ammu Télecare needs help NEWMAHKET TelecareYork is beginning new training course or prospective volunteer telephone workers on Jan ii in Aurora Unltai Church The course will run weekly on Thursday evenings mm loao pm until April 16 In 77 which has nperai rem Newmarket office or the paeliew years witrr numbers 3951211 and 727 lZlZ has recently added Zenith line will which covers the Keswick Sutton Pei lcrlaw area The course given is an excellent one covering the many problems people have in todays society marital economic sex drugs loneliness suicide etc in qualifications needed to take the course are to be at least ill years oi age to have real desire to reach out to help people two charges Wllh cuss Vanwmsnxnr Two Newimarhiat teenagers volgbaon charged oil wing an invisstlgatlopfihy York Regional Police into breakto at Huron HeglnlnSeeondarySohool and theit lrom valid no7 an dominating presume can manipulate its either But there araothcr dodgers ot national identity numberdutaida the pontloel realm For exadipla there is theaerlous possibility that information slored iii the vast network of linked computers that is develong will be used out oi context lntornuatlod colloctédtor one purpose naybo highly misleading when used for dit erent purpose Suppose you were boisterous manber bi youn Grade class Your teacher may have casually noted in her reports that you showed disrespect for authority Yet thls information when read to years later by potential employer who had access to it from some central data bank unlocked by your Social IMlnBnce num ber might oonsiderahlydamage your chances at ltséaliod the Social lnaursncq SLNflfiihonMt it is rapidly becoming your finale lduitiiyirng Number Created originally for the soie purpose or ndniinistartag ths Canada Pension Elan by Primo Minister Pearson in It the Socia lrn sinsince Number has become do no national identification nihnh Jylthln federal bmucracy the Social insurance timber is now lined by it depart merits and agenciu as their prime identifier or registration number This includes numerous programs such as Unemployment insurance all Canadian taxpayers recipients of any social program all federal employees holders oi gun permits purchaaaa or Canada Savings Bonds and all military personnel But use of the number has also spread drastically witlnin the provincial governments getting that job and private sector It is used or registration in 0r suppose person took part in apolitical hospitals BCthEi hurl hanksr and Ill demonstration or worked or political party SWIMWWMWLH Ontario and Saskatchewan use Social lusulange wrson la political activist Again job Numbers to keep track at students in senior portunities might be mmproniised grades Companies such as General Electric in LIMITS FREEDOM Peterborough use the uumberior employee Asttuattonlike this limits the ireedom oi the flat caiiu Evan pee wee hockey players are individual Aware that his every action and asked ion Tnl infirm manedenimymigim disoeroeeom Canadian Amateur Hockey Association com available to anyone knowing his identity num puter bet the individual is likely to refrain from participating inn certain activities that are his rights under our democratic system But why have we reached the situation today wherethe Social Insurance Number is becoming mora and mora national identity card Why have the guarantees given by the Pearson government back in 1964 that this would not happen not been upheld The answer can be given to two words Administrative convenience To make it easier for bureaucrats to do their has the federal government has surreptlous but purposely extended the use at the Social Insurance Number This has occurred with no con our lives until there is nothing about us that is sideration given to the dange such an ad hoc not oiinciai knowledge This is the and of per nevelopinaltoianational identity number poses sonal privacy in individual freedoms and privacy For example Health and WelfareMinlster Monique wuennismlfnmonm is there ndanger in this situation Many people say no that ii one has done nothing wrong what is there to worry about The only peoplewho