THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1945 YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW... IF WE ARE TO SAVE OUR LATE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Thousands of Tons are Ready for Harvest Will You Lend a Hand? Food is precious--let's not waste it through lack of help! Now, in addition to our own needs, we. must also help feed' the millions of starving, people in liberated Europe. This is a tremendous task, but it can be done. IF--we all do our share. This, is the last harvesting emergency we are liable to meet this year--so let's all pitch in and do a real Job! Help will be needed from August 20th through to October 20th. Fill In coupon below and mail TODAY! FREE TRANSPORTATION be paid one way. For full season (August 20th to October 20th) transportation will be paid both ways. • MEN--Every possible man-hour MUST be • WOMEN - ___by the Min- if Education^to NEAREST RAILWAY STATION .. NEAREST BUS STOP ....................j supervised by the Y.W.C.A. r Y.M.C.A.--but y. must bring sheets and blankets. DOMINION-PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE - LABOUR - EDUCATION CRAMAHE COUNCIL McCracken&McFadyen AMBULANCE SERVICE and E. McFadyen, Erabalmer Undertaking Prices to Suit Everyone SERVICE THE BEST Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, on Friday, August 3rd, 1945, at 1.00 p.m. Members all present; Reeve T. Chapman in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and con Moved by Quinn, seconded by Heckb.ert, That this Council purchase 100 feet of 12 inch steel culvert from the Canada Ingot Iron Co.--Carried. By-lay No. 957 was duly passed, levying the annual rates of the Township of Cramahe for the year 1945. The rates were set as follows : County rate ........................ 9 mills High and Continuation School rate .................... 5 5-10 Special Public Schol rate 8 5-10 Township rate...................10 . 33 mill-l the Treas- .. $ 27.00 Total........................ Orders were drawn urer as follows : Counties Treasurer, re Lome Darling, postage Dr. B. Brintnell, B.O.H., 1944 240.50 P. A. Thompson, care of hall and park .................................. 15.50 F. Armstrong, constable............ 8.00 Edna Mutton, 1 lamb ................ 10.00 Road accounts to amount of 415.58 Council adjourned to meet the first Friday in September at 1.00 p.m. G. R. Beavis, Clerk. PLANNING STEPS UP KITCHEN COMFORT Men must eat and women must cook, even on the hottest days, and getting "all steamed up' over this state of affairs wont help at all. What will help is planning meals and cooking so as to create a minimum or kitchen heat. The coolest hours of the day be set aside for most of the baking and as much advance preparation of meals as possible. One-dish casserole meals can often be prepared ahead of time and can be re-heated over hot water to save a special heating of the oven. The tea kettle is often a source of unnecessary kitchen heat. Left boiling on the back of the stove it radiates heat and its steam doesn't help to keep the kitchen cool. With stoves other than coal or wood, making fullest use of one burner, good housekeeping practice at any time, will help keep the kitchen cool. Upper and lower parts of the double boiler may be used for simultaneous cooking and two or e vegetables can often be cooked together in one pot just as satisfactorily as they can be cooked separately. THERE POUNDS A WEEK ALLOWED UNDER NEW MEAT RATIONING Zmm vmmaw camp™ A Your bank is a link between the man in Canada who has goods and services to buy or sell, and his customers abroad. The business of your bank is not all done in dollars and cents. It renders valuable service to Canadian business in the far-off market places of the world, overcoming the obstacles of strange currencies, be they pesos or piasters, escudos or rupees. ^ Through its commercial correspondents and business connections all over the globe, your bank often has the specialized information necessary to bring buyer and seller together, no matter how far apart they live. Yoor bank is able to gather information on the reliability of foreign firms, to handle letters of credit, to arrange the complicated exchange of funds, performing an individual, intricate and inexpensive service to importers and exporters alike; This feature of Canadian banking has a direct bearing on your welfare. It has, through many years, developed the sale of Canadian goods abroad, resulting in more jobs for Canadian men and women. Tkis Advertisement is Sponsored by your Bank Brown "M" coupons in existing Canadian ration books will be used for imposed meat rationing, each coupon having value ranging from one to three pounds of meat a week depending on the type, the Prices Board announced. The board did not give a specific date for restoration of rationing made necessary by the demand for food in Europe, but noted that it had been estimated it would take two months from July 6 to have the system operation. Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced on July 6 that rationing would be reimposed. Meat rationing was dropped on Feb. 19, 1944, after being operative from May 27, 1943. The new meat ration" plan will be "basically the same" as during the previous rationing period, with these changes: 1. Meat tokens are being introduced on the basis of eight tokens for one coupon. This permits the purchase) to split the coupon and buy less meat at one time that the entire coupon 2. Fancy and canned meats an eluded in the new ration. 