up Pant Pit crew 6- 1 Attora Minor Hoche) Aaaomatmr action Steve Dixon slammed In three goals for the Upll 'llll Jerrold \an Dyh hurtled In two mth a ssr le cornan from \eal Knlpatnch Pant PM 3 (ml) goal came from Jared Seaman The lollowm. are last weeks results from the Aurora Minor Hmkm Asaoelatmn aros- Y-Iv's lsse l .oav-o onmrn Chm Morons, Dents Lavall l (be... 8 Shu'OU' ooawe Dawd Wendie Yrta labor. 3 tConr. Mt bewan Mile Alldor Dav-u Get!th cm s Clam O Shu'out It. lOv-n Mane banners and Sun. I @000 F 'mn 2 a... Hall I Glenn Gramml MINI? man's ) lav that F n 2 Eco Sm-rn City I thr~s xana Steve Crow! on. W 1 Hana norm Mara Yaremao Dave Iarl Canad- Ytre "are! Ashl Norm . OCAI 5 lion am Andy Baker 2 Dave Damentuh 2' Yarowta may 9 IM Coleman 2. Yam Kamosl Lee Gamer" IAN? Aarara A. M 0 Greg L auto 2 Scott Lraooa. Ken Sm Mule Stncloor John chher w m 0 sumac pal-e Paul R'Mu Omar Stats I avor Joanna. Mme mm a Car 0 Sumo-n Wu. K. L".0. Aer-era la." a .Hly 9"" S'N" 0mm 2. swan mucus Mary's Iron SW0 4 NM NM 2. AM Met lure Yoda CWM Sunoco Intermediates pump six to Finn s two SHARON Holland Landing SUHUt'H Increased Its unbeaten streah to lne games last week b) dou'mrug Maxine Fina 6 2 tn the East (l lbUf Intermediate llm hex league Joe Brewda slammed has first 0! three goals tor Holland Landmg alter ps1 l minute 28 seconds at play It came 0" assists from he Brenda and Al Webster Queensulle then went ahead 2 l on goals 0} Run pnunded m two more nals w-lt the sticks nt \tt Brenda from Joe Brede an} \llat hair from Angus t .axuls llau Hus tank the ~-tl gun! ml the s und prer pumptng home a retmutud wt'l a punt shot by t'dsatls Jus' Brew-d3 \ldsht d the tnral tun gnalx ml the game m the thtrd vuth Ra) lapararunk pu'ltmg up a\\l,\l If huth M ll' the uther night game Hammgn Homes duuned heumarhet Sports and (hole 31 Lou Hull Harden scored (rum l'ele Klllorn and (urge Stephens earl) In the second making ll 20 Flamingo Herald Plump then scored the most unusual goal ol the season hen uhnle killing u a penalt} Plump shot from his nun blue line had the puck de ect 0 a onrts and t le detenveman and lt lU the hf! Godard was given hrs second goal of the game m the third period assnsted ht Bill Harden Sports and t ycle (mall) 7 " . 4 " ~ v'. It was not a soccesstal weehead I. New-arhet s Baata- Caaprs IaattktrganesteNorth Ychlathe "coats and Peewee Panthersm Minor l- oothall league cha hips. This aahaown New-arhet player doesn t qulte seem to know what to do with the hall now that he's got lt. NEWIARKET Tim Peat s ats dawn unto Vtetory as they creamed Thornhnll 7-! Sunday Inhe rdpatod tamer wtth help from n lmater Banglmater through m the came third thardpertodwaswtthhelp trom Ban lmater and Bales The team had not heat as stressful the day betore when Onllta beat them 34) The boys were perhaps overeonfident because they had met Cougars, Panthers knocked out in finals NEWMARKET It was a double defeat for the tmsn 5 two Huruma Mmor Football [tune for the all.