Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1941, p. 5

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ïtig sb i page nay draw uponil it esry day biUt ces not kneow hen the account be closad. e introdun(tion cftih e Piesiby- I Leniding Library was prsne Jr.C. p'.CasaeWhty ature Suecretary. Thie floi' ýs wvere uesa for- study: the zing OChinse On Focýt te Free- Highwa' s of the Hart-de- ua;theiPaittera n miPowcr of a Wo'rld 'Orde-Basil MVatthews; s from \Free China-Rob. Mc- hnone that- Apply at th ORONO TIMES Orono - - 1slogan, "A scrap iiary lu Oshat 94-2 i ay 'lie s'sed 'hy Mirs. K. tar'y. Anl'igteingiscusls-,ion was led by Mrs. Carsesîllený, baseci onhus tiens lu the box. lt was felt that: ths W. A. an'd W.-M.S. should have dloser ris ionsihulp; that the haad 'b(-oek -shoul i be in the hautis of al OFFICE secretaries su-d that timie sihioulti be Ontario more carerfully ýpanneCi in -a meeting. OntarloMr. G. fleneyý Pr-esideat, speakiug on the liurnin'g subject of religions in- struoition, statedthatOinî the psst less rono It's Smitb's 'l ~t your service Walker's Trainmeu's Overails, black or ~~f blue................ ...........$24 F RE E Return six printed pockets f rom Walker's Train- men'ls worn out overails, and iget a new pair FREE, or get 25c,. cash for every printed pocket you briug in eut f rom Walker's fJIrainmen's Overalis. Cost of Overails .... -.......$2.40 Cash refund for printed pockets.. 25 Actual cost of overal..... $2.15 Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance Aeent for Wood, Gundy Ltd. Bonds, etc. - - LU LàlJA lc Butter f Beef, IL. dand 19C loc 20c 5c 28c 69c 9c 19C 17c 18C 25c 25c 22c 40c wvý-rs ofei'. vW. Ntew'Len r eîw, 1rrîi c ipal of Wesley lesCnmb) idII Eng4and, -as rnd on the pregrýa: "Weé care ow that we are n m f(> hing e prser,,ve s Chvistian lvj iza-tion1, but We-'arC lghing for- th opportunt te akeon" Thie aftcrnooni session oqened wlt aI wor'ship service by Hamton lAný diary thle tiheme bin,"A CupC o](1atv. Jusuis sbowned a pr( lounii lintarest ila the lîttie thingsc Thc iniiprese i ons o9f Coul ceca- Br-anch hlelti at Wail Street Unitu Chiuvi i, Brockvîhle, -weue givenb Mrs. J. Wright. la the obec f Ms J. E. Gi-: Ra.J. E. 'Gritfith spoke on t'he tboer "Ils hatiiset Us -ln sargpa H. s aid that wemen 'eecupy a majc place in the werld 'finiroli and tii thev rentier a ser>vic!e that canu( be undertakea hy any ther-greui In his desire teo stretieh and stimi late tihese present he pointed eu that the -wfliole of relig-ion is facin attacks that it neyer was fa'ced -wi before. In'China, Russia, India, AI ries, 'Europe, the 'Christian Chnirc thoug¶zht flglitiiig for its 1f e, is a'wak andi presets an epporitunitv wfhilei Canada thse huech is indiffernt. Ou kope is in the yeuagar 'ohurchesc the worl'dý(, iie eastera churchas. A duet was reatiereti by 'Mrs.C Bowmian sud Miss 'Elizabeth Pasco, of Enfi-eld. The fouir juînior secretaies: Miý Norton, Baby Baud; Mes. Ivison iMui dlay, Mission Baud; Mrs. W. P. Rog ers for Miss 'Phelima Freeman, C.( L.T.; 'MissNlayv-Brown. Mission Cii cle; heid a panel discussion lai- tlhey peasen'tad hy poster the workc their departmeu'ts. In pilat fori they discuss'ed the encouiraging an challenrgiiig aspoects of tehir worx Th'le sasteru section was invited hould tii-ir next meeting lu Tyrone. Mrs. His, Blacks-tick, as represer tative of the Countesy Committee, e) pressed the ippi-ecition of the lad-i present te ail these who hati co-orpe ated te m-iake hs meeting se vali able, both physically sud spirituaqlli MTrs. Wagar elosed tihe meetin wiith the followlnrg wors: Be perfect, Be of good0 comfort, B-e of eue naiad, 'Live lu pcace. The students of Miss Truil's reo andi Miss MDwelsreom wef treat-edtt a Hallowaen party nt ti stihool o-n Fi>iday afterunoon; alseti Mission Band wass 'ntertaineti in tI Suntiy SehIoo f Parki Str. Unit( 'Churclh on Mcnday afterneen. The ftrst meeting cf the Girl Gukd wa-s held in the Contintiation SOoe Orone, on Wednesdiay evenming la withi an euth.usiaslItic nnher presen The pitrol leaders sud captains haý basa atteutiing meeti-ngs la Oshain for several weste ljearu the rul sud regulations. Orono iTinsjîhoj First Clas,4 and TIFSMITHING And ail kinds of Repairs R. E. LOGAN PROPIRIETOR Centre Si. Orono P houe 301 PARK ST. UNITED CIIURCI Rev. S. Littlevücd pagtor SIJNDAY, NOV. 9th 11.00 a.n.