Communicator ceases publication as independe ALBERT w The Commiuiity Com. , m. a turn-yearold weekly newspaper baud m Albert. has ceased publhlung. David Pryer. the a pubihhe of the lively country tabloid, and .c conditicrn made contituiation of the business He said he W with a specific portion of the government's oil prom policy but not become it mean a jump in con to coeumes "I don't think order their proposals they had sufficient control to manap the monies going to the oil companie." said Comicillor Taylor - "1he purpooeof it was for exploration but. as I read it. this wasn't tied down silficiently " stil'ltARItl-ZT - Taylor. regional . andthetown's chairman. said week's federal was "correct in e wee some which I don't I concur with." he a defeat of the ressive Con- uve government not be blamed on. W I NEWMARKET TOWN HALL BRIEFS n'HARKET - A proposal to subsidze minor indyouthgrouptntownwill likelybeportof t s IN Iliad. Iiyor Ray Twimiey seit a lette to numerous puipaintownaibehslofcoimcil. Heaskedif gap. includii' minor hockey. boy scouts and .. _woiddbesefitfromaltalnadsubsidy_ his Hall prmmtod the overwhelming results to - Honey. sayii the plan waild coat taxpayers new Council was ready to submit the proposal - tdiscinaiosnwheiRegionalCouncillorTom suggested that churdi youth m may aho . - o in the wcgram. Ii matte has now been reiered to the town's . committee site which it will likely be to budget o on me: wens (not received a petititm Monday from the -- ottOhoimdsoleonAshtcn Rd. Hewlett Dr. yneDr objecungtotlnnewhnrwtinginthat Mayor Ray Ninney little more tum tie petition was WC. Runciman of as Dr.whosaid. "Wehavendyotflnishadtm partoftizpeitlei. bdmthereatofthecom- vehichisorwilibeaffectedbythechai'einthe Otthehomevisitedatleast lspeceitweenot ' to the route be'ng chatted to 1.DaVis Dr . -Rd . and Wayne Dr" Intuit chiei Dave Kewin said the current routing imved at afte carelul comultaticn with a tative tren the [rovincial Mimtry of aid Commum cation. He said he {cold the nite h idditiai to tie complaints. Mr Runciman that 75 per cent of the reideots polled i stopat Davis Dr and Ashton Rd and a less t service He also said " almost everyone idirect lineupanddownDavis Dr " WILL serum: TREES legional Councillor Iom Taylor announced ythatadeveloperwillrwlaceastandof 15 trees ripped out in SuhdiVisiai 352 east of the W t 'u illor Taylor said fully mature maple will ~ those let thirim comtructicn AL'RORATOPLAN CENTENNIAL TREE . ll learned htonday that the town at Aurora ted an inteeat in planting a tree in town to i te Nev/market's centeirs'al tis's summer PARTING HIE WATERS? o e Constable. chairman of the property not for Trinity Uiutod Church. informed llontmy that the baaerneit d the church at tile St is hem ooded. t lette to cotmcil. Mr. Camtahie si geted the Moe bete drainage to the Holland River ' matte was refered to the town's emineerim ttee DON'T WALK RUN ' ter of Tramport and Commimicatiorl James P" heart-tin news to pedetriain braving the too at Yup St. and Davis Dr. I lette to council llr. Snow said pemanent 'ouldsoonbeatfisedatthe intersectionand m aid Mine waild be given more to make tbir move. saledtheaswqapsrto another area publhlmr (not Inlad Mg Ca. IanutedHelleevealwoaksMad rm was takmoverbyths OntarioWoakly Newspapes AssociationtOWNAt.towhom itowodmomy. Tb UWNAsubemeitiysoidlttothemSimcoeAd- ewmarket budget chief backs rinciple behind Crosbie budget vehemeit in his attack on the tederal taidget and said Joe Clark's peera- rnent had "snowed" the niblic The mayor attacked the fedeal govenmmt's otl critics volley urine. "This is how tiny fooled thepeople lheysaid they broi ht out an is cent a gallon tax when in fact they brot'ht out a in cent a gallon tax on msoiine. " According to the mayor. achai e in sales tax policy from unit taxation to pecentage taxation accounted for the addition is casts. and consumers were blaming gas station opeatcrs But it was . not us price. wis'ch brought the government down. said die mayor. In my eyes the government has been irreptsnible. said layer Twinney. s goveriunent didn't know what was going on. As the otficial they hist weren't doll; their lumework. "Whottheydidagain is lit the little guy. the my whosmokeaordrinks a pint ct bee or a dict of wlsakey. They let us on gasoline. They gave us a loiny ms creiit on ois' home and they took away It!) on the other things. Who are they tryiq to kid?" The mayor is still codldmt York-Peel will renain a Ce-evative Former EC. reeve dies at 84 By VIOLAGILLION Mount Albert bid farewell to one at its senior citizens and for. mer