mtaeuoantoodmatnuua \ 0 WI. \eI-arhet .uca. .00 . ed . Nave-tar It. .6 Georgina maps out new strategy MINA Uaorgtaa cut-ml W Thora- tevaat punt-l W haa to attract tmry . W. ad aha renew a mottoo trout t t mlar I \It'lkalald tor a Itveyear m Wt plan. u-ont'tl the tune aaa ftp I. aetm _ Mayor Joe Dalea termed a spout commuter that and m a matnal ad tour-In Man atth h t- wat-lop that]. .Ilm Phtlhaa 'tll had lb was mth ma other mutual. Nevtl ltaaa aaa McDonald abo awn-med Other mount an can aha attend Ila W Ir Kiwmlwamtatmthatbqnuaa h.) bveaaptuttaltormry hat areaa llto 0 db away t he Mad out No man plaota NudwdTorototaUuarto Fordtotha Gcaral Iota! to thhaoa Eva: thoae are not WV! matte. he aatd 'e hve land avatlahle tbt a an hot: tram haa ahhctarceavatlahhtaallltelt aa moment our but want to aae It or ytat . t'aotlt Yaotha'tapad them to ahoa how mauve II ta We have natural pa. ratl. alertnetty. out avatla a anal waay WWI he and GREAT!!! POTENTIAL "We bve t. Nut mutual here What ta d a aa MM dam mrnmtttae mmvommmlmea ttmuldbeaoar "I- Will. Stotdhulle 8" Georgia all have "u "that lie aha pahtad out that table attmt ttc MMFatrlaat AptltoGermaay. helearnad Uaccnanoatopaytaat mahoadaaadmoaa anath Heaatdth Mouh tat the Iadtallavel and mm neatly nadepat He dld. tau-revert note U h laid M have of cer Wayne "not d It at th ttne no a Ir KI and ' mm a WI UVC d DWI at th Iatr at the paatbtltty 0! hath tt hate - (la-u- "! m that nth the groper tutormattal we bveachauetobetatbarau to haveaud l aplata " Ir dlt rudderoate about llllyohaaad ~WI Mary avodd be atth the *a hog wt to thump truck htghwap machtnery. ad tarot mm Ileaatd he haa learned that II u to be located to w nth u. carnpuy rarentm a lederal grant last and he tell Georpna attll had a (flame ACNANCE "I Iael the I attll an opporturuty tI councll wvtll arcs-re a naurdt report wtth ow locatton dollar and at pt-lttal "e an have a chance to put a bad tn " ayor Joe Dal. commented I m punt to check an. Ir Wood Pehap we \e been requ to In thl matte tn the tntereat 0! ll! Ill-aole " If Kt mltated that It had talked wlth Mr I twvtce to talk ahota 'an aopruach 'I Idt It on th hta hands I alao .nhed htm that the mayor M W mto lt and Iorward the matter to the W "I Md no Idea tndtltr) was up tor grabs matted layor [)alea Ir Wood aatd that treat hta talks wtth Mr Kta lt tranchtaa Ibatm and the) were aahng somebod) to buy the Iranrhtae Mr 00 noted that m a {DRUM alter ~\tIr Km 3 ta. he met atth a )Itntatr) oI ( ulture and Recreatton dual and "I brm ta It to ho attentlrr. He and the prostate was worktna on- :t v") alt mtl) and that a my tnlormattor. \0 REP! We haa been no rQly he added to turther questth \Iayor Dales apde ol getttru together a brochure to Yelp attract talus") to the toanahnp IAe rt: run ntna old of tune It aald (auricular Jtm I htlltpa and he was rm harraaaed by Mr rm 1 tala He 5 more enthtmasttt m Ierretmg out these :ldhtta He 'Ight prornottorl ts ten lmportant ! Dales remarked I dont want anybody thuth that thta count ll :5 adv erae to haw. mg trtlustn locate here tltve us the tools arr! we lldo the job t ourx'tllor \evtl watd he thd not