Spies In Britain Lead Lonely Life Fromn Arrest to agD They Neyer Set Plain Cit- Izen UnleesMtey0aremltry Men, epleees f aè oeinpower Icaugltý in Briai er orne under army, Julsdaion andIf conicted are hanged, Mf they are service mien they are tried by a courtmarti and shot'. What hpenwjen civilian apesae rse dï-, told in the london Dip leuai: From týhe mmettliey are trap- ped thiey aire "'spirited a.ayand noever ag'in doItr, ysee anl ordini- ary citzen, except the tweilve meni- beS rs fmleijuy First, tey re itakea "to Prison els. Thejir poiccor eaýring la heM ain cmruulyin apri- vate 'room at, Bow Street Police Court, Loadon,ï They are taken !rom tihe pr-.ISOIont the court in a ear accompanied by speclaly pick- ed wardevrs. itblinda dra'wa, the cmrlais en ut e heaa B-ow Street, and n onie but officiais la eveia aware of their arrivai. a pison exýtremIe pr.ec.autionla taken te isolate thein. Wardera. guard them day and night. They cat with their guards, and exer- ini0, in a yarti into whichnot- V,1id er Canj- ]pee1.r. Da ily3T they are 'vied by i-e dcoctor, and(-uii- ~auA~lto themr-,speýcial observa- tîin a ke-pt on themr to see if they bave aay mental ahuormalities, In ranit o ourt aad prison,ý they neitheri see uer are se.At the Old Bailey they are îselated iii aspecial eli. SomIetimecs thriee menra elapse while spies go through their prelrinary police court hearinga and the final ver- dilet l ivenBt _ ugou t ail that t0m11theysce oly all n bars and officiaIs, CANADIAN W.A.A.F. S UNDA Y SCHOOL L ES SO0N LESSON XIII OVERCMINGTHE ADVERSARY R"eeltn 12:1-0:4 PRINTED TEXT Ren. 12:7-1152-4 GOLDEN TEXT. - Andi they ovraehim bLecause of hIle blooti of the Lamba, andi because of the WCHof cf hestismony; and ihey loved l'oi their Lfe eeni unte death. 1ev,12:11, THEltF LESSON iN ITS SETTING T;me-Abouffýt A,D, 5 in the Iegean Sa Our Bibl-,e se of terrible wasat theý end of t'his age, greater eve nan those we have thus far seen, and, amazing t(e say, actually a wa'-r in heaven. It la co-n-ernîngthe terriblefia ConflCts of thisage, and a. great battie in beaven, that our lessoný is concerned, and how it behooves ail of us thele days to kaow de- fintey ha te Wor o'.îCf God bals to say aïbout thi-esec onEg ev- ents. 7. "Anýdthe was wa-r ïlu heaven: Mchael and bis angels ongforth to wa witb - the dra- gon; and the d.ragon warred and bis angels; 8, and tbey previled not, nitheras their plaeqfound any miore lu beaven. 9ý. A'nd the great dragon a cast dwthe ocd serpentA betat lk caled the D)evi and Satan, the deceiver of the whole vworl; he was cast down to the eartb, nd bà angels were cat dwn ith lm." he scenedscl e d -la theevre la not soe fas ra sign. The presence of sata-n in Heaven js g reality, A wa-,r theýre between t0he hosts of good and evi! under tMeir respective laerMichael and tbe Drgo a ot sue. Sin was coniceived in3the bea'rt of Sa-tan. Not contet toï,occupy îa crea- ure'splacehe aspied te the thrne WitsL The fCrs tp ln the execution of judg'nent uipou Satan jehie forced dislodgmen fr)m above. Satan Cazn Down '10. -Aud 1i heard a igreat îvoice1 ilu Heaven saying, Now is corne the salvation, suid tbe powver, anïd the Kingdom of our God, and thie authoriy of bis Christ: for the accuser of our bretbreni s cast down, whon accuseth thei before Our God Gday anid igbit. 