mIwI ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY Ith, 1941. Subscription, $ 1.25' .Durham County Federation Ag Clarence Brooks Wins $p50 Draw Prize At Bôwmanvîlle Legion Draw GI YEN BIRTIIDAY PARTY1 BEFORE COING TO WESTI MUrs. Carsjýýcaddent,,wif e of Gpl. G. L. Carsicadden, 2'lnd Canadian Tunnellingz Comipany, R.C.E. now stationed at Gibraltar, who enlisted on June lO)th, 1940, -was taiken by surprise on Mvon- day evening, July 7th, it being thec oc- cardon of lier brthday, wvhen about bwe-nty of her near friends asebe at the hom-ie to help celebrate. Beafore couing east some eight ye-ars ago Mlrs. Carsicadden taught school la Kindersley and viinity, Sask., and since lier 'husband's en- listmefnt lias iived with Mrli. and Mrs. Dean Carscadden in Orono. Aliter some time viiting the gath- erini-g was cailed to order Wlhen an ad- dreýss was read hy Mrs. J. Elagleson, an'd. the preseiitation, of a purse was msade by Mrs. ýR. R. Waddell. Mrs, Carsoadden replied with a few appro- priate rematrks, thanking aIl for the honor bestowed on lier. Ail1 joined la the singing of '"For She's a Jolly Good Feýlo," followed by other speeches. M r.s. Elizabeth Tamblyn and Mrs. G. Jones gave a fine outline on the recent Carsocadden reunion pic- IR.C.A. F. Cadets of Trenton With Their Band Were The Main Attraction The Legioni Caraival held at Bow- zmraniville on Friday night, June 27th, ~drow a arge e rowýd from Bowmian- ville and the s'urrouing ei- ountry. H1undrecls lined the route of the par- ade and lustfly eieered' the different .letachmnents of this military parade. The parade fornied up ah tha pal)- e c shool grounds. Thle Trenton de- taciment of Canadian Air Fonce men -was the centre of attraction. Tliese men e-showed the exiýcellent training ihey lid receeved, beinig very smart ,initheir appearance and ia their mnanoeuvres. They were acecoipan-ied b)y their band, one of the best that las been seen ia these parts for some tbnie. TIhe parade consisted of the Osh- awa Sea Cadets and Engile Band, mien of the second Midland Regimnent from Bowmainvile anxd Port Hope undier Oapt. W. R. Howard, the Royal Air Force unit la charge of Squadron --Iader Denton Massey, Veterans' -ruiard of Canada under Lieut. A. L. Baker, a numnber of Leg-onaires fromn Boiwmanville, Newcastle and Orono, ýOrono Citizens' Band, and Bowman- -ville Boy Scouts. Bringing up tlie xear of the parade rwere a nunilber of girls wiýh a- float reapresenhing the Red Cross. col. L. T. McLaughlin took the -'-aIutý ah the cnenohupli. With himi wereW F. kiecrd MP,Cei OrillUa on July 5th. Chinese cheecers were ýowed by a dainty *id- on of ice creami and cake. y cake, well decorated s, ceatred the table. A ning came ho a close ,,,ith. ýbest wislies ho Ms Cars- a saeejourney home ho is lihe address: ng the wpve, oc-I ,Our uhs lys.- As velu are ho taie your departume very socs for your nrew ho-me la, the West, the land of your bimhh, we- feel we cannot -let tIis copportunity go by unnohicad. We ask you ho aecept thisi smaîl gift, use il as you think best for sonne remembiraace of your Orono) friends wiho will miis your kind and lcovabe personality which has endear- ed yon ho ail those who have known you duing your short association with us. May God's hlessing go -with you and your littie family. Signed on behaif of th-e friends: Conl4ittee, Mi-S. R. R. Waddell, Mrs.l J. Eaglesoa. PRESENTATION A very pleasant social evening was lield aht he homte of Mr. and Mrs. WValter MeFarliane, Keene-, on