Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1941, p. 8

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ORONO ~will go) to 7410 fronm 840 kilo- which i)l bing ,inlto comlpe- with thepwen WBEN, Btr- oposod hve t , Aiber-ta, sas- Sii Coluibia. 1 ative be in this store en F'eb. 2l1st ýim the latest Spring and cat ive expert ýes and colours %voi-i ite you to s-ee these for change "EVERY CANADIAN FAMILY we are ALI , the front line."-H.M. THEZ KING. FALL IN! The line is forming. Close the ranks. Answer His Nlajesty's cail. Every man, woman and child ini Canada has a duty to perform. Somne witt fight. You, too, have a job to do. It may demand sacrifice. You are called on to help furnish the munitions needed to win the war ... guns and tanks for the army ... planes for the air force .. . ships for the navy and mnerchant marine. Guns and tanks and planes and ships cost money. You are not asked to give-you are only asked to LEND your money. This is some- thing you can do .. . somethin~g you must do. There is only one place to get the money Canada needs to win this war-fromn the people of Canada. A large part will corne from business firms and people with large incomes. They will pay higli taxes and buy heavily of War Loan, Bonds. But more money is needed . . .a great deal more. s 10,000,000 a month is expected from men, women and children who invest in War Savings Certificates. Work liard. Earn more. Save ail you can and lend your savings to Canada. BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTI- FICATES,. Budget to buy them tregularly. Buy them every week ... every month .. . as long as the war lasts. You will be forming a good habit ... the saving habit ..a habit that will benefit you when victory is won. Yu wîlI be doing a real job in helping to win the war. -Mrs. iin.Wý Mr.C . M.J Tuesday on bus l'te. Bil l oý home on two dý - .Miss Velma Mrs. Roy Sniiti -Ur. Jaek 2J was hoine for t Mrs. Tone b and Ha-old Bu on MAonidajv. on s Drug Store ýYKODAKS PHONE 68, ORONO ul To Your Tetth mnouth coniditions would pever exist if in guarding the teeth and gunis fro>In i in- .h twice a day, sce yotnr -dentist twiee a îých prices on your favorite dentifrices ai STAR KVI LLE i-,Fs Hel Moore with Mr-s. G. Silver. mrs.Wmi. Savery %with hler dau.gh- ters in Oshawa. Miss Norma Ha11,1loweillspenit the we eký-end inT'on. .Mr. Reg. Boulton lias secured work wth a florist in Osliawa. Mr. and Mrus. bone Te4chd and Miss Elleen 'wtl Oshawa !friends. Mr. and -Mrs, JohnieneOronoý, wîitl Mr. and ctMirs. Frank Stone. Miss Ruth Savery -witli Mr. ai-ic Mrs. Lwec Savery, Newý%tonville. Mr. and MrLs. Bert Trini enter- tai ned Osýhawa friends on Sunday. Urs. Ross HalloweIl withliher brother, Mr,. Lwec White, Maple Grov-e. Jlrs. Henry Rusk, Port Bxritain, with her daig'hter,, Mr-s. Sid. Hallo- ,well. Mr. an-d Mrs. Lew. Hallowell ai-d fiamilv with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Falls. Mr. and MMrs. Garnet Hallowýell, of H-allo-well. Mrs. . Doison and MaýLry Lou withi her sister, MRs.ussel Lowry, RESCUES CHILD) FROMN BIJRNENG BUILDING Mi- e Helen caIse, dag oefetMr. ard _Mrs. Lance Case, of A-ýurora, and' for-merly of Orono, rescued a child fr-om -a brig ul i-n lAuior-a wheni she rushed upstairs and brought baCk, to safe'ty a few snonths old balby. Thle m)othier of thie balhy was busy getting eut two other children when Helen) camie onto the scune. IHer picý- ture apipeared in Wedn-esda.y's Globe an1td Mail along withi the parents and the children. .2a54e. 23c.. 37c. 25c, 39e Ronnie Gibibs, ~Sudbury, upon the birth of a cdaugliter. Sorry to, report Mrs. Dougl;as O- den (niee Helen Stoneý), bas been ser- ous'ly ili in Osliaa Mrs. J. T. Pearce spent the wvee1k-, end in Toronto with lier daugliter,ý Mrs. Walter Groyson. Mr. Wmn. Sta-pletonl and Betty i- ed Mr. and Mrs. George E. Staplleton, Port Hope, 0on saturday. Mrs. Haugh's -rcup tte .I lield a part-y at thie homle of -Mr. and Mrs. A.Rdnap Friduy niglit. lMiss Isabel Bruce lias returnedt home fruin cain-,g for Mirs. Hlare of Newcastle, whoc is no-w reicovered. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Payne and 1Douglas, of Toronito, spent Suniday withi Mr. and Mrs. Heuben Payne. Mi». Stanlley tPayne and MissaSybil H-ooid, et Poterboro, were recent guests ef Mi-. and Mrs. Franki Ovens. Tihe Menl's Club met on Wednesýday, Felbruary 12th, -with President F. Gil- mer in the 'chair. L. T. Savery' gave an address on "Why France Feul." Messrs. Bert Stapleten and Bob Hughes spent the week-end with friends in Cailnp Borden and brougbt home one ot Mr. Wayne. Elliott's tuks. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Loekbart were in Toronito recently getting an arti- ficial foot for Mr. Loeklhart and they fceel sure it is going to be bighly satis.faetory. in anolmer place in this paper yenu will find an aipcoutt f the wedding of Acua' lVeacia, on of' Rev ajnd Mr.J. Meacl a , iss Mar- gueite Anne _Russel, Fort Wlim Mr. and _Mrs. Dave Denaffit and family are now settled liiithecir beau- tiÀ.til acw lhofineheside i iiilprop- erty. Mi. Phuilip Stp ln asmoe cd. IMrs. Normlan Sbn as returnied toNecse after a th-ee ees vstin Toron1to and wt r n MNrs. Reg. Wohr and Marie, of Tcoronto, ,pent the weeýk-enid with Mr. Ed. Samnis at the tern1ýii. *Mascter Teddy Laie, young-est child etf Mr. aend Mrs. Cleland Lane, unýe- went an operation for enlar.ged ton- ssi cwzianvile Hosp- lStr day nmorning and canne hreugh suc- cessfully. Teddy is net quite two years old1. Rev. and Mrs. J. McLachlan were in Toronto Saturday wenRev. Mc- Lachlan officiated at the we-dding ef Miss Mary Blair and Dr. Grant Bien- dersen. Tie bride was forimerly ot Tuxltc.rd, Sask., when Mr-. MeLae'hlan was paster here. ;M.Chas. ieian, Briglitn, died at the homle of his nieee lin Toronto atnd was buried tre.m Brighton Pres- byterian Cliurch on 'llhursday, Feb. l3th. 'His wife,wh predmceased hlmn oiàbc>,ut trn veaor ro.nwasfo'rnnerIv passeu away ueiv The Newtonville the Orono Y.IP.U. A very fine progi- by the Orono Y.P a social timn, greup takzing ýci ard lunch. Rev. dressed the gri About GO yeung- The ,W.M.S. et mnet on Febrtary ment ef the clii Laing, President, busineýýss include'd "quiltînig" te be h gular iceetiing Mrs. C. Morris wa programmie. 5cr:l Morris. ur.(Re an interestitig pap fatC it-iad aIneo a ta Lit ini Atriea." wered iby a verse Ceeul Burley close Velra Gowan ih Mrs. Roy :Suith, at Mr. and Mrs. MlVr. and Mrs. Pci iMr. and Mrs. L .35c. 2 fr 29c. . ....19c, 33(-. STE ....25c, 39e . ..23C., 39C. wder .... 2le, 39e Powder. . 35e. ..1 ,ý... 29c. tred .......50c. 1 .11. . 60C. .49c. and '79c. OZS ...60,r. 43c, and 79c. 35c. and 65-- 35c, 65e, $1.00 üunces....25c. 'K TOOTHT BRUSHES, relgular 50c., FOR-.1-11-...........29c. Z. WEST TOOTH BRUSH, 4 shapes te ehoose froui. SPECIAL- 29c. SPECIAL URDY BRUSN, guaranteed and made hy Prophylactie, each ... 15c. 131 TOOTIT BRUSH, Einglish made, reg. 50e., for ........... .. 29c. 'NTAL PLATE BRIUSHES, at...... . .......-2,5e., 39c. and 50c. FEYSTONE", correct curve DENTAL, PLATE BRUSIL The bristies are set in the correct curve to fit the g-um and eleank the teeth pro- perly as well as tihe flat part of the plate, EACH .... -- -50c. ANT KRUSCHIEN SALT, 75c. size with trial size FREE ..... .. 69e. You Save With Safety at Tyrrell's Drug Store Now is the Time to paint youir chairs, ci1pboardsý, -tc. Give cthem ia frs coat oif DJAMOND PAINT orEAMLad sec what a differ- ence it will mnake. llIlhall Glass Stirrers (nlew) Card, 6 aslsorte-d côlors...20c. Sipper Glcass Spoons 1 new), eachi............ ...... ....5c« Singer Siewing2Machie.Needies,.2.for... ..........c helt' and t'op,1aet colors, sizes () to 10 1-2, pair.... 29c. Glad ags cle2ans and poliShie'ssivrwremilnetals, g1Jas-s, spectacs, &c. No) paste or powde(Ir needed, eadh. li 15 C. Aligalýtor Cpor Catchi, coniplete ithi screws.,..........5C. O-S;o-Goo-d Floýor WVax, 1 11b. tins ......................... ....19C. Sring C1othes pins, 12 for ....................-.......................5c. Pal Blue Steet Razor BIlade:s, fits a11 tynpes of double edge Riazors, 4 for ....... .. ... .........1........................ .... 5 C, Men's Ie ýV(yolSocks, 13 pouinds to dozen p.2c Masi-ter Dog Bisculits, 2 1-11b. bags for ..................._............25c. Suglar Crisp Corui Flakes SPECIAL, 4 for ..~.................25c. Tiý1er Red Saumiion-, L-2's SPEiCIAL, 2 for............... 29c. Fry'ýs, ocoa, 1-2 lb). tin .................................... 19C. C<impbylell's Ohiicken Guimbo Soup. SPECIAL, 2 for...... 21c. him J yalty.' Rid over resent. Mr. and Church Mi ss Dor libase- their Parei Uiss 1. Mr. and Thetýhj fGý cd the M-s. Theo4 e xt r'e- lituh. 'eterooro on Mr. Ouif. ,ood in luis AMr. aad Al fOrono. wc istian spent the week- ro. AMoffatt was ini Port lay. L'aylor -visited Earl ai 3uix!a Y. urtis, is busy sawing meiglborhoo>d. . T. Lewis and a y c visitera at the Paîýs ýxd Ransberry at- ef ber aunt at1 lay. net Goheen and r Bowmanville, Thos. Hogg's. Iread, yomnig Son ARY 27th geýment etNfw aii wili hoît February 2lh- will supply the Dres ptional. perTùon'. Have loi 1)u ,y or flot, ladoies and men. SMITH - ORONO

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