111. And they overcarne hlm becýaus:e 'of the blood of the Lamb, and be- cueof the word of their testi- mony; and tbey loved net their Mîe even unto deatb. 12. There- fore rejoice, O0 eves and ye that dwell in thein. Woe fOr tle eartb and for the sea: because the devil la gene down unto yeu, haviu-g great rthkniowing th1at he bathi but a short timie," lien- yenl realizes ta the great heur bas colme for the establishment 7of the ligdom of Ced on earýth, Hleaven kuows tbat the prophets have' foretold of a great age of rigbteousness, and justce andç Pence, aud tne suppression of sin is about te be ushered lu. AWe ovenrae Satan by the blood ei the Lamnib, because pleadiug C'brist's sacrifice, Satan i5 ail- enced as Our adversa1ry before the throne of God. Moreover , a we think of Christ's sacrificýe foil us, we are made more than cou- querors througbi Him ithiatloe US. ïWe can't afford te be de- feated, if we have a word of Lts- tirnony for Christ. Tis lath tbîng tint delivers us. The conicluding paragraph o ibis ehapter la a more detaiiled' preseutatien of the great therne(ý ef Isrýael's terrible sufferings ut the end of this age, wbien she willý be most fiercely persecuted by theý enemy o! Christ and!the enemy of Cod's childreu. ljuud(oubltely, those referred te lu the luatves o!fIis chapter are those Jews Wbo, iIbis terrible time of sui- fering, bave comec te ackuowledge the Lord Jesus Chirist as their per- onlSavieur, alid are livjing go-,ýl ly lives. icryThrough Chirit 2. "AdI1a as ýt were a' se-a of glass mingled witb ie and them that came off victorius Tui Cuiou WRLD GWllr IIj-i~ CREA,'T mount2in ranges apPcar te be indestructible, but goo gists knw hat they are. in a satate of constant change. Today the remn.ains off the gr7eat range that oce reposcd where the Euglish Chzannel lljows, are visible on the shores of Bittany. NEXYT: Bfuttons made of milk. freai ýthe beast, and from bi is Igead frei the number of hÀ -ýýie nmestanding by the sea 1 glsslavingharpa ef God. 8 7n te sin_ t]he Soug of MoeS teratb of Ced, and the Song vf thIeLamb, sying, Great and rvellousc are thy works, O Lord Go, igy; ighteous and trucare ty waya, thou King of theags.4. Who shah net fear, O Lrd ad iorif y th-y naie? for Thou oly art holy; for ahi th natonsshýah cerne and we- sbip beere tbe; fer thly right- cos ct hve been m-ade muani- fet" The . cempany here found gahre ogether la m nade np of theýse wýho ýhad 1been victorieus evecr the bn.Tb-ey nad coe throuigh a týime e!fefiarful tribu- latin, Tenetire picture ila one of -coY, n pri"se, and iýibeauty, Therel astrikiug connctionj her btwjeen, the trýiumlpbanlt sou o Mosea,, fouud in Exodus 15', sug ftcr tbe glorieus de- livernce ! the children e! Israei frein the pursuingl Egyptians, and Ibe sýong new suuIg by thlose wbo aise hadbeen delivered 'freina Go-nigpower, frona Lie eue- mies o! Cýhrist. Both indicate the Irlumiant ver'throw ef proud- es