Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 8 May 2002, C1

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B U LK BAG SO IL rsrjv nr^rjRri -re 1 i O a k v ille ' W a ie r fr o n t F e tttv d L " Get the Facts. Find out about the choices itprovides. " Glen Oaks M e m o r ia l G a rd e n s 3164 9th L ine, O akville Call 257-1100 Official Media Sponsor Editor: Wilma Blokhuis Phone: 905-845-3824 (ext. 250) Fax: 905-337-5567 e-mail: blokhuis@haltonsearch.com W E D N E S D A Y . M A Y S . 2 (X > 2 · P c i g e C l Ruby Rockettes paint the town red in Chicago Shenanigans, a High Tea and a banquet -- all of which required very unconven tional purple and red fashions. The convention was also ripe Oakville's Marg `Sparky' with inspirational speakers like Bartlett lit up Chicago recently at Alyce Comyn-Selby, who drove a the first annual convention of the bright purple Bugatti with red Red Hat Society. wheels from Portland to the con Last year, Bartlett founded ference. Attendees heard about Oakville's Red Hat chapter, the being true to yourself, the value of Ruby Rockettes -- the third friends and the value of having Canadian Red Hat chapter -- and fun, playing and laughing. was among a trio of Oakville mem Another attendee, Dr. Pauline bers to venture to Chicago April 18Abbott, director of the Institute of 21 . Gerontology at California State She was joined by Shirley University wants to work with the Hayton and Donna Galameau, both Red Hat Society members to of Oakville. study women over age 50. Stateside, the Oakville trio and Rilyn Gipson of the University two women from Winnipeg, made of Cincinnati is actually writing up the Canadian contingent at the her thesis on the society. Paint the Town Red -- Chicago The Red Hat Society has 2002 convention that drew 450 passed the 2,900 chapters mark in from Florida and California to the U.S., with another 50 chapters Michigan. in Canada, said Bartlett. Here's how it works. The concept is spreading like The Red Hat Society was found ed when Californian Sue Ellen Marg `Sparky' Bartlett, wearing her `morning weeds. The Red Hat Society is gov Cooper donned a floppy red hat and face,' says `Good M orning' to 87-year-old Dottie erned by its founder, Cooper, purple outfit to celebrate her 54th Heitz of California at a Pajama Breakfast. w ho's exalted Queen Mother. birthday. Meanwhile the Red Hat Society is all She's aided by a `Prinsis,' and a viceThe words of Jenny Joseph's poem, Warning -- "When I am an old woman, about losing inhibitions, being sponta president whose title is `President of Vice,' as well as numerous others like I shall wear purple, with a red hat that neous and having a riot. And that's just what went down in `Lady Lavender' and `Dame Scarlett.' doesn't go and doesn't suit me" -- fit Besides having fun, being a Ruby like a glove and the Red Hat Society Chicago, with Bartlett and her Oakville pals leading the parade down Michigan Rockette is a fun hobby for Bartlett who came to be. collects purple and red fashions -- the Members must be female and over 50 Avenue and to the Chicago Westin. Besides trolley rides along Michigan more garish and tacky, the better -- as -- though those 45 to 50 are allowed in, but must wear pink hats. Those who are Avenue and a Pajama Breakfast, the con well as accessories like light-up neck ference featured a Showcase of laces, jewel boxes, shoes, not to mention younger need not apply. OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF By Angela Blackburn "They're still trying to be perfect, do the right thing and please people," said Bartlett. Representing Oakville at the recent Red Hat Society convention in Chicago are, from left, M arg `Sparky' Bartlett, Donna Galarneau and Shirley Hayton o f the Ruby Rockettes. red hats. Bartlett made a point of spreading the red-and-white that's symbolic of Canada around at the convention, too. She often wore a Roots Canada hat with her purple outfit and handed out Canada pins. "I've always played. This is a little bit more outrageous, but I believe in the need to play, to keep young." The Oakville Red Hat looked to a message she learned from a convention speaker -- reactions to life's events require either a `so what' or `now what' response. Bartlett quotes, "Life is measured not by the number of breaths you take, but the number of moments that take your breath away." Here at home, being a Ruby Rockette is all about being spontaneous. It's meant participating in the MS Society annual fundraising walk and participat ing in the Oakville Santa Claus parade, and doing frivolous stuff like mini-putt and going bowling just for fun. Some Red Hatters at the convention were over 80 years old like Californian Dottie Heitz, 87. Others were mother/daughter teams. They hailed from Florida, Texas, California, Michigan and Missouri. "It's the face of the new maturing. The energy