nronnnilnur TOWNDF HEM fABYfLAW concsnnismsnsnovnt or snow AND BE FROM SIDEWALKS YliEv CDWJCILUF ii TWIN 0F EAST GWLWBURV ENAWSASWLUWIS The owner oiany bulldinu In the Municipality in ludlnq resmenllai commercial and industrial premises and any public building and the occupants at any building in the municipality including lng atoreaam classes at buildings are hereby required lo clear away anu remuve snow and ice lrnln tha sidewalks an the highways in lront oi alongside or at the roar at such ourlernq wrlhln twentytour hours alter the snow or ica accumulates Nn owner or occupant shall neglect or reluse to clear away the show one rce lrorn lna sidewalks wrlhrn twenlylonr hours alter lne snow or rce accumulates iana W10 rsmuvslhesmnrmWIHnoilens agamsl this Byriaw The Town at Easl Gwrllrrnhury rnay clear away and remove snow and lle the sidewalk on any highway organct hWnyiora doliuherool ilL lronl oi alongsme at the rear ol an occupied or unoccupren ourlnlng or vacant lot and may recover the expense or so doing lrorn the owner in Ilkamanner as municipal 13x88 Vite Toerol EaSLGMMnDquEWL and remove snow and ice tram the tron walks or hurlorngs and lmm Ina einawallu on the highways In lrorll cl alongsme or at Ihe rear at buildings OCCUDIBO by owners or tenanls Sixty llve years oi age or over or ec cupreu by owners or rananta who are physically unahla to clear away and remove snow ans ice provided that such persons as aloresaro maxe applicahon to me Clerk al the rawn oi East Gwrllrrnhury tor such clearing away and removal at snow ano ice by lna rown oi Easl Gwillrmhury and upon such application the aloramen nenee Clelkrmerordeuhe clearing away and removal at any and ice upon such lerrns and condllions may be deemed advisable Any nelson convtelen cl breach any at the provision or this eylaw shall form and payath discrellon oi the convrcling Junqe ur Jusilce oi the fleece oenally nol Exceeding exclusive ol costs the sum WWW SHAon Shawn Mela were stepnen Palmeteer and Joey Kamoster with our Thompson were the 80818 John Rye with shutout mil aa Mels three Brlau Nonnstnn Express Puweefifififmmnn Hamil Mark embarrassed Richmond Shelton and Greg Helln Hill 166 eflth with two and Dale Leading the wa tor LescenL HRIFIY RENTACAR Forextra wheels when you younoodfllomRi Phone 7219444 Lgahnsu r4 KP Vlrrel muntumm mm app DRHJAMES BOYLE MD ccFP lblesed to announthhe opening of hisptlice for the practice of FAMILWEnchNE éi Goldie Minichei of goals as Vinces Fruit Market deadlocked with Elkel Metal Crafl 22 results Gwlllimbury League action last week 1on Bobby Na lorhad pair of gun as the Sharon Wooer Atmn hockey temdeadiocked with Thornhill 22ihst week blank Bolton 10 PEEWEEA SENHNEL ALUMINUM ALLISTON Roger Gwiilisms led SHARON and David The following are lrom East House NOVICE LICIO anors Scott WaliLLrh bclmrran Equipment Slettsrl Cooke In Sports Craig Tranmer Davlo Jasper Dan Mills Steven Oogtemuls ll shrillr may rriono Thompson Kent Monspn the way withtwo gosls as Aluminum Pqewegs blanked Alllitnn 60 new Bosely Tim Kearrs and Jody Gibson rounded out the Sharon iim Kenrrls with two goals Geoff Bosely and Craig Walker were the snipers Aluminum Keswiclt 54 rrGéldleSngsgoals Pmrlalrtmasn lstElmo Bailey River Mark 29193 RW Willitel ren Alan Wilson warmnml gr shims Glen Harper Arm kTTorrllsn 7m Chris DMII Sprlv Minlchleiln Graham numeralshipster tutorials Brewda Mikhail Perry Roy Lapilrro James Harlow Danny DWEY MlnGErluVEtllLE the shutnut as Sentinel MIDGETB edged FEEWEE rommy Doa torslw Blackr BANTAM Essucintions up to slant governing body ce and lint ml xuorld ilan tnlr lslh may in Sept 1915 Anon ll Marlon usvna Halan um need lhird lime and Illnlly palm lllil lath sly oi Slot ms Anuul ll Motion MAVilR Munhinl ELEIK 45 Advertise Weekly 20 kg 130 16 1135 C040 Bird Seed tor all more loalhorm irienua cum tllll vim lnrlutjtS strum ALL Zlfllu 4745 lb 235 lilting 239 44 lh 305 25 mi 3figr°alr 3395 50 lb 1435 i°7r ShopCOOP FOR VALUES