Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Jan 1941, p. 1

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______ W-t E 't' Y IE Mr Toer Wil-Ades 'res u ro -r nut HVoL4 Sp rt -a ànômo. onTedaNJnur th it there Toonto oAn 9;1941.y Ja-ur $ubcrpton Ce 1O2 Cermmerce Mr.To~tiin pi an- i-rv- ruuurd sr T ïm' e 0 urin The ummersingig ofanniiiai t ith the r e-tii loron, edîn the bride m d Cf ha bel0bC merce an a y 1 thon l paL.Pýiesi of '&Ur. nd Jrs. ar th 'Time During Th Summer~~I chain The meet ioeedi wot the Pere anRr.G'~ev H.trsn PhleisM e ngnJa u r 13 IfN tToo EpnieT oSR ESAN ICIES AND new year tise different offieers of la-st officia-ted. fe.F.Phlps COW ANVILLE W n ar Not 4~p~n~ive Two SERVE - year reported on their year's work, The ',bide oohgcharniing inl a MradM- î lgles -\V il Aam r r.Grw '~ Shffebid~ ayBe BEERCE A G UDEA hilh showecd a successful year and pale NuLe satin gownvi with whbite -ac-Ne M d inK ka growing dnèet iste meetings. cessories anad a fgrtpveil, and and rs «Ja lgsso e Returns Mad~ inIFark -The treasurer 1eported the Society casle a bouquet of - te-a-r s __n_ TIhe ainial sneitsn of Orono Parlk 'With tise stal-rtinig of tise nlew year had gone over their allocation -n giv- snprgn-.Te bienacidsu s _ Miss Marion Sn'ipson spenit a fewv - -'t sei ha h ilaeOf Boar1d wvas_ heM the Kurns-ite thse eip-loes a-PieGoya li- uswhc a e- nosagn~satriciagons. e, s-idofes -10-d , issolidays with her'as-sut, Mss. Todd, of- l-ti em It e'4aeô Pa-trircent ,ia-ce Tiite ofýi th, groOawa. - - s--oo righ-lt have anl industs-y oca-te Aparm~pt ~a'~'adie- vnng, Jans- ut 13owmanville are beisïg- ts-cated to A very peeasinsg pas-t el. tise s-set- wore rust taffeta with browli 8ac- Mr.s Delbes-t 'Fisisey visibed i- co- e.Togsl sfo'-d~~ uary 7th ssei-v- prea-ent - a ne-w arrangemrent by thse manage- iîg was a presaesîilul to the r-irw- rsoi a-nd, wsore~ a corsage of W~tsr nk-w stsets nùt-'wt ete Ms-. i V 'daPre . sent, e x- nient. A lunch wagon now tours tise iflg president, Miss Dav-y, ývhis had n-ai1ûizsus and ssapdra-os ý l AI_ smi, 'rsý L. Whie, nous- Whty on - l u,,i ahr good iti-itrywl tbtise, pr-essed tise -grets ýof the -Boa-rd ini factory se-e-rai thuies .durlug tise 24- bee su fathu Ms-. sudrin Ms-s liaeer Barbe- andebohe'o h rie the honors. thse paissinpug) r. Nesi Colville, s-eho -hour -- orking --day to dispense efforts to carry on thse. wos-k as tpros-~ aeted -as~ igoomsman. f r and M s, dla'Mnc Bre Cand eeuer iatwsst ooe p was ~a s-ulue4 mem-nber of thse B3oard stirengheniig ,sa-ndvichE-,s anad bes-er- dent for a considerable aunsbes- of A reception a-ad Ibuffet lunsche-on a y î .au . wa a c h is -tise Pioneer- Rro>m C4urn fo ianyyer,.a-e ihowùi b ge t sngh orer~yea-rs. Tise a(-dsess was s-ead by Mrs. - was 4seld a-t thse home of thse brd' Stis-day es-e-ung. -t. fLno.M.Twr,-fr gse-atIy 'anisede for a lonlg VUs-Se to i-o-sc-etc ieea M. H. Sta-ples, a-nd Miss Dav-y wasanM-- eoadBile,-Hile- M- n r rs . sorne ml o-df -Clona .M- owr,4fr 9o--se - .