shouldworry according to them are criminals and people with something to hide However people who hold this vlew un derestimate the dangers of using the Social insurance Number as national identity number Such number will give individuals and government untold opportunities to interconnect uus computertermI sis each one possessing dilierent bits of information about For you and your dear ones we wish ehollday union with the warmth and wonder at Christmas It has been pleasure to serve you FlilJM THE STAFF ilF now and mwhom they can it they wish remain anonymous To obtain further information about the course call any at the CHRISTMAS PROGRAM TheGrade students of Prince Charles Public School Newmnrket sang during the Christmas program put on by the school last Thursday CASH CARRY above numbers and leave Some knowledge gives government or others Begins view at the issue it is quite in order 514 Mills Dim NEWMAHKH name address and night Above Shannon Legrns hula IIP ED 3118C and an Ram in possession the power to extract or extort some that in the future Social insurance Numbers will 5951293 tdephune number with holly The auditorium was lull oi parents and children who also joined in desired action mm 54 Agovernmeut which has be used more and more Boxing Week aaabric sale starts Wednesday December the worker on duty Court acquiisy rrwfileers NEWMARKET Three York Regional Police oliicers who were charged by whininurch Stoutivllle man with assault causing bodily singing Christmas carols while the children prepared for their numbers back stage Boilsetforyouihw charged with murder NEWMARKET 16yearold Newmarket youth who has been charged with second degiee murder in con nection with the death of Newmarket woman was court March so was set or preliminary hearing While awaiting trial ML Cami after hi the youthlnllstobservea appearance at the no pm curfew abstain UniivetsityCourtHauseirn from alcohol and druss and pushed her to the ground Her purse was later iound with $12 missing By Lisa Robertson Era correspondent Christmas celebrations are certainly well indér way at Newmarket nigh Scimo released on 310000 hail Toronto appeared in l1nd remain at his WemTammtnegfirstt last week Newmsrket prnvirlclal parent homE We 00 You may have noticed ghnstmas tree Michael can had Constables Ronald standing in the hon near the ounce it really sets been in 5de since his lining JaCK More and an atmosphere doesnt it Actually the trees may by York Ream Gordon Sherman heard Judge Claude Morrison say there was not enough vidente to support purpose is twotold Go ahead and cast your eyes on it but please bring canned food and toys to put under it as well Police following the death 01 7Zryearold Edith Bevinglon 80 amal 20 nylon bland Smart ion robawear and Ioungawaan Machine tom polyester doom knits Mostly tannins in wldecolnurisnua Machine The olden wnman washable 4354 wide washable so wide llsu oonvictnon ourldunrfllwff 1le dlélhrpfiled 5111an13 died me she gm 120135 cm Boxan on Baxlng Weak pnleed or unae amines or is mas Weakpnlcodoi at The olilcers were Salvation Army pectured hip when charged alter Robert Olszevskl wasarrested on diarge oi impaired driving The slouiivme man claimed he was beaten by the policeman because he reluscd to go along with them to the police elation Constable Lanng said he questioned the man alter he saw his car parkedm the middle oi the road The man ap peared very intoxicated Constable Lain had to call or reininrcements to try and get Mr Olszcvski out of his vehicle and struggle ensued Legal youth grabbed her purse Cain faces second charge at school NEWMARKET 16yearold Newmanha youth lacing dialgs oi smond degree murder has been charged with petty trespassing Michael Cain had received notice irom the Huron Heights Secondary School not to trespass on school property Police said the youth was ob it both your cupboards and your toybox are bare have no iear There is large empty jar sitting in the cnieteria simply begging nor stray nickels and dimes also to be forwarded in the Salvation Army The Childrens Aid Society oi York Region is also receiving little extra helpirom