.4- o" '. o . 7 Jr- may 11911- -l-. . -r .. ._~. _... -q... -uM- , NEWMARKET' "5-1331 . nears ~ u.- 9-, rune. a culation supervlbor would e ive- 810,000 in me as to Q, in ms. The mayor wouldlih to hold that z e to 30.815 in I . The total maintenance expense for the new library has r . acronym * * Tonight is your last chance Kinsmen Shaman --. , From Helium ,,- , b.'-.v-" -r|," ' i, _ I ha... .. 2 4 n" PW . 5 - V . " om... V3. A, . Hasty Jami a r. WORD gin; common . ' *(lett) prepares to do him a person and thecnrtain rises at 8 p.ut. ebellione .. llow3 teenagers"r . S wmney. town councillors by surprise last week The association made its poposal to council's parks and recreation committee. Mayor Ray Twinney said , .the,_prqposed building was library s three) would represent an immediate saving of $31,000. maintenance bill in the future. Regional Council Tom Taylor said he would like to see a projection of operating costs as .well as a total building cost. The (13,000 price tag doesn't in- clude electrical and mechanical A. employees. to a oi asT T I Mr. Tanzania memo'adual Wmhdomma ty 123 ' - two more staff (instead of'the . also questioned Mr. Gravelle explained the huildingisthreetimesbigger nowandmore thanhalfthe total calls for The libraryboardwould like anincreaae from $112,199 mum to pay its chief' librarian $25,000 jam nmmmg budget consists of to $187,200 in 1979. m 1979 as compared to a 1978 m. Grin/cue told the B to 1- committee the library would be p C atastandstillifthetowndoesn t -' provide about $36,000 for the e a hiring of three new full-time y stdtlleaaidthelibraryneedsa r r _ , - , g A childrens librarian to run NEWMAleT - Plans for although the association mis'ht worms and Saturday ,a $103,000 gymnasium complex be able to raise funds to build mama. drawn up by the Bayview Hills the recreation centre, the town Mayor vinne suggested Community Association caught could be saddled with a hefty Mr. Gravelle woul be ooklng for more staff next year to meet population growth. Mr. Gravelle said this would be quite possible. Without additional staff, we didn t need the renovation," said Mr. Gravelle. I wish you had told us that different from what we were ' work for W_in51de me,ce}m'e- before," said Mayor Twinney. looking at in the first place. Recreanon .COmmm mr Mr. Taylor, chairmanof the The mayor said he '89 under Dan Shannon .58"; the cm? tovm's Finance Committee, will the impression Bayview Hills {EQUIdbea Quphcauon 0 39m be meeting this week with the waded a small gymnasium. not if it was bill . next to Cedar Glen library for further a 10,500 square foot building. 3Ch001- negotiation on the budget. The ambitious proposal has three possible locations: ad- jacent to Hollingsworth Civic Arena, in Bayview Park, or - adjacent to Cedar Glen School chich is set to open in Novem- her. The Bayview Hills Com- munity Association has been doing a resident survey for the past three months. Out of 986 People Dolled, 722 were in favor of a recreation building in the area. it would be interesting to see how many of the me would be interested in contributing money to it." said Mayor The mayor also said The Parks and Recreation Committee decided to refer the proposal for further study. A drawing of the area needed for the centre will be superimposed on maps of the three proposed sites. Eric Birney. chairman of the Bayview Hills Community Association, wanted to know when the project will go ahead. He said the spirit of the people working on the recreations centre is dying became the issue is being prolonged. Mr. Shannon suggested that Mr. Birney mobilize his association members to create programs at local school gymnasiums. Liberal charge \pettyll says PC AURORA Charges that ressive Comervative York- ? candidate Sinclalr' Stevens is misusing a parliamentary newsletter for election pur- - moments-lac, and a joke, they re so petty. a his campaign manager, Rowe. to Ted Youth iaile 18 months on manslaughter charge NEWMARKET A 16- sentence passed that he showed year-old Newmarket youth was any emotion, quickly flicking a Accordingtoa essrelease issued by Liber candidate Richard Whitehead here Monday, formal complaints have been registered with the chief electoral of ce against l succieed, doctor ses cam navnon h correspondent sequence