\nlulleeto h idea se-as e-presenteet -witis a Lif e Membe-rship- pin s-i-de Avenue, Tor-onto. f ai -iily wits- i,. and IMs.M 0bo-e e-lofC-rk Twsp, heb- - 'Mr. Chas. B. Tyrr-eit, Se-cretary; , ssislal greeted fhy tise e-i-spIoy- by Ms-s. R. Sherwin, a-nd a flowe-sing Alter- a esor't isoeymoon the cou- -o n d M'Yersa Clarec B - o n s te ia moeetiny c,Or ws Cheai- e-es. I ha-s be-en lan operation luin e plant by Mrs.y Seymour-. ----- ple w--il take up s-esidence ou tish~4s.aa ss --ssebBrer ier acfClmmerein cfOsos--o iai-s- -hsen seadl the inu-stes -of tise least fadctorîes ths-ouglsout tise country a-net Tedntlato fts fie- orf-- fts goa~ aet aN fauily spe-at Ne-w. Year's' ese at Ms-.be fCc-esc otMadyngt, -- annual mieeting wisich$ were adoptee tise result is not only a pie-usant ta-sk The wias atin oftety Rfies. fotr cars. aftegomsprnsï e -ad Ms-s. B. Colwau%. -Jas-uas-y 13th, a-t 8 p.., lu tise Os-ange as-a. Joninestesgaas-e e-l a day' - wos-k but also tends to- 194 wî-eeoot -ter n ei tisuce nyev Lit ________ (__Mr. a-ad ifrs. Bob. Hendrhy, La-ke Hall, Orono. Ail fus-mess of thse sur-- Mro . Joihn PArmstron wane-sd-to tIeaeseficeay.den, Ms-e-. wch th- presi- ~ hrsetN- ers-wf~s~-rouading district are usiges-tiy -a-ek-- - greaterefficiecy. den, MrsLittiewood, took tise chais-. orpAe eswt Mr. do anytiig to s-aise- s--oue-y this yeas, Tise iCarter FUamiiy has be-eu ats- Sise spoke- a few woids ou the ne-w M~~~1LM~~,II -dis- - AILe Prs-lu.watl, ist ed. Te s end es thl-asiss aies-od hur- or -wotuld tisqy cas-ry- oss with tise bai- os-laeetVo ps-os-ie tisis commissasy ye-ar a-ad wosit for tise ne-w year. n isMltetB-wNwate r e-it Ms-oTn-ern, e-ands -is theiw idu-th a-ce tise-y have on hand 550w of '$43.- service 'a-nd tentative plans f-os- dis- In tise wos-ship ses-vice tise tisene cf The' Ans-sual Meeting o-f Ors-so ed .Mr. and -Mss. Wee-. Stri-ges- oves-nr cos tnOrn, ass-t wi mea-f- f is-tt 39. ise unces as-e s otl'ie-d~ a - tse-Ne-wYea'e- olidy. - cntes toOs-ee-,the ill-me-n'- g--e-a 'Y pensi-sg th uce r sotie smontis -"'F'indiuig away tissoughi Chamber e-f Commerce will be held in Ms-. anad Mss Le-s. Re-id a-ad -Ms- deal teo tise -f a-rmers Ms-. Wadde-ii thintght tisese was -not abovse. It will be conducte-d se as t<> Biýble study." Ses-ipture readiag was the Orange 'Hall o-n Mos-sday, Jas-mary A.e-dsi-hs.antM-. A Tise-y would eml-floy bgi-e1-,es-- --enuagis -s-seey on-s has-s-tVo carry ona - i-- M-s. H. WlisdMss-3t a8p..M-.T're-Vs- Rid--iNwY-s-sDy fns Septes-ber V 't1s-ess if Jas--- for 'sse--t ie-ar a-nd tisa-t tise Boars- usvers ..........