1 * REDUCED TO 3.- Located on a large m it lot. close to shopping and Go bus. This cI-n well decorated 3 or bin-galow has separate kitchen. mecious living a. dining area. Act now. RALPH HUSKISSON "5-7131 N E W M A I K E T Beautitui semi detached with Ilnished rec room. extra 2 pc washroom. broadloom throughootona great tenced yard. nicely Wagon. Iruil Iraes. semen BOB REDHEAD V i SPAIKLING CON. DITIONI SJN ap peeling contemporary design otters spacious sunken living room. separate dining room plus eat in RI'CM. patio Walk out, 2 washrooms and much more FRASER BAYLEV HAY M 733 '5 " I JUST LISTED some sues DOWN to i mort gage, large 4 bedroom semi, quality broadlbom thru out. two washrooms. eat in kitchen w o trom rec room July possession JOHN STEWART I 1725. Re: 0955706 DUAK NILLSSDJN Large bedroom, 7 washrooms. separate dining room, hardwood tloors thruout 835.000 alreedy ilnanced at IO m W cent till we: JOHN STEWART M3725. Res OH I HILL! l or. Itnished rec room. protesslonelly landscaped. super buy $60,900 WROTHV KELLY I 1725 sense - sues WWI to one mortgage. 1 large bedrooms, 1" master. eat in kitchen. separate dining room. w/o irom living room to brick patio with gas Sarboue JOHN STEWART M3775. Res "5570 Oath Threebeooms. .t in kitchul. "like" IivIng room with walk out to private patio and tutty tuned yard backing onto tiaids. JOHN S (WAIT m Ilse. .99.. . l L. l MLH Andlcluay- they come. 3 bedrooms. duality broadloom. hardwdod tloors In living room. covered patio. paved tinway. tar. tat. weil Whilst-d or you can buy. DAVID HARTE m5. 2"; 'c 1 L: 13% In). aid a lit ur cent mortgage is available. large bedrooms. sunny kltchanlrdshedrecroom. quality decorating and broadioom. good lot with top landscaping. sun- Ock paved the sun down DAVID "ARTE" 1725 137..}rr "9.5 I Located on 1 acres. 2 "replaces. 4 bedrooms. open cancer kitchen overlooking temlly room. erletstte elk-Inter. close to u so. tt. ot luxury living at a rice that cannot be wrong. DAVID HARTE . "0.". Detached A bedrooms. Iuily Iinlahed rec room. huge kitchen with giassslidi walkout to tuily t backyard, Good location. close to schools and town bus serVIce $3500 down DAVID HARTE 3725 EXECUTIVE IEAUTY H2... Spanish bungalow on two lots over M of living area Extras galore to view Cell JOHN STEWART stems. Res. "$5706 NEWMAIKET NORTN 3 yr old bungalow Fernin room with brick replace. tth beaoom and extrllpc bathroom arson down 2.900 GORD DAVIDSON m5. CNOICE TIIPLEX Each unit seit cuitalned and in spotless mndltton immediate possession at J bedroom hot am down sum JOE SNIDERO or GORD DAVIDSON an 1725 WHEN MT STAIN and you went the beet Quiet crescent location. 3 generous bedrooms. landscaping is all tine plus a linished rec room. all at this in Al condition I A 9 . 9 0 0 M A R Y MORRISON "571M QUAKE. MILLS This super clean home must be seen to be op precieted upgraded broedloom. three bedrooms. plus built in dishwasher A real pleasure to show MARY MORRISON 895 7311 or "in? DUILT WITH PRIDE Maintained with care! Immaculate J bedroom home Massive Iamily kitchen. loaded with cupboards. rec room.ka shop. overslxed garage and more N x IS) Id In desirable area $55500 FRASER BAVLEY HAY .5731 Custom bultt I MODEL CONDITION "WWI OI' Spactlius appealing a bedroom home. bright tamliy slxed kitchen. impressive rec room. m I m kud- scaped tot on quiet crescent. Sprln po esslon. FRASE IAYLEV-NAV M7331. . H Ofeat It" itolnewlth great potential. 