there was electric," said Bartlett. Sally Armstrong to speak about Afghanistan women Human rights activist and awardwinning author Sally Armstrong will speak at the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW ) Oakville's annual meeting. The event will be held at the Oakville G olf Club on Monday as Armstrong is set to take the stage to talk about `The Way Forw ard' for the women of Afghanistan. Refreshments and socializing begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Armstrong has covered many issues ranging from Bangladesh to the human rights catastrophe for women in Afghanistan. Eva: Witness fo r Women, a pro foundly moving story of a Croatian woman who was gang-raped in the Balkan region, won Armstrong a Gold Award from the National Magazine Awards Foundation and the Author's Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Letters. Armstrong is currently the editor-atlarge of Chatelaine magazine and recently penned an article about the heroic efforts of Dr. Sima Samar who defied the Taliban regime by her wits and who is now one of Afghanistan's deputy prime ministers and is in charge of Women's Affairs. Not only does Armstrong write mov ing and thought-provoking articles, but she also co-produces and hosts several documentaries including Broken Trust: The Tragedy o f Child Abuse ; For Our Sisters, For Our Daughters: Equality Eve; and, Keys o f Our Own, winner of the Golden Maple Leaf Award. Armstrong's enormous talent, moti vated by humanitarian concerns has resulted in numerous awards. In 1996, the writer-editor was hon oured by the YMCA of Toronto with the prestigious Women of Distinction Award in Communications. In 1997, she received the Achievement Award for Women from Jewish Women International. In 1998, she was honoured with Media Watch's Dodi Robb Award and The Order of Canada. As Chatelaine's editor-at-large, Armstrong has also received an Amnesty International Award for her investigation of honour killings in the Middle East. Sally's new book. Veiled Threat: The Women o f Afghanistan, an account of the women of Afghanistan and their struggle, will be released this month. The CFUW-Oakville welcomes all female university graduates as potential members. For more information call Sarah Sims at 905-815-1130. Sally Armstrong FU R STORAGE · The Body Shaping Fitness Studio For Women. COMPETITIVE RATES & EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE · Dirk Gebhardt Maria Kinlough FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY VAULTS ON PREMISES 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT · Ofappy Mother's (Day! M a r i a a n d D i r k h a v e c r e a t e d O a k v i l l e 's m o s t u n iq u e fitn e s s s tu d io f o r W o m e n . you are cordially invited to tour the Studio I t is a lo v ely p la c e to ex ercise y o u r fitn e s s d re a m s . Y o u w ill e x p e rie n c e a 1 0 ,0 0 0 sq . f t. s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t e n v ir o n m e n t in c lu d in g th e v e ry b e s t e q u ip m e n t, e x c e lle n t c h ild m in d in g , a v a rie ty o f classes, h o t tu b , s a u n a , m a k e - u p v a n itie s, p riv a te sh o w e rs, c a rd io th e a tre , p e r s o n a l tr a in in g , m a s s a g e th e ra p y , w e ig h t lo ss m a n a g e m e n t a n d lo ts o f fre e p a r k in g . Y o u w ill n e v e r b e p r e s s u r e d i n to b e c o m in g a m e m b e r a n d n o o n e w ill c a ll y o u a f te r y o u r v isit. T h e d e c is io n is y o u rs! I f y o u c h o o s e t o jo in u s y o u w ill receive a ll th e a s s is ta n c e t h a t y o u n e e d . T h e r e are six k in e s io lo g is ts , tw o r e g is te r e d m a ssa g e th e r a p is ts , a h o lis tic n u t r i t i o n i s t a n d n u m e r o u s s u p p o r t s t a f f t o h e lp y o u a ch ie v e y o u r g o a ls. W e b e lie v e t h a t fitn e s s s h o u ld b e f u n a n d stre s s free. P le a s e c a ll t o b o o k a n a p p o i n t m e n t t o see f o r y o u r s e lf w h y th e S t u d i o w as v o te d b e s t fitn e s s fa c ility in O a k v ille . D ia m o n d A w a rd W in n e r fo r FREE 9-POINT INSPECTION & ESTIMATE 10% DISCOUNT BY PRE PAYING YOUR · CLEANING · REPAIRS · RESTYLING (all work done on premises) · A FAMILY BUSINESS FOR 6 GENERATIONS SINCE 1815 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -2 0 3 1 Celebrating our 51st year in Oakville O a k v i l l e 's B e s t F i t n e s s F a c i l i t y . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p le a s e c a ll ( 9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 - 1 9 1 9 cr Located in Beautiful Downtown Oakville 209 Lakeshore Road East (905) 845-2031 1 8 3 L a k e sh o re R o a d W e st, O a k v ille , O n ta r io L 6 K 1E 7 (Ju st E a s t o f D o rv a l) w w w .b o d y s h a p in g s tu d io .c o m

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