THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., SEPTEMBER 6, 1945 PACIFIC DEFENSE LINES FOR U. S. SECURITY 'KOREA <p,f Yellow]$>< wmkek'ia VbONINIS. -f tft --AVOLCANO Proposal by Gen. Henry H. Arnold for maintenance of a series of defence lines in the Pacific for U. S. security is receiving growing support in Congress. Latest proposal, by a House naval committee, would provide major fleet bases at Pearl Harbor, Guam, Saipan, Ilillo, Manus and Noumea, with a mam naval air base at Mactan Island, secondary bases, fleet anchorages and land and sea plane bases on the other islands as shown. The whole would comprise chains of security far from U. S. shores. QUISLING GOES ON TRIAL Grim faced, Vidkun Quisling, whose name is synonymous with traitor, is on trial for his life. Among crimes for which he is accused is the murder of Norwegian patriots, whose bodies were found buried in mass graves in Norway's Trandum Forest. He is shown in horror forest under close guard. CANADIAN SOLDIERS ENJOY AUSTRALIA HEAVENLY PEACE PLANE 'MACHINE GUNS' SHOOT SEEDS INTO GROUND The airplane will make easy one of the most arduous of farm jobs -- that of planting crops, according to Dr. Lytle S. Adams, Los Angeles inventor of the airmail pickup system and designer of the airplane planter shown in diagrams above. Under this plan, seed is first made into pellets with fine clay mixed with fertilizer and insect and rodent repellent. These seed "pills" would be fed by gravity from a bin in the fuselage into a rapidly rotating rimless wheel whose spokes are hollow tubes. Weight of the pellets and speed of the wheel would imbed the seed in the soil at depths satisfactory for germination, says Dr. Adams, who claims that as many as 14,545 acres could be sowed per hour. The device also can ba adjusted for row planting. The aero-sower is reported especially useful in sowing fields to sugar beets, fodder turnips, alfalfa and other pasture grasses and other products requiring no cultivation. The essential features of the system are shown on the diagram above, based on data prepared by Air Trails Pictorial Magazine. Searchlights focused on dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, threw a shadow on low hanging clouds behind it, forming in the heavens the symbol of peace seen in the striking photo above. ; ) RISE AND FALL OF JAP FLEET Start Of War Built Since Pearl Harbor Total Left At End , Of War bmtleshTpT 12 2 14 1 (Damaged) 9 6 to 8 15-17 2 (Damaged) \ 7 6 13 t LIGHT CARRIERS 19 0 10 2 (Damaged) LIGHT CRUISERS 24 4 to 5 28-29 2 Decom -missioned DESTROYERS 165 70 to 80 235-245 26 SUBMARINES 140 100 240 22 (6 German) OFFICIAL WIG v7^ Rise and fall of the Japanese fleet is shown in this chart which indicates its strength at Pearl Harbor, the number of vessels added later and the tattered remnants. Lord Jewitt, new Lord Chancellor of Britain, is pictured above, in his official regalia at the House ol Lords, London. JOIN THE THOUSANDS who drink and enjoy Max* well House Coffee. You'll love the superb Maxwell House flavor. All Purpose Grind suitable for any type of coffee maker. Judging from the smiles on these Canadian soldiers, they are having a good time "down under". Stationed in Australia as observers, they apparently believe in the old saying, "When in Rome do as the Romans do." - as evidenced by the "digger" hats as worn by Aussie soldiers. Left to right, leaning out a wnidow: S/Sgt. J. H. Laycroft, High River, Alta., S/Sgt. W. D. Duncan, Coronation Alta., and S/Sgt. C. H. Laycroft, twin brother to J. H. Laycroft. Inset: Sgt. R. McCallum, of Port Arthur, Ont., and Winnipeg. Contributed by ®&WH§ BLACK HORSE mm