.0! WWW Il-hmatm .mmwumu., wm nmintwm otMarchzt-at ' munmmmmummm . nasal .Aulllt.ndlalt.AwIlnFormaeInIormauon. Iherecrell'ltll . IO. . mmnmemmmmumuam East Gwilllrnbla'y Commuty Canon Sat. larch at. 0.. mGwiIliIana'thalnnlityOurewillbethealteot IIIr NHL Iota-mm tru Mara Int. .0. mar ta"leelleviewim." lama-I..MII. mmmmuwu 'n'uuuwm-m yodon'lha..rm.n.atlo.m.atsuttooAmat umbbduhilladaalha medzah luamananhod . " Horvalhtorhit ukeyprtmnancainlheooncllnu "W 0.. mmwhzdeyh agyut?rwaym&m. otgoa ea ddayed alert mam. lamea ttu Frizz. lhe Suttonand Kuwickmat Ipm Ia . II. mmwmlevdmlwomrlueoaddudlnia . uuahoddcall Brianltmnleatm': PubIIc IIIqu II avalla e to any I! m lb .. dMDevdopnauDayaianr- Sutton more tan ArmanSal.. deIteltnaLCo-mm spa-u a mmt itymhxaoocawillheholthrqiatratlmMS lorlweaitandepm atKI CItyOommtadtyOere 0.. reel E'Iyu'a haveantaua' ma Mtethe yn'uulo , Platera Iaat week. forward like Mela-hey waa beaded AMIOIMINBMMIMMMMMIL We can use this time might. aald Mela-hey. Merlin 'Iackluatre perlorrnance 0.. SwahmdthIoelm.wtaIwillbethe'r newooadl'A wouldbelihe Wmny"\VrUl.whotootlheJaIathe u rkeI AmaleIn utltlelatm Hewaahaad . otIlIeJetsInlheI'raeoondaaaaImhutthetltlewaawonbya ; Km; City Ram team, I ThrNe y no Bayurw Secondary School will lnld the Georlian Bay :rySdnnlMdlloanhahll mthal.mrdtl. mm; at It I In .0. DamyDoweywhoplayIltl Rly uncrePeeweuollha GwIllImtaryHotnelea inlt-paatlew ht'llrwlthaaewalae-larthhapaceebealdcalllal Nnamal -mlt Chairman picked lyIANIIU I'CIIINIlN Bra adh lel KE York Gunman Bob Fuhan waao't aarprleed when the Ruaaiana won the NHL manual-min It's UP FOR GRABS Wmmu-W.WI runa- cab and Whmmm owar .YckCa-tyw- New Yuk. He had picked them to win Forhan pIa ed tor the (human na hockey team In the Olymplca in Squaw Valley. CalIIII'nIa. In mo. He aho ayed alnat the Mm Collins places fourth TORONTO Torry lath in the till-In tatreha in the TOIAC Ia'l'awu In II-'11!!! w. I" In thaemJlealaotIlahad lath In the metro br-atauohe with a time (1 15100. The Tu'onto moat waa the D nut In It: Ila-market Swim Cluh'a achedule For Gilim to third waa a big boat to Newmarlet Swim Gub a Nam In other swim club action. ick Wood, Conrad Vardly, Steward G . and Rita Lle- m h in the III)- mdre relay medley at the W meet l-Ile Wood Faster alao placed load In theTQHnetre D in- dvldral medley with a time ol 1 }. At the aame meet. RIck Wood advanced lrorn C to B oompetldu in the Metre Individual medley. Steward Gray from D to C In the zoo metre Ire-ryle, and K. Slade trom E h D In the tin-metre Individual medley. In the Ab! mend under feelers play Argos Ell/MARKET The arket Stealer: lootblll ta Whom-ll dual-momma. v Heighta Secondary aymnaalum On Fri. h 40. aa they play Allpoceatlromthaevot will|otothBI|Brothtaol YIk.la1yaar.-ovc~0waa answer-on nonhuman-r Unin IQIra-theAru-will In: the Keith Dav'h " 1 : MIJQ: v'nnlaatyearbylha "7 - illcox PWN, NJ. Scott lulu-hick Mark Bra agnolo. Mend Peter Mueller. and we back Paul Bennett Game lime in 7 pm and tideta will be available at the dart. cleta coat ll The Steelera are alao lootiu Ia anyone interdted In ayingon the line I them neat aeaaon whatyou havetodoanddo It. I knowlhavetoatudyatniaht right alt recline and aayl Scott Coach Jun Hllnna ll plaaed with Scott s develqr malt thIa season Scott haa done an ex- oaptional )obcorliderir hewaa notrecrultad. He won t even In the last