Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 May 1941, p. 2

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AR!, sours of ~umaier, thea if as OIiCO Garden more briefhy, Vo tise Yugo- ilya-na to betis aise agrae on ~0. Is taLice, tipseSmuma val e tho ,Greak mdetlei Land is prenualced tem Strm n i t istise 'ý"" paeu best garden so Stoc, is a goo isoli that 5la-, ot ad Itisral ýth, plus alto .vegetable mater- ,ouid. NoDw, of s net find chi' -wher~ but it is e it out of almoat ada. 'Y Soil istance, can be neatly by the ~ing jii f some'ý wy~ maliireor table grwth such [y grown oats or1 -very salgr ibto scr 1Sand, or %ose &. Thia wiu!alo e heav" day aM %vorked. Jnstz -1 aconl wihhlp Ath a braad new a-y s'houid nt e Uch sou m isaways a ýt first.Pal y $oil soius are aP a 'iS d bycthe additi9a re orbachom on o eeal àLdd hum-lus toth it hoid ioiture ia more desir- Tise Gospel in Samaria 5, "And FP went down te tecity of Samanria, and proclaim- edâ auto -them Ithe Crst"Sa- mnariawua populated by a nationI of 'peophe utterly jespised by tie Jews, and equally despisiag their ï,il nih s-eiJ ws w igtcaithem, who held r-igidly ta thse traditons and laws cf tise Pentteuci, ho w e ookbing 1for tise Moessiais.A Jew coasidered imefcnn inated even te gc th,,rouLgh tisecounýîItry cf SMaaria. B3ut tise loe cf Ccd trough- Crin Piipheart had giveli h1m a love for ail men every- where. Prejudices dippeared. (Wç need thia toay as muci as ut waa needed then). Phihyptis evageist mstnot be COIfused withPhiip, n. f tise Twelve Apsties3. 6. "Aand tisemli tue aeheed with one a!ccord unto tiste t'hinga that w'ere s po0k eýI by PuIpQ, when they heard, and saw ti Signa hc . h.7 SUN DA YI LESSON P'RNTED TEXT An cts:-, I4sly,2-5 GOLDEN TEXT.--The--y tee î Dre tha er catre bra wetaboult peeigteWoud, THE LES5ON YN 0TSSETTEVG hi alstie yig between Jde nd Gamime; Goaapas an oild (i ! f tePh"b tnscf ymie southwest of Jerusalern; Azou was hrmls north of Gaza, and asra,' ostlctwas and Tyre. the sudy o h osqeeso persecution iit'he Chita churc, naelyan een geater disemiatin Y the Gospel than was tkîng lace efo re the pe Saul the Persecutor. ils :. "And Saul was econi- senin uno isdeath. And thee roeun that day a -rea perectin aaistthe Acuc which wasiJrtsalemc; and te were h scttere abrad through- out he e -gion-s ofJudaeaauS- maiexcept the apostles. 2. And (devout me11n Îburied Sehn and ade great lamentation oe him. -3. But Saul laidwas;te the churcheteig noever1y housqe, and dragging men and wome comittd hemtoprison. 4, They thierefore that we,ýre sea- tered abroad went about preadch-. ing the word." After thedet and burial o)f Stpethe !persecution still rag- ed iniJrslm That tïcmploraryý- protctin wich ad eenex- tede 0t the rising seet byDi c mearias Gmlilwas 11oW at anl enPharisee.sanidSadee - priests and people alike, inidulged in, th-e most violenit and un1govern- abefury. The cninent and ac- tive agent -in this persecution wag Saial (-"711 here cones for the first time upon -,theý stageý of New TestamientL history): Thiere are- strong grounds for beiievng that if h.e wne net a- nremlier of the Sanliedrc nat the time of St. Ste-phe-n's death, lie wuas elected into that poqwrful senate soon axfter; possibly as a reward for the 7seal lie had ,shrown against the, hrtedoïng. Before w.e have read miueli furiphi the book of Ac-t3, wewifl find 0that he, vwho iis niow t'le gre"ateast peýsecutor of the early Chuei,sauf, wll bc- coitrne, theJ greatest preacher of the I