Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), August 29, 1979, p. 17

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ome caredmorethan babysitting By MARIA Fm Era newsedlter For that reason. those homes W by . Region have strict critcia and appbcnma . tarefully screened by w M bdm'e . sect-mice w ant-awn up. mDamei-Actspecificaliyrqmm iyuapectiomoftheprivntebomeatlenuoncs in three numb or at aim-e fr" h- sls determimdbythenwchsedineceer. withoccasianlvhitabythelecalmdical icerolhealth. L'nder the man s scheme. the private edaycareprovidclatoldtoprovids ae to your hometo the mind home care morandttolptiodicvisitsfromtbihy director and provindnl earb w ultant" rheguidsiinesgomtoannoimce tthehome careprovidt canahoelpsct trantlmetotimetromthecsmmimity iiinurseandthelccalfiredqartmmt lntermsofdatly m. s prevhcial l mnentbcoklston ycarewarmparems Ingeiwralwarietyatd iumhm igood privatevhomemycaremf b mlprograinprovibitshomecanpeeue diamantth newslettctulldchlldcare .disciplinnrytechmqumam - ment is strictly for ). -lm.aMWWMHW: requresavnriedandime-mtii mama! proud . and m com nints MN been .i, amp-6;. * l " I. . rJr . " ' I'g it .4 P? . if a .-v -i t. lI-r a 5 a't lt'sWthntye- - museum-as phyaadlenrhgm w wammmmmm inmates-k. howeekseforimtntimatnrdsnaihy cancmbwarenhoregahedofnewprovidmsto uve them "thecppa'umity tolsarn more aboin chili devdcpmmt. matinee. dbciplim and wtritim. mm'shanecmmvid- snregivm kitstemartth-nclfinthdrreie.1'bkitsin club Irma it any child Hermetic! and W'encgmcyanmbsrecsmnctsnnd they're in a supervbed program. theycanexpectthhkiddcareandscvice." meenGordimstnted hi a recmt interview lrs.Gordmlatmthatiththtkindof ipornncethatleatpnrentstolenve their Zoning bylaw prohibits town day care in homes NEWMARKET - Al the rqim's by seercel director Doreen Gordon ledges the need for mine fsdhties. t llyiorchildrmintheiidnntmdechool- categories. me can t open any rivets heme ycare facilities here to ease the aittmtion. Private home day care opcntims are tied under Newmarket's housing bylaw. mes prescitly run by York R . St. tainsthattogobacktoworkandtrytoflnd ycareforherownchildrm-twou'eschoolers lichool-agedchild-wouldcodhtmcre it wouldka I look at it thh way." said the Currey Cr lfltriedto mykidsintodaycaretogobacktowork. it beabsolutely riihculotn. Evmiiflcould them care. it wouldcoume atleamtlwa "i would rather have people brim their kids Haida. i love kids. There are always Iromdmy lnBramalea.lrs.Gddiepciatedout.tb lordamrewassobadthemimoperated matehomedsycareprogrhmlmdwee beforeachaqeinthetown was ' toallowtheirwm ntim. hNewmarket'soldhei-ing bylaw, stated * nlit Twiimey.the'ewasnopr'ovbimiicr .5 bomedaycareormbmmdany Undcthenewhousingbylawmw unnciltithasbdfii filial for a mecific toning cheap. AllY tthownntslunar-talaimehyeasw orwbatevu wouldhvetodoitunh'a noiseandtrafftcofa p-ivatednycare tdoor." tie: I'VWNmneystatedththeilb'tknowlf "Oldequatehycarefncilitimintownto m lithium. petite workmg. And dices m have to go In GoidiehaslivedinNewmnrketfor Myansmusnmprmaedthehmieupto mw,dsedated.hecaueemeandbsrhueband hadtakenupfostcparmtingnnddidnotwantto hopsrdiaethatwithlqalbnttlmwiththetown. Sheadbd. however. that sevcnlndnbors havesakedtertostartcariqtorthhildrm thbfnll. lunwhile. both Inyor hdnney and Mrs. Gee-dim stilt that some homes are probably, noddingdaycnreinthsirhommillqnlly. I ain't know pcaonally whee they are. hit l'm there are wane." their scvices or their whereabouts Ira. Cardin said she is caice ned about the situatim. because such homo are without the constant supervision personality screen u' and qmlitative control that the ruin: en- sir-when it ixludes anyminits private home day care program I know that thce are some way, va y pod (It. (private bane my care facilities) operating in ms area." mated Ira. om. Andlknowtherealwssmebndonm. tool I ..