, ' crankcase - 2 . . sumo-'1: sq. it. [near Vlvldn Read. 3 s, 2 baths. games "GALOW 864.900 - 3 rooms. terse "vino 8- eat-in kitchen. lshed rec room with eplBCe. finished den or 'bedroom. upgraded oadloom. ._ Good centlst modem! Rob ry 895-7331. ing. 10% I! ST UNDER V1 ACRE bedrooms. Ikout from dining room large deck. main floor mily room. finished with fireplaca: lchen. home shows well ose to school! Rob Dury. artoav L900! x130 FTTREED LOT! 4 immaculate . e In one at the liner eas of town. floor to iling stone fireplace. illin appila room. oadloom 889.9 ry 895-7331. roomr 31 it. up raded Rob "COS. .3 u I_ ~ . '{- is; SELL Immaculate 3 room hdme. tastefully o ated. walkout from ning to 8 x 20 patio cklng onto high school Operty.JunepossessIonl 85.000 ! Rob Dury 895-7331. RICE D TO 5.700! on't last long K s iLDWOOD BACKSPLIT . 874.900! Situated on a 50 i 197 lot. 3 bedrooms. main family room. stone ' eplace. den. 4 pc. a. 3 pc._ upgraded oadloom. eat-.ln-kltchen. n Redhead 895-7331. [ 8 r take dIhS. 1.900 BUILDER EAROUT. 3 models all have We baths. 3 rooms. waikouts- to has, large kitchens. one lh vaulted ceilings and nken living room. Low wn payment. Mike or n Ireton 895m. 895- . _ 10. Houses for Rent s-aeoe brick Wider. detached garage. Financial' 99995. Business flunities and Mixer canoe Y rage Ior lease on - compressor. hoist. I location. CelIMike 44162910161. 0! ,.tc!i!!.99_83.;form 090'; situated 4 miles West pf Newmerket Newmarketandslli.8350.per month. Please call 727- 834. - MODERN :i bea'oom home with rec room a. garage. 3-6 sion J. Low - commodation WING A PARTY - arket Lions elre available to Clubs. Weddings. - .Ceiering.895-2472. Am- tor Otions, uses for Rent _ 00M brick bungalow Nae rkel. 8350 monthly. '00 last month Iii .ad. References required. "er 095-0471 evenings DkbOM lviiie, heat. 5 0-01. VVVV ,, rl-J "NOMI in ' reterences , Fri-st and last. 478- 4- 21-7 olillrljlouse tor trooms. 727.320, 0, 9132. a. . 2 sea SITTING ROOMS withntrl e and stove on 2515. Ri-I mturnlshed.sn.aweekeach BACNIL or can rent as -3 bedroom apartment. llarse board 5 p.m._ 727-41.. ' ' ' " WARM STEAM moths. hot and coid'running' water. colored TV. King George Hotel. Newmarkat . horse 1% April 13h. x 1-7 ' .VCIIQN. "5 an 'oerhcaeo - LARGE 'LOT '- 849.900. Great starter has Impressive master._._large, kltchen.- .warm reciroomwwith fir lace. heater and bar. dec at rear 66' x 132 lot. Try 83.000 down. John Coffey 895-7331. . ore House - sunoav - 2 - 5 P.M. 845 BORONIA CRES. 871.900 Gorgeous wooded setting. Im- maculate 3 bedroom sidesplit. Main fi. family room. rec room. 2 baths. 2 walkouts. delightful kit- chen! Fraser Bayley- Hay 895-7331. s a: WHY nor VEIO.A BRAND NEW HOME? This one has features '99 galore. Extra large master 0% W '9" bedroom with ensuite extra large double closets. Finished family room with fireplace and walkout. Mary Morrison 8957331 or 898-1w7. ssmoo Features 2 washrooms. 4 bedrooms. swimming pool. L shaped dining and living room. hardwood floors throughout. backs onto open fields and park. David i-Iart 3955131 or 999.5725 Page 129. . r b' LOOK ~AT WHAT- will buy. large 4 bedroom home .ln Quaker Hills. close to Go bus. extra large lot backing on to open area. 2 washrooms. you won't find better at this price. David Harte 898- 3725. ' 865.900 AND A 885.000 MORTGAGE at 10 per cent. 3 bedroom. separate dining area. large windows In all rooms. rec room. 60 per cent completed. sunny kitchen. 2 washrooms.- 810.0w down. David Harte 898-3725. 835-5131 Pager 128. 889.900 3 BEDROOM' bungalow. family room * with fireplace. large kitchen. upgraded broadloom throughout. 2 washrooms. mud room. separate dining room. David Harte 898-3725 or 8955131 Pager 128. to between ~ unw fridge. 