Is an on rd hllp the goal goa F1ed HaywardamiBrlan mm llalle gee anan scorlrlmn lheewlm pelroLgeula or the E°°€ ll lntra lwowlnslasl week In the lrau man fromiscarlng lrom Ron Erny out the scoring scored from Nickfireco Gary Falrharn BndvGerry filng Knights twhile Art Alma Fvolteball liar sueJuniorSdtvlhlo rtour souls to In then Kane nd Payne BURLINGEE lactosemdlon rloslngpEflhwgmmmmw pp st basketball 1668 pited plman Elecme COLONIALB eltortand ihelgarne nrlan Clarlt notched ringlel Vlwmfrtm mm Elshuuln inter Era ough and uee School dropped two peoplealgn prl rorrn tdrles flnfigglezi klaurunglls Builders Emmi ac in too mntro oflhe game clslonnlantweelrw um much ed piqhockey on in the rhotperlud and COMPASS or sfWO GWwllllamSecundary fun neverletupto dalmana Newmrkel Show School and Sutton nlgh vlctdry ever the and Cycle refills Dons OAK RIDGES rurtltestye thethlrd School rlteroneperlad setEu Mchinn dcrrIdAte eae nus rang Re If stlu rayrln Llovdrwanro be ierougMurfln had twoand 10hr Sllrnnxon in the first game dais by Brian Harrison Kline seared EstuteliS in town lea mens lea ue aitlo on Shummlnlhel oalsas he led the no em notchedasinge Aurora lost 6522 mghoflfirrlspnt his lourlh goajLJachllun on Sunday Sunday put his team eglllhel firewmarket Uldtirnersrrrforffile lie Wimnmsl manglamour rrautmanunenuthersola For Armstrongsw Terry Lucas save icmlm hnckcy team 108313 KINGS AUBURN Emondgmeflw was errort Lame PeulHndJrerrYColonialthe lead for the MlaufflnlH ivtlmEaslenlimblryan Rob erght tallied the Gophers take 107 Jlnl Rance addedule Gram my pm nfitpndmglwumeon Slwris Ed Nickel nldayld Oak Ridges twice as King dumped leadintheaecpnd quarter In lngurance marker for points and Rick Sisler solo effort In the opening swwdmeonlysonloflhe PEN Dun and Aurora 52 Keith onlylnlorell 75343 Trautmnn rrprn Phl helpedeuthyseorlnooue periodBurungssnapped WM Warm 01 Staphany and Web OnkFrldaylheluniur snralley and Kane goal into aetlon as many Walmd A1 Gwlllimhury scored souredln the first girls playedwllllainaa Punvlugplcked up the De Wheeler and Ron Smith scoredrlrom Bruce Budlfllflrfinwllillhnkbeiore the 2nd roLlherrA In thersecond John endedup losing 521 of happiness go in the last minute of Smith connected wlth wo Russell and linen Bruce Chm SW 01 the Comm of Aurora game butihe hip puah errandMum Hfllnesknocked one home with L8 on E081 pcereed made it 31 died goal but Wrgt ed Dim ENE my arm ror on rrdmdeh Bellamy and 131° Emmi Perl°d at unrated it 1313 Don Holledge Daryl manner lined goals by Toni Cuber and unaith in agdegmm eglctlonial rwmpmnwne DG Howie Timbers notch rltlree HR 790 East5 91 but union periodmren Paul Falbo mfller Slwm 3031 to om swanrm drills purl 5135 goals rebounded tram the 105s Via°°°m den the Mine am open the third period The 59mm Ems of by Ron 301th and Jim 1nd brought their season WEED Ken Kyle but Burungs after picking up 1195 the night also pruduced Gildiriet In an end on winning GVeame b9° Y°°e mqu firsbperiod from Waltord Bob Irvtne the Church Dodgers mchONp HILL note detailing Sutton 22 add Cheer to yo Omar slylebymming back with Zzggdifoalngmgngrm taught In 44 deadlock monnnrphio 12 on madam swsznm mums pair of goals Holledge with the Old Sweats Clyde Dimmel had AHEMEEMEM aa with help from Dal3 Garry Smlth and Ken the hattrleltrer Thornhill waslfigflrggmcmfiefir 5399 3595 margin onlha goal TomHflmgrwmmmWLwfisan Barry Smi and then on weata eomman lug ru mend mum Howerg 33h prom galBur Norlsrlfiglglin mg leadhln the first ginjolt lso shoring tor nymfllwfgfsfififl Um 55 IF anee the setan lll rhornhlll were Billfla 18 Wammmeritenwas netted by Collins bangedapeir and Fisher and mung with Mme 235Maln Newmarkeg when he stepped on the Rick Allen mm Daryl Bob Wall matched two apiece Bren 8958653 ice in the third period 9V marker ler the no era Joe nanali and Ross ended thelr aesso ltha potting his third and McKnight tasivememasIlea but Mnchllary had the record of six 25 and fourth goals without any John Nichollhad pain singles our wins help nussell added KandLs Burlings third unan KNIGHTS3 fiend goal of the period Kind Commqnlly tram