2 bedrooms. huge 1i' kitchenmnsuper lot. BETTY McDONAL as 7131. W .7" 0' SHOW! SO WELL you have to be Impressed. 1 bedrooms, tamity room with tlreplace. bright contemporary decor. excelierit lqu per cent tinencing. W. MELVA MILLIW "5-7331 -.l. b LOOKING EDI ~ 3 bedrooms, I : baths. large attractive living I dlrtlng area? This home is In Immaculate condition I. wouldbellhaltorthelarge tarnin 854,5 MELVA MILLIM "9733 - - r s... . I IEDIOOM IRICK I STUCOOI storey. i-Qc.. 2 2 ago sues-ate living I dining room. covered breexeway. attached garage Excellent tamlly home 1.900 BETTY MCDONALD M71" JUST MOVI IN AND RELAX in this 3 beacon-i gem, spacious living I dining. lamlly kitchen. broadloomed. large lot with privacy cedar tence. paved em. neatly land scoped Large low per cant mortgage sauna AUDREY COATES m 711! NEWMAIKET - Nat court location tor this extremely nice 1 beaoom and den in basement. new oor covering in several rooms. custom drapes $9.500 JOE VAN ROOVEN "5733] IIAD'OID be... Priced 1: below new models In same area Fully tenced lot. nicely decorated home. balcony 0" master becoom. large kitchen, good tinencing Won t last at this price JOE VAN RWYEN 09$ 7JJI sous IEDIODMI sums - immediate possession on this uaetous e br. home win extra large kitchen, mate I - min rounsJInImb-emmt. Olso heI-gsethomaln the area. IALPN HUSKISW Its-mt. s . l .- TIIINK SUMMEII Imagine your very M inground pool tor |ust sum. J spacious M. Q. ll. LIL 1m her. walkout from doing realm to Real nice neighbor . MARY MORRISON .95 7331 or in? use Lot D x I with mature trees. special.- 4 bedroom home beeutituliy decorated. spotlessiy clean. close to lake. tennis and golt course. HELGA SCHIMANSKI "$7331. MILES FROM NEWMAIKET - 1 acre lot plus a charming J or A bedroom custom built brick bungalow, gleaming hardwood oors. backing on conservation 4.9m HELGA SCHIMANSKl "573:" 7'" tel. REDUCED 4 bedrooms. eat in kitchen. dining room walkout to patio. garden. Ilnlshed rec rmm with wet bar. Owners have Wt. Will look at all otters. MIKE or DAWN IRETON 095 733i. IVS-m . "9.... Uncommonly nice. 4 bedrooms. J washrooms. main tloor iemlly room. tinlshad rec room. 2 "replaces. 7 waikouts. desirable location MIKE or DAWN lRETONl -HILMW, alsed bungelow. spotiesaty clean and well decorated. lunc- tional ttoor plan with 3 large bedrooms. spacious kttdnn. two I . lo's per cent mtg MIKE or DAWN lRETON M 733i. sum as is us" LOT 1 bedrooms. iv: baths. decorated spacious rushed room Located In an Ideal neighbourhood to raise a Iamlly with parks I schools minutes away. Vi. MELVA MILle "5713] use oesteeese MOBIL Deelrebte sales. 4 beta-ale lie baths. rat: reela on w n.MD-m MIKE c DAWN IRE I'ON 05781. new. DOING FAST Oily 2 new models left. 3 bedrooms. walktn closet. w: baths. patios: iivin. and dlnlng rooms. quality MIKE or DAWN IRETON slum. manor, $76.". Impeccabie taste. 