Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1941, p. 6

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ColIe~utmt~e. oa ArEý Belrig Taught ta Base Decisicnu Upon t'e-aFon 'Crlcge students today do nomt Intcnd to be carried Offthi fet îby eoinlapasas tbey ay the last generation.ý was,"' acýos ding to the Rev. D. em- %ex) Bý Ogilby,, president of Tini- ty Coliegv, Har.-tford, Con. Dr. Oglýil)asode- this assertion in llis amnual report to the oar of trustees. Thc epotsit d5nlss turikxug forunatlyis met characteristic of college groupe. Gcnerally, undergradu-. ýaes of today atre secminiglysoe what toughcr in their thinking ansdterfainly "leus setena thân their older, brothers,unes and fathers aquTarter enur agao." Dr>.0Og,«by (2behev es todùy(J elgestude(nt ar-e ',loyal asud PafrIotk but ha aquiet and ie- iirane anr w ohieh wouid1 l, lie said. aid xow hlds tflic lili por- foHoio n fhe Brifhhcabinet a-ad bias served as domiions secre- tai-y, He is 40 years of ag-e. One Meal LDaiIy Enough For Dog4 Mayo Fouindatior, Specialist TeCI,$ Ontario Veteriarians- Metf Shovild Be 10 Pei, Cent Protein Tenta have sh-jowa rfia-f if iJ, ,4,isbl ta feed doga once a day Qniy Dr. Carl F. Sdlott-hauer, of tise Mayo Foundation, Rodheser M4inai., rcporfed iui a re3cent ad- dreyss to- he Ontarlo Vfrnr Assoiaton.Tell per cent o., a dog's da'ýily diet sho)uld conisiaf of prt uxs nd of this 10 per entii 75 per cent should consiaýt of ment, lic sai d. -Most do- famciers (do not, rcaliz e fli rnage itey ca-n d Ye a dog- by oefedn, r idogsaraie sfuffedj full of food zeveritirnes a day. Tiche e0 the dog is consàieably reduced1 Iiy fllaovreein D~ .E. Mufmfor-d of Toront ýofne hat il diet of p--i- Ëaysraigliht metn miglif "e Il sigt jfor 'a dog on tise fa-i, wherc ifî-gets eecsbut vnot adisa-ble for pet dogs. 1He soid ~htbeuf, la-mb or mluffon were preferable f) porc 11e warned,1 bwvrînat if ias inadrisable)j ta fed ogala-mb oîr fwbon es. He Gave Us Convoy3 Tic convoy system for- SUNDA Y SCHOOL LESSON LESSON VHI JESUS CALLS TO PRAYER Luke 18, PRINTED TEXT. Luke 18S 1-14, GOLDEN TE-XT-Lord, teaich um to puay. Luke 11: 1. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time-Marh, D. -29, Do we know of anything in Chrls* toan lie todlay more needed thanl 0 a t)tpray-eras agreat real- ltya surc ofpower and itoy Our ordin hislesson telis us so0me ocf tec1 iinswihms prevail in oui- hearte wlien we ai)- prahGod lin prayer, ifweaet y, herou-rpetiti!ins. How To. Pray Lukp :81, "And lie 5spake a parashie no imto the end that they ought always la pray, and -'lt to flt""an"-eemeans lit~raly "to ive lJet go, orgive up" hris deiare ii effot hat Pthis iLs the atraiebfr vr oüe Df us, to prcay ortýo faint, To pray laisto h-ave the vision cer the~irtu migty'Che victoryas swied. Wenia ma-n oais ntslthe day of adversity, if isbecausea Une of communication has some- liwbeen cnth lias.qý becosue seIp- artdfrom lisspiritual resouro'- es. 2.SynThere w-ýas iii. a cit'y aiule whýo eaied flot Cod, and 