898-2868. .. menses. 1.7. R.g.'."ca ruu'"d' "n, MOUNT ALBERT 2 mediate possession. Jack ad m:yimimm:m- 822* .uaoaa . 2.5.4. ... 15. Coming Events Boocock. obe I - Wm , - __ missus; "a" "'1'; '9 "am"; .mzmm:m:'x*m celiruav sociAL CLUB NIWMARKIT Clean :- . mm ' ' ""mm' "m' " NIWMARKIT acreage. m ' , My Children. Fir-stand last. 117- m. ' on. am .: v - - -2 everyt . .7, _ __ 7 .m.un a.m. eg/ if ,. 7477. or 8954773: 0"" I .u, NIWMARKBT - 2-bedroom Srltliev St.JerryJeromeand available March I. 1979. 5'0" 00 refrigerator in- Cluded. 18W lid hydro ' Rooms hr Rem trait Hurmtteights pr.. -PMVATI" "Keith Newmarket. 895-8492.,efter 4 NM ecmm m g p,m, .1 - room only. P e 89 ~*' 17 ' R1-7 term. Farm or heated Main :44 8032. 7 floor tsetse see superintendent 114- ~l-ioiiend-St. West..Bradtorddr__ 3 BEDROOMS. main floor. stove. n drapu. curtains. backyard. 2' BEDROOM " apartment. available March 1st. Cell 895- APARTMENT in quiet ' adult building. inquire Apt. 3. 618 Queen 51.. Newmarket between 5 and 7 1.7 a.m.smm- X 167' I-IIDRWM APARTMIN ' $17001. preterred. No pets 019880- Poeaesslon Mar. 1. the 895- and' very clean, new broadloom over hardwood floors. extra large lot. large dining area. full basement... gas , heating. David Harte' 898-3725 or 3955131 Pager 123. .. so WELL DECORATED and In immaculate condition throughout. rec-room and office downstairs. full quality broadloom. bedrooms are extra large. shows very well 863.9m. David Harte 898-3725 or 8955131 Pager 128. INGROUND POOL Beautifully kept. 4 bedroom backspilt. Main family room. massive fireplace. walkout to covered patio. 184 ft. , fenced 8. landscaped lot backs onto wooded area. 876.500. Fraser Bayley- 'Hay 8957331.. EXTRA VALU E - 866.900. 60 wide lot. fenced 8. landscaped. Desirable Valley of the Cedars. immaculate 3 bedroom sidesplit. Cozy family room. fireplace. extra washroom. eat-In kitchen 8. more. Fraser Bayley-' Hay 895-7331. large 176 ft. lot In town. 3 bedroom bungalow with an excellent traf c plan In- cluding separate kitchen and dining room. one of the nicest homes in the area. Ralph Huskissong895-7331. BOND HEAD 7 to acre site with a view for miles. country bedrooms. batten board 2 storey. fruit trees. ideal for the nature lover or west muting. 854.900 M'elva Million 895-7331. kitchen. .3 sun porch. " s. 13. Apartments of no pets. Abstelnars modern Bradford hleh-Pise- W W preferred. ssso. monthly. Rent includes heat. hydro. MM mmyvuu, ,. 1.1 sauna. For more iuormetlon Low. ou'L.x' 3-7 carpeted. 1-7 apartment 0149. ' emroao attc 5p.m. Adults looked atter 1-7 1901 FAMIEY TRUST ell decorated I bedroom apartment in south .9. -99. gm . frontage. 8250. per mm. h , 'hc'u_ gay-".0... Im letety.mm. 1-7 ' EIIDIDOM APARTMINT. ' 82m. multhly. first and last. no pets. Available Mar. 1. t u i I y broadloomed. seen. month. - tlrst and last. utiliiim extra. Available March 1.2274149. . NIWMARRIT - 2-bedroan ' i lfer 8359-1001.. . .ber. .Tm.$l .ms and last. utilities extra. Avaliage March 10. Spacious apartment. middle aged or retired couple tally. 775-3336 1:17 l-BIOROOM apartmera on all adult floor. Clean, well building. Utilities. appliances. slider ground WUWIMW.77$ I V .. .~-~. -.k~u.u... .- .4...-...- .._. , CORPORATION Mm- , M- s . __.. mm~ --.' raconteurs-mam 1.900 A very clean. modern home reflecting pride of ownership. 3 bedroom. 2 full bathrooms. family room with walkout - to~Iarge fenced yard 10 per cent mortgage with 4 years to run. Ralph Huskisson 8957331. 871.900 COUNTRY LIVING in town. 4 large bedrooms. extra 2 pc. bathroom. finished rec room with walkout to 235 ft. lot overlooking farm land. Ralph Huskisson 895- ' 7331 . 