arth 1and satantie power throub subnîssofe faiti te CedBot vitories are those o! auprutualdivine Ipewer land co, I ena trIpayiuig your 194t-ý,ux 110W - btut yeunitust make thei first poaymneut on or beoeSeptember 30. ee's hwt ei t. Pay at leat ee telfth o! the tax yeu paidfor 940eac7h nth fer the ext'Our montha, Septemiber, October, ovember, December. lu ,Januu-ury, wheu yeu bave de- temndyour true tax fer 1941, deuc wat you have alr-eady ïi( ai, be py thle balance la eightL insulnena.This gives yen un- t1 Auust 1-12, t ecomIplete Eur aym ius, There lanelu teret chrgedif this, plan r fl Ifyudoui't start in Septemi- b(, er,-eu cn'tget lu en this plan. On-jetbg te reinember: the reied reg-ulatîons have increas- dinmetax p-avments cousidler- ablyý-,.4,A lot eau nbe saved by act-. A aeilforra awnits you at th fieo! tÎlc Income Tax De- pahr-t ut lithepost office build- ing, Ak fo-r Formi T 71 B. Fo-esidenàta o! Canamda the ex- e~nties ae:married persen, $150;angepeiý-rson$750. E- emt -nfor cc depeudcent is bhat For Dinner? Answr laSteeak! Âs rAveaeMcan wohat neý wouký'id ýike te, have foir diner und chanes reaadwithouit hesitaý tin ewill awrSek TeBer-kel Producta opu Limied,533ColegeStreet, To. roue, -avepcerfected aDeicto eaecaly muf'actu-red te mnak Eteaks Lýtender and p)alatable. Theý ue e! th3e Delicator aise alu i- sieda gr---at nummberof iuew wayao!peprigalliliînda)f the crsrCuita of nment, DL'cýýictd ateai mdeatreen-l doua biit aI the Canadician National Exl'itenad if yeur grocer la net !prepýared te serve thia uew delay4ave lm iget lu tolich ith IhÏ te mnaniufactIurer whlo wili give hlm il! the infea-mfation as te th~epsabite offercd by tbis In A Thun.derst<orm Dont. 1, Ride a herse or swi'm. 2. Stay lui a batbltub.) 3. et under ;a loue tree. , Go under a steel bridge. à, Play a piano, 6, Operate a radie, sewing ma- chine, wasber or other elec- Inical pparaýtus. tRADIO R Ceeucî B, DeMille, 1start,ýýe d Its elghîbscseno!brudc;tgon Mcuda!y, lî the S o f Sept. Hiolding te a' stanard of dramiatiepr- seutation, te Radie Theatre con- slatutlyhola amaxim-lum listen.- lng audience on this entueut. It ia pr1esýented o-rerthe COlumWbia. net- work lu th-e Unuted States rand is heard iu Canrada -,ýover a large ma- jorlty oi stations cf the C,C. newreveryMdy eveiug at 9.00 G .EDST Anethr ceaiatutlypepularity leader is uy LOmbarec'a rce tra-he nusie o! the Royal Oaa- adlaus;, called the 'Sweetestinmuaic' tbia aide o! Hearen." Every y-ar Lomnbarde toipa the sweet baus- and every y-ear bds band of sweet, meledy sema t ft") soeseat preduet or (tder for affective radie publlcity, This year, Guy Lom- barde wiil be heard for the firat lime ever the e (twerOk efthe CB.C, la a Snew Salurday evening c ries ef bal! heur pregrama CI{OC l Hamiltori ls iudeed frtuniate te be iucude nluthe hue-up 0fsttin t'tit wvill bigLomburde's anusie te the Outarle hme ut 8.00 'cleck ED.S.T. Incdentally; Lombarde la heard lu the per-iod Ihat bla year broadeast te prograin "Sweet and Swvu,"auid tie1941 versin e!Setan-d Swing, caled the MsclBeaui-ty box, wili !prebably be heard at 8 'ciock Tus eeigtarting Ihe