.5 inert Iloaeph Soto-on laMdem \hltace Hartaeaa leave P ol le e canon. NEWIKIT KISMCK. MIMIC. 7. "19 - Dre-led at Now-aria Ja ' 1a m We the Jul-ha Chime m. latch-C Ib_ COLOR Dada Lb. wile 5. . [1:973:37 you have yougateraaadawhah E' amhmJt'sd ~ l h tl aaioargwahya. eons: -m won the aw-Iattheuiu '1 . .. I I , '. r I 4 FOR cmu sms NI'MAIKITm-ml "CENT! mum atthe hi anal Now-Wm aad Cram Feotlval Sat. Nov. 17 ad an. Nov. II at to New-arm Con-nanny Ceatre. The Jayooea aad Jayoouea wl heaollhg tho 119. hehea by nu. tachea. u-pagaheatatc tival. The hooharealao avalhhloat eroaadthehlearly New Chop. Ainthelortnc 'aaLa andcurrentlra lainJayaaheia willingtotta-ninhererownainlavor of turning Newmath on to the waldolfadtiai. Granted. the Kitchmer laaa ia olltoarathoralowatart. ieianow teachinganamaticlitneaaprogram at Paaaehini "then Outrealtc receivu a poor rqonoe to h.- peraonallned ntneaa and grooming am. (Newmartd'a Reereetion pertinent had just liniahed accommodatii many at the town's litneaa hill! what aike came to m.) Haike plane to launch the mamaga'nintheNewYearand ia now arranging to broach a meCoblecadOiannello three timeaaweek. As well. Kathe not heraell WMIWMW tohetheheartoltheladiiontradein York ad intone. he aaya die waildllhum-eht tron: ' years 0! media to co- Mymmewhonyadewu laaathanago-gettw early inher career. ltallnoatcatnetoniewhail waa u." aaya Hallo. "It won't my C a. be there every day You don't exactly have to light (or ' . but you have to want a certain Badly " Modelling ta a game at mood guessing and you aaiae that {or a girl who dreoaea impeccably but doesn t aubaa'ihe to particular (at. the tan is dIY ctlt (hi you hair ahort today and long hair ta consideredtheragetomorrow Wear satin today. and tomorrow everyone will be wearing wool lllhadthemoneytoheepipJ l ' -' - NEWIARKET ~ The Newmartet Arts and Gena Feaival means more to Jack and lay Newu achanoetodaplay a craft It will tell the coiple i! that new business venttre is worth m The two people arrived in Canada almoot two years ego from Fligland They livedina town in. outaideollondonandhothhadnood pha. Bu relativeo wanted them to move to Canada and ac the Newinga decided to retire early Now they live It a bright little basement apartment on lJoyd Ave in their relativea' hat-e liowever. all haa not gone well lortheBrttiahcotqle. Noaoonerhad Mrs Newmg recwaated lrorn an illness than Mr Newing was out to the hoapital for thee ween tune-saving devices which Ir W invented to make them more FWAL. page A2) CAS ooded with new adoption requests .- - Karl Mia s W'a Aid My " could cloae the acceptance ol adoptionan icatiauhdorothend olthemonth with application to adopt healthy. problem-tree children, since it annomcedthelltolalmmeae twoweekaaga Aripdaeto! eligibility requirenmta haa not curtailed the application Byandlarge.nioolthe applications which have come in years."said Mn Taylor "What hive to d) that is mun ruotrce pool and work from Everyonetanotgou'to the first year but ma years all thoae who quality ' placed" I In Taylor said there to hope that changea in the (hin Wdfane Act last June oodd make more babies avatlahle Hie new act impoaes strict controls on wivate adoption: and. according to Ira. lass to town "I've got lnench Who are models tn Toronto." aheaaya They have to mmld. says Haike "Thereare a lot 0! styles tn magazinea that are nice tolookatbot lwoulm twearthuil stick to a basic wardrobe that 1cm carry thrmgh the aeaaon and add to ll to make it styliit " ' lltheretaonethingthatiand have about mike. it'a he boo. I! ambit. .Tayloroddmtawho ach hytheCM cur-tptiadoodd lheaociayhaaheen flooded MMWya adoptnganolarchild them wand aaid Ira Tayliw "Mobmttoadptachildol amracialmoranoldt childmuheverymthiaiathe mulwthem EIGE CHARGES Council blundered on two-storey building NEWIARKET Laal cornmiauty representative Eige charged that cot-toil droctly inialod the oommtnity at a public heu'u two years ago what it and Victoria Woo wodd not huld twine-y homes in a development both Qierrywood Dr and Birch Dr Five two-otorey homes have been butt in the developmcit now. contrary to verbal malice from former Iayor Bob Forhan that the t would be limited to hunga owa The statement was made at a public hearing at the continuity centre in Jilie. 1m "I think we made a miatahe." and Regional ( ouncnllor Torn Taylor "There's no thubt abutl Coilicxllor Taylor lorwarded a motion to unit a petition from area raid-its to the town aolicitor and impaea lop wort order on the atom to the solicitor} advice. Ml ratified the motion manirnoi-ly The waa con ict aa to how the m wu eve allowed to go ahead with the unwanted bum and (hauler Dave Kawin aakod how the m had bypaaoad a moeth ol the town's m committee. 1' II! Tim aaid thee Here. in the constant animatim. to V. N m where the magic liea. In her Ir Eige'a petitim called for the Md"!!! 0! a. twoatorey holnaonaitrywoodDr butthe mayoraaidhedoittodthetownhad thepowertotdlthetvelopatodo lhia l'hemayoraaidthawwereonly direelotalelttohebtnltonmthe iaoeolthedevelopnaitand