~(.)ntarlo manor football the the team had made ll to the lmal regional level The Peewee Panthers were slightly more successful when they met champaonshnps The first game saw Cougars pitted a pass and brought it torward for a touchdown The final score was I" It had also been the peewee's first ttme at the PEA TPOCKETS SIX Newmarket stuns Thomhill Ornllua Fnday aad whnpped them 5-0 Mart lame scored tn the first period with asststs trom Scott Botand and Darren Doner Joey Brennan. sull an the first partod. slammed It! has own mutated Darryl IcKnnlay came w In the thud pertodtottrnthelwtm with assists trom Brennan and Noel Chambers Brennan [allowed statwithandha' masatsted goal Doner appEd tn the last marker wtth help lrom Name Bales. Brennan and Doner were also the seorerstuthp they Ind exhahttson pm. . against North York at Scarborough 5 Wishing Well Park Here they were soundly defeated 13 came up against 0 on Saturday t mdard scored hlh first of tun gqals near the rmdua) mark of the first permd to open the scoring tnr Flamingo He was assisted h} have Pegg retalnatedon a power plat by Danay seormg off a Wild Shot by Km; Usmars (390W? Stephen had the nal Flammgo goal North York Fox from Paul Torhutt and then Torhuft from Fox The lead was short lued as Holland Landing North Yorh later that afternoon but not by mus h The team's only pnmts were scored when It was the first tnme Hub Stnchlandlntereepted champumshlp teams the Bantam Cougars and the Venue Panthers as final regional level The Newmarhet teams wlll be hung an awards mght and banquet Dec 4 at the hewmarhet ( ommumty ( entre ADVERTISE WEEKL Y FOR BEST RESUL :BJltkm . I; - --L . ,Lehm Lawton at ; four each 5 H A R t) N Wendemann s B P recordedathewhen they met mth lawton Brother's m minor. . nowce actlon ol the East Gwllllmbury Minor Hoehey Asaoexauon Weidemanns were netted by SPECIAL DOG MEAL $1 . , Plus (ill Rt l *1 ' warn Hill. AIJ CRYSTAL 40 KG 5.50 n SELECT 40 KG MAS NUGGETT 40 KG 4.60 m 20% on: FALL BULBS MANYKAUTF'UL OQORS 00 goals Trevor Stephat Srmth knocked 1n hts team's low pomts \ tnces Frult Marhet recorded a H) shutout when they came up agamst ( onsunen Gas m nonce play Vmces' goal was slammed by (Wins Mmtchele on an asslst from Mathew Mayor Brute Morby was the shutout goalie US P QM CHOOSE J 'klltmllhr N ll m H 'm v Qt" w) P Q 50. ? f)! alwng L A , m' ??qu than : n rmm C wwt new r Jr, [In 1788 Sllll tn MVK ? play Eagle Rental and Lease Movers came out With a 0 0 score when they met Shutout goalle for Eagle was JIMIC Gould and Dame ()osterhuns 0K8 om tune )m q've tt '0 SOmBOOB Smw us (Thnsttms' Choose "on 1 w e selechon 0t 'nmol me to at," my (1500! All with y' guoronhaed Tinct- Mixhngs [In lmllml A v 39.88 h whtSKev lOIBlS [mt KmlS Elvis and more 12' 1 lb' Size 13.88 ettecnons it tomorrow 2 W OOVSSQV Jnoquew nth mmols .r wry out Gesogns Come one. 0w canolete selecmr 1585.88 T VOU con hm smothan now to gm ()5 0 gm? Whats mere now than this Kvng Tut 0mm? rts Sure to please - , F and Vere" t P new a Restaurant Von Street Newman 0mm. loan L-t en: e Apphcant udel Mr Gomen r-u 9mm. 4" l8! Hahn Show Newmauet 0m 0' Lot,n e . e~ e Aponrant peter Ioaomu 1400' Ow. h Nexta .' A" Quahev Hvt Mamet Pure Van's Street (other .' mum hoe aw: Newmavaet 0'0 n. L0u L rem . mll(.n' Muddy Om - .0 llulM'S WM. w . o a. etnghtbthepocmlt dortsorethegorremen G eras the gm to please A 900 away don 000m m o "meson? case Complete mm8216;s dons Chalk and arms! 1. H some mm "WIS grm 39.88 MOUSl S UIDt R 130080 "b h 00 IT RIGHT. . . NOW! ll your home was built prlor to Jon 1, 1961, the government will up to $500 rebate, /\IROFiElLliEuLAIIoN COMPANY . 2 615-23 I 5 t' 80"0' (in '05 ' l1 )".r Upper Canada all. Newmarhet 808-2171 Open: Mon-Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 0:30 pm. Sat. 9:30 am. to I pm. I' ; .IQ K' 'o hummus ? l .4 ' YUHUNYU wta' MM .A; lm's?!" )0 ..U~\L:Vl u ANOC t A; If; '0 '"tt'OUOCL :97'1 M, "1". used l d'em ;: en'e ..,... v. t