Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), June 6, 1979, p. 20

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Si. 7" .- CR OPPICLSS METRO RD. S.. int M its-on TE P LYm catod in Aurora north. toatstli' a www.mw. "um-ha DRIVE. RESWICR - Custom built 2 botoom aluminum sided home on largo as x 1" lot. eat in kitchen. vi block to beach prlyi . Call EILEEN CAMPI noun or 297- lm Ext. at. NS. FULL PRICE - Winterlzod cottage. could easily be permanent residence. town water. good Septic. hardwood tloors. immediate ' possession. Call JUNE _ H. KEELING cum or 297. . 1270 Ext. at. itTRY LIVING Close to town. i. AND IEAUTIPUL Partly commercial zoning. 4 botooms. 2 baths. 2 tlroplaces. cathedral ceilings. truit trooa. huge lot is: x 320 . Lots oi parking. Asklm m. slow down. II 806 noun or 2074270 Ext. 69. workshop. car port aid with not in the bad yard. . SNARPLY REDUCEDW ESPOINT urgodoubioioi.lo . modarn' kltchwi. M. living and room. l-bc bath. l-2pc bath. stops to orrltic home tor the growing tamlly. Ed ibldon '20. below. w oi ENieMoteandstoddiaroi i. and m M. Rm (Mrs. ane McCutchoonl Sandra (Mrs. Gin Pikal and Carol (Mrs. Allan Cum. in"). Funeral mass was held at St John s Church. MRAPiN. My. as the result a a may. Saturday. Juno 2. IS". Harry Suailn oi Aurora. ooioyd M d Rilrtoy Rail and laying idhor oi Cecil and Jimmy oi ma. Cor grandiothor oi Loo. laying eon oi Katharine Sorailn and the late Sam Saratln Fricsdo may call at the Thompoon Funeral Nome. Victoria St. Aurora Sorvico will bo hold in the mood. Wed. Juno 0. ms. at L, OJ . IW m. Cemetery ii oeslreo toil may a rnado to the Cystic Fibrogig Mien. SR WtCR. Edith sudoonty a queen size mutt w. private drive. garage plus a wotl.land WP RCENTNRS OAOE ' REOUCEOW LET US DISCUSSTNE COMMERCIAL POSSIIILITIES 2 ACRES- IARNSSS.SSS- 3 box stalls. paddock. ioncod. plus im late 3 bedroom home. k tchon and bathroom a delight. In quiet rural setting. JOAN MocDOUGALL 03-215. iNTRRISTI POSSIOILITIES LESLIE ST. AURORA 2 ad properties M by the some 4% acres wail trood lust ideal tor mini ruich sits. ate daat available. TALK US AlOUT IS TNE PATiOtl For summer alning. also included is a beautiful ish style. 4 bodroom doodod lakoiront Price to sell quickly. Call tor all 'Is and a personal Warner. DY FOR SUMMER .. oottago now Inversion. ask tor Large 6 available on Lake .. s south shore. 50' lake direct lake ago with cement brookwail and dock. - - tor privacy. ideal Ior 2 tamlly llylm. Asking 155300.00 Try an R .call Ron Warner - O . ingaabod oom Q. ' IOAYS ARE COMING Now is the to shop ioraoottago. we have several. with 2 washrooms. -.boat and Hit, 2 car garage. sunporch. fireplace. many extras. Vendor will mortgage. Call Jim Lyons. I 2 YOUR MONEY - Why take second ! inspect this 3 botoom brick and inum homo. basement rec ce. 17 x 10 Hot room. lywood kitchen. at- ' canoe. large lot In heart at town. . ssmoom. inspect with Jim Lyons. . . " . . i o it! use ? I LAKEPRONT- session . reduced. 'ol charm a character. maoolyo l2 cott ago. W! x :31 livingroom. Floor oiling tiroplaoo. Florla room. double . town services. Call Marg Oonctl. ICES. I Buildings - Luxwy v " a 7 "Note onions. s. Accommodation STUOINw returning '0 Ring Commit. 5 n I showoo. A Coliodoi will require all '0' rent. I. so: 0' barking. w ALICO Orly. m R . 'Wu TESS modath It A new "I Lions Am 0 available tor Clubs. Weddings. "lea iioueo. s with an OCfo terms at accommeuilon rooms. room and board. Apartments. and W lei-lilo. lnoilrl- I" I de irme LandiordolntboNowmarhot. Aurora. Oak RIOS-t "W on, Maple nlcnmono tilt. and Thornhm Areas Plooo ler WWW no sloreoe W - WHOM mils. NI MOI . 