101/. PER. CENT MORT- GAGE - $hows like a dream. spa cioils living a. dining room. 3 bedrooms. cozy family room with fireplace. large fenced yard. 860.900. Melva Million 895-7331. LOOKING FOR FAMILY SIZED _KITCHEN separate living 8 dining room. 4 bedrooms. 3 washrooms and a location close to schools 8. parks. This is it 861.900. Melva Million 8957331. ROOM TO GROW - Family room is adjacent to "eat-in-kltchen" In this 4 br. backspilt. Situated on quiet court In desirable area. 868.900 Dorothy Kelly 898-3725. 0.1.0 .,. ' " 879.900 GARDEN OF EDEN Professional landscaping backing onto conservation. 3 bedroom side split. ground level family room.,flnlshed rec . room. Bultt'in bar. antique brlc'k fireplabe. Mike or Dawn ireton 895-7331. 895- $37 UXBRIDGE TWP. 25 acre bush properties. heavily tread with maple and soft wood. 812.900 and 815.0(1). Mel Hockley 898- 3725. . , . . L . 13. Apartments 1 AND 2 BEDROOM 111-... furnished apartments in, . 13. Apartments NIWMARKI h Apl'tfhents NIWMARKIT 2 bedroom for rent. Main s Due-l. also Dueen apartment. renovated. 1-7 throughout. seen. amorah. g. MIWanted to Rent. - barn. Aurore-Newmarket- Ouaemvilia area. Phone 473- 27 . x 1-7 the Carbeils (steel band). Paul Tor .1. Floor sh". "m door in Barbados "winder. 2, (1 week), via v.W.I.A.'eIrIInes. Hotel Asta ac ammodetton. Numerous door prlzes. buffet and 1-7 Diana Beauty Newmarlnet. Plaza. ~ 14-7 CENTURY SOCIAL CLUB dance Saturday March 10. 1979. 9 to 1. Legion Hall. Srlsiev SI. Tommv-EarIls atd the all stars. Buffet. ca sh door prizes. bars-Wu person. Beauty Salon. Newmark at Plaza. 1 I . "1 Se on 1-7 l completely broadloom Including heat a. hydro days immense. 1483-094 1-7 8-BIDROOM house' plus IQth 7 ID. 1 01.. I daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barr and Mr. aners. to the team of Dr. Hall. Dr. Hirsch. and the York Comfy Maternity Stall. " GALAN Dosce and Linda are proud to announce the PM. ._..' MIL son. 5 _ (Ebert Kent. 91b.- 702.. on February 3. 1979. A brother for Michael. Proud Grend- gar ents. are. Mr..arid Mrs. R. Shaw. and Mr. and'Mrs. D. Galen. to Dr. all the matarnltyrstatt. * 17. Engagements . L- 'Mrferld Mrs. Frlte Henrich- annou_nce the engagement at their. daughter. Gabriele Helga to kenneth James. ital a Mr. and .Mra. K01 Ran. What Tickets - Diana NEMAKT NEWMARKET REALISTIC VENDOR 856.900 Is the asking price for this very popular model with eat in kitchen. separate dining room. 20' living room with w/o to fully fenced yard. John Stewart 898-3725. Res. 895- 5706. ' . \ J p 4.- ; m REDUCED TO 862.900 Three large bedrooms. finished rec room- with brick. floor to ceiling fireplace and bar. 10 per Cent mortgage of 855.300 can be assumed. John Stewart 898-3725. Res. 895- 5706. JUST LISTED ssmoo and worth every penny. rooms big enough for twin beds. sunken living room. model with w/o to patio. gas bar-b-q. full basement. John Stewart 898-3725. Res. 895-5706. Elan Tl " We- KESWICK BEAUTY 879.000 28!!) sq. ft: of living area In this custom built bungalow. 11 rooms. 2 fireplaces. 2 family rooms. w/o to patio with brick bar- bq. John Stewart 898-3725. Res. 8955706. - BUNGA LOWS HARD TO FIND! This one Is a real delight. full 21 ARE ft. kitchen. 3 ample" bedrooms; plus den loaded with bookcases. This beauty is located on a quiet cres. Low taxes. Priced to sell at 858.900. Mary Morrison 895-7331 or 898- 1807. IMMEDIATE slon If requ'red ls available on this delightful 2 storey 4 bedroom home. Family room with fireplace. games room. 8. walkout. 