- a_ . l r I _ 5 ' .' l ' . Decal-e me don't want an April Dale W'andbecauemegrimly believ- par-ems mdtl rchlldrmneedandhncve protectiai. IraGoranwantsparemstoknowwhattoask bdoretheycanmitthdrc ldrmtocnre. And mewantstlnmtoknow wheretolookforhelp nu rqiai's day care scvic. rumba is the provincial contact for day care is BevBcnic. at 727-8156. am! the Associatiim for Early Chi hmd Edseabon can be reach at mass geedtswck. Aurora mom 3 career halted by lack of day care facilities AURORA WhenLlliaJMlefthtieb im matcdty leave last winter. she fully as- pectedtoreturntoworkafterthebnbywasbtwn andhlenvetimewasup. Now.daugiaClrhiana hei t moths olttnrmotherhasbdtorm nfrcmhciob becameshemiddn'tflnddaycareinthis community Irs.Johnaonhasrqistcedhercmnplnm nbwtthetown slackofdaycarefncilitimintwo smarntelette'stocouncil.onlytolsnrnb-omthe mayor swrittenrquthatthetownhnsno cmbdothheissueliicemeddaycnrecsnn'es andmirstiOoperate inthpendently.aMpri- vabhilna day care facilities are rqulated by memdvuhaccordimtoitsprioritiee udbu etnllocations. Sam Bwlm. private home day care Wicrtheredmstatedlastweekthat than are any five simh faciliti- curmtly wantinglnAiu'orat andoneisinoperntive right mw tor a summa' vacation) She agreed the farthesefncilities exceeb thenumber "Manduidthesituationuwormfor lamilim with lnfnnn. Amni bylnwwhichbamtheprivntehome bycnre program in Newmarket aho con- trhamtotheproblem.ehestatad. became tandlimmsrenremwscrambliqtoftnd their dither: places h Alters facilitim. In owlmaddedthattherearelschiidrm MwnltingfcrcnreinoneolAwn'a wink grew up in my mother worked in a facta'y fory.rs.andtherewasadaycarecmtre wovidedbythecompnnyruhtneatdoorlgusns [Malways assumed l'd luvenotrcubie fin- dngithce" Thereare privatehomes in therqiim's wivetehomeihycnresdiemeattheprment time. operatii within a budget 0! . Of that amount. tum cove-s W cons mono coverssubsidestoprmts. Althoightheregionhasaskedmewovince torecumihratmbuketmcrtiniiindaycarw stvicse.duetoaprovincialcutback.nomahr . The happy memories COMING HOME T0 QUEENS VILLE I Ir Diddakc'ssecimdmarruemdlrswurstill renembc-sthebappinmameteltntthetime "lothcbdwckedsohar'dfcalltheyearsshiee myownfathtbddied."malldlrs\vdr "lthnk mychidJmthei dad thatmahwhadsemesnetemnrether gterliie withthatmebdkmwnfersemaaymandwu millfimd cl. Semeenewitbchilihodmemcimns wdl" Ira Wdr'smotherwasinhi echoolandlr Didedraherhadhngrdunadhm cld wart stviceoversenswhenthecouplemet.3d~afrisnd dulve's trotht. Ir Didewaher would Visit tie hotneoften emdtocomel'etmdtheirhmsemateoltm mdgmtoknowmothmthen. saidhtrs Weir "ltwns meeth wtcre Ir Didmbakc was speaking. nie frietaidiip was Since their own mommhaddrendydied.theywcefreetomarry each other "lathe married him two years Mae 1 was marriedsohenlwnysclnimedthnthehaddimethe smartmt thing of all. He had gottm married. acquired samurason-in-lawndagrandchildnllwithinthe space of four mailed in Weir Ira. Wdr. a simply teach. for the York County BoudofmaMismarriedtoDonaidWeir, windpnlofcrey Owl PubiicSchool in M Mr firm child. Jdtn. now a. was named nftc Mr Diem. All ha five chtlten. said Ira Weir. were very dose to tiwir grandiather The childrm include Michael, is. Victoria, 17, Sarah, 13. Sandy. l4 and John "He was vcy much a father figure." she ea claimed I always and him for his ndwce before 1 did thugs He was a grandfather figure. too " Sherecalledthetimewhenherson, John. began tobnnghomeagirlhewasinlovewith He somdiow didn't seem to feel the approval was complete until he had brouat her to see his grandad." chuckled Ire. Weir "I said to father you know that dilatatiiecnsev thatJohnlovmttasgirlvery muchbut tailmsyouapwoveit hatamlgoi~bsay.hesaid l'mgoingto havetosaymertuthin.woddn'tl. foronce lsaid. Yo, you will' Hewasverysweettoher Heaaid. Mc.thdldoalright."'laugmdhlrs Weir "17in is the way all tin chiler felt." she ex amed "He was very much their grandfather and they hat. to seek his proper apwoval for everything When her mother wasstillalive (medied in met. Mr Diefcnbnker would unist that she brim the whole family to visit. "1 would any what do you that mother ts gong to (b with seven people ." she'd ask "Bring he said Even aft. hm mothe's death the family reanalmd done Accordngtomher newspaper repute. Ir Didenbnker bequeathed Mrs Weir snow and his panoandlefttltlliforeacholthechildrm "He wasa marvelous claimed Mrs Weir "I ve beensortingou all my thoughts this week and l thiit the mod commm that that s come throt h hunpersonalfriendsiathathecould makethemso mndnndthaitwn rightnroiuaiandbejust likeachild somisctn'evou Youwouldflnd thathel'edbeen with; you on the whole time Just a delightful man He did thins completely his own way and you pat had to follow are added latghimly Half the time you didn't know what you were following ale to bit it was always fun. Anyone could scold but theywouldbescoldedr htbnck Hewasnot tbniineering bit he was vay