2tlreplaoesiocatodonalarge lna park like setting. Live In this preiarrod If... V WEDTOSELL --- m TNE DELIONT FULLY PRIVATE RACK LAWN Largo iamlly kitchen. 3 bedrooms and a completely tinishod basement. This homo has been completely rodoooratod and you cadmovor ml"- - .' SNAR YREDUCEDW ' DOWNTOWN OUPLRR Good revenue at S00 per month. (he apartment now vacant. The location is stratogicandthoownorsare raadytoryour otter. ASK INO BUILDING LOTS lnnistll Township sizsoom lnnistil Township Sl5.m.m Qliaonsyllle Sidoroad - wanton. Talk to Bruce Spragg. DEVONSNIRE PLACE PRESTIGE CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS 3 bedroom luxury apartments toaturing fireplaces and aIr oondtioning in all suites. ONLY 2 LEFT LOW DENSITY QUALITY WORKMANSNIP CUSTOM BUILT NOMES LARGE LOTS AURORA lsso so. Foot brick 2 storey. double car garage main tloor tarnin room with tireplace. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. main tloor laundry room. IIO RIO VALUE sas.ias.as TOWNNOUSE AURORA GARDENS Just a super homo with oak tloors. quality carpeting and all tho appliances. Just move right In. Vacant. IM FER CENT FINANCINO ASKINOSSI. ..I lo. Houses tor Rent RISWICR stops to prlyle beach. 2 botoom S225 with allot! to buy. also 3 botoan. iirepiace. Call 4722 IV: S) WNW. UI-A T TNRII IIDROOM. battimms close to downtown tor S375 mOitthly UtilitiOS not MCIUOOG. Available immdiatoiy Call l 22 f- aoooooul house in Oradbrd. all broadloomod. drapes. small tamily proierrao Available Juno rent sin..neorstores nsim xi 2) 2-OIOROOM house. S225 monthly. south oi Nowmarkot on Woodbine mm FOR RENT 0r IV to 1 bedroom bungoIOw nole re corated. iully broad loomed. near centre oi town did trusoportatlon Call days tool... otter a 0 m OGWS I'M In _______________ NNW 2-bedroom nouoo near schools. WNW: "tic" y MM June lN # ll. Rooms ior Rent PURNISNRD ORAOPORG. 2rbooreom apartment. broaolaom. In ad arlyota anio. email iamliy woisame. close to shopping. Joly lsi. oc- Jim. ' l1. Apartments ONE and 2bodroom un iurnishod apartments in rim Iradiord hi'l-rloo, Rent includoa hot. here. sauna. FirN month s rail tree in selected m For more lniarmatlon ooo Superintendent at m i-toilar St W . Iradiord or . TP22 l IIOROOM turnisheo apartment, immediate possess- CattUSJln l-22 MOORRN apartmoio above store in Main St Iotoom. living room. dining area. kitctlon and bathroom Rust S225 monthly Possession July lst wuss: x l 22 l IIDROOM Apartment unturniwiod. Country living "Sm Altortp m I OACNELOR .o'tmont th A hywo inciudod. SIM ilrst A lat Mia Call USS a". Sp m l 21 DILUIR 2 bedroom "imam in quiet but iuAugustiN Smoiohty 00-2.? a 77S ). XI 2! LARGE 2 bedroom apari M. available July lot Malena-2D! l2! ON. RED. Ad S r month Fifi I'll Laot I m AVOIIOOlo July I. W I SOIOROOM aaartmoro. air conditioning. prlyaie on trance. available July IN seam. l- ONIORMeaortm-it. Clue to Newmarhoi aid XI w. MUS I. TNESE WNTRY ESTATES PROP ESSIGIIAL SPACE FOR RENT Approximaton mo so. it. In a charming oldorhomelocatodonaprlmeoomerin- vlting of ce space oi high quality. A payed parking area will be developed. SUPER SNARE SEMI - 2 pc. bath . BRADFORD OWL LAKE IN THE PARRY SOUND ASKINGSJIJNm Adiacont yaooni lot ottorod at Sis.0mm. Speak to Ken Rogers. LOW DOWN PAYMENT abodroom brickonapleasantwelt trood lot with payed drive and garage. Finished rec room. ASKING OWNERS MUST MOVE HAVE IOUONT PARKWD AVE. - KESWICK