and xre eventually tackled by all teenagers. Dr. den , BY - Dr. John Denison says teenagers must: irritation with cats who are sentenced to e ear and - - h Mr. Stevens f distributing a about ers - Let their grasp on their bloody stupi , Dr. Denison months in 1'83" th week 831,2: marg i: 3-; the court householder, .a piece of I le. And he as parents go, i said. ' pleading guilty to a charge of had been told by Detective. literature in which MPs report " 0 a few Pam -' 01? a new atmude mm mm "he!" manslaughter. sergeant Bryan Cousineau that " Pm 5* Year to time, too. toward authority figures; the chil turns to Dr. Michael pau] Cain of Ella Michael Cain had spotted the constltuents as . election In 8mm d in' . Dlscaver one 8 Mg ) by It Clot also be on a twvo year Newmarket woman as literature to homa in the. - talk at York Pines identity; - . different, emotional suits of term of probation following his She walked towards me aim-r area of the York-Peel riding. (lurch last Wednesday, Develop intellectual clothes. However, as the ...._. release from prison. mem building from a short m Mr. Stevens represented the spoke about the skills; . , teenager sets older the group The frail, childlike youth along Main St. to her bank, ha former Yorkstmcoe ndms m 1' faced by adolescents Acqulre vocational skills; uniform is discarded and a was charged by York Regional run behind her, grabbed her the Commons, and Peel was not part at the riding. (mature. Formulate a 'moral distinctive style of his own ' . _ Police with the second degree purse and fled the scene. . . outlined the of . dlosophy by which to hve.- develqls. ' , . o , . murder of . 72-year-old Edith Mrs. Bevington suffered a A Ltberal Spokesman ' which .mmt be A child emerging from the / Dr. Demaons adv1ce .to . Bevington, a~resident of the fractured lvis when she fell to .mfused 0 93 Who has lOdSed I border for the teenager ladtenv' years (age five to 12) parentsis'allowtherebellion to r senior citizens apartments on the groun and died three days the complaint. .,. a person, [this own * su denly feels a need for succeed, so thy-child may get Eagle St., last November. He later ln York County Hospital. The Liberals also charged ., A , e ta ' 9181188.'TN8 ituelf.in onWllh the mfg? ' .qu DEMSON pleaded guilty to a reduced . Det.-Sgt. Cousineau said me PCoandtdate dismbutedoaft - sks follow in nor skirmishes with (see ALLOW. page A4) ~ - A charge of manslaughter before Mlchael Cam took $12 from callmg card W101 the H0099 -a Commons seal, stating sorry to have missed you. Sinclair Stevens, MP, York-Simcoe. Mr. Rowe said the householders were mailed to homes in Newmarket and Bolton, but are legal under The Mrs; Bevingtonis purse and then threw the purse away into some bushes on Eagle St. He later- took police to the spot and the purse was recovered. The. York Regional Police officer said Mr. Cain was Provincial Judge PDT White- two weeks ago and was remanded at that time for a pre- sentence report. Showing considerable calm, sitting \mth clasped hands, the youth, clad in a blue suit, " urts too lenient on-vandals :police chief 1971, with 914 peoplel . it will .force was formed from 14 , a peak of 2,750," wi l Lillia- n f. money if the Ya k municipal tones in 1970.11Jere -. v ' expected fice ;'tbenumberis ' red,in 1976.1n1978therewere . . .. . mmmSl 3% rs J069 reportable accidents, in listened lntently to the words of arrested three days after Mrs. Election Act because they were / - ~ v ,tl,mch_1;m.peopl m.mr- , his is W er, Michael Caroline. It (see MANSLAUUHTER: page not stamped with any election "' ' for " " ' to curb vandalism, The demands was 0 y as he stood to hear ~ A-Z) information, such as a cam. Chief Bruce Crawford have increased from 35,757 calls -l v 'llmrsday. in 1972 to 55,828 in 197mm the f s . paign headquarters address or .. - ' - ' one number. He said the mgxasbrespgzodgsmt: , may limits for the recent. im- F eStlva I Of Stars dropped {are simply z mopy pres); 5. Mayor Jhe Dales that 10925~~ln 1978 the chief. said. gmvem m 1 mum NEWMARKET The 19th held Mon. May. 7 at Grace We?! Well 0mm WW cult of 'the cost if van- Mbre of such occurrences .t t m the annual Lions Music Festival has Church. have 80 in, the garbage- mld be savedifpollce (about 50 per cent) are now 5mm 