1")tded n ali: 3. And there wasa wdowin tatcity; adshe ,ame ùoff nf lm an, Avengec meý of mineal e rsry"A widow la; tyical ,'of dfneesns.This poor woman ws being beset by smeone mlowasrthe pmabe would imply, wihont any justce whaever tryig bo tke away le pr1oxlerty or lier 'smlallinhrtne Thîe widow went t,[the Judge'. The Unirighteous judge 4 Adlie w'ould f )lt for awhle ut aftrWardliesaid wMthn hlm selfTHougl 1 feur not GOd, nor We gar-d 1man; 5, yet bcaise tis wl- dew ýtroùuhleflýime, I will aeg i-r ls se wear nme out by lier c.nijnuali coning." To attend fo lier' pleya t fin~t meaut trouble fur the" judge; not ta atterld ta if, la, go4pIg t-o mean getrtrouble. Tile Judge was vnesîle onty on the aide of his slisnssfis rao for n1ot lselgbcre a reason for lisening.6."und tce Lrd said, He-ar what fle nriîglite'ousjudige .1 Mr.Winston Churchill, wIf e of Bitaiin's figýtýing priie iiste, isý arnused emt the now-failiar «4humhs.up" gesture acidently -made byT a tot C t flic opcninig of a new hostel in London. Thie hoiste, .inidentai- ly, was for Ionciy hsad hs ie aebeen eva Patd ro danger zns saifli 7. And shaU MofCod avenge MiS elcf tat cry tf0 hlm idea' and niglif, alid yef loiei long sufierlniIg Over tli? S. I say unto von, Inlt lie willavenige them speedily." M other, wordsic, if hat unr11igliteou-s judI(ge, to avelus cow m iserable l]fe huornbruising. aires in answer to ipruiy is if not cran f00: tînt dGod wliO j- is rihteous wil net speedily? Because we have a G-ad quici and ready to answer Pm%,sT ciycf tic oppssed ici i'glIt -way, praIycr can be main- fa'in)cd conisitnfly. "Nevrfl-ies, hen ic Sone ofIîL' mni comieth, sha liec find faits on the carf?" Cris ratihin h erebw thatis'or fic Last -days, f aUif i His promise maýy -almot disappear frMthe earttajte wnrldwii lie more rndly d.fintAfihan mive, thaf IHs disciples wu!l be fewer and more dicouraged flan ever, jus',,tbefo e Hecornes f 'aeng Jis ownelet'and anSîwQrth cries of centuries. Need For Huýmility 9"And lihe spake ais) flua par- aile )unfo certain io ru rsfed in tIs'IIemeeves flint tliey were riglit- eouls, amid set alothers atnoli" There are any people la lie worl exactly ike Ath osefwhom Chris addcreSses Ifils para"ble. peopie "010 flii if i ey are absoiute]Y suffic- l ent lui themîse1dves, wYli bieve fiat because of philanoies, or because tiey have a large payroli ap]nd a-ka god Iprovisîin for tloi- cornployees, ibecause tle coribute- to the, support of a minister, lie- or go f0 mass every mornig or taie partluin aiecartable under- talsýingag, andf have neyr 1ied ay one, or eves- cori ne hoe drunk. tiathtey ertiirust stýand (îwel wifliCod. Theseq are fhe kind o)f people who, Çsuffiicli-nit lo them- seve, espise ofliers. The cword lire transined dsie means "f1reat as nofhing, flaregard as Two Pray"-, 10. "Two me-n went up loti temlefopra; ieone a Pjia-rise, aud the )oI)er.a pbia. Phar-,isee was a mail, cfrgtus wlo kept thü La-wsn hofif minue detail. Thse pub ina-n w» simpiy atVw)whose profession wa that of an tax-gaiere, pi-anc f0 cor- rupion1nd biubry, Il> "The Plia-- lbe stood a-ad p-ayed thus witb 1irnself, G-ad, I thanit feet f1 ar n ot as nle reaf of doim, ex- tortiniors, u'w, dierro eveFn as thuspbicn 12. I f.)st afl thaf I get." This reallyla n prayer at ali-merely n utterance of self-congratulatioflBe ldcafo even thani G-ad fiat 1lie laflot ns fie otiers. 