-Worshilg. 2.30 - Sumday Selhool. ch... ,I., J11 1vay 5enIitimo JiUI mL y - SLOCAL AND SOCIAL! Therze is a sin L~ s c h o ols. Receitly a survey was imade of MiWss Bassanet and _Miss Gray spenit of Bible Study in thie sehools of Niýa le h week-end at theïr homies in Tor- gara, Fals, Lonidoni, Owen Soý und (, lie Ghatham, .Peýter1boro, Bce'lIevile, York1 iiMi .'erg-uteaad Ms Torwnship, Fort Williamiý and P ort Ien. Ricýhards spent Fiday ef l ast Ina tJhese miuniicipalities Bile Study Sweek in Oshiawa. is conidtucted tic at week fromn 9.00) lie IVis. . W Rop~hoffcialy edLe 9.30 a.mi, fromn October to May lii ,li Mr. O W.Ratýhofleialyopýei the sebhools by clergymnen chosen by the Women',iis Institute Bazaar in the local m-injsterial Assoc;iationr th*Bwfavil last *riday. Grade VII is usualiy thie grade in of Mr andMrs.Benl'Baldrwin, of which this instruction is i:onduc-tedi. of Mr. rsilî Prioýtestan't clergymien as well as O - Toronto, spent Sunday 155t at nhe Saivatien Armiy rcprieentatives takýe of 'ome f Mm Donld Rbb.part. In Po)rt Arthjur and Fort Wil- ce Mr. and Mrs'. Carl Tennant are iam 'the teaching is doue hy the cdnow sett.led in their new hlomie, the teavhcrs b orwever. former ioadSmiith h'dise. las truv'tioa is deflnitely studv of if- th-e 1Bible, based on tihe "Bible Reýad- MIr. indi Mrs. Rola-nd .Smith an i'sfo:1hol"setd'y1h n ne Miss Myri Smith vi ited at the tairie DepaTrtmient of Education. In1 le homne of Mi. A. J. 'Pamblyn recemntly. mnost cases the lergymuen use "JesuIS jo ,in-, Youth", (3 volumies by Basîl lat Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell visited )ahws a pepang teels ot wth Mr-. and Mms. R. H. Brûwn on sons. They, use th1-e blackboaid andJ ýp. Sunday last and motored th'em out maps and carry on discussion lessons 111 te Lasar e stMr. D. Bell. with the 'sttidents. The classes are ut _sad1t ii very attentive and extrem--ely inter- ig At thie Y. P. Union cDf Park St. estfed(. ith SUnited Church it was uuanimouslvy. Tihe reactions of school truLsit(ees,1 h' voted that Gîcu. Hancock act as pe1r- princýipals, tea(-chrs, parents and stu,-i ke mnanant pr'esident for the ensuing dents are invariably farvourable. Some Mn year. of tihese miunicipalities have been urY carryiag aon Bible Stuýdy for- several of The regular mionthly meeting of years. G. the Red Cross Socýîety will bc held [n rnearly all cases the initial agi- inteOageLderem(orht tation towards Bible Study in sehools1 Thursday, at 8 p.mi. Evcryone wvel- camne fi-rm 'womien's or.ganizations ~s. crne.sucli as the 'Local Counecil of Wo- a- en., the Homne and &ch'ol Club or a g-_ Dr. Lesley Moser and daughiter churc~h grorup. These p)ersu'aded the .G. M_ýiss Paitsy Som1erville, of Hamilton, cie-ngy te form a Miisterial Asso- r- -wcre the gpiests of tihe latter's grand- ciati on whieh prevailed upon tihe pc arents, Mv.and Mrs. Thomas W. school trustees to permit bliham te 'of M Somierville, on 'Saturd1ay la'st. carry on .Bible Study 'un the schoo'1s. nd Mr. Clarence Martin, of Leskard,. The Ontario Deparnment of Educa- rk. ~tien is quite faivourable te tuis work te bas recived a position la the box and re-adily authorizes tihe Bible facory at Newcastle, and, lias moved Study from 9.00 te 9.30 a.mn. twic e n- his wile and family te Orono, rent- a wvrek The Departm-ent has no ob- '_ing part of Mrs. W. Harrison's hou-se jection te Isymera appeinted by tihe ie n Church streelt. lu îEveaything -,as very qiton hla- ýly lewe'en ni'ght ln our village. There g11 didn't seem te be any damiage