Friday night, June 27th, wihe-n abouit one bun- dred friends ai-i neig lb>ourýs gahhered in honor of Mr-, and MIrs. ~caln' niiece, Miss Glaclys MecFarlanie, R.N., bride-clech. During thie erening an addpess waýs read by Miss Shela -lnett and signeti by Nelie Hun- ter, Viola Wilsoni, Allai) Thompson, Ularry MItn on bhaîf of tho'e, prr ,wile Herb. Thosiiaruad Ernesh Wilson presentcd MDiMFa- lane wihh lla sve-ay oor lamip nnid coffe table. MssMcFarlanie mnade a very 's'ihitzle rerply. Lunich was sc-ved and dancing- continued until the wcee smnailihours of the mioni-ng.i- nie held Garnes played, f ni.ght uim The birîl withh and ploasantE adieus an enie hac$1:0u prize wenî 10 vWalter Johnsshon, cf Bowýmanville. Tiare svere three prizes of five dollars eahand were xeon by the following: N,. Blair, Lindsay, Reg. Eiliott, of Kendal, and Miss Mâildrcd Snowdeni, of Maple Grave. Afler al expenses are iaid 1h la empected that around $400 wlll lie turned intc, the Legion treasurer, ho' bcelp our soldiers and also for other 'w,,am worl. 'W. F. Ward, 'carival maniager, and Bill Tait, Legion president,, ex- pressed thir tianks for generouis auppo t ia was given ho the carni- 'val by the public, and also tlianked tiose wbo laii yway elpedt o xake thce ývering tic succesar it was. CARD 0F THIANKS Thle Family of the late William onshthank their many friands nnd acigirbouns, also pallbearers amd -S. O. E. mecmber-s for thevir expres- z3ions 0f T yimpathi,, and floral tribuhes ia their îrecent beeavement, bbc bs fl a dear f ather. N~ewcastle Red Cross Garden Party July 1StIh Shah," >fil-i by the,, aite July 1si e-sing1 of a ma The largest gahheTrsg of farmierS and their friends e-ver hield in Dur.- 4ain Couahy iwilI hake place ah Orono ,Park on, Thursday, Jubjy l7th. This rally is under the auspices of th, Durham Federation 0-f A-riculture. At 11.30O a.m. -music wîll be rap- .pliýd by Ovono Citizens' Band which Wvýill continue tliroughýut the lunch period. 12.00 noon (shiar.p) Lunich. RBring your luýnc:h and disihes. Tabler and hot water will ba .supplied. 1.00 p.m., Miss Agnes M e'hail, the guest speaker, wiIl gis-e an addi-ess. 2.00 p.mn., full slate of 5ýpo)rts for ail. 3.00 pým., Girls S't ball gaie, !Newecast1e vs. Orono. The programme will ha heil on standard limeI. It ja expeched there will lie a thons- and or fiïfteen hundlred peopie in at- tendance. Conie and make this first fIarm rally a marked aces Town folks and interested parties i-rm other couaties are cordially invihed. Ina jase of min programmi-e wili 'be hedin agricultural )uildling. ý.UIture RaIIy at Orono July 17 Clarke Township Cunil SPays Out $15 1.00 For Sheep Claims For June The annuel Carscadden Reunion was iheld ina Qirillia Park on -Saturiday, july 5bh, when aven a huandred relu- tires ga±thered frcmii as far west as Lis¶owel, and Stirling ho the east. Relatives fvom thila side were, Mus. Tises. Patterson and ýMrs. J. G. Tam-1 blyn, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Patterson and son Jha., Newcastle; ,Mr. an dMrs. MWesley Elliott, Kendal; M~r. and.Its Milton Dunbhar and son Ellott, froni Perr3yho-Lwn; ~Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenice Allen and ehidren, of Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. flerb. Gel- brlaibli and MIis Me4iorie Galbraith, Blacks-uck; Mfr. Clifford P. Jones and rMr, George Young, if Stirinig, andl Mrs. idus Jones and MVias Eileen Jones of 017ono1. The next annual reunion will bel held in Oronio Park, in 1942,. CAR GOES TO OSHAWA Mr. Copps, of Oshiawa, won the car ah the Lion Caraival hield ah Bow- manvilie on Wednesday evenîng last. Canada's War Effort A weekly eview of deh'lopnealts on tise home fronit fnom Juane 26th ho July 3rd, 1941: 1. Firsh Ganadian Tank Brig-ade ,a rrives il Gre-at Britain lan rapid ful- filment 0f Canada's piedged word ho the Bitish Goveramn-it. Six m-onths ubgo, this new unit was flot evea on the ariny programmne. Tcoday it iýs a facth. 