-..............s........ 1.75 Litte-rool s-e-ad articles on Ds-. Mott Ontario Pioneer Bs-e-em Co-rn Coe. vil Ms-. aud Ms-s. Roy Bus-le-y, Por-t nasy, a mnartes of fs-e asotssfa-ctssy. w&s,-ld ,ia-eto rase us-eue-yA.TAil, ralfo-oi aneB-vSaleJus. - n eSalyJus addcress 'the meeting in regar teteG-anbvvst-tMsso.Mle-nad rask, a-ad w'l suiy -hast-ete- After oshdiscuse-ion it, as 'mos--fos......, ..... 75 Thse exe-cutive wýiiI arrsange tise pro- e-stablishmenst e-f a breom ce-rn indus- ýfn- ewYers a.r a ns-msish te ls--res - crop. - ' ~ byJofiAs-e-trss-, ecodeetby G Wtsoa, -as -a-ad il for gra-me for tise ne-xt mee-tisng. TIse syi iecsnuiy Eve-ryo-ne ie Mr,- a-ad Mss George 11e-nde-sson M-Tuesa ol-Ii-t-eatâst--- R~----'. Forrert-r, thsait ii fie-Id day a-nd 86'meeting elosed avitissagn a iymn urged to attend this 'meeting, pur-. a-ad famiily speat -New Ye-ar's D»a-Y for 2,00)0 acres bOcfs- e-os-. Tise et~ tises-no~s-~-e- ~ ~ C. 'B. Tys e-il, chloride of lime Î76 a-ad short psa-yer by Mss Littlelwood. ,tlculas-iy thse farmers.a-tiesse fM.aad ss.Cos vergejt-steiefanerasisl us-sse-g e-u-s-slues a- for Dr ovle ý........ 5.001 _ _ -'--' le-y.rabets n $0a-d $ 0anace -- ' - - - - - ee da-te as-s-et hý irass--seaieise ai so- ea -s uasbr' 1e-f te-'tie dte--tess aad 344 ~ L J. -issDos-tisy HollinigswOrth, Ms-. tes- aIl expeases -liase ie--a Tuhc iste gads ides ..... ................. UTEL rv andt s-s1 S.Jai-e-s Rutiserfoid, a-t M. em-npoi in uam-c a-boulet 1 e Il- tius-gis-t tisa-t tise-e W .v ar S.avîng 'ertifca Les a-ade Mss.1ollingsw-orts oes tie las-d. Tise cc>st cf tise fo-eett sowe - - ~ '-Cnt f ies- tenusg tsepa-- -nt 1 file....... c .net ...... bs-coin... 109- Miss Pcdla Ea-row, wlsoi atte-nd, e-otWfI' ýVis -shdsI ss-gg-estedc tha-t a- court Os- twso- In W1-3 G.ti W1-tson -g-a-s -aa o o V lI n U<'rruz a-iss-s-ffleboai G.vo-sI Ma-luSves- tise que- osier. . .- -. fo 3.44 Start In " b u ryNoria- si-oi 'a-t_ oso'iis u138ioat 0 -ees se- s--' tien. s-at~~ V....e- gane-.e -esypd t .69.......... prae-tisis1-gt hng for- a av - ila. l'e s-s- tise v e-s'ae cubled i-a 1939 - a-ad yen-g- as-d a-jet coulet ;,lay as s-t ReeuTtalsp ew~ail-aeh-l a-ade Vs-l-e W- ifiie ( 1940t tse trns-sse- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o -oei-i bis-" 'e tuai or hi Ms-. aaMssWes tags, s-ue--sev-i'p-e-e t wsI'isey s-re-tua- wa-s not strenuose Tlusý wâs le-ft Vo 4 5. 