merchants when funeral serVices were held Ie Kenneth scotty' Ross on Wed. Dec, 12. He died Doc. 10. Except for a low years in Barrie. Ir. Rom lived his life in Mount Albert Born in I . he was the eldet oi a family at 15. In mo he married Ida Peafold. who predecased him in ms, His role in the business and political fields had a part in the lustory and growth at Wont Albet. In the early It's he took over the Ross General Store (now the IGA i.i.atehebuiltan Esso service station (now Pcuisen Garage) from which he operated a litassey Hams Agency was a COlllCllltl' for the Township of East Gwillimbury. In tilts he was deputy Reeve and from I to ISO reeve An avid gardener. Mr Ross was a past president of the cunt Albert Horticultural Society. Mr. Ross served in World War I riding a doction. "Iamaotaqis'tht became Joe Chi-h h in in February's sevative mmnbe is in trinible."hesdd. Ilium that our Conservative mmnbe h m b have lode-idlinde the ardhCiark vmo the some as Jen Rebels ind to timid m John Robets was on defeated here by the Comevative mmnbe but by the anti~Trudoau m bl Last Friday. after a year-long wait with many delays. unhaoki! overhead wires sothe building could pass. It took the old Bogarttowa school I Sutton Rd. VII Dev to over five hours before it thiaily arrived at the Whitchurcli- Stouffville museum site in Vandorf. Nest week the con- tractor will remove the old fimndatiou and level the site as well as prepare the new site fe the school. They will build detouring tratfic as the buildhg. erected h issi. slowly the tot-Mattel rt-s the winter with the Meet at hut-s travelled slug Don Mills Rd. Bell Canada workers and the building completely finished and ready for museum me OntarioHydroerewswereaisooathesceael tingor Centennial budget kept under wraps Vaadorf to make way for the new Hwy. set. It took the contractor Michael Wade d Stouffville and hi workers approximately a month to prepare the its too bullhg for me move York Re anai Pdlce were out in full force NEWMARKET Councillor Doris Blair The Centennial budget town said the chairman of the Cen- tennial Committee. Centennial code are reportedly more lhan 5.000. a substantial jump from the estimate put on the celebrations by layer Ray Mnney last year. Councillor Blair is not is a separate Met within the In Third Section C mdmwwwunmm taiiy-riuia-sm-wmauo Whmu-tbmmm Mummers-summarise wmthMJu-msn- podmtio & family wil My rush in tb I Ahet lr. Prye.m thtes M. mmmhmmuq Wtommmmthlmulietarmhrooam m m mah bpeal Memo! " prapewmm-ddh Ihrm as a nigh- ummmwmmn ymu mm ygsi "Wewmjeyodlthtitwasahtdhrd walk."saidDavePrye. malstd Them-dam... WOW hardhoinsJoddomspuaaovdmathe." _iz.Mcammtrosto m thlhmbm-yand V Georgi-Mulrockarmmdmrtotm- thsriqmws-msometimmoudodaadrmetod M -M0~~Mbm Mia-3y - ._ adhaewbcantrhmdtoimehmmmlarly a I -~~. nnyshewodin poopieroohy adapmwemsewhtweweedoiq." Lad woe. Geruiow p coiincil me e Hodmelndhewahealqwehtyl ys model's w." mmmrcirulatimare mmwmmuwuu IradlrsPryeddmomdmewm kmth "all AsshsdDovePryesoidrocmtiy 1wamte him clayalraodesiethdrsimportovortb yoms whomadeitallwe Heahapaidatrhsetothenewapape'sm-y mws ennui-unassuurmumim Wummmmhaaupam ~w**-mmm Amyoemwmpeveeaawhabmaalmcsroe loaditaliiatothsiru-uckandeivethessmilmio trouble that on Can- maaanrmtieehthlruhimandwekodasan Mimwmmw igw-dmm. Georgina asked to help troubled Red Barn GIORGINA - reported in council Mythm'eha wey realp lity'W'bRel Barn Theatre may not opmnestyoar. He adad M MUSEUM ON THE MOVE t-smith tar-It to tumuaJ heRedBarn unless an cutsideproihicerisfcimd bytheiSAFtotakeover dielmheSImcoeArtsmaycloae Foundations. that crease the theatre. on obtaining grants from goveumtagmicios its operational costs. alarmed W. and said get sacs from a certain councillor. evcntandthen it could be souveiir programs and by the Town will be imed m'ChmphM could be to hold a centennial C(mveaeiy. said the higher than expected picnic Impaired driver at mall jailed nine months, is fined $1,000 lastweek."Withbuibat.l thinktheleasaidaboutit the bette. at lee initii more is firmed in." There's no acne in settins costs that up about it. said the councillor. Let them take it when it come out int final form. eveits. she said. a only etimote now. We coidd say we re goii to by May. rained medallions NEWMARKET Citizen complaints to police about an impaired vehicle Mall led to the arret and conviaion oi a 49 - year ~ old Ccakstown man last week. Clifford Chinnery was sentenced to tune on Sept 20 mmti l in jail by JuQe nowforsuchapro sce said. "in my in- tepetatiamtwciddbea saddaytoseetbedmn'me ThemAFhasbeei or 11,. lookii