876.500 Melva Million 895- 7331. ' 15. Coming Events -' v .lotioe Sunday fun at Just-A-Farrn continuous horse drawn sleigh rides in the country. Open from 10 a.m. - 5 pm. " " m M--- _ . f. l '6' Bin. . _ aollesreeL Graham 6- Births ' and Linda are pleased to announce the birth of Jen- nifer l-tilary on February 10. for Sarah and Grand- lC.M. Bonateel. Our thanks verv special thanks likes. Or. Hirsch and neglttqa- _ . HOME ' Sparkling kit- ] . NEINMARKET 2.900 family home. sell. 11/: baths. finished rec room. eat dining room walkout to bedroom room. bedroom. 1V2 baths. above ground pool Tastefully decorated. Too good to last. Mikeor Dawn . ireton 3957331. 3953037. POSSES ' 15. Coming Events nounca the a Hazel. 6 lbs. 12 on. at Wednesday. January 31. 1979. A new sister to Kenny. Second Grandchlld for Mr. a Mrs. John Murray and Mr. 8. Mrs. Les Wilson. Sharon. seam Great Grandchltd terr- Mrs. Jessie Carbray. Toronto '10 "1W 19' Mf- 0 Mn- AI. spend and father who Murray. Florida. Special paw away Fee. is, me 18. Marriages; m Mr. a Mrs. Charles s. .iel. tery. Guee mvllle. are happy toannounce the forthcoming husbwld and father Emest' ma'rlage of their daughter. Marian Ruth 10' Paul 6. MBCLOIR. 8011 of Mr. 0; Mrs. Howard Newmarket.__1he Sadly missed by arise Lillian ceatGu emsvme "and daughters Marian and Margaret and son John and will tek'e'pla United Church on May 12m. 1919. ~ . '3 .5751 'nr 4 bedroom priced to lh kitchen. manicured garden and patio. 'Excellent mor- tgaging. Mike or Dawn ireton 895-7331. 895-1137. 879.900 impeccable with hardwood bedrooms. 2 fireplaces main floor family room. finished rec room. 3 washrooms. 2 walkouts. large lot in desirable area. Mike or Dawn Ireton 895- 7331. 895-3037. .' 1 " -_ A- l- 856.900 Over 1200 sq. ft.. 1V2 baths. separate living room. dining room. walkout to patio. 1V2 baths. shows pride of owners. sparkling home. Mike or Dawn Ireton 895-7331. 895- 3037. J. 869.900 Loads of space at a realistic price. Huge kitchen. family room with walkout. 4 bedrooms. finished rec room. We baths. immediate possession If required. Melva Million 8957331. A M 856.900 OUAKER HILL 3 finished rec 18 ft. master with deck. BACKING ONTO TENNIS COURT bedroom brick bungalow 59 ft. frontage in good area of town. L-shaped living 8. dining walkout from kit- chen to large sun deckl ,s59.9oo - $5.000 down. Rob Dury'0957331. AND PARK! 3 and Rim are pleased to m- Wishing you a happy qival of Janet Deb. You're not getting better you're getting older. Vickee. E. ' MecLeah. ' sss.soo 1v. floors. 4 18. Marriages Mr. and Mrs. Wally Levigne. Holland Landing. are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage tot their daughter Cindy Lou to Mark Edward Broughton. son or Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Broughton. ~ MEADOWS. James Id a -t in loving memory of a deer That we carry In our hurts. Sadly mined by Carmen. . m'h rdughtars-in-law- Santa 8.- grandchildren Jimmy. Tania e. Michelle. ln lovlngvmamoryot adeer "8'91" 5? : r chen with built In shelves. walkout to cedar deck and patio. 4 big bedrooms. finished rec room with bar. Mike or Dawn Ireton 895- 7331. 0953037. storey charmer. stained glass windows. beamed ceilings. 4 bedrooms. main floor den. separate living and dining. 10 per cent down. Mike or Dawn Ireton 895- 7331. 8953037. 858.900 OUAKER HILL 4 bedroom can't be beat with finished rec room. 11/2 baths. large kitchen. combination living and dining area. Mikeor Dawn Ireton 8957331. 895-1137. 