fil'at Thurs- day laOcon rCKOC will is carry tuashOW! This laFair Tune inu the procv- ince, adeeyWe0mue(aay nigit ,E ;PORTER d a' 8i.30 Cý,KOC la H 1amiltonld - cates a hif hcur to the local oi muiiso! the prevince and !)e" fuira te.)be8ree iedlatheir di. triet, The ýprcogram ill carry untl the fu'ir scuason la over, linartlit sud o!, October, se !f yeu Mwa1r som pulictyon your owVn oul e fort ewnrd lie ilforimatiou te tc CKC uwa-reom!11 H-ere-s'a ageod uews item: Thire "(od Dced' C1Iub' returuend te tbh, air last Snturday mennat9A oun CKOC". lUs Ham1ilteni's old -'t couitinuus rdofoulure, juat inice- )y under 1. way 0ou ' ils inlhyear cf broatdcastiulg, Dedicnated te chitd- reni, sarp bli on thie shiowý, and encr i einte do th1eir goed ded ech tweek, it's a istan-,C euo deutt (e'rtaniuel, had Knp 1 u lie clib's erigiuator, Leslie S9ommmùrvihle'a Good Deed Singera, and the orches'tra; directed by B'lih Rufïlea realbck theû Suturday's, 9,45 anfroin RC LADIES 'ATVTE îayldes' secieties are ris'- ing orthhilemoucy by sclin-g- Chisîmxas cards. Ili l a plensant way to renew old fiuaialiad up te ý1%profit eau be md under the excelIeut recadsn p la n. Master Kraft Carda, 3412 Deherty Bidg., Toronto, baveu o! lie hretand fieat linos o! Boxed Assortm-ents, ail selling --for $1. A letter te the abevefiu wiil ed obtain particulu'rs, U p te 10% profit eau ho cx- pected un2-der theirwelhogt eut merchaudisiug plan, il ELECTRICAL EXPERT HOCRIZO-NTAL Ase 'PrvoMPzle icnec 2GI,7Gea t F TBLLEEEN - Amerian PE SEGLOB E'2Sleeper's Iiventr. PEN SIA E B couch. IliPerldoflme C N LLNA ED OT24 Total. 12 Camýjel hte E C' t I 26 Prearra.ngeas, beas. N E AT1"D J5Nam. TOST- JJj <N 28Nos 16flrop of ýE HELPL0 fluid. DPiUT AL E3Tosufi1 17f Grea'ser ET Nr.3 Nutenpo. 18 Sprlof wrWI3 otes 20MeasureTof'lNMATS 'E i SD (b G.ngtD N 3 4 EBow'in'sk. 2i To, ceaýse to '15 Ratitýe bird,ý slepm o tiOn - 5 Deaie 2 2 P ersocrhi-Machine. 6 He invented a 38-Hoepn Op'pS(-d 45 .14M42 Writing taïblet, 23 orver, 46 Obese. or phonograph!- 43 Notr-a 25 Corroded. 47 Month (a bicr,) 7 Meri!ted. maal 29e Fpih 48Chopped.trnty 33 Frozen. 5( MV'iner'ai spring 8Inia, 44EtrnV 34 To g-cow oîjid, 52 To view. O aly yohade 10 To lea-ve ou. 9 Tiny. 3 6 Vûcalp 53 Brid3ie straps. 13 Geology 50 Tohad. compsiton.55 He was an dison iBabid oToý shower. - by trade. m14 Wages. 53 Red Cro-s.s 38 Pair<abr VERTICAL 16 He wvas o-nce a (br) 39 oTh'ýer, 2 Back cf foot. .- opjerato'r. 54 sout h 417 Tosu p. 3Spoken. 19 He ivntd Caroi îna 42 E- ete a 4 God of wAïr. the (br) .5 N s' 44, "4 s' '-Toô Ton Good To Be Missed hollanidil, takriug a great inter- est la roacatfrom yiLondon, "adthere are, good tones cof bew týhe Duteh sense off bumor bothers îÎthe enemy. jInhis book, "'Hollauid Fights the N'IZiR," Mr. L. De Joug tells of woman who was airrested because .he had listeued to the, BBC. Un- ptertarb)ed shie (defeudmed herse-lf by sayinig: "After the f ali of Franece Adoîf Hîier hadi announced that às Octtober he wou]d apeair over 'jjcê,Bnitish wielss Iwas ,0 e)fyraià pf missing this historical fâpeech. ,. POP-Late Editlion By J. MILLAR WATT s'- I -20 1