oplof the grace of God which tI.ancýient wov0rld ever knew. Thýus j sGod abIc. oïwrk mniracles with- jiii thIi. heartaý of mien, and to mgtiydeliver His chuirc inlaa timj of ',)roat diostrsa THE "BANDWAGON" The sew ad o owwiisaàe cldedly ne-w titis etraan thua o f hstenlers from ton e Ontario' rvadlio stations thes e naigliîse der thse tt 3-T 3-A Baad-wagon. TiseBndagn a fast-me,-ntlmsical show thlat his4s pntofpeo aadeteaiet value, but -lar.car mid, hita on- stninceatur"e is its ol- Ul~ service itheme whis varie-s arccord- ikg t etslctionRd Coss Work, -Mar- Saving,Comnt Welfare. tsaffic safety, eacoouag- Siag t '11st1,andmanly itiser prob,ýý- lems cfthindividual oimat are sparked bÏy tiis new program.l Ita groing popularity ahiloer. Ontarlo proves its wor)It'Uh lati very wriwleefforI t 1Vla nakLIag in beaiai! cfconmunitylie i Nortisera Onitario;, hl-ta inLwagcn la ,irear-d la NorthsBay Tusa aiighsaÉat7.00, ubrTusa alg'hts at8,30,and Fridlay mnights la port Wlia.In Eaýstern On0L tarie at Ot[tawî% Friday nýigista a 7.30, Kiagtn Friday ngisaRat S.0, MA at preacot Frday nlght at 6.00 o'clock. Iii Weýstern On tarie, at ldsrTurdyni-gista at 7.00, whie ilu Centýral Ontarie, I is heard fremn CKOC at Hazmïlton, Friayigis at 8.30, and fo GFRB !P la Toent( tuda ngist at 710. Tuicn la ferthe Bnwgnt AROUND THE DIAL ÏNed Sark sor-Faced comie e'm maay flilm bits, stars îin a Inew £eres tbal"t heur ,fuinpogan that are lbeard o ýver the GoluIblI;a chain eacis udya 53 Sad Gaainprogram ~designhd ito at- inion, and inclUdes ail Canadi tahon-sucs aaSairLe.,well- kUn Toronto singer - Lnlgi Roý- and OtiensIt mSboul beanuecuis- Another nwpro-;gram wbich bhas C....writtem ahi over the script and "ewith Love te My Sweetheairt" 11a overy song la the feature wiCh takes ;its naine from thesong "Ovier HPI-r eFor Over Thiere," wrýitteil by vcl.tJsse Jatfrey. Yûunti,gBol>1 Hann\fIappy Gang farne w411 diect the orchestranad the pop. fflar Guardsmreu a re re1fturnIiUg, eýjihstrçsng, for thiï 454W vapifity chow. Severa other names wu! Ab starred for thE, feature e9cli Wed- n.sday lght at nine. NBCW'e Syniphiony i, rcL)estrr e, whjioh closod its season uinder Ar- tur-ýo Toscani's baton Iaset Satur- day evenijng, will b. replaced this- Saturday by a Sumaier Symphoniy serles hear3Ld ever WEBR,. Tho Surprner series wil concenpï- tratej on ligter work's a-nd selec- onfe lse-koncomposera. Reginald Stewart, noted Torontoý ,onductor, lias been signied te on duct tihe openinig tour programa;. * * 1, Radio Siants: DiâniShrewants, te go te the Charlie _McCartisy show at an. increase in pay blit boss Eddie Ganiter thumbs down tseà propojsition ...You'h11liheba i WorldSere Baseh-ail announe- er Red Barber ontlise sport n et thee newsreel lu your tete The na-me ot the xlew 'Loue Rang- er" !F Bruce Breemer ,. . Walt, Diisn#y, will work with a Major film comipany te prodfuce "Tiue Li'fe adStories of HansChsta An- derson," -. It's flot lIkeJy we'il Eýver see Disne-y'ýs "ats ;thse cost of special Sound equipment is3 tee higli, . . Kate Srnith bhas done a neat recording cf "Litti Churcis la Englana" for Columbia , , Bing Crosby'swerk on "Camp- town Rce"for Decca. las ealIy somthLng. . . NBC comnedian Bsb Hu anad Lis Mrs,-. 