intho York Protessional Bldg 679 Davis llrlve Suite 105 Newmarket Ontario Telephone 8963445 24 Ilolgh shovel Long in alvaniud ssnwmsnzns 181080 241115 30124036 1450 STEEL WWI Militias 18 650 24 785 30860 361125 Booster Cflhlal 0n olwlrllars malnprah lama oarlary llll earrounanoyurlnq cc qulllly houlllr Commll wllh un eull hmuor lnd olular 5724037 saline UNIVEDCOOFEIIAIVEB 0F OMMHIO 482 ONTARIO STREET NEWMARKET TEEEPHONEsoszaao NINA on Wann twayne ORellly MacDonald John Milly John Dianne Joe Knloran Micheal Everlwham Gralo Some of the worlds greatest artists like Lou Rawls Becaud Charlie Rich and Ro erWhittaker ills some of the worlds greatest love FirstTime var Where Do Begin and The Last Farewell are on this our finest Candlelight and Wine Album Noted Canadian lllustruianjames Hill also adds his unique talean to the album Will specially commissioned cover illustration From the mustc to theanlsts to the album is trulya work of art QS UNIONVILLEVG PARAMOUNT fimlh commas at 119 night points tor the scoring ork ijmwml Robetam with 11Y game was behind 13 Norbert zanfler will Rich TINELALUMINUM the Sharon Sentinsk BOLTONO Shawn Harvey was goalie in Sltsrons l4 triumph over Bullion grain Wnikzr had mm mm wildfire Robert Molten had sgmmgmwmmum ilARDNJ the only goal nlque game BAERIE2 as woodoor went on to xnsmcxa Mike Azun Keith Hiison and Paul Marycll wers the goslsoorers as Sharon edged Barrie 32 awespi snyt Font David Wilson Aller chryslor Rick At the minor baseball annual meeting onMondsy nbnuc 30 people showed new There vwereseioars earlier that the loop songs lncludlngvlove is Blue ewiiLtLLiLoian Wu iEASTGWILWéunkReés swal DEVELOPMENT2 Dole Know the only Sharon goals as Unionvlikl won $2 iMIDGEIA NDBM BURLINGS ALLIBWNE Rick Binfllam had psltotgonls ssSharon dumped Aiiiston on Also scoring for Burling were Jerry Campsnil Randy Farr and John Seihnor NORMBURUNGS woonnnlnnlsa Randy Farr led the way with two goals as sy BRIAN autumnal otthe nine games thus tar in Fe Bashing Association season cszhor is tied title Patter and saynea Baseball safe NEWMARKET Newmsrket baseball is McCoy Dollie Clam alive and well awlnlamsz oavla Jacksanh KMS Ken Doerinwi Alh PIIM WplTFrorlK Fume Gard Mscallnm cnrls PearsllrBluk Soil lscmt came Gran serve ismllltl PhinLooseleyl Taking over from last years president Roy Green will he Alsx Grant Carol Bolshy and over as secfétTrYnnd treasurer respectively The new directors pur Dave McKifley Br Vsmrel Tony Bone who Don McKnight will take through the second he points tor Midas but this Sharon uhied the count on Wondbridga $3 Also notching markers for Sharon were Jerry Campssli Risk Gubby hick Binghsm and Frank Roberts NORM BURLING II KEBWICKI Kelly Lovlgle was the big shooter torSharon in 64 victory over Keswick Steve Fegg Dave MucNeilL Frank Roberts and Ed Msdely bonged in singles for the Winners Dive netted and 14 victory over Midas Muffler last Tuesday throughoutJrlost at the points at hulltime The changed when Midss top had already hooped i6 points louled out midway From that poinLon the game belonged to York Ed Maxwell not ched tin additional 12 covetl this doubletCandlelight and Wlne CHFI981 Available iii EUlilIlSSlmPSOrl$ Tllc Buy Music World and ofcorrfse CHIl the rillnlm com is nvnllublo in puller we Suntl $2 llHrlltrlllc or mumy altu In auditingIt rlllrl Wlm Iknlrr 01H Adelall Siltct tlslr foruntuMst il drilnlln Barrel Pi points rsspectlfilytomw In PI Newmalket leadthelrteam to 35847 dimming Cabin Briansa to BdVBnuge 15hr Sams White Rose Nun dawned Donor Bataan the third game or night with 33216 sou iAtiDItzmle on the port at whit3 kept the Donor outside and unable score johnnyMathis Gilbert Iy Lavlgnew snipers ss Norm and Bolton dasliio way with two gag Sharon doubled 4L Also scatin Sharon Loitus Erwin wevln Gibson Pahor iledwilh Baynes in Newmafkel boskelball both 01 York soon it were ploy Ith acll Plint 5032 players hitting dou figures for Barrel all Denver drop polnts tor the