HE ERA Senna. Verh County Since its? Nil-M "I" m 0' ' CW. 50 mm meet-one Mien-e Misu (o Lawlee who! .30... two soon. "tutu a new year Soweto mm lot sure the Net-melee. Aurore E's ts ate at the mono pubi wng ( o t in ... 0'009 o. b W .01 new the A... Many Meter-n. News Ad ,pH 9' argmpton (.ugronan Burl-0.000 Oos' Income-e ()Ol '. Manner honormo' and M an acne News Mr . beaver Move "us were owes-e tom We seediiuiie tum A. 'or 'ee 9" tiwc o." mm. am "0" anon on ( namo or wmoev . annan *Miv ~WO V A .glion .na "if huOJ Bu'm/ d ( thld-U . SC Cl. 0- reo \"a W' OO' I Phone Newmariiet I 233! JOCbarws Si . . x I or I I I. once thriv :. DA VID R. HASKELL H." now was Disrure is sew-neon: cm oer enu- To NKAT we AkL Ascot... swuovme nub terminus"... MARLA FLETCHER ' ' f , tie-now. . PETER O'DESSE Advertising W TERRY CARTER dormant In the most recait dectiai. Ir. wastinallyahletopointtoworkiasdtweyat NathYor-kaidotthemway.whidiis eventuallyextaidlromtheDthalleyParkway Newmarket twinned with Brighton Town code should be wonderiiu now. lithetownwantstotwinlorpro t it should be aiming {a big dollars. Delay in BIA decision democracy in action By any ii0tniiooii Secretary. Bubess Improvement Area It is indeed gratityuig tor retnilers at downtown Newmarket to witnaa the mica! 0! Citizen like Barry Bridgelord Mr Bri da-d's sibmission in the 1m 8 i A contmt was deservim oi consideration as were the atria d the other contutants These submissions have 'been consulted by all firms of prdusiaial planners who have made tentative studes at the area with a View to their possible awointment [or a reVitaliaation schdne LetusnowclarilyB l A ltdoesn't.asmight be suppoeed. stand (or Burgling ldiots' Association Rather. it refers to an area which has been designated by bylaw as a Business improvement Area The purpose at such desiyiationis for beautification and promotim 0! that are. its very limited budget comes from massessmenileviedbytowncouncilaithe placesoibusinessinsaidarea Thelevy isnot applied to the MINI In total. only to the ac- tual squre footage my the opcatien ot a business.sothatinmanycaaesthetasispidby thetenaritratherthantheownerolthebuildng me assaunent in no way affects the general axe-yer Such arm must have administrator's. alba t by our own admission. we are laymen. totally mvaeed in street planning Our qualificatiai is simply a common datre to improve it: area We have no iunsthction over buildims. store fronts. soniru olthe immemate area or policing We do mercitulb work with the cooperation of town council and its two rqiroentatives to the board. Frank Patta'son aid David Kerwin. Weontheboardolmanagernent. B l A have Mlcedthrmghthetnistrationotnntwhatllr deed amass. - a pair of complete m degree tum However, we do not {Q that our credibility is on the line We are simply part 0! a democratic process wheein any proposal made bytheboardolmanagementissubiecttothe mayaity awroval at the area belie... What Hr Briada d rders toaa idijiting has simply been the general memberdiip s rejection ol cttain propaals made by its board 0! management This is a pa'lectly healthy situatitli since it is their livelihood which is at nake and they are "paying for this cab Having gone two complete in Wee tum the beard oi W is cmfidait thlt the currmt proposal as developed by Frost ilm illn ul.MVCO(lb board andtown councilistheonewhichsatistiesthe needsdits membcs and is negotiatie in terns 0! limited midget. We apweciate lr Bridgetord s concern about the use of plants-s, We assure him that Mr hlilne is in consultatiai with wrscies r'lrdl their practicability Permaneiu planting would necessitate an u ieaval d the aiding concrete roadbed. an operatic: which is toomalybothindollarsanddisnmtiim. PM to allay Ir Word's tears. there are tree specialins who maintain that healthy M cannot be established with a complete W at concrae becauee roots will eventually succumb to a lack at neutral mitrients l raterate that it is helptul to the board to have the input of Barry Bridgdord and othr "iterated citizen Main Street is tlwir down toemasi'isourdowntown Weareatthe moment. its cmtodiami It will not be glamorou. Hopetully Mr Bridgeiord and many other (kiwritown supportm will enjoy the advamage