3. Changes have been made in coupon values of different cuts. Meats and cuts have been divided into groups for rationing purposes with values as follows : Group A (one pound a coupon)-- Includes cured back pork, sliced; back or side bacon, sliced; and cooked pork and ham. Broup B (one and one-half pounds a coupon)--Includes round beef steak; sirloin tip; veal cutlets; mutton front-quarter; whole fresh ham; smoked pork centre slices. Group C (two pounds a coupon)-- Includes beef hindquarter shank; sirloin steak; neck; veal loin; side pork, fresh; dry salt lean backs, cured; jellied meats; liver; kidney; sweet-Group D (two and one-half pounds ;r coupon) -- Includes beef short ribs; fresh veal flank; pork sausage; mutton leg cut; fresh loin pork; smoked pork jowl. Group E (three pounds a coupon)-- Includes fresh pork jowl; cured pork hock; heart. When consumer rationing is introduced the ration will be roughly two pounds a person, carcass weight," the Board said. "This is the same ration as during the previous meat rationing period, hut rationing will be more severe than before because all processed and 'fancy' meats will be included in the "Two pounds carcass weight approximates lVa pounds clear meat." Under the previous ration plan each consumer could use two coupons a week, these havirfg various values depending on the type of meat purchased. The values ranged from one-half pound a coupon for smoked and cooked meats to 1V4 pounds for such cuts as blade roasts of beef and a number of lamb and veal cuts with the bone left in. The meats remaining unrationed are beef, calf, pork and lamb brains and heads, and beef, pork and lamb tails. Poultry, game and fish, canned or fresh, will not be rationed. Meat coupons will be valid until declared invalid and will not expire as under previous rationing. GRAIN WEEVILS Insects in the granary have given considerable trouble to some North- j umberland County farmers. Agricul-1 tural Representative Ralph. Banbury has had some enquiry and points out that the best time to fight them is when the granary is empty. If any: trouble has been experienced, it is a good idea to take all grain now left in the granary out to be chopped j for feed and to thoroughly clean i every bin. In most cases, a complete spraying with coal oil in all cracks will kill J the insects. A hand sprayer such as j used for flies on cattle, and often: has a quart sealer as the container, is quite satisfactory. If this can be j done several weeks before the wheat or other new grain comes to the granary, it is all the better, as the j condition can be checked and a second spraying given if necessary. A somewhat better spray is composed of one pound of pyrethrufn insect powder added to each gallon of coal oil. It take sthis material a couple of hours to dissolve thoroughly and after being stirred up a few times the residue on the bottom may be poured on the floor as it might clog the sprayer. WHY IT CAN'T BE DONE Children's shoes cannot be made in a plant producing women's shoes because the p-ocesses, machines and ?a*ts are so different. A plant geared to makr? one type of footwear cannot conveniently be turned over to make another type. If we rebuild a world of monopoly ; nd special privilege, we face a defeat as bitter as a victory for Axis Arms.--Edgar F. Kaiser. (Stan) ROBINSON BUTCHER We are newcomers to this vicinity, but NOT "newcomers to the meat and grocery trade, and would be glad to have the privilege of serving you. Meet us in the store formerly conducted by Mr. H. J. WHITE. Phone 125, COLBORNE Keep the Apples on the Trees till harvest time • Parmone prevents pre-harvest drop--keeps the fruit on the trees--allows it to develop, ripen, colour. It lengthens the picking season--important in these days of labour shortage. One 4 oz. bottle of PARMONE Concentrate makes 100 gallons of spray. The effect is noticeable within a day or two of application. One application is usually sufficient. Order PARMONE from your local C-I-L Dealer. Spray on first signs of pre-harvest dropping^ Ask your dealer for FREE booklet on bow to spray with PARMONE Other C-t-L crop-saving specialties CRrOUTS SULFORON PSRENOX NICOTINE SULPHATE 40% BluMtana Lead Arsenate Paris Green Caleiun CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED Fertilizer (^^^^) Division HAUFAX . MONTREAL « TORONTO • CHATHAM, ONT. . WINNIPEG . NEW WESTMINSTER, I.C. Redfearn keeps Co&l keeps Redfearn ORDER YOUR COKE NOW Stove and Nut Sizes on Hand LADIES' HOSE 65c--WHITE SOCKEES LADIES' DRESSES ^- CHILDREN'S DRESSES . --V-- ENGLISH CHINA AND GLASSWARE CUPS and SAUCERS -- PLATES and NOVELTIES --V-- MEN'S WCJRK GLOVES AND SHIRTS MEN'S OVERALLS and WORK SHIRTS BOYS' COTTON PULL-OVERS GOOD ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS & VARNISHES Jas. Redfearn & Son PHONE No. 1 KING STREET COLBORNE "You Need Stores in Colborne as Much «s the Stores Need You" NEED NEW TRACTOR TIRES? COME IN AND SEE THE GOODjFYEAR THE 0-P-E-N C-E-N-T-R-E SELF-CLEANING TREAD OF THIS GREAT SURE-FOOTED TIRE MINIMIZES SLIPPAGE-SAVES TIME-SAVES FUEL! K you're eligible for tractor Are replacements (your present tires must be worn out) make sure you replace with the finest tractor tires built ; j.. . GOODYEAR SURE-GRIP. fZmm GOODBYEAR TIRE SERVICE W. J. ONYON PHONE 122 COLBORNE, Ontario