2. Firr-t niodern cruiser tank pro- duced lan'Canjada rolîs off assemlbly lines in Motreal. Col. J. L. Raîston, Miniaher of Defenc(e and lin C. D. 11owe, Minsýter of Munitions and S ilpp1lyv, wcire at hhe plant horeev ï3. Firsh 25-.pund filel1d gu ani cirgcproduced lai Canada formally ry by Hon. Ei-ie4 Lapoinhe,'Mns dcdicated hto thesie of the coun- her 0ýf Justice. 4- Proclamation 1read fromu the -tcps 0mf oitiaîl, hown halls andl front ofcsOf county cucl young mea ho enlist 'nilie active( 5ByOrder ila Coýuil, ono more mca of im;iitary age hto be ap-poinited ho bbc public Service C12msio er,- tifies tiet bis 7ippojinàtmcint la acces- say in the public ilterest. G. Polmainissued icalling for coirpuls'oiy mlitary thraining namar- Iricd rmcnaland widowers wihhout chli- Ldren tip to the age of 24 as ah July lst, 1940. 7. Regutlahions adopted hy Ordler in Council requining empfloyers ho rein- shiaheien dsciarged from active ser- vice who have been la their eipc for six maia S. C-inadian Womcaîers Arnsy Corps] estblsiid.Meaibers of thc Corpsi will take over snob duties as driver, of lig't transport vehicles; cocis li horpihai, and me ses; clnk, yp-Ias steadgdiaphers'; 'teleapbone. and mes- sengers; canteen heIpers; store- IC spc)n.d for tecj7ý firsh Army Day, Arniy camps, train- ing- centres and barracks thrown open to the public. Sunday, June 29 set aside as a "day of apecial dedicahion hoc national service and sacrifice. 10, Dominion Day: (a) Hon. Iaii MakniMinilster of Pensions, pre- senheci ho Prime _.inister Churchill ah 10 Downing Street bbc Torch of Vie- tory whieh was the ryiof Clan- ada's Tbdrd Viohory Loan canpýaigu. The Torch was flo-wn hy bhonag pl'ane fromi the Pacifie coast, across Canada, th(iece ho Great Bnitemn. Mr. Mackenzie was on tire plane for tic Atlantic trip. (b1» Unciinpoymienit Ta- sumirnue camie into foi-ce. Il. By arrangemnent wNith thc New- foualdland 'Goveian, - Canadien troaserving in Nc'w;foundland to get co aoth new low pnicca. 12. thig le part t-wo ycars, an- nounes the D'epartment ofMuion aint Suppiy, approximahely 10G0, 000Q con1tra ets awerdd oil Canladian ac cýount wihth a ttlvalue in excers of 1.3. Con1tmndkts aaddbY hie Min- istr'y of Munitionis anld Sulyply dur- ingl hie weeck endediJn 20 numnber- cdj 3, '7n otle 37-i003. The, largoat order w.as one of $27,500,000 for aica o hie NtonlSteel Car Coiiporaîtion, Montrea,-i. I4. Anonc th -int Ggvernmmiient favors coat of living bonus of $1.93 paýr week for il wonkersý. Thc bonus 1covýers increascd cost cf living, esti- mnated 'oy thbe Dominion Bureau of gtahtisticis ah 7.7 per cent. rince Au- 15. CanacWs naii,-tionial eoerose ho $43D8,8 millions la May againish $432,4 millions la in te precedinig mionflit. Tentative standingý for May lat year waýs nearly $403>',millions. 