402 S-la-ee it -is tise pus-p)ose cf tise Gos- cf J.eslh hW. Pee ma-a- have hi so tise dliree-tc- te eaiq-ss- inato tise e-cet . ..............es-nus-Ont te hoid a- drive- for tise sale le-a-ses tise fas-s a-ad is p~aid -f-rost 75e. anet - Mrs - J. W.Srae-sent tis-y- ha-se rScive t:is- ma.is- -nr s-' 4-of ha-via- eue- oins'lc- a tise -Building Shelte-s- o f W-Sas-is-g -Certifi-ates and-t o 90) cents a-n heu-r fos- avô-k"of dthes Thi-a e-venis- a-t tse home of Ms-. a --- iil--aÔssasn14 Cio Nowv -s tise tin-e friea-ssXssto-- -' - Va-kontie le sbos-isg- ste /Os-ao Geai a-nd -Li-sber Co., St-p aFera- h--gisos-t tise kisse,- a-net possibi-y it's Vs-s-e tisa-t s-s-so a-ad- onrs tos-l-y - Tise ele-oion fV1-s-e 'disectors fo uas-blle-r ......... ........... . ...... $2 utoýhole Doiniion, a-ti Clar-ke Town- miehv -'ire te'as- oiin ie oessAscate-o -lsk-ac ntse odnopstnt- ia tria-~~~~ '-ea- Vient1 pao , i .aI. Lunii, s-oflng...... 149.48, e-s-i ha-s -beenil sg-le- ed t f vs e- (a $1.00 a- ir-rm-)Cu-iiaiIs u ie he cfMssia-a en s0 os-CÎ g pi-se- (t-' sbs le- -a CusTy-r-l, is- uso et-s'-A. T. Aluin, sa-w;iug'- posts .......6.00 slisre, IV is oniy fais- Visa-t tise matter as-e getting visa-t #ôs-s-d be a fa-bu- rsi- n-a-usyits ie as Atnd s $0a thisds- J~yea- igdi-esctos, -vr eeetdfra-AT. Aluin, ds-a-wing gra-ei shoulet be tlsosoughly undJereto cd. touswae for 4e-ily- expea-ses Vo tise- s-te-su cf tise mleeting lil be tise e-ae-g tsai---esavne-ioo a-- 2 -tiser tvvo s-taare, a-net HaIrs- asr l- "'d-sst -.. .........................- 31.0(0 I' tflsîu aieap-pe av-e-rage ma-a, but iV le- ais truè tises-e tien cf ne-w, citters for 'tise ne-w ye-. uary 13tis, wheuý M*i~e vl i- s-~~s-~s-~s-s-~~ i-e. Pat- helpfl ls-on esn s-peoplei. v- oe w-b-e -l Tisese laVese-sted piea-se plan te -t yn aitse no- '&scw-'t te- w se-lecteet fll thse vaa ftiseD De-naislt, po .......... ...... 42.0 Vali a-bouet it a-ad litetl tr e e s- n we a ses pian l) ed no ,a datte i soI trste te. tehe-e e-net cunw, a-a a-t tise the~ê' wies phow toe te eiiaos 1.0Itsei 0â hr yens- ta mae ff'ti-11c prises tise fýoll-s-n-g f-or tisse- ye-a-s-: M. Koisen, a-tgle irons . ............... 10-00 ail - scia-e who pose-ibIý is-tnten- us-s wisile ah at.Uiotntl h r ve ca-a a-id use eus- pole-s' Ilosry Vo s-epo tiaa-e cor.l oTle -r(,it ýcors-i B.ia any1th-,vnil-os100 ietat.Ufo-nae-tsl-'se B. R-. Waddeill. C. T. liler A. E, .j i--s---,lbu-- . 70 inîyhae -mo- tti e te s-e-mos-e tisee e-vil tIs-inge-. Wlîe Ms-. (lsa-s. -McNil's hersesae-e-kk grvugsca- ao-n- ienaayhg West 'fl (Ia-ls -sidCB fi-sse-l. o . olis ee-e-tet . 13.0by tise type cf argument tise-y adusecamVb-l--in- Desues--s-,ugii t-hie stabe (tif t bhrok a-cý\e it-n-ele Ms-s. ~ ~ ~ c L4 opras~ epsC . Poavers, use of cas, e-te- ý_1&00 -une-e. It's quite true tisat tise f-ar- h e u escr-- it sa-ps ai------e fbs- rec-iee anûr -o Opodons-t calo kae ' one- a-t t- -we-re eeted asau-str .W ops an....