13. "But iepulcn standing aar offwould flothfatuP sO- mudhcl ns lils ye.s iuntoiua\-eni, but, snote Ilia b-ca-sf,saygo lie flou Memecu f0me a sinner Tic publian was a-u posessed wîtli lis own sinfuinesaas flc Pia-ae waa possessed ifi bis own rigît- co nelAuas.4.hs-y a;to you This man ,wýent down f o lais hbuse, justi- fnad raflici than the ofheî: for' ever on fth exaltefli lrai shahlie iuibld;but lie tînt humbleflih 1irnacf shal l 1 lt- ed." Thijs pssblican c as flotwi- ouf sin, 1lie had sin. But lie ~e God for forgivceesa andli cic if. Wlen God 'justifies' s silnuer, !if doca flot mca-xi liat htîtm en f'bat Man -n bComes lu lis on"Vhar acter a perýson r slteyrigiti- cous, wif-ioaf anly sin ~itvr but if dous llman1 tînt God la-s clearcd tfilama-n ofaIl guifl fie Mauterof Éli. "Playing Hoo0key" Not Intelligent Why students play loolcey bas been solvcd by Dr. Lillizin- Bray 111,psychollogist. ýA survey of 1.00 truant boys a-ad 130 non- truants, showcd the hookey play- crs werc lesa in-telligent. Cigartfcs nmaiufactured i n Canada during 1939 totallcd 7,- 163,433,0006vaiued iat $5,277,- 062. I RADIO REPORTERII MI By DAVE R03HINS I POULARITY POLL Tic radio liseners certinly luaow who anid wla-f ty luke fe he-ai- on flic air lanles, and lwc fi by tise la-est check-upta-ac enyst-ilila fis favritecoi- diaof fiýe liaten-ers on fls Coni- tieuenTie New YorkWorld TeMe gr-'tenfi aulal poli shows1 tintBenylias wo fi te lionos'r fie ciglitcons«euie Y""r. Tic pleeawopatcp-e Hayes as tic nillumber eone dri-na-ic star.Gny omba--do s fleur fa- ente band leader. Olier wiancrs lafilfedaton ar e Bing Crosbyand lote Smti as singera of popular' songs, Bih en a- a-spoîts an- nouncer, Raymond i am swinga- a newS crmngo Ai-fui-oTos- eta- avIut. AIRLANE FAVORITES ldwspicked ,Cas tic lest niong; e bytic coua1ltry's heesa flic beaf qunite-houis' iw. The Word-Telegr-n liUslows f-f Egai- Beîgen's ,,ChailieMc Cartiy show han-@Pped in popit larity from nei- tictop f0 a - fe for nonfli pace, POP-ACIsc Thicy i-a-t FredAliens sta- tetoasti', chef rival tofi Bcany prog'ram. Net la OMdMr core Infomatin Pleaise, Bob, Hope, flic Bing Cob iour, Fluer McGec a -ad oly, flic Phi*hirmoia $yznponmy aor- chestra-, flicMonda-y Ra1udio Tîca. fra-ad Chai-île MCri in a- fie for, lnili witi !e DfotSyrn- pliony bar. QuI Shsows whicii-ani higi are Taie If or Leave 1IfTruiti or Ccou- Ryser. To GlennMiller goca fie onor. ef la-rngtun Dance b-ad ofjtc year. il(e-iiedseconid If0Lomi- l)iai-do,fhepeenafvot. teaboni-niRaymond Gram Swing a close -aceas fiemotpoua inewýs cmetati.Otîc- pla coanenfafors wee bowll Thom- nts, Jdlrnr D aviad Paulul IIîv.