icy wMy rind loyour rd iittlehocley and rain to me mismtmeolmoleheccommaaaladalnedloman aatorandpartakelnywrlavwiteuw lt Fujion wit the an alt MY ll to II wanna ldhiowntheovm oathw withthedtbandthy loldlna thm in he drank chug hard there were liq to Indthll we price and the coach malt waa FernL dimll Whui ruched column Geritol jocks By IAN HLWIIINSON andthehoya ambaand Narmada loraleII era II mommy14mm msatur yravltWilltakeariOvuiSwndlorthenyuto tkrttol in the province hull shouliht beniaximiotuaboutthuem Decale slime nimble talclt an the team mlmedloreleeetmirumamlotolthanmdmake liketheoldtima lwaa ody 11 Itthetime an Balmckw the ante heal lguys rush ler me irw aid raiae my taxes pt lax urgamutlon lrm tinrradt my old hnaa in the my bumsI and hockey plays used to be nod lot at least five mm is he otficiala evsy night Norm mod to alarm av to owner alts five minutes at Hull and try to ligure out lrru lioall exmayut oi Newmartet VIII aomewhat the arm bere we call he didnt like only trouble With ha he hold We Dunn the recall murllctpal heard Drew was going to run Illnll Bot Furnan juat tart Black was another are booing It Earl one would r4 he was an army anti sageanl When he got hot unde Larl hotghl at what it would he lll to get court martial rwt he tn the armed one hr in home they vue great guy rananha one the Legion they mired the sweats of Tommy at the dubs lorurltandirg manual who was he momtalns western Canada The team man hplr all the complexes theyd yval me allowed that they tollheteamalthetimeand by DrlBlackJiutthe reatilltheaaine re still glvuu minor lnc my money It dances and Iodal we re sllll helm irla hodey by Gum the yin ladiu to he coal room at their Micth nl all theyre still Mill good time on WM pram hockey and hfllal to add the rim used to leak lorward to thine game Jul me and lily rt mrre I1 Lym tacll the mob call Bill my paring mr mainly haule whui left the Iran hit Id just nlt mayor injustice Hmce the of amped Ihlrta tr run the player wamt lively crttical but you sure Ihtn they didnt likea can youde made its while youd ace certain paltalt forming in the and ti you didnt you thought youd miaaed aomthi Parit and or Cary Batlnca land to dazzle evuyune Will hati when atheruui fan 20 lo mattion the name at Art Faguaon who beat team or quite while mw Beslda berg good ltt in High school itirlt Region appears shalt patina wars ago Bayvicu whool in Richmond lurk Region power MILtubal program J51 Milton High School illlt intre is strong tt that Dr OW luindary School in drop the yttntnr athletic calendIr loiclcd tu senior war because of lack Mn Frisbee head of Physical education ml at thliama lay are about the same utner rmgrlm helm 01 make up our 11 Dnnfl to whether lootball program pend on whether de rtment can anti ether theres hculd tootth competu not grant arid 01 helm equipment he problem We re hr used to be Imoe opened up Nelle an athletic live at WIllllml dlflicull tn tell ll dewa So many hc oril guy who never complained Football Williams is shaky kid have yobs right not and they mtlat have the money lo 50 to umvenity Condluonlng is problem too It taku in long tor them tn get into cmdition Its II matter of where their pnonues lie lair number shnwed up mu year but as the aeaaon growned the numbcn began to dwindle she said banallire runwath mull Ila vaultt in am math bathe MinutemanIn widhnemluthmt in adult with he donut Ev Ilil Io MlIla at laindint hlvt lmuMJtaltlnnttl hlpaataraaachnlanlpaaad Allll ME IF YOU CAN halalll lever nnnnvnneuaumuouhuknu new Here Tuy he attempt In keep the kind was warned and duthladbubadon liyvudhlald Int to help then Theyre JillIan pullb UrnHMMM Udllfl want hhhJmmlobut chemhum wet Mouchlfl I1 inlyaballtoyean hell awn lnun BM Madn II Mutt in aelluI prepare ill romu nun preuunl maria Intent