1have takeýn te bicycling . ,. .aru15 or 20 ile daiy spin. 8nada and Wife Foùromm ' ioethat hAd unecan spirits, they came ýouýt, crying with aF, d oce n nmýan y cthatL we reCpalsied, and that were lae, eý 'rc heuret.8, And thee ws mclijoyin thalt city", the Mes-siahship ofChist U pradcd also A an evangelit th good nies S f the Kingdons of God, and of ïthe naine oý f JeýsLus. the Ol1Tstmetfojr sureýly îne Nlew Testamlent bok bad yet been writen, but i hios preaching lie, continu-'ally pointied to th-e Mes- s la, cnt 'thle Msilwowas stil-I t onbut the Mesha wh ba4 ailready corne, flligtise prphecies that-, sp'ke-of Hn.l prehng Christ, ,hepreache Jesus asthe Msihfor ,whomn ail Jea a and Samaritans were Reëiin7tseHoly Sp-rit 14 "owweni',the1apÇ- tes tat wereau Jeusaem hear a t Sa- mari badreceived tis- wodc o actio-n aai tkn y ie mother- heard nof the ra or hc wa-s be-inu don. in Iîm- iseeiy oF Barnabas te examine ans report te them concerig the cniin of the reviv]albaout which tisey had, beenherig Peter tbe& prcia;John t'n et. Peter tine mat of deeds: John tise dreamenr. When tJe work in Sa- maia had to eb.isetdfo 1 thnistat was thefitaot- liceneninteSpirit,atn through the aposties, sent these tw;'hn ran OfCdd, and. the, mnan of dr-earn,-s. 15. ", - Wlho, when te wr corne dwnprayedfo hes ta Tsvm iverton, Wyo., famihes itssda blackOut ha 'stwek a b beca u se of apoecibn Thsecat scurried É t thetop Of an. lectriel, cauisîing a ýshort- circuit whiich 'blew a fuse. This resultedl in 110lihts for thle two To0tal fatalities: the. cat. Phoogrphc shrtl a ter eir arrivai inîn tel Hs xcel- lecJono Aiberto Lïms de Bro withi his wife, issonaove ho is te Miniister to- Canallda of Brazil and ti. f irst Latn eicn diiplo- mat of such hiran-king to comle to C-aniada. His firt as hre wil b te establish aBazlanCaaia irect stearnýshià-p seice;,lt WORLD FLYERT HIORIZO NTAL Aniswer to Previeus Puzzle 2-tet 1,7uni-tise-. orldflyer 12;Pertaining tej 13 Dwelfing, 16 To drive, 17ITail! 18g Cantaloupe. 19 Unit of. energy. 20Fast.* 22 Opposed i ( hîgis. 21, saccarhue. 25 Rodentpet maker oi -. orDi, otion 1) SDyre, kc1 39 'Militarýy TIi.che feaureof tise batle- iesc to-daly is tise abseonç,pc o ebtl buttonýs wbich tooký ch a o fpoihgadaae icssplendid trg.ts fer ey ahlîets. Buttons f-or aeng arpoes ereunknowinha Eng- aduntil tIi. tirn of Edwardi B;efore that date clohes ere use, se as te sufactuve cf POP-And Brown'1i Followv Later 5STILL. UP ALOPt 15 H~-NK~. DROWN /2 By J.MLLAR WA,ýTT UNDgP CAl~RIA~ VVON'T C0M~ i &LTF-;:T 4AT tSTMLL Up ALOF-T I I-IPNK9ýL 5POWN HIS NDEPA t COME thy riiglit recee he Hly S.pirit: 1.for as yet jt a a1em upon nee of them: nly li ha been baptized inito the namte of the Lord Jesus. 17. Then laid thley tis hand on them, ýanid The gif t of thie HiolySprte- dneof tie inew life which re- sutdfrom faýih in Christ -- to tLhe Sanaritan converts was ere gr!anted through the aenyof the aposties, Peter and! Johni, whoo wercýe sent from JrusleGtoin- esgate thewoko Phiiip. Trhe msinof Peter and Johln, thjý,ir prýayer, adthe mir"aculousgits aqlso demonstrated the uity 0of the Churvch. 25. "Th"iey teeoe wheni they lhad testîfied aind sý-pok- en the word of the Lord(, retuirned to Jerusèim and pfeached the gospel te rnany Sulages of the Thie apostiezha - owrto confer miraculous gifts; but the fact that thry prayed for their besto-wal showsthat tey reeog- haLd actually bcomleChitas jandC that they (theapte) gave j thir ancionto th-e new step hihphilip hdtknin rech inig the gospel tothsewh-o wr DoJews. RADIO REPORTER Cat LQSi ~ Its N 1 G HT 1 NICI WAIR OR EEL S Ali GIA A 1 M T WE K PA NMA S T - R S ID Ci 1 N A A E IT A LIY., AS K ES ýHA Sýj .4- --c PLUS-[- TO-ý cmé

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