Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Jul 2002, Focus, C01

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for most makes & models S C O from w ^ tp a rts Lawnmower Service We can fix it! CURRENT POWER MACHINERY INC. 1661 Lakeshore Rd. W. M ississauga (2 block e ast of Southdown < » Q 9 0 Road in Clarkson) A04A I I FOCUSJ r W 'l :i ) M S I ) . \ Y . .II I V 17 . 2 0 0 2 · ( I Official Media Sponsor SDonsor Editor: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com Lending a hand to children in need Two drops o f vaccine can prevent a child from contracting polio By W ilm a Blokhuis BEAVER FOCUS EDITOR It only takes drops to vaccinate a child against polio. Barry Howie administers polio vaccine to a small child in Nigeria. Big bike rolls in on Saturday The Big Bike for Heart & Stroke will be in town on Saturday, July 20. This bike, that seats a 29-member team of cyclists and one driver, will be touring through Oakville, as 14 differ ent groups hop aboard the big bike to cycle for heart and stroke research. The teams, and their start times are: CIBC, 9 a.m.; Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 9:30 a.m.; Nazar Family Chiropractic, 10 a.m.; TD/Canada Trust, 10:30 a.m.; Queen's Head Regulars, 11 a.m.; Arrow Electronics, 11:30 a.m.; Slice Girls, 1 p.m.; Cyence International, 1:30 p.m.; Rude Natives, 2 p.m.; Bronte Village Buccaneers, 2:30 p.m.; Oakville Golf Club, 3 p.m.; St. John's United Church, 3:30 p.m.; Olde Oakvillians, 4 p.m.; and Rotary Club of Oakville West, 4:30 p.m. "Every year we've done this there was a wedding at St. John's, so this year they decided to join us," said Paul Sneddon, Big Bike chair. The two other new teams this year are Arrow Electronics and Cyence International. All rides will start and finish at the Queen's Head Pub at 118 Dunn St., head west on Randall Street, south on Navy Street, east on Robinson Street and north on Dunn Street. Participants will cycle the route twice to complete a 4-km ride. Mayor Ann Mulvale and Town Crier Ian Burkholder will officially open the event at 8:45 a.m., in front of the pub. Trophies will be presented at 5 p.m. for the Top Fundraising Bike, Fastest Bike and the Most Fun Bike. Over the past five years, Big Bike for Heart and Stroke has raised $327,000, including $100,000 that was raised last year alone. lO-year-old boy tears at the heart of Oakville resident Barry Howie. On his last trip on behalf of Rotary to participate in a polio vaccination cam paign in Nigeria, Howie stopped at the sight of a child sitting at the door of a mud hut with a thatched roof. Today, Howie can't talk about it without tears welling up in his eyes. For him, it was seeing one too many polio victims. "Seeing this boy, just sitting there, was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. And, I've seen everything - peo ple on crutches, people in wheelchairs, and crawlers." Howie was part of a small group going into the rural areas of Nigeria to vaccinate children against polio. "The four of us are going to pay for that boy's surgery," he said, adding "by the four of us, I mean the four Rotary Clubs we represent." The Rotary Clubs of OakvilleTrafalgar, Simcoe, Ontario, Logan City, Australia, and Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, will share the cost of the boy's surgery. He will be sent to Kano, a major city in Nigeria, for the operation. "His legs are drawn up by the polio," explained Howie, a member of the Rotary Club of Oakville-Trafalgar. "The tendons will be cut behind the knees allowing the legs to drop." Then, he'll be fitted with orthopedic shoes and braces "which will be replaced as he grows," and he'll will be able to walk with canes. "Currently, he's restricted to crawl ing in the dirt," said Howie. And, all it takes is two drops of vac cine into the mouth to prevent a child from contracting polio. The two drops were placed inside the mouths of infants and children up to age five, "much to the delight" of the moth ers who brought them to the vaccination clinics, said Howie. "Mary Jane and I have seen the crawlers, polio victims literally crawl ing in the dirt, and realize that every child we vaccinate will not ever suffer from polio," said Howie, who is quick A to add that "I never do anything or go anywhere without my wife - we're a team." Mary Jane Howie is also a member of the Rotary Club of OakvilleTrafalgar. "In Togo, we heard that the fortunate ones die," he said. Polio is one of the greatest tragedies in the Third World, continued Howie, "because you lose twice. `The family loses twice. The victim can't do anything and another family member has to be assigned to assist the polio victim. That means two members of the family have to be fed and clothed - two members who can't do anything productive." When