fcrsevealweeks sales of Any revenue collected 8 M Harm for driVIng-a w h l l e disqualified. He was also had several 0 (mod SUI!) or seiteiced convtaions for alcohol 7 ( at u U an . to 30 days for failim to take a breathalize teat . Chinnery. in passing M ' mm" 9" : seiteice. that he should take treatmeit alcohol rdated offeice guilty to both counts. is by York wanal Police Coimcille Iciieon wup out Councillor Jim Philips said he ayoad witthimciIlor Holman M 3" andpointedcut"itiscne NEWIARKET and eitrie last week that is sure to spoil the Qwimmas hoiiday for its Victims At the homes of Ernest Spencer and Theodore Strclenbeg in Sutton. someone at- tempted to force eitry through sliding glass doors. and at the Staten home ct Barry Denes a rear the was pried in an attempt to enter the pren'ne Codi was renoved from an open safe at the Canoco Gas Bar in Kewick. ale; with a satchel containing recore and receipts. A mmmmm we forced in that m ciht. In Kewick, a florist shop suffered damage whet someone tried to break in by imii a key which broke in the lock and then breaking a window on the premise A Georgina island youth has been charged with the break and entry at a Georgina cottage on Nov 7 An archery se. (cod and liquor were removed Denedc Chippetta. is. of Tcrbnto has been chargedwith "recounts at break. eitry and theft in connection with two break and entries at the Lake Simcoe Lumber Co Tools. silver and Sill) cash were taken in that raid. and at the Sutton High School son and two were removed. In other parts of the rqion. break and entries were also recorded last week A quantity of an lique and a canoe were taken from a born on the premises of Margaret lmrkin. Cone 2. King Mtrray told the court To'mmp that Mr Chinnery has Cash totalling :24? preVious and charge card receipts valued at 3550 were removed Irom an unlocked office at Kim Sports in the King City Plaza At Kim City Hard- ware. m in cash was takei from a briefcase Judp Harris told Mr for an problem and mummy, oithelastreasomfor Visitors to come to Jacknn'stnt" Several local him eiwillsilferif it is closed he adhd Thieves spoil victims holidays kept in a storage room A man has been charged in connection withabreakandentry at the Aurora Iedical Centre Pharmacy last week. Police say that someone who had bomi searching for narcotics cut his hands while m a window Tic man was oboeved by a polioectficerwhomam. the arrest Paul Ernest let- calie. II. of Oak W will appear in Provmcial' Coin-t tins week A 17-year-old Kimston youth and ins pivenile girl friend have been charged in con nectiei withabreaka'n at the Keswick home of Sear P ice report that preemption M w m m l P. move away in Mr Sear car In Drillia. a youm man and a girl were in volved in the theft at gasolinewtach resultedin a high speed chase by the ()PP's ()rillia detach. merit The Sear veiicle was demolished in the chase Car rolls, one dead. second hurt HULLANI) LAN DING A Holland Landing man died as the result oi an accident here last weekeid and his frieid suffered injuries aite their vehicle went out of control Police reported that Ridiard R Dale was (boring a car southbound on the Toll Rd at high speed when the vehicle swerved to the south bouid shoulder of the road and collided with the rear of a tractor trailer The car then crossed the road again and rolled down an embankment into a swamp Mr Dale was pronounced dead on arrival at the York County Hospital. Newmarket. and passeiger Wayne King of Holland Landing was treated for injurie and late released Book publishing: If I d known-wouldn t have started task of indeiting all plant ensured an t market l hadn't realized that its statement ( harlottc is already It) MARLA FLETCHER Era newse e KE I'I'LEBY u "lly heband )3 he'll divorce me if I write other laighs Oiarlotte El"disco-Brown. but she share tr feelings beiind the wort The comment follows the Ntcation tiu's fall of the Hot by author's second book. Use t Plants for the Past son Years '9 stories Charlotte tells about l" attempts to enter the mtdian book publishing ct on a small scale are W. they offer I stern l "mtng to others who may he Idering such a move The book was seven years in making. and a ' ' linvestment of IO. -- Including any cost for lless hoes of labor u and Outhor must sell more than t'opieoithe book before me . any money q theproject. The book term sevei years '11. as it was pm im- rable work." Charlotte states "This last two years was yust terrible I never saw anyone I Just worked all day and then I'd fall asleep and dream up new kinds of plants and worry about how I was gomg to catalogue