51" dropped its traditional finale A festival spokesman said The cal111118 card 6085 Mt a "m m" solved, . . mgr 9min the Festival of Stars. The the Festival of Stars was mill 9 (3ng10:1559 , 1' the youth. Traffic control has tin-nod ' showcase wind-up of the two 21-33;}: eyroarbeomute it was whichismfm {or $0,900: 22: week music festival featured the topperformers in each category 7 in other years. as well as awards. scholarship ahd bur- sary presentations. Trafficfatalitiesroaefl-om aolnlontoohishotsslnlm anddecllnedtosslnlm. Being adjacent'to Toronto out to be a monster" for the Nice, (was noting that before the. advent of the motor vehicle pohcemen Vm'd give :me 10 per lhccost of vandalism, l'd ,.~ to do f" wford replied. he said. Retaliating, the PC cam- paign manager in turn charged the Liberals violated The . - Wc used to hope it would pay for the entire Lions Festival. but nobody came." said spokesman Eugene Mc- l " vandalism the were concerned only with M w mm . . - ' maki winced one . ~ _ . Cattery. Election .Act by. uylng ad- ?tst we; most "M" d m.g:':. :t c mmmmm F"...me M on we: nanosecond: ' 33 . ' com titers will out: in a com t cos. case see page - . 0U - (it: were RR amimmmgrtgmmlfgfbl (see TEENAGERS. page A4) all BRUCE CRAWFORD windP-eup festival. 355' ll will be ll. "3 P was lifted. m eh m l e , F e e e e t_ _ , so m e - W WW Back from Arctlc wn outs eeln m I n l is un "h swr totake le ' ' . Jim: to mi Whenth herAnoth MSIM ' D; W tumedto " e l e mtg] dnight sun. 9 - 91 8 l cal d shes: .c r' a _n ~ , 17, said he wson e a doorwlil g gif w . annulledthmdidnftgeta. - in fquoc '"fg'a' frozengohggtcltionnog tn Cnm- the political tone of Cambridge " " um l 1008 NEW Sleazy chance to see the midnllht M MM . - raw caribou and fish. bridge Bay and planstotravel to Bay. He said the le want 1 M I 'W-" Al s is the Dulce 0 80 if 50'" with 30mm :15 9"" m "l we" 5 J - did, comment on the northern outpost on his own less ernment contro . (Sound mfg: on force now looking for action in Camhrldse l Whengrey wmgog m mm me $3,," bu, w, my some day. , tummy) - ureau-of four of- - A 's res uran people . With. the chief said. is Wrenchesdentmm the ooh emporium. cadets won with the canine of mr hm. "d Town taxes to go up mwmmfw NewmarhetSquadron foundthia shown the ts of Cambri e the white man. She is easily .' _ _ - - some people might out when they visited the nor- Bay of which the tmdeniabe becauseherhusband to imagine leanest ' ~ --- r .ni token service. them communlt 500 miles highlight was the body of a. is have; to walk tenpgces beefyouveever had, she said. NEWMARKET he total when k mikes its budget, " I 90.2mm talk to a: Y owknife last woman shaman. an Eskimo )ehind . There's no fat and no grease. property tax increase on an probe next Monday. School cOuncil members and month The oblong trip was aorcereslwho died more then, For irony dinim on whale You have to add grease to cook ,, average Newmarket home (one taxes account for see or a. " Olthepublic partda m an annulus visit co- years ago. Her withered facbr/ meat and makes, the cadets it. assessed at $3.00) will be Winnie. and York Region ; discussions bamboo mud ' by What Lt. anceanobjectdfeardurlng the ate much memoir. as they To Jam dismay 8 alth tis- m this you. for "o ' . all. Chairman Bob '- n4 . Mme commmity s primitive days. is WWNW'W fade"! 1 , forbids up, tart-sins the am to about cm. 0m GUN !!! the " Chief A Crawford"%~w mmhe .._now.,_nothing more'than a mulecadetsninnedspuhbt is caribou me out 0 the heirs has learned. townhudgstoxpectednextweok ' the Indy-gin in B y'm'ght from Cam- curiosity. u " ' -a- 41th: , ~ v . After an eight-year. Whereas in the staff " Why the regime! - m m.wereinNewmarket Accordingtostories told by Eskimo dietasca g ~ . ' " A m on all?! (I! NM ) and fire . ' lace mm mwm ! (he we a. mun . the mum s ' the shaman The Mme. did u-y (0. l couldn't even . take a ,towu council will assess a It! (spartan-t (up 380.000) , ' Igowhm regional snowman wen u, the land or died in winter and they couldn t imp-ass cadets with two sandwich out, he sald. tax hike on, an average home budgets. . n ' 4 7-... l . ." . V L X . ' ' ' ' .- . - it -' " . . ~ | T: - - v . _ ~l . A 3 t I . r . . . . L t a ' - . . I g I Ix . . . . " 1. - - ' , _ , 7 7 ,, , ,7, ,A,V:L,, , ,