the Howies went as part of a 24-member contingent to Togo in 1999, the National Vaccination Days proved to be the single largest event in this almost unknown West African country. "Most of us who went haven't seen outbreaks of active polio since the 1960s," said Howie. In Togo, they witnessed, as part of the opening ceremony for National Vaccination Days, the `parade of the cripples,' polio victims traveling through the streets of Lome, Togo's capital city. "There were over 1,000 polio vic tims on parade, some in wheelchairs, some using hand-driven bicycles, some on crutches and the crawlers. "We were reduced to tears." Because of a lack of electricity and no modem means of communication (such as radio and television), holding a parade was the only way of adver tising National Vaccination Days and to send a message to the adults about why they should have their children immunized. "In Togo, we were restricted to the cities because of safety concerns, espe cially for the white women in our group - the men were known to kidnap and rape white women." In Togo, one million children were vaccinated. Last January, a team of 18 people led by the Howies vaccinated 37 million Nigerian children in three days. The group consisted of 16 Canadians - three from Oakville (the third was (See `Nearing' page C4) What's the word on the street this summer? "One of the sexiest shapes ever seen on an entry-level car... our report card doesn't have a category for style, vbut if it did the RX -V would get an A+." - Toronto Sun SPORT In d u d in g : · 1.5 L 4 cyl. D O H C 9 6 h p e n g in e · 5 -s p e e d m a n u a l transm ission · D u a l airbags · A lloy w h e e ls · Rear hatch w in g spoiler · Rear carg o security cover · A M /F M /C D stereo · T ilt steering · 6 0 /4 0 split fo ld in g rear seat OPTIMUM USED VEHICLES O p tim u m USED VEHICLES j^g1' Vehicles to suit all b u dge ts. 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TH E BEST W A R R A N T Y IN T H E B U SIN ESS. 5 -Y E A R /1 0 Q 0 0 0 K M C O M P R E H E N S IV E W A R R A N TY 5 -Y E A R /1 0 Q 0 0 0 K M PO W E R TR A IN W A R R A N TY 5 -Y E A R /1 0 Q 0 0 0 EXTRA CARE RO A D SID E ASSISTANCE PURCHASE FINANCING' on all 2002 models! Briar Wood 321 Lakeshore Rd.West P ecp H e, a ic & R o o ts tc tfe .O H K iM x fy ' GC 616 York Street, Oakville, 905-847-1511 www.kia.ca OAKVILLE KIA KIA Hurry in to KIA's summer savings days! O th e r lease and fin an ce o ptio ns available. See de aler fo r details. ' Leasing plans 0A C provided by Kia Canada Financial Services. Available on 2002 Sportage EX (SP54B2)/2002 Sportage (SP5412V2002 . . . . (ST55A2)/2002 . ^ r .q ^ v Spo|1 5522 ) [the lease rate o f 2.18% /2.24% /l.74% /2.71% ; and a d ow n paym ent o r trade equivalent of j. Based on 60-m onth lease at an annual annual'lease 2 .l8<M>/2.24%/l. Spectra GSX Rio RX-V Sport (RQ (R 05 52 2) (the " Featured M odels ], .... . -- - ·* * o freight, and a $350 acquisition fee, due upon delivery. Total lease o b ligation fo r th e Featured $2,50 0/$ 2,50 0 /$ l,4 9 5/$ 75 0. First m o n th 's lease pa ym ent ' op tio n to purchase at ena o f lease fo r $7,963.50/$7,363.50/$5,076.25/$4,326.25 plus n an MSRP o f $24,095/$22,095/$17,595/$14, $ 2 4 ,0 9 S /« ? -- *.................... M odels based o on . Licence, registration, insurance, PDE, fre ig h t and taxes are n o t included. JMSRP o f ^ B E f l f allow a nce (o th e r packages available) and ! appilic lica ab ble le taxes. Lease has 20,000 km /y e a r all. ^ th e F Featured e a tu rt ......................... M odels is s how n above. Licence, re gistration, insurance, POE, fre ig h t and taxes are not included in MSRP. Prices subject to change w ith o u t notice. Dealer m ay sell/lease fo r less. mg 0AC available. .fo th e 2002 Featured M odels. Purchase financing ple: $10,000 a t 0.0% purchase O the r lease and finance e te rm s and o ptio p tion nss inc ______ lu d in g 0.0% , 36-m onth purchase fin a n c ir ____________ . r_________ ______ ___________________ ,, exam r . . . n iam ount borrow ed, fin a n c in g ,, p r er ___________ju annum equals a ls $277.78 p ber e r m o nth fo r 36 m o nths; C.O.B. is $0 fo r a to ta l o'>00p`"' b lig a tio n o f $10,000. M o n th ly jfij I paym ent and cost o f b o rro w in g w ill vary depending on aym t/tra d e. e, C c e rta in restrictions m ay apply. fF eatured M o dels are n o t exactly as illustrated. See y o u r p a rticip a tin g Kia dealer fo r details. For a lim ite d tim e only. KIA is a the te rm and dow n p pa ym e n nt/trad tra de m a rk o f Kia M o to rs C orporatio n. i n www.briarwoodchev/gmcanada.com email: briarwoodchev@gmcanada.com IJ H o : 9 0 5 -2 7 8 -3 3 6 5 11 3 m p it -d H ilu cc ) Lakeshore Rd. V

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