lrvllanléld l7 531951 BEALsESTAJlL 77 REPRESENTATIVES 7I Imanagemnalallningenuity IValk on Vegetables Mamlqul llig Senior Muck Crops sorrel1m spllrlg are some or me glduln75oenmoalone Leachlng la ona con 7MSALEBEEMlslalfiEALlHIMS 1¢°erratje SJ Dari nnvaantlmlllkal7 II Suxta luxeinrfifiloldit personal assels AERBHAHD7A lnaorporot imllad lgbllily quporiflangl BSIDES 0F BEEF 29 77$l50£o7pluvgovornmbnuaa 711m hgrveator moalI Weagrmrninure lmors mdrrcwlleuBmeL lac Jofllh armuantb vanoizm Annnolmlnutosus Bradlord and District fluence whatmd and large amthu if oppo an an arm Maraheacamelo7an7md amount oi er er you 158 um 50 dLLpuelloourpyogumwtrle 0F BEEF ImfleEkI Wm Medmrmn years made re Mm by ions Icalulumfi III mrcommlsslonmdbonuapian Mcmwdguatghmam Mae2N9 Ilse can belle um the liming me solublllty or manual um 0m no mth ed195PWDWNYWBWWMEGEEIY °°°° °°°° ma orl alarmera PThe anlheauilcan some elements sum as andlherelore¢lleysluwly In Ir malncomaprataclollllan mmx 3954746 wmflmll TREES cl 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Lciéfiiflm wmXMASTQVS Wedthergconglliona Bradlurd area vary from the soil ill it may lake very 10W 590m in usual and lawn mmam HF Heallng Coal and rnouaLeluI AUcYIONCENTER $Lfgsgfi rainfall drainage the 51 to 717lee can be on or as Inlth as Glgrla fiddsthere vile average IW KWMEM mnolrlon must be seen us w°°d WW 95 55 at SYDUFFVlLLE SALES type Crop grown lime 8813an 38 the PH Value t0 my 93 In 25 35 wwfiifigm W°55z£ EARN Somelnlno an of harvesting amount of of the soil Limestone in Why do sails became die that lime is mm casual nr 15719239353 RTRHHSITHR RCRSSSRRSSSSS alara cannot sate no vouElz mxL $23 V17 me 5° 39 mm lo or 73 07 I10 578 27 Iasl salt awnmm 3f23£flei$filai2l 3asanw=kn 75552 ammo alumni namalurInlshlngsngnlus 32323233 KW xmmnwvwll °l owma VlSI W0 rar es ml none954524 ms HPDNTIACslaManwagfln lumllure ano arllclrs ln rk tor runs is 3150 lon Fmms WM clufllnu oakhuliel wlndnw Dalsunslu7aslslnwPhnne °°TF mirrurs Furnllnre TOO LATE 7QUEEN3vurhE 7rowarda7tlaejncl olKllchener 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and the three Lhe children 49 Mlscellanaous fififnilirmékofwfi 53 use slrsl and Iasl Not In WEN 17 Wilma awefifa he evereuzg 93 P°VCes7r His technique or We mo OI mm luydlnn neeand moaning $iieren ant at widelyinmrfi Emma Tlre elk mmfi keeping his concert Icmmn Newmarvel Ben 0m said he plcked up7lronl rolling is build up to anu leaning 3110 GROWIH AND YHERAFV PART ME mmgcwlmm 19 gigecfinfid $3323 his melherjnli herirlsh ClimaxI lmng the guaranteed Eavesllouvhlnv group available lhrouqh Bi lIhe MWnl Albert ScottishWelsh bnli dancing dousI and our United States ann trad ngvl servlcls also available an Farmy Luz Cent72 Monaav JANITORIAL WORK Pub 5°h°° N0 Se mum again The whole secrel ll vs 443 evenlnas PhoflcIVSIJ7L2JI To lines such as es at mm EmmaU FWWMWW MUSWNW ms nudism Land and the North West He med larr Isypeifln kggserill 557 Tenders 557 Tenders SWWM Territories decnrslr lsill Kitchener in um lngo Frongafiourling Fer HNNY HONDA ONTARO ca 936 2°42 and the Bluetail Fly Mr than Islarled playrefer the Mg UNDER THE WATER Tow Oullllv Malnlanlnce RR3Tonalllllm Jarrett kept his young The dons he said kids at the library and ll The concerts he said GOVERNMENTTENDER audiellceshlesmerizedas Icanbemadenmuneve worked out well gelpIthg chllfererébgsi YONG ml NEWMARKET JANITORIAL CONrung MATURE pERsoN he encouraged them Lo WW rm mum He said njs very far Eng heritage Sales SerVIce Pans Leasln Suppl Jannoylal Senna or me Land sing and clap along Will way