NHS in their Christmas drive We are having coin conlest in the main hall aswe did last year Drop by on fine day at the contest hand over your spare change and at the end 01 the day the money donated by eadn grade will be tallied up Personally lm rooting for the Grade 123 and intend to invest my lile savings The Girls Athletic Society is organizing major nodraising event which may take place in January It is called Carnival 79 and will be somewhat akin to last years Explo ior those of you who remember it meeting was held on Tuesday for those OWNERS AND STAFF OF THE NEWLY NAMED pirates mitt 115 PROSPECT ST NEWMARKET rua ssI polyosler and 15 00 valvular edbll sdloolswillafit FORMEHLV vansslsnscalss So In lo interested in hel in to or andze the bemug lurelsc51ra$an p33 Thursday on the We would like no take lhls opportunity to wlahall olr WE mm Machine cleavancepllca Shun nanny ANNA GOLDIE LATE or Femsm customers very Merry Christmas and Happy Ne washable so wide 150 nor best selection Mechlne Mr Cain will be tried on that charge Feb it He is also charged with murdering Edith Bevtngion 72yearold woman who died Nov 25 sitar being pushed to the vowu aewmaaxsr flEGIONAL MUNICIPALITY on YORK wnnow necessen credltorson one above named deceased who sled nl Newmhrxen Ontario on rat shoun nhem day on Sen nemhen min are hereby inclined pursued in the home Am in send no me unflerslvned grow on nhenr claim on cl lactate Itle lslh or nu we Year Our film will bl cloud luv inn and wo look lorwsnd to washable so won 150 cm Boxmg Wonk pllced cml Boxing Week pllco at TOO LATE To LASSI FY Private Tuition wsskinoin Doc 24 to Musnc LEng Protesslonal lnstrudlann Mo mmw mums eulnnn bass piano °°a° 55 oceomncn all hand slromenln nheorv and Mmmnv ON Epr rant included new Em ground by Puraa Music Davis Drive on unrenoooe ill centvlnsl Lis snaicher VIIA Also ask about our new WW 32 750° 75 ensembleproqruml 49 545 son sear openmeni lbedroom cannypl mono TV sins in mg Elli 933313 no Sammy ANNOUNCER inninomsnioumvso Nolnre is hereby given my murmurrumour lends no dimlve ay timq Artists on Dissolullon wlnh gnngflifétiwxe Irannnn LeannnoM notlce spare time you could once on News on IJIh opv ul Dummber be on the vs JANUARY SALE PRICES AflEfiWAlBELDWMAflKETLEVEN JANUARY IALEPNICEB ltflVIitt EFFECT months For recorded the Ministry at Consumer ma message on how sun Communal Relations aloncnedMunvneicoenanemoneolldn lzsn Wrsuanl the Silliness NaIuIaILonphnlnodBeavelcoal list aammmnnu qualltyrhoneanytlma prurslnonsAcl Nnuncne aFtnaRaccoon mn by Mr Solldlonn 9212420 National In na at oascavoom his uolvat coat is site one Fax Collun Velour Prints snlven to Natural ll HMtlllShhel slluleovamadcaahng nlmawwmmmmm Mk 80 Doiyaatul and 20 Polyosier and cullon NawmavkaLOntarlo weer MumcolouredNaturalMlnkCoal illoo mm sums and wands MW mm lo mm WW lemminfimimwmm 333 so wldo aoloctlon choose llom Mucmno we on an Muclunrn wnannbin wushnbln 45 wilful I16 rrv we are 1utorla nglhBllenmolidNalmal mo Wm 50 503 cm Wm Wm Wm LOSTMaeeatyolackam Services in uuelinien BthnJvatMlnkABuudaCoat 1959 mnkfifidal my winh whine marklnns 636 Mmlon Days PaaflMlnkaBuadaCost min mm Rm mm mun mm 171 154i or mkmmmdmnkcgui mo onnnsam urn 111 lu gmpymnkmm ulna 371MMJMMVW emu 59 Business Services is Business Services menalhflodFosCoaldnaprad am NaluvatMunsOttailncoul tilde SNOWPLOWING anulotMnnsRsocoonCoal mn Flori Fox runpih Cnal mo Residential Commercial Natural Wot Lonlharconl to pays 3957491 Evga 4784588 Bryan Agnew MARKS AUTO SERVICE sm ion pJIL Moriavim my lln mtlos on Itwy on sun sin uwy II 3951143 low vanishes wilell aliunmnnl solely ml rum fissscu1 FUHHIEHS iN AURORA FOR 20 YEARS COLD STORAGE REPAIRS REMODELS KEN STIFF MASTER FURfilEn 50 YRi LIZANNES FABRICS pkg Our narantee It lllnlllttlth ytlll lnilnsl lu HP IZlll v7IfIl wn mil kin unnunu ml uiunnnn in minnu un mun insolrs BEST Upper Canada Mil Happy vaicoi nlno opl lhn muilc on thin 5951871 laycnn hallduy1hoy inning in hunmonlnus note ht thanks 1mm in to all of you Yn slnnyliiiulq InvomprmnfzgflgxoyglfitlilWNNTMIDV fitu Moon in 095293 an paws um mung ARGYLE ind sealsgang 706tzor7ozlow