ouri, idigidu ,ylas liad odesfor sanie -*225 naal vs-1 sels, o! w-bld 115 have lee launched or deiveds. Thirfy ves- sels !lavealso oacnetdt naval use. f ddtonlur a legun on a cargo vesselprgsim Ourcosrcinndsylae- ec-ted seime 3,00 uidigsforau facsadluil i aven 0 i-rms Ourauombleplnthave de- livered closp e t 5,00V ce frarm.y IuSe. These vehicle 1S bav aervod on umaayfronts Ouir k 'ainrti idusny encaiiy' pr-oducç,,in trig pansfor îl aranaubg poan ad fighterplnUes for île1pir oc-,Mrovr u and over-haujliagîe busna plnes nsed ianîleair irainin laWorld Ws'r 1. cana"da ro duced Shsbeland explosives. TMA was ber chij e! nasca cn bution ta îýle -ar. -Todaly Cnd is prodncing not anly Pshinl great Quaccie? bcluinîeo:,le roundls o! ammiunition.MAnytns o! milhlonsOf'amm-union coin ponents are lelag pcoduced'l nl Igly.Mwons o! rounds o!Wma l-ar ammuitin ae biagproduced, dally. We aýremauanigsd !iliing bIambe, land mineh)cs, dîepilî charges, grenades, and imonfa bomba. mïaan!aa-.tunfng rfeBe ue airon! mcin gn, adw sall sebarlyprdctom gu, antiltat-riffles, aad Vicunsngoas .1a1île artillery field idw-arp- Uducing iîle new- 5p mmercn-1 plete, îeth oe gun o! îuýli type. We are producng Cle Bafars anicafi eRgunand eeci aoutly ta produce île cmlt ni aincrati gua and equipment for, %Whclarcelaàhavecin nade la Canada for cac maymets, WVe are prancing more ipau one type ai antitsnk gun. luaMadiio,w-e are pruciag trenm oianms tageiberw-fh nr- ai gua montinga a! sovs 0"l ar- loties Wark is w-nil nacEd on île producti s ion a five teo!n- ada la now p uin wotypes o! tanks sîelmnstavia WeA-e alpadcngar w Ail Indubtrycilfcate oceThis raniges on X-a pellag and d1isl]-w-azshing machnes, an !od Oher icdnasicud ncbo11rs and compamsses., iiae ppelers and plics andi shovels, i'di qui'pm1ent Pan aptical glass. earlyspeýaking, île needa !ýML ubtaiaed by iîres metbods: tiret by directpurchae; second by tbe l'reaf ion n dus trial fi l ifi es owned by be Goenetfr whc tlc omnvL idet o u île diversion ta war nemds o! goyd, norahl enploedfor c!ivilian- nodrtA me lie rawmatni rvdethe necossaries o!li ei île civi population and, at Che sanie timeta incas urpro- ducton and fa divert a maximm a! podutionta le w-ar Indus!,- EveryoneHlps Ciil',ia puý,rclacsîag power blas boncuraiedliritîrough l exeiv ndviespreadcsleo! w-ar bonds; second, throngb île whlcit hundreds of thousands ai aadaspunc,ýLase oacir 1m-orthy; hhrdtlrogh îltshe SCo! war env- ia; stampe ia denaminations o!f2 cens; ourltîrjougb varons la economize; ffl, trougb îl introduction o! leavy taxatio on iincares, ron nneeni gua slxt!1, tlrongb rigid reglations1 permttig o lte imipori a! es- sýentia1 la4rd iicer to con)sereOur funids forîet uhae o!, w-ar mai- la addition ta sncb stops, t% chaunei M i whiclgonds!Dow le diete y 1me-ans o! twu Goverai- mïent ladies: mý ownderme, île Depaneni a! Munitions and supply, an îl Waiine Pice sad Trade Board, Alibougb Canada le one a! île lagsiexpontzers o!. nan1ferrous meaein île woldextensivean dstameasures have lentlon ta rostric i e nonwar use o!fai- Un, cpperalc bass. Allnn ferons moiss and cammion moisi -Jlleoy7S,tgibrwitihidta mineaiscanni le exported i roari île Doinionoxce-i uder p ermnite appr)c1oved by oajr MoiassCnrI ion. ýMoroovor, Jl'areissning lno exprt icesefor wmois i iended liStafi as tctie tanisot LIPE'S LIKE TA town defense needs T!Si sup- pose tpbut nterswoyunsay- lugitlas ibSost r.gieSOLu,- ar-e fuilydv e [% aîla l pli es, v'- is bagCwibprvii ing US wth j vnet ! a na tenahils snc nU slLad uUe sumption. Economiesin ic- ture anid b rticnals No 'gasolineM susod aiCnghtmo bnrning eluiPen-t bas oua pro- For tlefuuenyiwgrdsa gasoline w-vjLU eaviam et Cn adincasmrs cnpag s tail thocircosmtobyales 50 Per cent f a!nomal. Varionsmneaspave b"en taken ta augmnt tespi fpwr become a year-nouadafseir. bieen !fixe(,ASelCntols a appaiited eryl lewa.l July a ya g rcs0 rnau steel were fozen directly îby ratianing sseti This lbas eald oeo i ùit exorcise thein lagenouit. imVMCf-> lng substîtute unmis. Durinig tepattW er,! efforts bave beuhn.drctlstaila- craia ur pouto a u productive fclte.As one the exteni o!u-lict A as S ai ard- 'y ieagnized nCndbfwil noneibe Il ý1et a cn_;plete Caieî Sbadawa bbh lcJama~nfdesud in ihe rapidity !isdveîne anything udr~knbc~tîeh Canadiaus The greau t idsna ah ga thenC ýi 1i ngioetnif iie wîll menin caung sacifces un naians. w-fant tough o! etuge years, accardýing a fe-,, enu By FredNer RE' L ARFE LLERSHaa! THT' BLU.&K/ IF0- A EBLACký THATS GO u)CK! Po You' B BL EEV CE N 6IýN5> o, 0FTA.KING TREM SýERIQUSLY I UST LAUGAT TNEMý,! 1<1 i-t "-&ames iod et