incumdg muctlayoume Hung Wanladlorlnventory conirolcosllng himn haung good lune Des plle he DAVSUM Alu wagon 31 Trailers lor Sale Reglstly Olllca 134 Main SL PM A5 special feature For almost 15 years youre having good popularity of the mn EH fifteen 15 me new raansnr NEWMARKET om L03034I78I He even tnugln the MrJarrettllresidullol lime Im not playing tor certs Mr Jarrett mm 335 inlfvtocxifahoack 791 727 4203 children to sing in Elulrla has mute hujob ortooraflheparentths reslrlcts per waernm 77 zazxgsgsfigrgg ammo Phopnenvswizvn SEALED TENDERS Will be reconea unlll 1m 015 35 ranch he 70 the usualllere lnda and me ormances llhrarl57 mm llleripm us 77 L7 200 pm LOCAL TIME on Thursday DOUBLE SNOWMOBILE ff 23fo ThaclLERTéfiellfil Em November 23 1978 flll naneal5ms us Imam 2215 Tender Documenls may be obtained lrorn but mler Pnnnc the Ontario Mlnistry Government Ser nnm mo Aumra KAWASAKI motorcycles lor WCSSI Georgran Bay Realms cme 24 WIKIWME SIIII 315 37 filiinfitimfilfi James Streel Eaal Po Box 790 Orillla Wm Wm urwmaml Call 895 1233 Ontario Lav 5K7 nmlrnerspm 45 1F II firujrgiflIgig Ff Mumpvemcles NOTE For lllrlher iniormalion regardan lhls mm in Tander please call Mr Mclsaac at the 74 none 71 554 ms 33 above address Telephone N07 705 3257 lllialnb mm 150 mum fim 335 74037 The lowesl or any Tender not Dirk up Atraw rowlna necessarliy accepled aleI sqn an 77 no phone trams Ministry of Musuno on new vlnyal Government Mint A7I Phone Kansas Services llmmnu us nlarlo loan aancnaova Se miles oxcellenl in as ml Bllmmalk heavy CRIPPLED CAYLE Cm MM 33 wanton GI mar EXPERIENCED Palnlers m7r ma up Prvmmvv naxenm also Charge offlcers Mus sell Phone For ulmt llna all Lung eveninusflsJMS Brndlorfl oN m4 I745 01mm and lu luv DERS Ms with 3a Eta Wooarlllr um coll llama luluml 352s MFRM ms Illlnylllne FUR 7o maum mm saga sON nlsc JocREv available lor II wont Iona mu Mimeu MAIL comACT onus on 715 also Pnnno 57505 FAINTINO 650 rm WW mI Canada Peal lnvlloa aubllc Ellahlefireeesllmnlesall mm sell out Farm Machiner lenders lor lno parlormance Wm 17 maranmm ul vrcs in Keswick Thla mall aervlce conalala ol mo L0 FWm TfiAeTOHS7 dellvery ornraeoennmny osramwn mmm infill lwm some may work Demo Kubola lesn cl 117 ounalae parcel anal and WWW WBh we anus and HP 9990 spam Dam me NewmarkelJistav sr7ll= clearance or Slleal Letter PACKAGES were low on 1635 50 altHull New Kubola 245 films aoxaa Jpndala an allalbia Don Mill Road lual norm II nm Dodo st Johns slderoro Monday ml moo 12954403 my impwgmss HTE atlernoon $5705 us lm us New Kubola E7100 lracloro Kanwic 05¢ 66 wean mm 190 lolmzlllcn and lender lorma lrllckg In 539 available lru7m 17m 77F97Bl New From Dalila gas iraclol maul rm plea up 11700 nrnom low Unadevaunopoov 44 sell mso neqollahle Illv pm ar amnellaacammarclalmowor 7anavrnovsmnen glmi Kfiaxrfik Délmm Auzllon sale or lurnlluro and antlouu lne properly or line Dnlarlo Poalal BanigrlL mocmfi EDWIN HUNT ml Wonllinqlon SirealEaal Newmka new l4 No Hay Onlallo Ps S1OUFFVILLE SALES BAR sloullvlllv includln lcERNAYIONAL lon Uaea Allla cnalmola Ala 66 Hecnivolfienovallorqanndl VltMfln GI and china heavy only canadlan Frauen Gian Enyiwmwimm 15 HP aaraanlraclar mower an tiller 36 blade VDV BRIMO I7 inlng Learn now in SELLIT sfiarellrym Twllatwunafiooxnown7sna7aa777 mm or 041 Mt plck up oxallonl flonrnallu WOODWORK plcluru loou Iablas rr MM 35anownladamnlcnar Fr ate Tu an cnnlrs household allcu Is unmu 350 nrlrk and break IN nelnq part of 75 year collecllon mi Niki Brannulunzqvlomcnl 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