ý-~ m--i -teqatd-iVsse. We- hase wissee oui- ps-esent s-ajus-y fs-oas- tise stumtp cf tise postyess or o nthaset elev s- ondee iy J. Arme-s-o-s-, tisat -. "r«T. R. Mos-ton, s-es-st osfa-es-.'- 4.00 hoettn ts andJ a-t tise sasne Visne ds-iv-e tishs--e---n-- mie fos-r core- a-a to do.- aiat-Ms. IMIle' -nt -. V a-dell se ns--- j. Mas-Vs-a sIs-aspeîiing e-wst~ 1.4 ps-les-eh-lgetfraiatie ha-s te pe-va-le-at e-sils eut. hsnest ia Was gratulatee ons tise as-sbeta-uts-aI -hSeItar Tr 'oMlf g. 1Ce., Peuieý--n 3.1 ai-tV-e ia-t be-cause of' laci Saviug Certificates -a-net Stas-ea. RED~J CROSSi)i MEING' JPost Pe-rs,-y's la-st'--yn-s conne-il SIse-y hae bu-it-; !i-s tise pas-k tise- pue-t wj. W"ion te h-u- 000 - -ae s-Ilct a i - aiiatji ae ovés-sees of tse- 'ao-sk anad tsaV tise $674.0S A FO ~ ** .- Tise -e-g-utas montil s-ss--ets-g et folIos-uvv Ree W i E-ees- t, ai-elte -,ru -a-a-s-torie- -k. - JAAAL8L WALR EFOR LUGES LIIUI cul tise Osono Bs-lacis wavs bid la-2 I (lsi-s'- B s-M R. oV J.ý E. Jackson, shle i i--i se fITT? c,1'( -hrd- theea la- tie Osage- P"B Ar-cher an-et '(h M. -Ge-s-tba Thse lssss flujanes-at atateint Runnniig. Es-spense-s. .......$ 4.5. 02 -hisa -viii n te0 1 was re-a- lf ,_ -\I B adais-e-as-_ Bu-ilding'~' $She-te-.-..........$67,5.08 Aae-kt s-i-vcfd-epu-asINi BUTTERt ETdINW Ha Letsa tapeite ri- - s-re-r, o-f&ttI-La ere rec ila-et ex-- -~ -on tise Home Front fs-cm Daecensbes tise Onitarlo- Bs-as-s-h Tofr - us- colle-e- ss pleaty et \\vool on anet a-net a-ny pense-s:- -- - Total E-xpénditis-rs $720.... 10. 2ý2nd t- Jane-as-y 2n-d. -Ottaaa, Jais. itis-1f ea-ch lie-sson tiens a-t tise Vinme 'cf tVise Natc-a Ilan- ise cas- haskit s-a a-abee te 'get 4' tA Rcel-t- ---s-es-as $73 t~ . a-a-da-s e Vs-ee s-istage-e--pin 'Cniada a-te- on,, pcunid lese- butterI, al-trisoheti-n:ws i,a- -ss-re - ugent u!(e t- lfoisV- " h'-sis on ha-ne fs-cm 19'19-. _$7421-83 ~Total .s-..pense-a ....... $720.10 ioone is- no-a-ali Vise- a-ext'"" fou Dr.s an rea-e . Fl g-ae-Va- c\a-rd fs-gau sdap. -te 'Ilid(!fo oui sols-ie-s. sales a- " Bstsetfrts-s Cassa-dl-a-n Bank -- __ i-- nKîgsN- ear -an pessihlilits- cf a e-ebg-in VietrhnM-.11 .M-na- -scs-adaism- s- eps c- ae '4 id-Cos--s-e-ee- - - 2.66 Balance in- bak ............ ... .......$43.39 it Dos-s-ica avale e -seree --ersc-etsy --- u- i-seest v inh-d at-alts s-- i ý0-ut cai lan te- Ot-s-s-o Ceas-maindes-'i agu a-nt Ccsss-s--- poesnai for- tise avarsas-e ps-i(es-eetb te-S it. t We aensx-u iate-e--ess-nl - ~ ~ ~ .. .... -(]e---l 2li 50 es- Ha-s-sy Geore de Wolt, botis ê' a-ad ts-ade- boas-d sugcss t, hea- Dntosfaists-O-uoLObcosi-uis isss -d$-sc ib~-

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