16. Pin:ii M 'inishter Mackenizie Kin, whio left Ottawa June 24tin, continues is insýzpection tu of tlle WWs<t. 17. IHon, :C. G. Power, MAinisher foi, A b iriv, iiib flreait Bi'in bhoplne' THE COWAN RÉUNION The annual pîenic Df the Cowan Clan was held in the Orono Comimun- îty Park ont Saturtday, JuLly 5th. Withi ideal weather and seeming-ly more enthuisiasm, the attendance m1oved Up to 76, comiing fromi Oshaiwa, Bowmiia- ville, Newcastle, Clarke. Kendal, Osaco, Port lo.pe, Laketield and Orono to partake of their suapper Ixical. ~After entering- into lthir usual gpoiýts, ail joined in one circle for a Sing songl. The Cpiwan get-tog-ether broke np for another year. The 1942 picale will he held the Saturday following thie tst of Juiy. The followixg officers were elected for 1942 : Preskient-Mr. Geo. ;Cowan.,, Orono. lstVie4r W. W. Cowan, Osh- awa. 2nd Vice-4Mr.s Austin Turner, Orono. Secretary - M~rs. C. A. ýCowan, Newcastle. T'reasrer,-Mrs. A. Gilroy, Kendal. 'Manaiging eommittee Convener - - ýM r, T. A. Re; d. Clarke 'Sports Comarnittee Convener --4Mr. T. Cowan, Orono. Be on hand tonight to cheer the Qrono Girls' solthali team onto vie- tory. The g-irl-s are now playing a good brand of bail and fro-in now on will aways give a good aeccount of themnselves. Harriett Jane Williison *On Wednesdzy, June 25th, 1941, there passed away ath ler home la Orono Iiarriehh Janc Williamison, inla hler 8thh Year.E Hattie, as s.he was known ho her wide ircle 0 frfiends, -was born at Rallyduif, in the Township of Man-S vers, daugliter 0f the late J. P. Wil-C liamson, and wasý one of a family of 1 four- boys and four, girls, ail of whomnr predeceeased her, -wihh thc exceýption e of Thomnas of British Columbia, and Mrs. Mary Sisson 0f Orono. Over fifty ycars ago she removedii hier family to Orono where she lias e-,1 sided ever rincýe. She was a lifeilng mieiber 0f the Presdyyterian Churlih an ws always deligitcd în the ser- vices of hier church. She led a quiet, use-ful life and wil be greahly missed by the circle of thore who weres privileged ho 'ha hem friencis. The funeral service was conducted by Rer. S. Littlewood with a 'large$ InumbII c f friends and acquaintancesd attending-. The floral tributes were ý mny and beauiful. Initermient tookS place ah Orono Cen-mtery in the fain-s l'y plot, the palîbearers being -Messrs. P. M. Lima, John Armstronig, W. E. Arm-stroag, C. T. Miller and Frank Hall, of Orono, and Henry Junkur, of Presh-on. C Clareng Worried Ctarke Townlship Col Tuesday, July Sth, in chaiber, Oronio, with al present. The jminuLtes Of regular m11eeting, also a ing Mhed On July Ité, w, aIppr-o,%,ed, The follow.ing vorres!p deaIt mwith, two hospital acecepted; a letýter in refe employrnent Insuranice c -No action Wvýas taken ii with a letter from hie in connejetion with weed By-Law 1063, appointînj as assistant rciad satpt, sealed and numnibered. C. Farrow, hrucking, Foiibes, digging, $15; raupairing fl.ag 'pole, $1, Iy Times, printiag and ,$6; Clamence Turner, sheep and 4 lamiba) $1 Turner, daiaýgea ho Cccii Glass, 1 sheep $10; Howard Fewne, dogs'. $10; ClarenceJ valuer, $700: nC.iGA supplies, $12; Mnrs. H Supplier, $5; Rond - $1099.73. LOST $23,00ilabuis in ( George Luan, Orono). Kirby and Cowanville Honour Ne Onl Friday creinig, Juiy 4th, hh- KibiY and Cowanv'ilIe communlities honoýured their mort recelnt groom and bridle, Mnr. and' r' John Lowcmy, ah a social gathelining on the lawn csf 1the grooims parents, Mn. and Mrs. , commi-ulity t eld,. dilaneous sioero s, wiile the Kir-by ntted tliem wih bers wn the FR adDorcen aro Miss Kathleen simu) Mildred antfi RbyA ing y -Miss Mary C Miss DrtySi presented ho Mr. ai bbc newlyweds, an a( thie commi iunihies' go VoLS.