interlcrenee Mao NaIql an the Tigers drop one to Markham AURORA ll wmtdown to the final minute but Maan Waqu actuated the Aurora hgers in Provincial Junior action Sunday in Aurora The Men wait min the game without lour their Irmtlinen and lltll made game it Bone turn the lineup were Sandm Silvulrl Brian Kim arral MacDonald and lars Nielsen The Tigers also lost 00rd Em in the semnd period when he was given game misam duct nr helm the agarmot tn tight Paul Hamilton and Pat Mahoriey were brought up trnm the Aurora midcgd team and mach Jack ler uson was pleaMd utlh their at arts want the Aurora minor hockey people tn kmvl theyre sending up some good boys he sat rergtmn was pleased mm the tact that the two midgets had such good attitude talked to the boys wilh 12 nttnutes lelt In the third pertod and told them that he game was all clme that muitlnt them anymore and the understmid uni Ferguson ergtytn was ml pleased wth the fact that that he muldnt got help lrum the Tigers Junlur alltltnte hr Toriinlii Red Vilma annuillnt be nrtmtm up midgets but the buys the Ttirimtli Raid Wit didrt filnl DEAN BURTON AN ADVISER Holliday new Steeler boss NEHMARKEI Huger Holliday has replaced liean Burton as president at the Newmarket Sleelers tor the COmIM year Hulliday wal elected ln vote by Slut management Hi meetlru last week Burton ill remain with the beam its an animal Idviaer Holliday and his mdln prionty Will be ramnc money the club and would like to ralae sum before March Weve received vow grant trom Wlnlarlo which in prt at ll plan where all unnum vide the total he Illd Were Julius around tor rim law aw well be leli 5050 drew aqua Alla plan l4 haw pumt relauonstxlim at pper tanalia inn and the annual inn teeler nasitematl gann wlll hc held Madded llullldai um mar kn tn tun roach the stwlm lll wdstin trr nu ltrt going tn Ailrli abilut tlwhls right lulu untilt mit tLdll tumern nt uni rm 1min utli all in uumarkrt and lint git to Rich mum lllll previously llucsled Aurora Tigers meet Niagara Falls Flyers Al RURA Trw Aururu Tigers nl the Prmtmai Juntnr hockey loop will play their Mlyor Junior Ilfillale the In Falls Flyers next the Aurora ilim ttllull mire The Ttgrrs will ttpitt the prllllls hunt the gate with the Aurora Vllnnr Hockey andiatttm lialllll ime Ill be is to mme in Aurura They re jusl nut hulury he said mean disptte the close score dian sum to have the crispness in their paulrg We haiml had Mt practice tn week said Ferguson up been httttng tl many My games and that our rqular practice night What we need good state with mm path drills he and Mutual didnt second guess himself tin his derision not pull guano Nurm Roberts in the llnal minute or play dldxtt nanl tn pull mc gumm because wanted to set ll up nn lawn said the tinitll llie plume got little tfllpp in EM thlru quarter and Il up pfflrtd ha Markham ma have invn attempting lorce the lgtrs tntn unnecessar patalttirs llltl an gnals Rub Mctltnntgie and Mark ttmto John Dixon rural win 1w t3 mm tall tit rw lirst pelltid tn Cut the ntargtn hall In the squint period lJlt tmllliam um il up but Keith Hernlrr tin Markham power plat hairch um lhrls Bdrm til the Waiters made it liefore UWIlliIm wh his second Ul the mghl pulled he llnal goal Niinnl mtit TIGERSI tn Pull the Tigers traidled Io Nortr Yuri Ind aere drubbtd 61 The team deadlocked at me apute in the in pend unit John lem getting the Aurora score Die Na made rare My appearance at home and aided up walkil away with 97 Iduy ova North Bav er uson has had enough quits the Tigers tau Id in he Flyers rough Boar to take ovor as coach Idhle acte nay Bah lure may place Jul Pam II in new 111 uh let Nevarid Hyen nanpr la Ilakflha yuan III the MI Tim fie Centl DIEIII III schedule hurts NORTH BAY The market Flyen laced the Ba nap on Sunday nlht ItJenfitll in