Wmuo I gamma-madam Yorksofs lot levies Aw E w tu aa-m I... II it A. rd- Ia anal-ta have u , Yorl'a aIaa w out) In tha Id avtaa Anon 01.00.. Ea: GUM tun lemma . itiu um. uni-um . Mahmoud lll H.015 Vaughan 31.0 . and Vim - mm. nut-Q- mien- vary am to au~ vial. coda NOTINDUITIY (Donnell toppad the itaolalevyoamry alter Aurora Mayor George TIUPIDII mini-n ol the plat-nu mm ,uldll|lm w my: attraau industries which are Mi. wooad by othc r and evui m mtll l! in the United State- He mm that in mine: already lace a tax rate in pa can tether than the or! no rutdqitial property Al the amino ol Markham Rejional Courith Ron Mono. Town-hip layer lar'ard It'll-ll. vbo Iaiditahouldbeap-tln have already rocalvad approval CHALLENG (tuna-{Iro- Atll ta'nporary WOUL- he said "The area ruidaiuhavetobemade avaare ol what will ham-i who all then people come to town le) have to be put up somewhere be laid Regarding Ialety barrier: at railway (rum: Mr Steven said il the town rquau them there abould be a c o i t s h a r I n | Cultural centre delayed v( oath-ed Iro- A-II there are at lean aix wivaie foundation that regularly contribute upwarm 0! wall to word: etch al the am t itre 'tberearoanatb dorm or Iothat regularly contribute 00000 or more and We are allo at least two sources ol federal government luraiirg Mayor Tunney uid be IWKIIIB the lad that the member! ol the theatre group want In turn ahead becauae they re conlideni and enthusiastic II III] our (Nd but we '4] a mincil have a reoponaibility to the peopteoltbetown and :I the group doeant started with it: poruui M the mat and the grant: wee no lauer I\IIIIDIQ it might rat mtiroly on the town tupay the mat " It intario hu a moratonum on captal propel: right now. berauae ol the upromii lederal election we dont kno rho" the [CO Ire llll ' whai it comes to panu and when II cornea down to II in the raiduiu ol Newmartet whine neck: would be on ll: block il 1!! money hunt raised he and tat a lace it mot!) would mean :5 lor every home in Newmana and to trivelt that amouit requiraa the proper caiaion and any I'm not about tomoye It bwii their throat: During my ram pica I and council would make the decimal not Ray "my I INM WI] will agree to pay the 5.th but Ur nal bola-on II up to coined '3 me M Mr upland am he is not tryii' to pun WII HID ma a ram In. butlmd there ta aome my to the matter bee-nae l e y e r a I o t h e r Mia-capabil- II Von quon have Iroupa lryIl' to on thelr own aria ciatiral centr- Markham baa the B'Nal Brith [rt-0p tryo' topatlop aarawowaal (or an anaeultural centre, a [roup in Vlll hlll Ia trying to m w an art on ndtberehaabantallal uni anartreiahral cum Elohim-dilut- magi-one. arrangement The otr not. amulm to I! an owoaed to In belt i that u people Lrylnl to beat than ll minimal In as much in CR : III. to have tr: pat. untalhd aa it ia in t1- Iovn'ah be and ' Wally Guar who to anployed by CN. and 04 hu more trad than any other railway in the world "You can ap mate lb MI 04 "Italian slay device at any he laid "However. any place thee II a nib aanialamoiaitcltrach. I led there M be I barrier and the coat ahaddbeabarod by local. provincial and Iaderal pvernmeota and the nth-ay, with the local m ! III". "I lean and the (ailerol government and the railway paying the mod ' I would tbiri that 'ilapu'mtueveai lope cent lion the municipality would be about ri ht. but the d ll lboild be lor the town to prove they are needed and be 1111]]. to pay ita manna the rm Ihoiad have to pay," he said hetownlnowabu that is needed and it ihould be the wane deduct, ' I! laid Once again. Rldiard Whitehead nid the problem at innallina sale!) plea I one that should beludsed before a daciaiui ia made SUNDAY MAY 13m IS AND WITH THAT Wh- New-arhat We arrived Mya eranVhr-hyatthepanhly- M apart-ad It, - Il-vaa WOLNHWM. thus were death. In. which aal Project Hastel may find new home, says, Mayor Twinney NEWIARKET 7 Propct oldhaawtthe towninadil ailtpoaituui w not col-tilting Wllh to" council or atall belore deciding on a location, according to Mayor Ray Twinney "While titre ll lull name doubt aboia the Iqality oI Prth Hold locatiq in in pr-cii building, said the mayor. to me the question rmlveo itadl into one 0! common count-a) To my third you don t simply move Into town and let up a relatively neolitive operation without con It atria III who will u allotted or the crucial: with whom you Will have to tal." he laid 'Huwever. mute the (act the Project Halal olficiala may have disregarded or been YES...'BRIAN, YOU'RE 40 \E KET Dlaae T-lwell uld her huh-d Irtaa "-1 wall In Ill Sunday wan really Ma 0 My but the poor all lay jut M1 IV. I Itha'a parnu Helen and ( Iarlea poled a an loot lag II. no the Ire-t lawn at Me Lemar Ave. hone 5-day nor-ah. wleh real TN! I be Aprtl Foal'a )ahe. lrlaii II really 6. yeah o " Arror lal to Diane lewell. her hoahaal a lIrIt tan-eat about the II. should ad be priced. ROUTE DURING APRIL SAY YES WHEN AN ERA CARRIER ASKS YOU TO TAKE HOME DELIVERY OF THE ERA IN NEWMARKET FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS BY MOTHER'S DAY IN MIND ERA CARRIERS COULD WIN A POT OF MUMS FOR THEIR MOM BY BEGINNING HOME DELIVERY OF THE ERA TO NEW CUSTOMERS ON THEIR www.m olb eaalahtbefhehthe chat I. Ithpartalaqaat'aa pahatal around a op. catty-rd. Da-ale In all. It I .~. iaiaware (it own bylawa. bot rathar than amply laying a charge and thIn down the operatkai. I would hope m amicable ape-nut could be he end He and that ova: rdocate and where be m't tablet! to a spa ran- n "I have w it with layvr my ad wemay vary wdlpobach with prop-h It! a. ma." aaid Bob Martin. diatrman ol the board 0! director- of Project Hotel 'We're trying to work with the town beaten-emu! the dependa on and co laid Mr project [MVIII operation . ' ' Martin I Flint (rm-ting waists luv binodtun led qus L yinul thatqu Ilmnmate customr moot installation With lifetime seter quotmee I Custom cutting while you wait to save you time and money Immune"! now Witwanwwm JZGMma- lo J Fill-Io WVWMM SNOWBALL Flumlmuhmvm Mum- amnnm Mam QUIET DEPENDABIUTV AT WE SEqu EVERYTHING SELL 727- . Immediatedelivem A in Ontario V Out of town call c 0").th 5" w" u out man the carpet om mm mm mm - tourmava "animate, nes-unvawomue. ,b e "' mm wherein-melon A1 mule mama, hum- mean 270- 7""! ' Im DUI m : moon-lea ecu-niwpn-muanu A7 iemwwmuiocMmcanuuCMJRh-mwm.w.mom. nun-mow. 7 ~ / /))///4 ////x / /) / . l _ . newmr mom came 3" 7 2:5 mm 37, s ' 3