Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 Jul 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday July 10, 2002 - A 7 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Iroquois Ridge North was taken by surprise Re: Editorial "Shelter deserves fair hearing" Oakville Beaver, June 21. I have two issues regarding the Salvation Army Lighthouse Shelter: 1. the process 2. the specific site location next to a park, community recreation centre and high school with daycare facilities. The editorial of June 21 indicated "Clearly there is a lot of anger, mistrust, fear and preju dice surrounding this proposal." The reason for this anger is the community was taken by complete surprise by the need for such a facility -- not to mention the specific site location. There was absolutely no consulta tion with community residents prior to a site being selected for the Salvation Army Lighthouse Shelter in Iroquois Ridge. Residents are m ind-boggled about the choice of location for this facility next to a park, community centre, and high school with daycare facilities. The Iroquois Ridge Residential community feels bushwhacked and the residents are angry and frustrated that we are involved apparently after the fact vs. before. The brouhaha surrounding this issue was entirely preventable had the Mayor, Councillors Franklin and Wright and Salvation Army representatives engaged the Iroquois Ridge Community and, possibly, other area residential communities in a dialogue regard ing the need for this type of facility in north Oakville, and asked for input regarding site location up front instead of thrusting the hostel and its highly-controversial location next to indoor/outdoor facilities geared towards young children upon Iroquois Ridge residents. Who will be served by the facility with a 40-bed facility. (Salvation Army Lighthouse Shelter)? I believe as our town develops, so does the The Salvation Army received a grant need to provide social services such as emer (http:Avww.region.halton.on.ca/SCS/scpi/lstca gency and transition shelters, group homes, etc. llrevised.pdf) "to assist in the construction and I believe these facilities can be successfully renovation of a facility that will house 40 emer integrated into communities, but the critical gency and transitional beds for adult singles, success factor is involvement of community families with no children, and youth (15-18); 20 residents at the beginning of the process. beds will be for emergency use and 16 for tran Iroquois Ridge residents clearly are concerned about their children's safety and do not support sitional housing. The facility will be located in Oakville. this type of facility next to a park, community Support services, counselling and referrals will recreation centre, and high school with daycare also be offered on the premises." facilities. After reading The Journey Home The Salvation Army was one of 20 Halton Halton Region Community Plan on community partners who contributed to the Homelessness, I believe the Iroquois Ridge Halton Region Community Plan on parents' concerns are substantiated. Homelessness called The Journey Home. In a democracy, public consultation is the This plan can be found on the Halton Region essence of good government and representative Web site and is a must read for any Iroquois government, and the Mayor and Councillors, in Ridge Community resident who is concerned particular, Councillors Franklin & Wright, will about the location of this facility next to a park, do well to remember this. community centre, school and daycare. LIN DA LANE The report repeatedly indicates, "People with serious mental illness con tinue to form a significant group within the homeless population." Is y o u r Supporting documentation to The Journey Home includes b a d h a ir d a y interviews with homeless resi g o i n g i n t o m o n th dents with psychiatric disabili ties that include four individuals n u m b e r 3 y e t? ! ? ! ? ! referred into the community due to availability of housing sup Athena D ear A thena, ports in Halton. I re a d yo u r c o lu m n last w eek a n d I 'm afraid I Clearly, the new Salvation d id n 't q u ite u n d e rsta n d . W hen you said to "try Army Lighthouse Shelter can cool o r n e u tra l co lo u rs" o r "try a w arm c o lo u r in expand on its ability to accept a d a rk e r level", w hat d o es all o f th a t m ean? referred non-Halton residents -In q u irin g M ind M a c D o n a ld * S w a n Li t i gati on Counsel L L P Personal Injury Litigation Insurance Litigation Free initial 1 /2 hour consultation CORNWALL BUSINESS CENTRE 1540 Cornwall, Suite 106, Oakville (across from Maplegrove Mall) Q.E.W. 