ORONO, ONT., THURSDAY, FI e.ment, Town Hall,4 ast y, FeL Sat his late resicience on Sýarur- February 22nd, ini the persen of s ý,joffatt, in his 67'th year. e late Mir. M 't hadn't been in best of healthi durin'g the past biut wýasz seriously siuk foi-olY ays be.for-e his demise. H1e was on of the late 'Ur. and Mrs. An- 1Moffatt, 'Ciavke Township, and C born on the 8th ulne of Clarke e lie spent his ylgrdays. 1He marvied in 1903 te> Miss Anna- FI.rsyth, of Pontypool. r fifteen years before rnoving to o he wonked in thie Po)rt Hope .ary. HXis 'occupation in Oronlo hat cf ta-xi driver and constable, e wvaqs well k-nown throug-hout al lar~ke To'wnship. fle attended United Church and ibelonged to Masonic Lodge, aise the Wood- 1and nis neice, IMis. i(nee Freeda Wilson) her hom,-e with the late att and CUrs. Moffatt of her sixth birthday nuarried lasýt year; five ge of Maple Grove, nico, Ae.and Williami- Fnd Johbn oft' Crmend i< A FAMNOUS O'ZEC,(H FI GHITER SQUADRON Srigwith the British Air For ce is a squadron of ~eh fighter pilots whose huiilant rLvecord dates from the start of th Hiere Czech pilots -double to their air craft on rceý(ivinig an alert. Rex Frost To Speak At Agricoltoral Banquet Asannounced in la-st week's issue 'dc ou paiper thre Durham GCentral Agricultural Society hias been coin- pletin.g plans to hold a banquet in tihe town hall in Orono on the evening cf Thursdlay, ~ Manch 6tli, the meal tei -omi-menice at Gh o'clock standard time., are Th MEETING OF DT-RIIAM31 The next mieeting of the 1 Couinty Club, of Torûnito, will (tng>)Thursdlay, Feibriuai The guest speaker is Flighi Goodellw, is subject hein1g way and the Wa,îi." The speii Norwvegîan ini naine patriotisi rnrpted the 1CULr, iandc Ic lie appr-o-l -I ibs The funerîai tcok place Tujesday, ýbruary S5th, from luis laVe resi- InCe. The service was. conducted FRev. S. Littlewood, assisted by r. J. J. Mellor, with internent heing ade in Orono Ccemetery. The pallliearers -were Messrs. R. Waddell, W. T. Riddell, Chas. ~.w Harr y Mercer, Perey and Geo. minn. The fÎloweribearers were al ýphews of the decease'd. The floral [hutes were nunierous and beautiful o-wing thre hig-h esteem ini wlrich he as held in the crmunity. - - ) WORLDS DAY 0F FRAYER Friday, Fehbruary 29th, at 2.30 p.m. the Siunday School Roon of Park breet UJnited Chùreh. A chain of myer around the worl. THOSE TIN CANS Six iboxes have been placed in 1"o1o. Thre slogan is "Dirnes for ictory.Y Gall nround and drop ur naine in. The War Savings Committe are uaing te have a nigbt of enter- imnment soon. Watch for the date. The entire receipts of these tin ,ns will bie tota.lled and the mnrey ivided into prizes which will bc in ar Savhug Certificates. The first amneýs dra-wn. will bce the winners. Ls ur nanmein? Thre admiissio~n price wilil begiven sone c the war activities. ourtl local reDreseni ta-re, and te show i t (on himi as a eitrizÀcý Not only lias lie ta] tei-est in al that p, terests (oT the farr Fas lieen keenly com fare of ourv toxvnsa tlint rc-ason it w-ats value we place f our county. ian active in- ains to the in- , but a-lso he ied iin the wveî- villages. For cided Vto invite ail, unatter whetlier .menilbers of the Agric-ultural Society or nct, Vo at- tend if tliey kcare to do so. Tickets are fifty cents eacli and can lie secured frein any directes or offl- A weekily review of developments on thre homie front fromi the week of Fdibruary 13th te FCbruary 20th: Dominion Parliamnent reassembles (February' 17th) -with war finalice thre dominantten. (1) Governiiient resclution sulimit- ted pro'vid-ing w-%ar appropriation cf $1,30O,000,fO during 1941--12, largest appropriation in Canadas histor)y. Total war costs dur-ing year, exýpe,2ted te exeef war approýpriation by con- sesheancunt. (2) Adding- (a) $400,OfU000 for 1:e1atiation- of sceurities (2) $433,- P00-00 flftt iý nnnwr Dofnnin vo heard MAr. Frost, speak entr t:caýlly of h-lspoe to enter4a 1 n formii. Besides -Mr. Frost's a thiere wil libe goed nrusic, vocý instrumental, other brief sp( anrd ne end cf very exeellent This promises to be one evenings of the year and you S'orry if yen miss it. Se don't' body welcoie wro is înterest agriculture and the community. since 1927, Ganadian Natioinal Rail- wrays earniing, enou.-h to pay operat- in.- expenses and interest charges on delit. .. appropriation of $15,- 000,00 voted 1940-41 not required li 1941-42. (6> At half-way mark in War Sav- inigs camiipaigri, 675,000 pledge them- selv-es to liny War Saving,-s Certifi- cates. (7) Sulisciptionis te Dominion-non- interest Joan totalled $394,8 o January 3Lst, 1941. Per sonnrel te lie reeýtien of E. Mv. ager, Anglo-an,,i lils Ltd. Bure ni agency te reci LifiCý alnd lprofe2S war industries. eyau of ganizud wt. 31- w;t. -1 2 r Frederick Banting Killed ln Plane Crasl nent ada's best-known -cientists, a end, one camn mensure the benefit illed J las accr-ued 4e lhuma -nity by li Iland j covery of insuflin. H1e was onh con- te Britai'"on. a missýion of hi, emne of suffer at nl : nn< C ounty Imriprove;r important Lion -will act Canada's War Effoi