Itae the not [mental by Mr Kla that we are asleep at the shy Ho- potnted out that II was a tranchtae attuatlon and mats mold be ms olwd wlth no guarantees thev mld locate here We could ape!!! a lot oI money loatertng a lu lllm ma ll mold very eaatly sltp through our grasp He satd rounrtl has not been negligent not mrrect at all he added A BIG Ht \1 t ount allot John Rogers and an mdustn that all! ma bt plum but there are many others and we have to ere lrdormatull \te have money tn the budget and we should note use at It as the oftlctal plan gets more de ned to in what the towmhtp haa avatlable to dler tourtctllor Rogers sald he Ielt an alternattve could he the appomtmalt out an tnduatrlal t'ommtaatoner or a publtc rdauaa peraon. to meet wtth and pursue people who ought he mtereated tn the townahtp Mayor llalea rod that Geor tna Towmhtp hotdd set some preaanatton tor tndtatry together to .t l v the runmng II we are turned down. at least we ax. rted Ir explatned ' aunollor Itoaa pomted out that ueorgtna have been dealgnated by ttr provtnce aa a mural area and 16' that II would not lath at the twmhlp as the rumba one place Ior trtduatry talkln at lta level He II go arwnd the provtrl'e and won t go WW II t! ma goals are dtIIerent remarked Mayor [tales . Mayor Dales than aaked tor a mutton to be drawn wtora specul cornmlttee Lobe formed. aa a prelude to a prepartlon at an Mutual [Impetus to "HERITAGE '1 oath-ed Ira- \-., won t LM M reportandaaldhe I!" t tell ooh-I place at last TN spINlItt-d beet s meettng " 3' WK? 5' end U Welllngtutn 5' Imuh"nm.. streetst apes art- "rd"! 9" '0 m especlally lmportant to and (ourmllor Stewart _ the preservatton til the w m" 5 m ' "d peat elul and htsturtt Ithmghl litotddaayao nature at the town and Ir Quart wanted called tor care m the that - .a h t treatment at homes on omaervatlon When t athertne St Hoaley St would acare a" new at! along the outahrta ol Meteor!" We can all the downtown core area arundhereandball the It calla tor a catalogtttn M we want to. ha at eatattn. htatortcal whenntmaaeabvatotht bolldlnu and then crunch tt a prtvate peaent emu-ll, along enterprue that nth attempta to eatablnh m the My conaervarloo r... ll! you tall than tho b a banned love. they tn response That a want It. tutth A h . I t on mun armband? w M A oat-ater na "k ado-dad e 5. ant Ibo-ea Monte ( arta out held laat Friday at the New-aria Conn-Ry Calm. The alghtdleredthepaltkaehaaeetatrythehtadath carh.vheehd alcndaararlaaadaaataday taco-m. lha~ptaed I an treat ta Larry Pleat-eta. at h'ayr. above Ira- Ldt J a Vita-ea. Taraata. Sanaaae War e. Tara-ta. Jury Itaathca. Nev-arm and Aria-denavat.sev-araet.eajayawhm ~aaaat.avhaald ehaaee [a-e. Tb lthauaa ear-ad amt-only 0| a '- be . III . YOU SHOULD SEE US NOWI rats weex's SPECIALS INCLUDE ALL SPECIAL oanen WALLPAPERS Elton 10% to 25% OF E SW. 33.4131 w mat: I 8:30TOGPM. TM.