Cozy six room buigolow. well Insulated and within walking dstanoo at tho lake. BruooSpr has all the intormatlon. LU E AT REDUCED REDUCED YONOE ST. NORTN AURORA Lot Big gap ): Potential S PER C NT MORTGAGE OFFERED AT W.R. CASE REALTY LIMITEO to Yengo Rroot South Aurora. Git. LSD in is Corning E yonts l3 Coming Events NASHVILLE WEEKEND S DAYS - 4 MONTE DEPARILME DATES PhooSanlm Call collect 410-447-0530 WILLS TOURS 1202 Don Mills Road. Room 20. OonMMo.Ontarto.NSl2WJ la. Births ALLENand SUSAN OARIR are proud to announce the urlyal oi tholr sat James AliorL iOo 702 lath gra hild tor Mr aro Mrs Iakorandtlrot iii Mr A Mrs Ooh ond Spoclal thanks to Dr Hirsch Mr Drown l2) PRAISE Oorn to Jim and Vicky Pearso a daughter Kath Ritt (Ratio) It Junold inialtoronioant General What Now a in l0os in ADVERTISE WEEKLY l7 Engagements MR. and MRS. RINNITN McRIOWN. Don Mills. Ontario are pleased to an nounoo the engagement oi thoir dos-titer Kim Latte to Sinners. eonoi Mr and Mrs William Emmi oi Oogort town wedding to be had at 9 Paul's Anglican Crouch. Newmarket. Ontario Saturday July SON I!" at l I .m I22 MR. a MRS. TOM TAYLOR to M to m the engagement oi their daughter Laura Lee to Mr lorry Elnora-l Oovy. so oi Mr A m. Oruco Davy. Orockyllio. mt WM lab place Aug. to. to" at Oraooc rch. Newman in TO SPARE su.soo. Three largo bedrooms, spacious kit- chon. aluminum siding largo lot. workshop and paved drive. pay souoo monthly, was per cent interest. Call GEORGE BROCKLEY 0632" or 2971270 Exist. ROOM - IMMEDIATE POS- SESSION 4 bed room homo. high a. dry lot. workshop or garage. Asking S37.000 Recently painted and Ocoratod. Inspect now. MT. ALBERT . la ACRES bodroom brick Florida room. cauntry kitchen. 2% baths. sauna. tirepiace in recreation room 993(1). -- 4 bungalow. 32 JOAN Mac DOUGALL 03 2| . l0 ACRES - WOODS STREAM NEWMARK ET EAST - Cozy 3 bedroom C a I I G E O R G E BRmKLEY corn or IVY-I270 Ext. 60. bungalow, country kit Cheri. living room with acorn fireplace. 5 acres excellent cropland, 5 acres boautitul woods with spring ted trout stream S793! Excellent terms ROSS DRAPER 47321 . I I . A Idrvdt " wiSh "H I I MOrangoyliio. May. May n. my Edith Hornoii wiie i! ii. late Edward Seawick and dear mother oi Peggy. Don. Paul. Murray and My Sister d Joan Hanoll a Toronto Resting at Roadlouooam Rae Funeral Home in Main St , Newmarket (amplete Funeral Serylca in the CW on Weatudvay at J I pm Interment, Rosomount MemOrlal Gardens Peter WW I 2) THOMAS Miss Rae Pearl Thomas at Yerk County mini. May 24. I ! Sister oi Miss Luella Thomas. Mrs Annie Couch ail! Mrs H J Low I 2) 20 In Memoriam and Cards oi Thanks IEOLEY.AL ln memoryoi dad who passed away May It. tits Please God iorgwe My siioni tears. Dad was here He's now with yen. yes I know . But He was my Dad. I l0yod 3 Hum so i I I oi Door LOrd take a message . To my Dad in heaven album You Him that I rnigg Him And giye Him all my love Still rmssed and thought i). Apartments in- D98 4679 TAK E YOUR PICK SUTTON- SEWERS A TWO WATER 3 bedroom brick home with lull finished basement, 2 washrooms.l.4pc.andl 3 pc. attached 2 car garage. walking distance to stores. Immediate possession. s3.ooo dowri, CallElLEENCAMMPlON 0&3 or 297-1270 Ext. 69. OCFES. 13 Apartments NOW RENT/N6 BRADFORD HEIGHTS I. III RISE APARTNEIIT SININIS (UNDER new MANAGEMENT) FIRST MONTHS RENT FREE ON SELECTED APARTMENTS One and Two Bedroom Apartments Goo aotaaol ira- 2u" an! m. Tea aoteons ken '25! and as Euy Mic Shopping Schools Soryicos' MWBMNM Holt-two was: Aophncoo Sauna SiaagoRoom mmmexcwvwwoolihoopon W WIWNM.