year but kept Wand Wh I started Inc-e lamei {u Ia than any other Ioalie " Scott had Ill d to: hit [amen alaInat Dartmouth wherehemadestaavealnaI-i deleot Against Bolton Umverity. lalt year a national champions. Scott made as aavea inalt-In caue Teodthelour .oalaheletincamainthethird pried, invitatitmal meeti Allyetm Strum graced-nun our (sound mlmmmny. cum. to lo mace bachatrehe, and the It metre braaatroaa. Jennifer la al third In the so metre neutyle at the aame meet in the to and under clam. The Newmarket Swim Club Ia merit; tree competitive awlntn-I laaaona from I to to am. at Quaker Pool each Sunday Anyone intereated mould call 85-" tr 727m Locals Play in snow CALGARY - Sta player: tram Newmartat competed in the lth annual Snow Bowl tootball game played every February and Ieaturad player: from all over Cam. Clan were furry Plinth e Rawam Jim Cw . Scott um. ml Jim m BIIIPhIwa anand Raw-on auttered all ht caaea o! Iroatblte In an deo ee Colan- temperatur- The game aka not a new attendance record 01 H perple. The {Int year the game was played In Newmarket, attendance amounted to a man and m "I have been Itrtunate to y In been W to play vi-onOnehockayagaIutthe heat players and taama III the cot-Io I've W acne [at m.ho," Ha aho has tor coachliigimmhoallowodhim to oration wait: the halo r to M two glor .53.. . lie-Idea hookey.3oottplaya field Iacroaae at Printatnn. a game he learned from hie [Math-r. who waa a the II! lam Orp champtI-tdp tum and wu a pldm nov- bull-chain . Scott. who ahalwa the the aadehariatraeu. Inthe 1m Olympch andon ve otha arm-ml "The Ruaaiana have a d erent atyle oI play than we do." and Fla-ban. "We play It! theSlanleyQQJobetwaIn the NHL. but the Radar- play to be me In th wwld." Mr Forhan thinks that lower a lat.- Canada will pIck IQ the Rudan atyle Ii [day He cite the tact that aeveral minor hockey momenta and old dmera' luau lave plded Ia: the contact atyla. Ila abo tum the Sovleta have dad Q, to a estate utnt. the Ona an at at play. "'I'bRu-Ianaare ylu the than both than when I he aaid. "They re able to anw the game down and It up Theycontnlthe methan wedo IntheN . yeanIl carry the [an ova blue line and dump It Into the other tnm a zone," hr and "They are a more fluid team than the NHL'I They're notatraid to pan the back a: a delermeman a! then uteemen are like Bobby 0" .. But i! the adutta In Canada are lallln behind the III-nan what about the children In thla coIaItry" "They teach their kit the bait: ol the game Sham I: the mat Imptrtant thug must the III-dam. the only player who could skate with them waa he Illd D-ptte the dillennce In IOI FORHAN walks into Princeton nets Prtntemn neta with WII Sch meta. a unite. and Bob Mann. a upland-e trader (mm the Univera'ty d Peonaylvania. u looth year thin. W on who thereaatbannutyear Even Illdu'tgettn nutyearJ have m lav It." men It he out make It neat menu. and It'a a [ood bet he will. Soot: will have the II may he played oclay tor a mayor U 5 university and earned the Russia p-auJaathuapm-taae baatll-wl styles. Mr Forhan thinks coach Scotty Bowmancould havelined hll team differently a ould have need Sava . update. and Robimon mme. Imtead ol guys like he said "I can't underatand them bencth DIonne {Ir a guy like Marcotte." he said They ahould have gone with the Mml line. the Ialander line. and maybe a line at DIoone. 