&FIITI.L9P.N. Don t Miss The FARM PREVIEW 80" Monday, November 26, 1979 UXBRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE UXBRIDGE ONTARIO PROGRAM 9:30 am. to 3:00 pm. GUEST SPEAKER; TERRY DAYNARD. UIIVEIISITV 0F GUELPII HOT LUNCH Price: $2.00 Advance $3.50 at Door Astlartmllayallatalulala ctats SPONSORED av: Allis Chalmers Equipment Deltalb Canada Bahlon Dryara I. Storap Bulldlno Chlpman Chemicals Ltd. Royal Baplt at Canada .1 an; can-eta! wlta met It Oatarto V I Teaehara' When haavy mntat anma bloc" the way 7 u need the bog lob cacao-My ul We Av-ana 32 modal STI032 Sac Thu) Amens 'u no RTt032 ta Anon: top-Mme ma Sm, w a m lea tum mcluotng ammo"... hmm.wvmn ' M. W conatructton. O Two-almana- removal mac actton Harm Mom 5.. my Anon; doabr today 5'? see the I. ".e" gnu 'han 'a qlw "0m 2 7 hp to a to Slut sh . he rd s'ar'. cup-yth your ad'e'k he A e'w way EAGLE RBITAL ' It KESWICK RENTAL aunt tum-arm M." mm ~07!!! m M .. mate as. .I momma ACT m mm m APPROVAL Tll um ! LAM IMUmI- hm* *avnuwamnu lwi'uul D's-imamw d' nub unruly-aqu wwsd owammwmwmtua Mbawta-N NW'Wt mlmhmdmrrawwvcmo awmmummmmmmduew at. Mao'm'mtmtrhaomatw' 'N mwdnawoacw may and a: Mt 9N at~ oowW w a r N .aaa 0' a twee! our. advert Moov'wwmmm. mawnnfouau ama ~CNVIW . y 1". NNNUMJNMCO be" ,mo'rmma'ua'avataec m mm, mun-match .mflhm. m ~a muamvwavu b ? m- m* *dva mama-ct cat *1" uv can mu 1 MWMMM. almarwyorw tum or WV Magoo-wean, Mamammyf w- to Yvon-Kuwait. W have, In pvaaant cadence Now to am no aqua-lune M ~MU WUW m 'a m'da Monmumaa mdnmwhwtmmh Wynne-m .1. "mome .0 m w t 9 now- no woun- gamer-Au. 'Wm autoimmune-Tour "workman- momenta awemawoporwyth-aM-m Mawm-IdewNw rmmm 9 J Ymmm mzmmmno mmwmmamntmtdn Womwwunmwua mmnmvo hatoham YMWWMmNJtIOcW 970 M'A' mnn'w VmeN'dewVONMV 'U MM anmamaamcwwva dN lwaw'tm'tu WMWUNWWdeM-M mnntw defhaaap-Md vmmnmtmdmeNCo-ewv vwmmdua dwNnmt! V3 due-atom .mtma mmmtbnmmtvmmnm 050300 9 [a 3,105 sign caoaatua What-ubi Neamarn .4 Caaeeraed ntuea "0 I'M" ." U! 3 utted tm M, mmunnd alumnae: qtho mm" A total at It 1. Ole mtemtt .,, worms-imam had It. u' Em A M 'h' N!) ha", If! mud-n P'It'mn uh ta m to M gm. wank-ow. W Bl" M' . M nl tr" M Wella. War " Plenum. -. ot Intergoveratnental '" I'ttm ., Altatra. and Revenue ham Itatater Lorne load ' m I. a. all read 1! 4,, the "OCH .1 *leldlIlJ-d Brlng this ad In Now and receive 5 0 on any regularly priced Album TOWN OF WIITCIIUIICII-STOUFFV Notlcaot PUBLIC MEETING and INFORMATION CENTRES on the INTERIM OFFICIAL PLAN 1979 item-e t v acumen . va'ntua LA! HALL Danonaaaa-ne st Nm- 0P. h~wumm IC- aeaaaa mtl tueaoav nova-ea It. tram-)0 IO. uNUanWCtaYHa-aatc Cam mttha-a-u natal-Queen all Ameuo ahuwtowu-a own up".- a . o: *dN'rdmL m- .awualwn-oo I... \- WLrv- u urqavv v awo- V~~~ ~ .~~ mi 'I ~" r'~.,n t- r- ".mnmmmt we. .M a UH- "v "2-", ("Ca-GUY-Or Ww. w 9t. M 'V'. ~v1 rotor" 0-; '0 ~ art-cw o 0- - 5 91" vr ev' "~- OVQO'O- . v-bah run. 7'? moev'e'v u.--o.'vud~atd~w-a-IL-~ uWN LM'Ni-rt Win-MU a JL v may N n.1-t'u *0. motmur 0o *- mou asu ruwmuur- . Innva-O a-F. a'vaa .m- vu neck-u- 'Q ~ e" *' Nm', clays ..- b.-,rv,. _ 01. _I We.- Moorhwwe-Oe'uc'b 1" w'wemapme-aaev o'a WWUU\'WV muumanmwmm-vrmmwuumm 4"- 'v Ox" o-ewprwtad'u ww u'o Ars-v. MUN MWr~;M-' d.- 'O'O baron-ad ' 0"- - m-anwwtwamn o. 'v'am-m " a0.- MVMVI'NN' ap'.1;t M ~ I'0 QRvaNWA\'tw . .- DOITRIOHT.;.NOW! m_ I, I a tun, It va a Atha Ca-aom - Onltctwwc venom-ct mod I