wonman ABour coarse KIIP Your casrg rue eAuK irAsr FONDA 0H ANV OTHER MODEL finODVAlfflfli mil DROHN Lianne MANAGER TODAYJDR FURTHER FORMATION DANNVS HONDA 139 YONG ST NEVlNIARKET BOUT OF UPPER CANADA MALL £4500 Yoa 8834011 8956211 Bank in temher marath aw in TTVlaFGW Mill AY During the roiEtitpostai strike on an nouncementwas sent out to The Era stating that Unemployment Insurance cheques eould be up on Tuesdays and Thursdaysntrthe mployment oilice on Davis Dr The an nouncelnent was receing at The Era Oct 3L1 had been mailedl HgURERjSfifi surprise party was given or Mr and Mrs Howlett recently on the occasion oi their 55th Wedding anniversary Hosting the event was the uoupieadaughterJean and her husband Jack Pritcherd grandam Dan and grand dadfltterLlnda and her husband John Mc Master Mr ndMra Howlettlett last week for will spend the winter They own home near Largol Mr Hewlett is retired carpenter 77UNLON reunion washeld last Friday night for the Newmarket Pi lilch was formed in persons attended the reunion at the loialLTagion Haliftihé fetid organizerr back in 1961 Roy srnailoy and Russ Shlpley were on hand folthe evmt Guests came from all 9aner ipluhgfiifito the co waters Lake Seneca and completed 36 leper Alter collecting all the pledge money organizers Roger Yuen and Sue Abel presented cheque or $165topresldent ol the FBranch Canadian Ur rgin and vice presHent Ruhy Hashett OtherSeneca students who helped raise the money were Jane lngram Denise Jones tulle MéKinley Joan Falla Mike Moran and Paul Sch wann Students visii Waterloo campus WATELLOO students and tea era from Huron Heights ondary School were among 219 visitors from to Ontario high schools to the University of Waterloo campus here last Wednesday The atudatta sat in on regular anianco lea tura and took part in lab Newmarket Hamilton One Mthe busiumeJnJhesepartx during the last few weeks isPeier Gnrman founder of the Canadian College Bowlrihe game between the two bait university football teams in Canada will be played at Torontos VarsitySiadium Nov it Proceeds from thegame go to the Canadian Save the Children Fund and the Canadian Intermllegiate athletic Union Cansave has received more than $180000 fro the Canadian College Bowl ovgr the past 13 yearar This years game will be once again teie ed nationally so eep your ey the middle of thin rename it bdated welcome to The new sports writer an Hutchinsons Newmarket boy land graduate of Newmarket High As matter of fact Ian was quite iootball player and was guard or tackle with the Newmarliet Raiders of 1974 that went undeleated through the yur then lost the Region championship againstKlng City RA VE REVIEWS Former Newmarket resident Barbara limeceived excellent reviews ruentiy for her part in The Edmonton Citadel Theatre prnductiunnf Harold and Mauder rheplay stark British actress Glynis John and directed by Peter Cue Miss Chileott is the daughter at the late EJ Davis of Newmarket right in DRAW WINNER NEWMARKET man Gat Varma was the winner 0L the Ambassadors Drum soiling Corps Booster Club 200 draw held last wee Erawrrelpondenf quannsvmua At recent giant altering meeting at the United Church Women the guest speaker was Rev Robert MENaugiitofScarboro former ministeroi the mmuanan plctures that he and Mcfltflght had taken on their triLto the 11on Land His experiences and commentary were enjoyed by everyone Sun was special day or Queens ville United Church or it was their anniversary night in the morningtlre dioir presented special music and Terry Doan sang mo Guest speaker Rev Robert Rumba minister of the Evangelical Church tor the Deal Toronto was introduced by Rev Ralph Garber Four books on the Formér minisieribagkto spédk By IRENE THOMPSON historyoY the church which were completed by tlre Mittenlea Ace ordinator Irene Thompson wane dedicated to the church and fifth book is in the can provid GIVE YOUR LOVED ONE SPECIAL GIFT THIS CHRISTMAS NEW YOU SPECIAL MONTHS INTRODUCTORY OFFER coiirom Wi FOR MORE lNFURMATION CALL 8983 FITNESS CENTRE PEPSEQHINI iliil II ii iiile lililrli li hidinllvapnulbiilllol timing Add wltmth charm and on Varanginerauiomaliolimmmumwfiblglflhi llntsd glass speed conir cl radio remote conlroi mirrors and deluxe FOR MORE iNFOliMATiou CALL 898 JUST SA CHARGE IT itRL 977 GRANADA4DOOR ih+cyiindarronqinm automatic imnsmtsiuanadto elecirll Fltth Individuality to ceilings and 19 CULASSSUPREME 197FAIRM0NT Adds Value and Decor Buckingham allxt BANELLING whole my world or home EUEKINEHAM wait the easy way With small cylinder engine automatic transmission power sieanng Bum Bull and brakes bucket seats console radio vlnyl mot electric radio body side mouldings pin alnne eleciric delroster and radial dotroaier lemale mirrors body side mouldlnaa oln stripe ladle lirea Oniydrwo 193a2 kilometres Llc MJL too 99 75 tires wheat covers and damper guards Only drive 42157 miles LIcLHP sea wigsfi 77 f5 VVtm SIX cylinder engine auhmatic ivansmlsston Dowel Sleeling flqnnco moo ally with re mmsmr carry one or lha largest ulwltonltramtradlljonallo iuallc 194 PONTIAC won email v5 angina automatic transmission wwor slowing and brakes Vinyl moi radio body aida mouldings and wheel covers Up 1976 FORD CUSTOM 54DOOR thn small va engine automatic transmission power siearlno and brakes radio oiootric delrasler body side mouldings pin sinpe whilewall tires and wheel covers Onry drive 38802 milos Lit KKL Now $3495 TUFT PADDED VINYL FABRIC 430 VINYLi err Fiiiiiil 54 Wine Ettowsués lWINNER Oi IiiE FORD 0F ANADA DEALERS coaarar asifliiiifllfia FORDLNCOLNMERCURY SALESSERVICERENTALS Serving Nowmtirkei Bradford Aurora and surrounding area ior 26 years 567 Davis Dr Newmarkei wwmm Toronto 3662480 LNCQLNW WAS WAS $2795 CABINET $3695 HARDWARE Aii AMEHOCK BRAND OltTO WE HAVE ALMOST ADEBV fit it iogtuniér DacuIslor CORK TILES Fl mbullllill to aocont erllar warmth rFMNKLIN combinatton heater and replace PERFT 2775 2050222 for line 94 la Dr Newmavkef 8955170