3 bedroom. sihplit on u x 13 lot. home has ground level temily room. iinished rec room with bar and lireplece I swer new kitchen MIKE or DAWN IRETON "5-7331. "SW. II It master bedroom. ilnished bri t and clean home even has a pool MIKE or DAWN IRETON "SJJJI. "5 Jim I] 4.0. RM TO GROW A big bedrooms. eat in kitchen with walkout to chck. tuIly Ilnlshed rec room. 1'.) baths. Shows to pertectton MIKE or DAWN iRETON "5711". "5 3037 50.50. Stalnglass yum. beamed ceilings come with this 4 bedroom older home It has malntloor den and separate dining room, MIKE or DAWN lllETON ass-m7 4.0. DON T WAIT Priced to sell. I bedrooms. i s Mil. eat In kltdmn. separate dining room with walkout to patio. spotlaes. MIKE or DAWN IRETON Mini, ass-aw. NOT ON! IIJT I FIREPLACE! a dream house. walkout trom separatedlnlngroomtoa lot ae x son with mature lreu. wality broadioom throughout. iv: car W EXECUTIVE "OH! with ett the m. A bedrooms. tormai dining room. main hos Iamiiy room with tquatace L walkout to huge yard. central air s Interum I all appliances. MELVA MILLiON .95- mi. FIIE'LACI - I. (III uni ed J skylight. rec room. bar and more, _ paymutt. Call Jotei Cathy It Tnl. ier x w LOT seem A bedroom brick and shite rancher on crst ot a hill. one mile trom town. Features bright as kit. chen. warm living room and partially tlnldied rec room Call JONN COF FEY at "5-731. w ACII I IEDIOOMS. Irlck bimelow with lower Ievd tully tinlmed rec room. games room. den. central 2 tuli bette and walkole tram master. 873.900 JOHN COFFEV at "L 7131 AFFORDAILE MIT- DAIIE - Siner clean 3 bedroom. tully broadloomed with Ila baths and oosattry kttchut m Irattlc k. colrt in town. toner out mortgage carries tor sees including taxes. MOO. JOt-ltl COEFEV at M7331. t Ilom Is ACII treed lot mam Iml mletehome. main hour temliy room. tinned rec room. tireplaoe. walkout to hck. species-hemmcleee to school. won't last Iangl Priced toseIIi ROI DUIY "$12!". To SILL immecete'te Inside. teetetetiy decorated. ; bedrooms. us baths. erd J . I . one I... .a or tent JUST sandman: "pom it . w " Tit-Ill kitchen. tit-teed rec room tamed yard. paved dries. H. Try your alt-rt ROI DURY usual. 4 bedrooms. suaw rec room "MM in W L stucco. bar. walkollt. well to wall stone m complete with glue doors. testetuiiy aerated. Just IIOed teem ROI DURV .5733]. e IIDIOOMS - I it. irontage - semen Im- maculate home on baaultullytreedtet.buitt in appliances. tloor to ceiling tIrQIaa. 31 It. ree room. located In a good area oi townl "0.000 uent ROB DUIY M 7131 VENDOR WILL HOLD MORTOAOIIJbedrooms. Ierge kitchen. m. walkout to twiced yard. central air. lust a super rt room. beautitul stone fireplace. 70 ft. trontegel sum - NS. dun. ROD WRY'573I. LAKIFIONT COTTAGE Isms" 3 bedrooms. thtace. turnitite. cebln.beatheiae. .9 It. trontege on Lake Mattel-HM. minutes to Nuamarketl Try A! ml ROD DURY 0573i. a I 0! VIII NICII'I as lN Tttl AIIAI tattoo . teaturee Mm": room with engetstene tireplece. beautitutly OOHICIDTO . Finished rec room. Mitts-he. kitchen. ideal I hemeJeett . w DAWN mm m. rum. w. yard. e baboons. washrooms e o broadloom . MIKE DAWN tIlETGl Its 1 OlTINTDTtII MI TNIIOSI 4.900 host appealing u . ' mlng pool. extra large a pc. assume w o Iet cre nt ioca testetui. clean I - MIKE or DAWN in! Yul. KES'WICK .' a-.'.. M ACIE! bedroom sldesplit unhnlshedtamliy room narme . rec room 25' I Economical wood. - and oil burning i Triple glued will "5.0 . EILEEN C PION osnn. M TIIPLIX DON Ml ROADGoodlnvast large 1 becoom - Mt. Vendorunl hesbeeutttui English rm. slldng door patio. extra large - on W k M I ~ ' lot. "UM Mm - make you a Ian EILEEN CAMPIOI nil. M-I MT. ALBER' and Iii Tttl LITTLI mi TNI PRAIRIE - Prairie ts u' l m hr pool. huge W |ust relaxing: INC" salt. 2 Moon - In collitry eettIng. 1 . down. DIAPER 012141 or I . MINI IDLLAND MA - 7' IN! MI. AIM. II acres. " wring. pond sites. cellent peat -- i l 1 . I 0 O I I U C COLIOUINE 011 asan