c! an enhanced mopping area. The York Region Board 0! Education recently annoimced that it intuids to save 10 pa cent at its encgy costs this year by setting thamoetats in schools at 10 C (so?) Since then workmen have begun locking classroom thermostats on this ligil This type of ill adv aid idiumane policy fllb me with since and dismay 0n the sia'tace. it looks good Save the taxpayer's maiey' But in reality it s the ch'iktwwhowill ooy It's an easy task to make the childrui sills the discorntori of such Cilme theth is more misguided economy measirmsincetheyti't voteand they arenot very vocal in detendim their Mu All they do is get colds. tlu'. poeumaiia etc. 1 wonder it tin Mia at the board odious willsbe locked at est" How about the thcmouats in the board meeting rooms? How many pram oi the Chilton will be working in odices this wintc with thermostats locked at W But then. you dai't do things like this to achilts. 1hey midit ob ject. or quit in mod schools, the near die doorway. a lag way from the wiinlows Since schools are built by the lowest bidder as cheaply as possible they soon become prdty cold and My With the thcmouats by the doors locked at IF the kids by the window will have a tough time writing mythii' with thdr mills in Perhaps thb is only has hardly scratched the sis-face in their ugy saving campaiyi. Swely as the board membra sit in their warm air-con- ditiaied oilias they can thid o! somethir far etlective than lockedthermouatsllow abouthavingeachchild miscoiddsaveaihoat andtheli scoddbe turneddlmo. What about the teachers Are their ledtetions suggesting thatther an dectric basic to school? i I'hai watch what hop and unassigned P1)! time? Internatiaial Year d the ()iild'l? it is to laugh' SMITH Am. WodWe. Many helped with soccer tourney l ketotakethis anothervery succeoolul thetown (or all thdr ty to publicly Invitational Labor Day assistance. for peparing opportom thank a ll! of very fine and eotgetic people tor thdr tremendom sipport inhel qtheNewmarkd Youth Soccer Club have In our town similar type overnight refuge) tor W. W. Go. to may in? Several d my friends have otten wmaredthesamething Club such as Optimists. Unis. etc would haveaomewhcetoholda weekend get-together provi place to hold wedding mm For such a last- oin'nameig. initially I'd like to thank Hr. Dan Shannon and his stall and that at Hotel needed developing large town thee is no iairly. large. pleaaan _ anywlnre tor a Visiting rdative to may at rathc tho in your own bane. Don t soul: to make sue. the are now homo. urea and rotaurant developments wig not jut one nice hotel PS We'd have somewhere to go, it we lind oursell in the thin.) MARGARET IENNE I'. ION WW Dr. New-ark... the tied. and having them in the escollait shape that they we in Pickering College (or thre days of soccer. I d like to that The Era. the Airora m. Cable to aid CKVll- I'V in Barrie tor Mr excellait coverage of all three aye. l'd like to thank Joyce Westlake. Ken Wilkenson Lloyd Chambers. John Pat- We just want is in youkiaiwbtwehadthe and am in all their assistance in putting together an excellent mm_ Lastly I d like to thank all the permts and blade at all the young playcs who came on to encourage and cheer these young soccer players on. They made it all wa'th while tor all of II. example oi what the people at this town can do when it comes to W a top quality not 1 thank you all much 1 JOHN D. BLAYE. Totes-en : ha- Newm Ye k Club. to you and your stall it! your co-operation tor making our annual runathon tor crippled chllth en a success. WHIPPER BILLY WAMN JOE PEMECIHNI. critic- Stiekwood in in. who came Moms will the autumn at 1917 heisiaiwasmadetocleeethehickyard meseaitttyothardwoodtortiru'the aboprobahlyaietothecanpaitim coketiredkilmin mto. The machinery used tor bri rcnainedinthebrickyardliualtclrieh eel-germadethsraaematwithiny olthismachinsryandsometextbook lhopelcanbril'backtoyoueomeolthe olthlalm'mori lltry. nieclaywaafiritakulruntheday bywheelhorsowioshiuegrinding this machine look very much like i sainage mae ne, A wood i handle tachedtoava'yheavycaniruillywhd cutiingkdvmsndthsntlem man! hols in the tool plate. wmch - pulvciadthedayltwaathotakeah millPugisanOldEnglmwerdlamd