862,900 - Located in Bayvlew Hills. Im- maculate in every detail. if quality Is what you want then this is it. family room. super large bedrooms. David Harte 898-3725. GORGEOUS 82,500 down. Model condition throughout! Gleaming family kitchen with break- fast bar 8. patio walkdut. Impressive rec _ mature treed backyard overlooks conservation. Fraser 7331. Bayley-Hay 895- _UXBRIDGE TWP. 99 aCre farmers farm. 90 acres top productive land. 12 deep pond. 5 bedroom brick house. good barn. 6 miles from Mt. Albert on paved road. 8159.900 Mei Hockley 898-3725. VACANT BUILDING LOT 2.33 acres with a year round flowing stream. mature trees high on the back with lots of privacy. Fronts on a paved road. Priced at 842.500. Mary Morrison 8957331 or 898- 1807. . _ 20 in Memoriam and Cards of Thanks MCMULLIN pest, always last. of you US 10. 197 . " T . , steel .the Seathe. 12. 1970. "93- NS V8- mind. left behind. ~. 1-7' callus _ 1591! ???- Brod. - ~\ll'edroom bung it room . in loving memory ofour dear daughter and sister Shirley who passed away Feb. 16. 1964 .Bless the hours we have With memories that will And when we cease to think Will be when God has called Sadly missed by mom. dad. sisters and brother. PRICE. Willie!!! -I0 W08 Don. Pam and Bob. Steven memory of a deer husband who DOM DWIV F . 13. ltjonty takes a little space rite how much i miss To forget the day i lost you. Sadly missed? by wife "eu ti, Le.- In twins i Granddad Robert Joseph. who passed away February Loving and kind in all his Upright and lust to the end of Sincere and kind in heart and What a beeutitul memory he sadly missed by Grand- ecarated. and r dioomed for 'Im- a es. . -lm. u I > n. U" x l 860. 'Mel i-lockley 8983 3725. KESWICK THREE BEDROOMS Plus or playroom or 4th room; Ideal starter with a 10 5/8 per cent first mortgage. Completely fenced lot. easy com- muting to Toronto. June Keeling 476-3211. 297-1270. TR! PLEX Three 2 bedroom spacious apartments in this well laid out property situated on 200 x 200 lot. Excellent investment. will carry itself. Ecommical natural forced air gas heating. 810.000 down. Eileen Camplon 476-3211. 297-1270. KESWICK SUPER iN- VESTMENT Two buildings on commercial~ property in the heart of Keswick. Full basements. store that'couid be rented. Check It out now. George Brockiey 476-3211. 297-1270. TWO ACRES New 3 bedroom sidesplit located 2 miles from Woodbine Avenue for easy com- muting. Family room with fireplace a huge 25' x 30'. Rec room 28 x 30'. This is truly a large family home. Asking 875,900. Eileen Campion 476-3211. 297-1270. CHARMING - insulated frame cottage. flush toilet. wood panelling. most furniture Included. Pot bellied stove. Near like. 822,500. Brian Thain 476- 3211, 297-1270. 3 BDRM. WATERFRONT ONLY 842.400 Don't wait for spring. this comfy bungalow is available now 8. features an extra large mature freed lot. artesian well, tool shed. boathouse. docks 8. privacy, may be seen today. Peter Hall; 4754337 or 297-1270. ARE YOU LOOKING? For a three bedroom home on direct waterfront. look ' no further. sandy beach right to your back door. 844.900; Myrtle Rodgers. 476-4337-or 297-1270. "Cards of Thanks 1m. v HIS will. away. When we are all alpha. triend and AIICB. Michael. CV". Cheer ~f0We~ - 1.7 . Davey. Cindy aid; xatle. 21. Articles for Sale 20. In Memoriam and RUNDLE - in loving memory of Dad. Robert .1029 . who passed away February 12. God took him home. it was YSWQtOVthM Tenderiy ,we treasure the still.- His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed We often sit and think of him For memory is the onin at grief can call its own. dly missed by Ann and Becky and ,RUNDLI - In loving memory of Dad. Robert Joseph. who passed away February 12. " 1 will tekeihe restof my 197'- ' _ - .. . maleatacethathauntsus . And a voice which brought us And a smile -we'li forever When in silence weary every N Sadly missed by June. Dave. TYPMITIR: Underwog Typemester. Standard. . year old. Power spate bar. 15. Inch carriage. swam. ;. 2331 daytime or 895-6871 noninva- AebWDmat T: a- [vi { s 099 ! i I i l I 1'.