chiminaung The bad piblicity which at times followed Mr Didetmaker would can disturb her CareheWebethe-sv epmmlern tar-nip.trnitwhhherstep-fathu. an you know some!th l-I't tn. that M aresayir'ayouknowmoredtheWJl course it makes you indimain." she admnhd "l Ht evaythiru to him to say He had his own way d mitt peoplein theirpllce if they wee aaytr' me mm of thing " Jars War has many memorim d tar staple taitperhapsthemeaheemoyedtlnmod washth of rising at t a m He did all his really heavy work. his W workthaibecatnetrwnen'tdisturbedhsymlaa imagine. nobody else was up roaming stand." he laughed ltwaslntheseweehomdthelih former prime minister was loud bad in his (I. m Aug 16 Part of the Weir family was it Quetico, in the Thundc Bay arch;me wm'e notified of their grandfather's dea The family was reunited in Prince Albert. Sa.. for the funaal serynces last week "I wouldn't have missed Pnnee Albct tor th world because that was. after all. wtwre he came from." said Mrs Weir "it was a mandat- .- perience Everyone was thue All sorts of peo ht hehad known from childhood Girh who withde hotels where he had stayed it was a fasontll .- perience and very movtr became the things pec e said to you were so nice " Mrs Weir returned to Ottawa nits the funcal to tie up some loose ends She ll be rettrlung Mme son but with her remains the lessons her stepfather taugtn twr 'He made you always aware of people tor their gooiheas. she said He respected people of every type and every walk of life for somethii or he didn't rmpect them it was not for money they made or tor position they had It was for the type of person they were "I think this is the thug that I My have got from him," she stated "That is to look at all ms (1 people and reaped them This to me is a very valua e thin to have learned " Marsh farmers, marina operators compromise BRADFORD taketheirbtnineascloeer for the pronncnal There is a he Marsh farmers and marina operators who were running nose-to- nose over the poding of speed limit sign sing the Holland and Schomberg Rivers ruched a compromise last week Sign limiting boat speed to six-mlles-an hot: along a nine mile stretch of river were covered with garbage bags last week after Holland River marina operators claimed the lade tmwd [anions mm and marsh farmers bordering the rivers agreed last Wednesby to po 10 "no wake sign at points endqu by onion {ran boat traf c. About 35 farmers led by John Wist of Bradford told the federal Depart- mait of the Envirimmmt about the erosion woblem lam year and requested the pcsth of greed limit sign at hey along the rive-s i the department paid the dire m of river at mart. mile line'vnh. Marina own-a said boatcs ' tome Simcoe Danny organ of lorgnn's Marina. Newmarhet. said he was not convmced the sigre would solve the problem became they would be tifficult to enforce "min is rally )ust theflrstroimd. said Mr Morgan "i imagine something more will teppen next year " Marsh farms John Win said. "i that us win to work out it would be nice to see the bo ownc-sstand behind tbdrmteement. We sure he't want the marina owners to go out of business but we sure dm't want to see otn dykes washed out either" Leonard Begg. unty Superimaidentof the Department of the Environment (Trent Sevwn Wattwnyt was optimistic about the measure although he agrwadthes gnscaiidnoi beeda'oed Ministry of Natural Resources said. Everyone agreed putting a stavmile-an- hour limit was not reasonable Some boats traveling at that speed ml tt be creatu more of a wake " Ontario Provinctal Police sergeant Lariy Kali. whose men (bal with lider on the river. said he would have prdcred to see a speed limit imposed on certain areas at the river wake" law but than llll't any device to Inseam-e it." said the eel-put "We have tin tools b menstre speed limit Eight "no wake stats will be posted at nouns from Brndord It the momh of the Rolled River and two sig- will be posted on the Sclomberg RlV. withh the next month. The farmers hope to recevt the one of the an. frmn five municipalities bot-(trim the rivers. Party was a blast HOLLAND LAND- ING Residues of nes Dr. h the new shatvbienherethrew themselves an old- tamiened block party last lat'dny he - nnd it went an n. aimed 2 a... The party was and symam and O boss-n. m his a swinging eatdeer he... Between I ad I people attended

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