Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1941, p. 5

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TOMAITO SOuT p 2FOR Msr.Fred Wood andldCharles MWod have cleaved offthie mili pond md are ncw busyeuttig ice. The ice th'is year- is a pretty fair sairple, qotite omarbl o other y ea r s. They are filling tihe ice bouse of the GG. Anmstrong store. Orono in sthcp Caada NeAeds Your9$s Now! You wiIl be glad of them later BUY War Saving Certif icatesl Quiaker Pulffeýd heat Quaker Five\ ail] lacgeý pkgsý ..... .......... 2 0 Broc()k's Br Gravel, per kg..... ........ c AyIllmer infantl's Food(s, 2 for .... .. ......15 C. Ov'.tec.....t...... 1Oc. Cannd To'atossmal tins, 3 for ............ ..25c. Godlden anamCornl, 2 tins for .... ...........21 c. Smlaql tins Corn, ,Ceh7. FRESHI SIDE PORK LB. 18c. LARGE PKGS. OXYDOL EACHI- 21c R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Orono Phone- 30r16 -j New Dynamc "TORPEDO'" STYLING Positive Action HIYDItAULIC BRAKES DUAL WIPERS Non-Glare "'r' Windshield A BIGGER CAR InsidIe end Out ccastle iVessrs. M. H. Stas ',itittoei attended the tio f oEthe Agniculi Association bheld at tl Hotel, Toronto, last Mr. Rowland Smit a Position as Iiistnt( wai Vocabtiontal SeliOo connectedl witli the Claýsses. IHe ceft on week to take up its i aples andi Nei ie rnnual 4courer sdayc ities. Vegdable Local News CRoinald Patterson was bhrne for the week-end. MUiss Thelmna Myles, of Whitiby, was homne rec'entl7. IvMrs. W. Flarrison has been qui te sick wvith the flu.ý We undîersýb-ta that Mr. Os. Go van Jield a stag party on -Moaday. iVrs. llarry Rowc, bec returned frogx-i visîting friends in Newcvastle. M1Vr. Erviný Rainty bas see-ured a position at .Mr. J. J. Corisb-'s' store. LMr. JamesMoat is in very poor health. We wis hihlm a epeedy re- Co)Very. CA. TJ. G amey, of Otaaepent the week-enid with1- Mrs. J. C. Gamiey a t Oro()n o. MisEve BIýuek, of Trntspenti the weeký-endc with bier si,ý4er, Mus. R. A. Forrester,. tMrs. Robert Allun, south ward, is in poo)r health. We hope to sec her arudS0on. Miss, MargÏaret Roy of aond CoElge, Guelph, is home r'ecupeirnt- ieg. fr'onI the measles. Miss Rutb ogn « irof nile sýpent the week-end witli her, parents, M.adMrs. R. E. Logan. Mrus. Doniald RJbb haýs been on tbie sicl list. We arepead to sce berý resuing h, ler duties again. Seveual Orono Ctizeiis attended the Gener-al Motors ChoiT concert in Ne-w- castle onTnesday evening.'ý Mr. 0. VW. Rolph bas be under the dotor's careL for, the past weeký -withi a severe attacký cf the flu. lIMr. and Mrs. W. Reid, of Rowman- ville, and claughter spenit Sunday fast at Mrs. Georg,-e Butter-s. 