do)ne,M s .partly on accounit M the rain that R dampened the spirit Md the boys, aiso ARMS that a great number ocf our young 1,eo>ple are nvay. 5Mr. J. J. Mellor elega ve ils Scouts a p ep tal, s vr- I A S T he thirng turued out ahl righ t for the I ErS T h e taxpayers. th Specials Thurs., Fri., Sai ted FOR SALE Phone~ 70 r 1 (le Geod Sweet ýCider, 4k. a galion. )l, Carles Tamnbl'yn, Phone 65 r 10, 1-t' 'Ceeue. Hamhurg Neil ,e - __Steak Choc W, CIVES INSTRUCTIVE TALKibB Les ON 'MAKING UP ASSESSMIENTSlbB Mfr. J. J. Melloi was guest speaker -at the yo'ung people's mneeti-ig at . Park, Ste United Church on Monday _______ Mr. Meller teid lu ail, ab'out the as- Steak 2 sessment ofthe township, startiu'g Mý à' frein thbe time -when the assssmnt Clothe a mhere 1handed inte i'hlmby the as-W C.d sessor teo iht up uintil the coenipe - _________ tien of the ;tax bill. After tihe asaessor's' book bas been FRESIq 'anide-,din requistions are 'sent te SATJSAGE each sehool board te find out the amnount of nleney needed te carr-y on 2 LB. cla the sciool work for the ysarr. Thenda aassessment 'appealts have t e 131.2 Toi made ready fer dthe'Court of RevisienC eS in Junie. :He then told Mf the uew2 asesmntbasis and borw te strike ROUND2 a suggestiveirate for -bhs council te T A adoept or Change at their Aug-ust STEAK meeting, whleh is based on the esti- LB. go mnated ameount of money needed to 1ab run the tewnship business fer the 09 yerar. Hie sliowe',d liewie rates are 2 RMC . I struck and entered lu the cllector's offSTI bok- asohow lths tax buils are 1Hillerest made un. Ha alaio explainsd toenis ~ the pen atyaddd are r _-cf taes Shortening "ý% X7 [s'ons ,olate a rs for es Pins oazen ark's nato >up tins ZLOIN EKAK LB. larry >rne s lelly ýwders Mapile Leaf Lard 2 lb. 35e Crisco lb. 29c. White Beans Çc. -Mincemeat 21lb. ,Fresh Rami ib. 29e- SCut Mixed Peel ½ lbIL Local News, Tueut yourself to a. refresJaing drink Of BojwmanviLe Dairy Chýoco- late ilsold at Shaw's ýLuncýh Baï and W. J, Ridd'el'-1s strat IIr. and MrS. 1F. W\errIy ald s01 Percy, acmnpanied b.ý M3r. and Mrs. C. F. Arw'de 'i'stMd'M. and mî .S Jfarold J. Awde at Toronto on u- da~y last. The cominittee in dharge op f the WVa.r avings Drive in Clarke Towni- ship wîll mieot. in Neil Porte-r's office orn Fridayý, Novemn-ber îth. at 7.30 pi.Ail are askýed to he pre-sent. MmIr. WiIIis Jones and] Mrs. S. R. Jones, of Newtoniville, acLompjanied ¶by -AMrs. TruLse(ort Jones and Mrs. oy~t f CalamaI"zooMîh. were giuests of -Mr. and MrIis. G. JoQnes ou Wedfne-sday aftermloon. Tlhe Red Crouss canvassers of the vilhlge of Oono have 'handed in te, the Society, up to the present date, tie s'mof $17.7, 'ie ient units; from the UrrcuIndlnIîzSc!, u l sec!tions. have flt I o mplted teir can-vassing and there ar-ie obher do- nations promised in Orono. local cler- men aonducting the sohool Wible Study. It is anticipated tihat mnany muni- cipalities will start Day Sehool Bibles Study tlhis autumin. 'The clergy of thce inspeý,ýtra te of Northuinberland and Thirham 1No. 1 have sbown commendnible aippipeeia- tion of the opportunity fer bring-iugý to the yo)ung of tlhis territoiny a rich- er acquaintance with those Ohistian principles whiefh have mrade if e -s( rieh for us; and ithe extent of Vheir sacýrifie of time and expense ýto thiz work is inecasing raipi'd1y. Cabo.urg, ýPort Ho~pe snd MilI>broýok have enjoyed this servicee for several years, but last 'Spri.ng and this Fafl' rural 'clergy have shbown commiend- able zeal, surmounting tihe elemnent.q of time and personal expense, have3 taken on one or more 'sohools. Rev. Mr. Gardiner of Canton visits five schools; Rev. 'Mr. Johast of Plain- viRlie, four; Rev. Mr. Fi-sher of 'Gore's Landing, two; Rev. Mr. florton c5 INwcastle, two; and the datest, Bey. Mr. Woodýger is servi»g theFrt Sehool, Hamilton To'wnshi,. > PAY CASHÏ I.-Nov. 6th, 7th and 8th [and 21 r 1i 5ce

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