them I told my friends not to call me. became you yust can't interrupt your concentration when you're dotng that kind oi detailed cross referencing." The book is well worth its seven years of toil it is Canada s first detailed look at the uses and varieties of indigenous plants. and it is a lesson in Canadian history too. Along with botanical descriptions and use tor each plant. there is a oomprehensive iustorical look at its use There are original Indian dye recipes authorities are quoted from the original source. and where there has been a con ict of opinion or a scientific study that has been done on a specific plant, that is in there." the author comments "I got a whole new per spective on Canadian history while I was dou this book. because about one-third of the book is my translations from French documents and works. and the French sources Just hadn t been touched l un derstand now how neglected I'd feel it I were a young French ( anadian reading Canadian history today " ( harlottc relates that the nightmare of publishing came to a head when the book was finally getting set for publication from last May to September Whileone section oi the book-as being set. Charlotte and her himband were busily llnllhll next section for printing. Her timid offered "tremendom swi".Oiarlotte says. and took on tie ilienviable descriptions and references in the book when final page num bers were ready She states the decision was made to publish the book and distribute it herself "because ll became apparent that not one Canadian publisher would handle it They re only carrying big masssale books, and they sell them through mayor chain stores "' ( harlotte states she got sucked into" ng this book because her fi book. Herbs in Ontario. had also been a self published paperback herb guide that had been easily produced in a matter of mmtlm that book has now sold moo copies across the country She states she had had no hesitation about un~ dertaking. that book because her long-standing interest in herbs had proved that there was no Canadian herb guide on the market Contact with others interested in the subject had also A son market is an essential tor those attempting to try book publishing in this country on a small scale. warns ( harlotte "\ou could get y'ourselt very badly burnt if you didn t know you had a market. because it s an awtul risk " Money for research. initial writing. printirg and distribution are upfront. and may not be recovered for months or even years after the book is on the market ( harlotte also states that a would be publisher must be ready for a tremendous workload and plenty of technical problems. errors and extra cost during the production of his masterpiece In her case. inexperience and problems in technical production led to considerable wastage in printing she had wanted a bright. burnt orange cover for the paperback edition. so that those usingthebookasaguideinthe field wouldn't easily lost the trunk one color that is very rare in book publishing The cover is in a new washable. plastic-coated material that won't crack and at first the color wouldn't stick It yust aked oil. and they had to throw away more than 2.6!!) covers before they found the right mix " Another problem arose in the printim oi the hardcover edition. which is bound in washable. beige buckram fabric (In that fabric, more covers were wasted when the brown ink let tering woulthi t stick on initial attempts "I'd had no idea ll would be like this. that it even could be like this." tile exhausted author reveals I m a monastic Me for the past year The home was a mess. the gardei was a mess. my htmband did all the shopping and we never went out anywhere It they'd told me it would be this way I jimt woulmi t have done it " You can m e that last keeping her tour card file indexes up to date for an eventual up dating of the book. here is the market for a hook on plants and their uses Sales have netted sum in two months. and ( harlotte states the hook is dong very well in campus bookstores across the country The book is an obvious rcierencc tool for botanists and others interested in plants. and the author states it may well prove valuable to historians. French t anadians and Indians Ior its considerable authentic historical detail l'ses of Plants for the Past .500 Years is available Irom local bookstores and health food stores. from Harrowsmith Magazine s booklist. and from several Hetropolitan Toronto bookstores and campus bodkstoresacroasthecoinitry It is distributed by the mdhor's Breezy Creeks Pres of ma; coat is lit tor plies-hack and $24 so in hardcover