~ Nrs.SlisaaoeIoitloo.hesNeiltNansgei 775-5820 er.yisiteorlooldMoe mountain. Advertie Weekly FANTASTIC COUNTRY ESTATES Both have 5 bedrooms. walkouts to lawns, extra bathrooms. large country kitchens. areas, family room with tireplace See them now ROSS DRAPER 898 679 living MFS ,rno June 3 It Doaths 1 Tueoday i ILANCNARD lrl L memory oi my dear husband in'Iand BlanChard iDOSSOO DVAy June 2 OF l0 beautitul dining 473 21. .iohn l7 Engagements MR aodMRS J.D LAURIE TAYLORoi Newmarkot wish to annowxe the engagement at their daughter Monro Elizabeth to George isolmes son at Mr and Mrs Peter George Mvtge S oi Guelph Marriage '0 take place July 7 Irenda onlng who WM We Lannoi halt the hand ot Tim. Or live again the past wl'hlf memories That will toreyer last Lovineg remembered " y "PO" 6'. Iand sadly Missed by wire Florence I2] IROAO in laying memoni at Our door lather and mother Aiired who DOSSGO May 26 mm and Jennie who passed away June ' It" wrme yOu dear parents rest awa y inning. at S' POUIS Anglican Chuth Newmar kal I 23 MR .d MRS W ROOTN unmarut are MOOy to annoUni e the engagement at their daughter Cindy to Mr Brian Riley son at Mr and Gordan Riley. RR 2 Bloom is Marriages MR and MRS IURLING wish to announce the tuthcorhmg marer oi in." Whttr Klmwh 0 Mr Mark leOI"S sat at Mr and Mrs Juno la. I070. Trinity United Nowmarkat 2 p m at Churc'l was was: oowoioo vs pleased to announce the HP"! y Mount George Cosburn AIOoi't. On Saturday IJune la. if" at a D pm at I Grace Church. Newmarhot THE MARRIAGE oi Suzanne : Marie daughter oi yaiosand the late Robert W M'S Yates. Newmth to Mr Jorm Novdi'iy. son M Mr and Mrs Otakor NOvOtny Yororlto will take place on Wodnoaday June a I!" aI Trinity Unltod Church Nmearkei at 7 )0 o ciOCk l 23 W yndaand Davidarohappyto announce 1 in. lormcoming marriage at ineir parents Mgs Viola Atkinson to Mr Doug . on Saturday. , "10 mm Miy at Nowmarhoi oi May 20. mo. Kathloon Noimer, wito d the llo Charl- Noar PM service was held d The W A Rose Funeral DOUONERTY In NARVEY (littora booms .Queensyllle On Saturday VOu' memory we always keep 1 oymgly remembered by so" Murray daughter m law Mae and grandchildren Susan Ronald and Debbie shall IRYSON In icy-no memory at a dear wito and mother Marguor iie who passed away June) I97. Y'me takes away ho edge oi grioi Bu memory Iurns balk every leai Remembered always by WSOU O AI sons 14% am buy and daughter n laws )Oy and Georgie IOylng Wy ot a dear huobam and lath. Patrick WIHI.m. we passed away June 3. ms God lock hum h0me Hi3 III But in ow hearts we one him still it waS L His memory AS as dear today ' That grioi can (all A} in TM away We ottorl sit and think oi mm W' N DOSE tirthcomlng man. a. pm, I When we are all alone I daughter bonnie L mil to Mr For memory In IS I . only its own Loy-neg remembered by wito Irene dawhters Cindy L Judy son Jimmy and their lam-loos and grandcrilldren i I I . | I . 1 23 : FENNER VOLNRY In Wool memory at My dear mam Volrwy who pal-ad away Jut S. 1977 When tios (it love are broken no loyod ales have to part it leaves a wound that never heals in every aching heart Anarloimenoiooa withhim Out his loyehelott tor meta W b we will noyw really u Dried The bond between us is too top. He leit me quietly HIS Out lott a memory I an! Widows Soiroaoure him Loroinyour .rdmotroot WMMUMMw. _ DoUty ml- saOy iiomo.NewmarkaiwlPrlooy MI. W Mt Who Hit. at June lst interment Nowmarbt Carnot . , t u Dyers w.

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