ý Recordmended: Ka-y 1KySe-'sF, ting 0 "eahï.e Aai"ison of thenefet1tiings fla rlista la-s donc in years. .Sarnmy Kny' wa-xings 0f fi'a-t bit abouit fli NîTigitiaiga-le anad LBcrkecy- Square aad "ranVal"areraie good ,..Leo Reism]an lars da a nice ou on "LeAS Be BUNes" G. C. TOner, OaroFederation c nlr (No, .30) OUR HAWKS AND OWLýiS Few of ojui- hrds are mr prosecuted thnan are the hiawks aiid oDwI. Every farmer nn-Id sportsman shoots gt them nion siglit, yet fùcbiooiastel!i.us thb a t the y do n o t, nal; l atSS , e- servefisebad reputation ha beneficial to ficfainmer'; ofiers take poutry and game f0 corn extenit; a]! pay fore living room by keeping the mouse populationi under contuol. They hav e a place in the sheeof piature and they would be sadly nmissed by the bird wtcie icteyb- came extint. The hwstha' take poly froim the farm.yarýd are the shariip and Coo)peri's hawk, thiougJi the redtil and the m-asalhw will gr-ab fic odd chicken from tlie f ields. The et soldrdand the br-oacbw-vJi-ed are not ,,dct- ed to tainiig hirds, as ic-e or other arn i ceatureýs, make up agintpcnag of their food. The sparriow hawk .-feeds nmninly es fis,1 Howvý They Benefit Us, Iarn n ,Ot gOin- to des-cr-ibe rthese birds forif twould take too rniuch space and my eaer will finit fuli dsrpin .A For i. Ietefhcneuveyr Guy L-om'bnrdo's Orchet raib as in merca.Ticbonon Onit., leader and bis musicins have agaîn won top listing m thflc Nw York Wosild Teuegram's raio 1.n the pa-et deýaedanc mu sic trends have com'nv an)d de- pre buLt Lombiardo bas on stelyref'lud to echanfge fromi the gente, "swect" nmsfcWcli hswon h hmand hsCudan Salarvies nniýd vwage s paid by piulp and pa ej ils in Crd -79coprd it $4,1,1 in fiepreccdng yer. jSOLDIERS' FAVORITE ACTR?ýESS__I HIORIZONTAL 1,5 Pictured. Vaudeville star, 12 Tu surreader. 13' Freniclichahs. 15 Assessmeait amroulit. 17".To dreas. 18 Form of 19 Beveraige-. 21lHalf van m 22 Plural pronioun. 23 Poiated end. 25 Rearri (abbr,). 26 During tic World War, shec was an arax-y - 31 Pique. 32 Bank cherS. 33 To subsist, 34 Made et Oafmencal. 36 Maueo print- 37 North Africaq. 3C Spain, 41lDronc bc. Answ-er tb Previebus Puzzle Il Native of -' AAAR WBO 1 Iîran. VOEEAP E B I-vo 6Sacioxs CNA1 IC$ L O Y bui,s vi N S ATPEFR T Aaeasincss 0a Y OR 27Seif WAR F A TMS IpeRse Oý F CA~. S223Ed NATU -11ST B k326Tofootde 42- Poat script. 59 Tîny 38 Excuse. 413 British vegefable, 40 Encerg y. Columbia. 60 Theafter 42 Si1let. 44 Exulta. path*-ay. 431 Noi3sy quai-iel. 47 Saucerlike VETCL 45 Maie occupant, vessel. VRIA of Edea.1 419 Accompiished. 1 And. 46Interniationai 50 part. 2 Ciassical Calilfoi bel!) !53 Pursued. agug. ,aIsa 54 Slicep's cali. 3 Dross, 47 Blue grass. 56 Forest fi-ces 4 SýicIs. 4G God of love. of a region. 6 She -d 51 To) fear 57 To puIl. en the stage ice. 58 She ia an as a. ch'hd. .52 Ye1llow bUgle. expert i Cleaniy. 5,5 Threc-toed imitator or 8 Lazy ,pesson, sloth. P Southceast. 57 musical note. By J. MILL'AR WATT -s

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