'Mr. "Sandy" Simerville, of Tor- onto, spent last week-end with is 1brother, Mr, T. W. Somi-erville. M--'iMr. ndMrs. Xeith Bradley aud conl, of Pontypool, spent a few days wi'h 1bis mother, Mrs. A. Bnad',(ey. Ne-w Telephone directories Inay be had Iby applyiieg at the Telephone of-I lice on Main street or Central Office. Mr. Ervan Farriow, s'oth of the vTillage-C, bboug-ht the se'Ven ace on0- char'd just northl of bis own ïam Mliss ~EJdra lBest and 1Helen Jonces, of Toronto, spent the we-ek-end1 witih thie formers mother, Mrs. H-. J. Best. A nunmlber(q-from h lere(,adedd the Marlbor-o and Genleral M-ýotor's hockey aneheld lu Os'haewa on Saturfday eVen-Iinlg lest, -Mrs' . I. uir ias been soiending a coule,'o wek~witji friends iToi- onto. Miss A. Muir returnIed -witbi ber for. a few days! visit. Mr, Bruce Wadd(1ell, of Monitreal, is spencing a fe-w wceks, holklays' ~wfth -Mr. and Mrsý . W. Somer-ville and otherci frienids in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Miller lef t on Friday laç.t for Floi-ida, where they wýill spcnd( a couple ofE nionths' so- jounein Uncle Sa;m!11's doniain. iMrs.e. Walker -wisbcs to ex- press ber appreciation to ail ber 4V-ende and neigh'bbouvs for enqUicies anrd lziedacs dnring Leieîllness. tiVrs. R. Il. Brosvn attendcdthec Faic's Convention lu Toronto last wveck and staycd over for a Te-w days visit witli ler mother, Mcc. Linthert. SUNIKI ST ORANGES 2 DOZEN 35c,. 5IB. TO-MATOES 2 TINS 19c DOMEISTIC 25c. BEANS Randi Piekeil ONTONS L IB. .- e 2 BARS- lic.e !,rF.)\ A V>Tri ) - wMa 4 FOR 'c, SPECIAL! O1ANGE 55c 2 BARS Ic. BÉE X T1M~ FWovfd Day oif Prayeu, Friday. Februiaryt 26th is (Ash> WýednieS- February 28th, 11)41. Servi ce will be dy heldl ut 2.45 at Park :St. Sundlay Te~.C .Gumneetwl i Sell im.hld in the Tow,,n Hall, roo, ont Fin- Ars O. W. Rolphl, iMrs. J. R. Cooper (da y evening, Febuay 8th, nt 8 pý.m. -AilMs. Cal Bilîirigs were iiioî~ A play, vocal an*d musical numJers onto last week attending the Fi' will be given by the stifudents. Corne Gouvntidni. Mrs. Rolpli -was on the aýn 1 Erjoy the eein.Silrer -.I programaine anld spok'e 0on the bigb etin lighlts of Or-onct Fair. Dntfogtto atedte ld Mrs. A. Bradley, Mr. Éand .Mrs. Tynie Skating Party tolb) Keith Bradley, Mr-s. E. Wnt n Tusa.Thereý will aIlso be earda, M.EvnBewett spenit Saturday IV ii dancing annd jlunchail for thle simal-l Toron-to, calling ont Mrs. A. Blewvei flee of 2.5c. Pr-oeceda for,, Lie ( eeingl and faunly, New Torýonto, also MIS. will ibe senti to Tor-onto for the ]3rit- W.H. Blewetit, Torontu. isb War Victimj-s Fund. I EED LAYINC, HENS WITH I Sh urgain EgmakÉïJer conceîtra te supplies the essenýitial poen both animal anid vgthe as well as the nieeded mîinerais and vitamnies. Egmllaker 35 1% Concenitrate njxe"ýl thoglO"11Y Nwth the proper pro- po(rtionis of good), sound grain, will prodjuce the lcsired resitis. Shurgain '17 p.c. itarter, l.iitte pigs must have a palatable feedl, f or- like chicks, theyr grov, rapidly and need a largec feed intake. Put SHURGAIN PIG STARTER in front of the littie pige at 3 to4)3!,, weeks of ae.Don't wvait until they're weaned. Give them the hkind oif feed ithey need as soon as they're ready to eat. ORONOFLOUR MULLS WE DELIVER - PHONE 37rl It Pays to Pay Cashl Specials, Thurs., Fri. and Sat., Feb 20, 21, 22nd 21 r1 PHONE 70r 1 .2c, :r roast- ........ 2 1 C. I POT ROASTS OF 1 BEEF hi

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