another must littn oach Larry Bone and manager Stan Howlin were upset about the officiating refuse Run Phillip llwaa the type at game whee the In consistent Maven really at to both teams allowed me cheap ahou Logo and as result the game New IQ he said me and lam sates ll was diaturblna game They lned tn intimidate t5 and mind out they mlldnl But the retereelluz it has been all seam was in consistent A5 result the gum the Flyers Ill be mutant two Young and Randy lrwtn wnu have been suspener or two pmes each They Will alao be without Ron Butler and Mike Mdlusle Butler thrnwn out Sunday game was given his two Ime squenIlon azult me be gone tor tive gums Mr Guile hurt his shoulflr in the game and its not known yet as to hm badly he Wu hurt North Bay tank In urly 241 lud tn the tint pertod wtth tun pawerpla goals In tlw second Norlh Kai mored agatn but the Flyen came rtgitt incl an goals Mike hldliaslt and Brian Carrutnm Nurth Bay scum again end the period Thl mm penod all North Ba as the home team anml lnur unanswered Koala Rt RI YORK XIIRS Titr rlwrs Kite lluial nrit glut lmsluultg game but mill up on the lostng end ul mn Friday ltlli peer the rum aptnut tlw scoring but Ruyal Yth Pd Il up belore the end of the penal tienrge Burnett scored slum handed goal to open tn second Ru ll Yuri came had Will puwerplay marker Kandy Ellis put the tinn tn trulit again but then the mill raild In Myal iorit scurvd Kw goals the last tlif Minian vtilh lest than I0 minutes is it round out the scoring ILYERSI ORTH YORK was expecth hell nl lot unrse slid mach 2m Bone reteraice to the Flst tie with North tlrh on Thursday in Newmarket We had seial guys out til the lineup bill the m1 who were playtru Just woultiti quit Im happy with the tie hr said It wIs tar cr mm the ttrm ligh lflt took place in the tut Flur home game Hum MHyHMEmNMHyll HuemNcuVilauMyhu teams displayed the talcin that make Junior hodey an ex cum wt instead ol pte aim the line of prdeulonal wrestling and roll dchy lm dullrxlmed we only tied nalura Mid Bone North Yuri tied the game with the goalie pulled and usl over minute left Bale wildnl hide the lacl that there may be new lace in the lineup tn the near tulure We need an experienced deluicanan and were makiru arrmanque to get one he coach said It appeared the Flyers were going to walk away with the gameas Mike Ruby skated in an breakaway and put one past Mn goalie Paul Jaclson in the ltrst minute nl play George Burnett added his itrt nt three jml mlnult tallr vmsl shot Warrm SKINNY whit had an upmidawn night in the Fly neLs hadslutty horminrits Rm 1142i did minr goalmouth saamble But Jamt Macoui notched goal heiul the frame aided Just tieire the paiiid at am nrtit YWI mach tmrge tlrtgur decided in thange giulles replanru Paul Jaritaon utth Jtm Pnpnvttoh North ilrl ramr back in lh setlind period as Human l1lllkieil9 and Herme Ntrimllt mt lnr goals llrtan tarrulhers hit Ur ewmarkfi in me ntrd perlod lith puppan Iit gull hit the hat trick liii North York ralllnd and xmrtd tree gliala um ht llllr liunkrl and wtt Iumunmm tnttudtnx ntv mtra ntan mariur Just as rw llMl huntr Mlunlled tirlh lirk 1Ill tiu tnp gnai lat titsailtmm Rampr matn tmrge urtgnr argued lay it was it nu anal hl filial wtrt stayed R6 IIAMIITIE TIKbI ntntng mn rtgnv tr llnmillrin lld Flur manaw tan limithilt nhdh tarre lmllnttnyz wt ttk drill gums Tuwlax tann um lllli lmid Th4 Jii llanlllttm plaer 1rlill lntlmidatttn agatn indirecth The gut some link KinLs litfl htll manage utd hat nur ttnl Mak inna nl lulu think thv taluc til ttur tlrl suspcndetl platm htmvd uldllntdtill Then us wnmt tn the lr perm nt in nt mm llamtltnn nr hlw unan lured goals lnthe mm has liamtltnr mung three mun finals The tltm only 03 am when John Fitlgfiadntnnnlfil in he mat tram in Oh mmmuMMHMVI hibewaydaIWfiytm