0am. and Sit cr That way. there would have been three m. hardwu-qu lin- " Final playoff dates NEWMARKET The playolts are begmr for both the Aurora TI S and the Newmarket Flyers 0! the ProvmcIal Juruor A tuckey league The Tigers wIII meet me Dnue Beethee In the acne- opmer taught In Done The Tue in" then make a rare Saturday night appearance at home stamna at a p m 11': back to Dune on Sunday mpItaITISpmtandthetwo teams meet agaIn In Aurora 0 Tuaday night I! neceuary. the two teams mil meet agaIn In Dam on the lollowmg Wednesday night. Aurora (m Saturday. and back to male lor the decIdu' 5am: on Smday The I- lyers played last night In North Bay and return lomorrow mun to the Newmarket ( ornmumty Centre at 3p In On Sunday. they raurn to North Bay Ior an afternoon game. startir al 2 p m II'a back here on Tuesday night and. II neceaaary. the nal three games will be played here on lhc Idiom My and Friday and Staiday In the bay For more on Junior A hockey, see page B: The Ray's have two alhnativm. One ia to play agaiaet top competition in manhunt. The team could play mint team from the United Staiea ouch n Sap'naw. Mich. and nding. Pain The othu' alt-native ia to the St Thun- Iaathall uc, which leatIa'u turns trom St Thomas. London. Waterloo. and Sarnia Verje is high on the St 'I homaa prospect They have good team In that ue. good competition We to piay good teams}! we hope to make the CanadIan nals." and Verge " heonly problem would be traveIlIru through the week It would be rough on the yerl and their wu'k." he Nun-Icy. who tad otliee aa mayor of Newmarket on Mmday nIht, planned that he would dIvmt himnll of all bunneaa hddmp II he was decidAaaruultotlIvmaup ta- m In are out. he will no larger be the Ray": W bother the w atauan mu m the team I: up to Twmney s brother. Larr) Nmney wIII. however. keep hIs Interest! In the Newmarket Flycr hockey team. which he saysiajmtatnbbytorhtm He also hopes to remaIn acme mm the Iaathall team Bob Ritchie. manager (ll the team. Im't sure what Is llama on Everyan Ia up In the on right nova I m gum to talk to Ray on Wednesday and see- what's going on. he saId Panthers looking for help \El Boh Bataan. coat-h ol the Ponderoaa Panthrn. last yrar'a Huroola IootbaII champloaa. Ia looking It \oIInIa-era to help out with Ihe team In the upcoming am. The Panthers are In the procra- ol applying 'U a In tarlo [rant and Newmarket may have two lure tearna la the league thin aeaaoa "I don't care whether the volunteers don t the. an ol~ teaatve Ilaemal lre- a detmlve lbelaa aa long as they have an Her-l h the klda." aaId m. Aayaae Iatereated Ia helping out with the tea- thla aeaaaa aheald call Id In. at .51.. aaytl-e after I pna. Media meets Georgina council in rematch of the year GEORGINA ~ The Yuk Stmcoe Media Mugwumpa will face all annat the ma council Crunchen and eta on Thea. Feb 27. at I pm at Sutton Arena ' billed aa . Bob dtoo than the advocate. " " "Wild" I Inland Publuhm. repreaen tanve Chm Knowlea will lace the counCII team. and two CKVR mm . . LIrIIr up tor counul wIII be recreation Iacilitiea manager Fred Ha'vnh, who atymied the ma a mm by [yin acn- the mouth ol the underlijned M not, councillor! Jim Milan, Meryln Winch. John Men. John McLean. and Ml ael IaeDuaId chiat aanlraalrator Wayne Woot. planner Mike Smith. thputy clerk Nun: . ram coerdlnalor Laura ad But lid... ' Amnldu will be a ceota