TammiNewmukétAufiaflanltl0ntWad Nounsens ma BRADFOR Family room fireplace 49006 RAHAM LLOYD HOLBORNESIDEROAD 10 acres fireplaces completely broadloomed GRAHAM LLOYD TGICFORD llreplaces sunken Ilvmg room ex ceptionally sharp $67900 GRAHAM LLOYD AURORA 2000 so presently set up as restaurant excellent terms GRAHAM LLOYD PARADISE FOR PETS 50 acres farm barn 1V7 storey home KEN RUSNELL OWN YOUROWN PONY 72 acres new modern home KEN RUSNELL BRICKA PLASTER WALLS Separate dining room mature area 000 AUDREY TERRY MOXLEY AURORA Ci bedroom backsplll all renewed $62900 Large per cent mortgage AUDREY Bx TERRY MOXLEY ELEGANT living room wet bar sharp rec room built in appliances $68000 AUDREY TERRY MOXLEY CANAL Em and overlooking parkland it bedrooms year round home 344900 AUDREYL TERRY MOXLEY OSXIN LOT backing onto conservation area £51900 AUDREY TERRY MOXLEY PANORAMICVIEW 15M high tabla land ideal tor hone lovers 25 acres with 945 laalfrgptaga mature bulli iocatadon paved road CLIVE MCCALL andareal és tatefifigefher Nights7876721 77 lqiomosg9717377k ACRES Aurnra Road CLIVE McCALL WALTER AVENUE NEWMARKET Spotless semi broadloom over hardwood COMPLETELY RENOVATED7 $7000 down balance at per cent JUDREY TERRYVMOXLEY AURORA LCATJON brick bedrooms private setting jflRACXTIVE tlnllhed rec morn Franklin stove large lot $63900 JOAN ROSS 16 ACRES excellent home barn healed workshop Mount Albell JOAN ROSS HOME 511090038 Hch fixfik TDECOR 66 132 property $65900 JACQUEll OOEMAW new home blg ro ZApc washrooms available Immediately $64900 BILL CUYPERS ISELIGHTFUI LIVING Newmark $60900 JAGQUEH BEDROOMS separate living room country kitchen $48 900 AUDREY TER RY MOXLEY SHARON Luxury living or bedrooms lm maculale $95900 Largelfl per cent mongage AUDREY TERRY MOXLEY BEDROOM brick all hardwood floors amongst high prlceafioTesTSSmUjfl UYPERS ssxlso LOT well landscaped original owners com pletel lnlshed minutes to Newmarket fiJJBILL CUYPERS BATHURST STREET acres custom built home pella windows combination furnace $89900 BILL CUYPERS fronlcwauquLow $55900 JACK PLDDER jDRQEDLJjVIEw Lplm 100 or bedroamar woof JOAN ROSS 51500 down llnlshad rec room owner transferred JOAN ROSS COMMERCIAL iMr RESIDENTIAL go apor man are landwe space sumo GEORGE HOLLAND DOLL HOUSE central air beautifully clean $18900 GEORGE CAREY DENISE HUMBEL MANAGER ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR takes pleaiure lri congratulating Lora Llska as salesperson tor the month of October 1978 TH COMPLETE HOME huge rooms family room andtlreplace $64900 GEORGE CAREY $51 OLD CHARM Lots of original quality $49900 GEORGE CAR EY QUALITY HOME NEWMARKET main floorJAmliy room tlreplace $73900 ORGE CAREY 1e CLOSE TO EVERYTHING NewmarkaG bedroom alumlnum home VWACRESLIRBEHOME Newmarket North $93900GEORGE ESTATE LIVING IN WMARKEI Acre EIIBII GEORGE CAREY AM SCRATCHING 77 MY HEAD tryTlgWflgTre oTJt why thisattractive 37 HERE MWL bedroom home has not sold betore now mnes Newmarml rushed Lets do something about it Just moxie in mm wm replace and walkom and live $52900 MIKE OROIIRKE BILL CUYPERS CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN bedroom W2 storey home requires handyman who likes challenge Offered Valaamoo MIKE OROURKE MMAGUEATE SEMIBUNOALOW everth uptodats BARBI IACREeNE HOME 2100 sq ft of luxury lust miles east at Newmarkat Extras include central vac system station In tercom main floor laundry room 2V2 car garage plus many more Asking 03000 MIKEOROURKE INVESTMENT PROPERTY rantal unltl BARBARAJLEGGITT BUNGALOW ARBARA LEGG ITT SHARP bedroom bungalow $50900 GRE fiewnncb BOTANY LL ca EscENr bedrooms choice locallonfBARBARA LEGGITT SERVICEDLOTS siflx 150 $25500 BILL SWEEZIE BUILDING LOT Newmarket East $262500 GEORQE HOLLAND BUYOFTNEWEEK 566900 Excellent Flnanclng JGRE CUTTING BEDROOM SIDESPLIT main tioortamiiy room with fireplace BILLVSWEEZIE OUEENSVILLE VILLAGE Good roorfi home on tar lot backlnf parkland PricsAhas raduu $64900 Lets get going MIKE ORO nuusenwcso approved Iota $440000 CLIVE McCA senvwsp lots nooketmemeaeu 100 ACRE FARM VamiieJ¢om4lo2thphwa workable BILL SWEEZIE Lukeusw wltrimmfifblifehuuaefiaIp rig $59 CLIVE MC CALL $57900 nouimr Wm aran or garage LL REDUCED for oulck sale $50500 IVE McCALL