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -3 8 3 8 w w w .m a c d o n a ld a n d s w a n .c o m A Cornwall WE OUR MAKE #1 YOU PRIORITY. Second room at 50% off the Summer Options rate for kids under 18 Upgrade to Club Accommodation or Junior Suite (if available) PART I - `COLOURS' Former Oakville Hydro building good for shelter The following is an open letter to M ayor Ann Mulvale and area media outlets. I am now perplexed and confused as to why the town of Oakville is refusing to accommodate the Salvation Army's Lighthouse project on its ideal site on Lyons Lane. It seems to me that this location is better in meeting the needs that are required for a homeless institution: · This location is close to the Go train which is the hub of the Oakville Transit System as well as the Go Train and Go Bus Station. · The amenities such as food shop ping (No Frills), a 24-hour health clinic, an employment agency (Appleone) and hospital (Oakville -Trafalgar) are in close proximity to this site. Why is the Town refusing to accom modate the Salvation Army on its origi nal site? As you are aware the 8th Line site does not meet any of the above needs. Please give this site proper considera tion. A N N A & HANS PAFFRATH D ear In q u irin g M ind, T h a t is a fabulous question! Please let m e explain. All co lo u rs are d e sc rib e d as e ith e r cool o r w arm . C ool co lo u rs are y o u r violets, blues a n d g reens. T hey a re m o re com m only know n as ash, sm okey a n d p la tin u m colours. W arm co lo u rs are th e reds, o ran g es a n d yellows, also re fe rre d to as gold a n d c o p p e r colours. N eu tra l co lo u rs are co lo u rs anybody can w ear because they c o n tain an even a m o u n t o f b o th cool a n d w arm colours. I h o p e th a t helped! -A thena What more would you want from a hotel, if you had the Option? Why not pick up an additional 2,000 Priority Club points? It's just one o f the Summer Options available at the Crowne Plaza Ottawa Hotel. Stay before September 2,2002, and enjoy any one o f the options listed above* - as well as everyday family perks like our indoor pool, Priority Club Rewards and half-price meal deals for kids under 12. (Kids under 6 eat free!) Next Week... PART II - `LEVELS' I t' s time to experience, Colours by Athena S A G I O H A IR S T Y L IS T S 300 RA N D ALL S T R E E T OAKVILLE Downtown Ottawa - from just $139 per night! w w w .crow neottaw a.ca 1.800.2CR0WNE E -m a il: c ro w n e p la z a o tta w a @ c h ip re it.c o m OTTAWA (905) 845-5321 ·O ffe rv a lidu n til S e p te m b e r2 ,2 0 0 2 .R a te sa rep e rro o m ,p e rn ig h t, sin g leo rd o u b leo c c u p a n c y .L im ite dn u m b e r o fro o m sa v a ila b le .B re a k fa st fo rtw op e rn ig h tp a id .M u st b eP rio rityC lu bR e w a rd sm e m b e rtore c e iv ep o in tso r fre q u e n t fly e rm ile s. O th e rre stric tio n sm a ya p p ly . A T H E N A £(tK« 4 C a ll F o r N o m in a tio n s D e a d l i n e : J u l y 1 5 /0 2 to N o m in a te Your source for w ee k l y c o m m u n i t y news, local sports coverage, travel i n f o r m a t i o n , and business matters. R ecogn izin g Leaders & M entors T h e A T H E N A A w ard is p re sen te d to an in d iv id u a l, m a n or w o m a n , w h o has d e m o n s tr a te d e x c e lle n c e in th eir p r o fe s s io n , has d e v o te d tim e a n d e n e r g y to th eir c o m m u n it y in a m e a n in g fu l w a y a n d , m o s t esp ecially, has g e n e r o u s ly a ssisted w o m e n in a tta in in g th e ir fu ll p o te n tia l. A T H E N A r e c ip ie n ts m u s t m e e t e a c h o f th r e e s p e c if ic c r ite r ia . T h e y m u st: M e n t o r w o m e n in r e a c h in g th e ir f u ll le a d e r s h ip p o t e n t ia l. > D e m o n s t r a t e e x c e lle n c e , c r e a tiv ity , a n d in it ia t iv e in th e ir b u s in e s s o r p r o f e s s io n . P r o v id e v a lu a b le s e r v ic e b y d e v o t in g t im e a n d e n e r g y to im p r o v e th e q u a lit y o f life fo r o th e r s in th e c o m m u n it y . N o m in a tio n fo r m s no w a v a ila b le a t T he C h a m b er o f C om m erce iRJ R.CE royal b a n k T H EO A K V I L L EBEM

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