Burchell and Craigsvorts blastednghi Brown Security 33 in the final The gap was just too game town league Mhflgolmialm clnse action on the Sunday hut thefieaTnfifirTEilaijRn¢hfimd vE THAT Anon ITS MINE Compare gorlle ndiTIuaFaWfi 16 give 11 Falbv gm nlivmginnge louhepucklnthln goalnlouth scrn Le The actloh and Terry IM wand 33219 fiufilfifiydgfigfif specially priced llow VASE in goal each lor durlngareoenllown League game between mpass Colonial and Burungg Steve Kamav and Dan Ill and Knights Security Bub Stewart clipped one PalmerRelentlng an the Phase in shear lrom 930 mm Thur NovA slhunill 530 me 5a Ndil1eihwhlle quantities last 7223mm UBETESTDRIVING aYou may nevenneed to add water to your nevv Sears 46 battery Maintenancetree Vn gives it greater resistance to overcharging and longer service llle It savfiiorrbanerychacgarip $29 95 b6arnp charger restores power in 410 hours CSA Over the past we years the Honda Civic has become somewhat of phenomenon Not only hiuiit WHENZaYElérrgzghzgzmz21315for cerlllied 27v only Buy risen to become tho number one selling import builds year it llecame the second best selling carlllall oals co we dle mom am am now 28R 047 382 sold in Canada Civics phenomenal sue 55 has not gone llnnu ed by other car manufactumsThelr know resin gap bl IF agmtl ldea when they see one And theysec plenty oiCivi pa ing their showrooms All result almost every 2SéaéogrélszggéYal mos Booster cables priced Iuw your mohodyintroducesnnewimitalionC Bill in the ha nionrLLhoimiwlitlnsouLnne really has lwonderiflho truucnlhebllmltluLW could put yullin 1th nmolvhatunlortunutoprl havinglhutnow curlt tlnvoyun But the Megs youll flnd in the 1979 reillcruithnl have been honed and refine flue years ltleus complete line of batteries 112 oFeature heavyrduly gauge copper cable 200 amp copperplaled clips that have pmvcn tho 9le lhe Itiml and lllll Fmrll whccltlnvt lflflmloxam lhtrvtrpmvon that maynmbecamedmyr 12 long 25R 047 010 it pmvidcssupgnortmt ion an tl lnlht tmdititlna be ordered front engine 3an mar wheel lln at up We wouldnt sell The trapezuitlli hzlpt another lnnm ll successiullyintmtlutedwctinatle Ilmtlxl Al utewhile minim ingnnnccdetlexunnrhulk nllllllnlll canbcmrmmyimulenmnnmhiorm ra ill beingcompacltm the ll Hnmlh any other Fully indopendon llelenslon idea thats been follnll tried and line on liontlllsll1llt why the title of lltlnrlli unsmnlbcunliko And immune our cam hnvo pmvrn lli in vvinltr alter winter we know that they resist mstin Thu it why every 1979 Civic covered by £1 £th1 etlr vnlmnly against met to nosinnhsk your cw l97$l Ilnndu SLdun llntchbilck Anti Sultltln Wugrlnlllcyre il your lion dual mu rl 898s was Priced our steepbe like to invito you in tom rdsman snow lire test driven test drive Guardsman mdlal snowr rgtjlgl torideep snwv ua tthwunt be testing you 47 it Ea195R14 TIiNomflmp polyeslérimrr esliediureeasteel ballseuabucfirm gslegallfifigflgulsfpupcr rlibreglass bellsglvo you the radial plies and redialdesign he and reduce ireamm you can depend on lor com reader Cooler running for to We YOU Dem leage alld lortable rldel Contemporary longer Ille road hazard pro cornering COWGI Wlll Edal tread deslgn gives you good leollon Adaperldabla live you DqllLeSlerDOdY DllBS iracllon in mud or Snow can trupll 95R 043 000 séilas 95R 088 000 series in 95R 098 000 series auardsmnn steelbelied iéttJIbogdwrv 6° Judi Snow Endlul Snow Radlnl Snow sue as out Slze we slze as 000 =59 tire Guarantee DFl7B14 3999 185F914 $67 ER7B14 4799 ER7B14 4199 185F144 s71 FR7814 4999 HoadHmrdandfloaneamm FR78l 4399 205m s17 GR7B14 5199 in gum 165315 sea Have14 5399 Comm IhII Iholhor quorumn md the III zosnrs 382fiR7Bfl5 52991 pnmchmummmnmmmi 215Fl15 381 HFl78i15 5499 225m 590 At Soars in guarantor ways AuroMmlvrcEulnr haunted dontg ttobe N03 bybeing nnylsthflrmaoTsrmllflmyfitreetSoutleNewmmkeLngdg L3YJ3W3 9935509 SlmpsonsSoarc let fiaoalldWa¥lalmt slmpsonnSuors Ltd nrloo if irrr 77R if 307p Salnollcoslonlulelsnoclélr Nam Inath lacs OIJII finvtrluwvnoolulvulu user7 Hlllcm Hall UppptCnath mummp fr 3834444 8932390 33126800 oaomlooaopgu lint Exhflfl EXIJDO