New rkeihurorfi liean David arte Really Service United milalumwlosi neuron 446 Davis Drive tleimnlrltel Dillarlo WISEJr 8998551 weaning 5790000 Down One mortgage $42000 at 10 percent pay $37900 monthly 34990000 George Hoyle 349900 Two Storeybrick and aluminum semi detached $32500 already tlnanced at 10V percent for the next four yearsfwlo inspect call John Stewart ECONOMICS DICTATE Asking tor trees329000 with 53000 down George area plustulL baseman To 54190000 this large som detached $42300 alreadymnced and with 55000 down carries tar 3430000 per month Cell John Stewart PORT BOLSTER Starter home 165 Int barn many Hey le RECROOM AND FIREPLACE $5990000 with55000 down Super sharp homerwittkllreplace lmllvlngmmm room large lot with no houses behind Top condition Inside and out Davl 0000 Asking tor this built with the large tamlly in mind Over I700 square eel living inspect anytime call John Stewart BRICK ANDALUMINUM two storey with garage Located on town bus route Fully broadloomed washrooms and rec mom Assumable 9V4 percent first mortgage carries tor $34941 per onth including taxes Full price only Fhot arsntartIsuyerwiltinuestigm first mortgage of SSAAJOOat IO percent assumablewith no qualin Asking price $6790000 with possession to suit Davld Hade OVERV ACRE COUNTRY Remodelled storey home car garage mature trees 10 percent mortgage 55590000 George Hoyle STYLE AND DISTINCTIONIII Four level year old brick backspllt with lormal sunken dining room rec room washrooms Upgraded broadloom over hardwood Full price $52900 580 down $44769 per onth Cali Gord Da THE BEST SEMI EVER All you do is move in Nothing to paint or build Superking Silcd lot paved drive rec room with bar Iireplace Only 35000 down David Harte HOME COMPLETELY FINISHED all alloors Backs onto ravine $33000 llrst mortgage at per cent Askin 35230000 George Hoyle BRICK BUNGALOW within walking distance at schools shop ping recreational laclllties can be yours with only 33000 down Possession to suit Call John StewaFE INSPECTIONAMUST Features hardwood Iloors upgraded broadloom patio and tenced yard huge master bedroom to accommodate any bedroom suite paved drive and good landscaping $4890000 Davld Harte 1w PICTURE BOOK ACRES Hockiey Valley roiling land trees pond $3900000 George Hoyle CiALL OUR ACTION LINES NEWMARKET TORONTO 8958552 8534 978 OPEN AM TO PM SAT AM TO PM REALTY LIMITED filo own on NEWMEIIKET $1400 DOWN 548900 All brick bungalow cosy bedrooms logrburning tireplace for those cold winter days Full tinished basement tamlly room play room 4th bdrm easily convertsto matherrlnrlawapt Big ll percent mortgage saves you $3500 monthly Low taxes this home carries for little more than rent RICHARD ROB BINS 8954255 aciifiisltb nunI COMMERCIAL BUILDINGSLNW Special llnancing 54500 down 2storey brlckbldg busy Intersection Hwy llat Churchill bdrm 1400 sq apt linished bdrm 1000 sq It apt unr llnished Adiacenl to variety store For EBEIE DETACHED HOME SJJIS DOWN large bedrooms separate dining room big counirf kitchen Florida room sundcck Full basement with walkout to parkland tall shady pines close to ennls and swimming pool Call GEOR 0R DOREEN BRUNT 9951255 REAL ESTATE LIMITED King Twp Lot me 200 Ranch bungalow spacious bedrooms larm size kitchen combination living dining iuil basement Minutes Irom Aurora siderond Hwy 400 Alikan $59900 Call Terry Macey 80977624 or 7714111 RENTWITH OPTION TO BUY KINGTWP bedrooms l0 kitchen lull basement V1 acre lot Minutes from Hwy 400 Aurora sldoroud Wont lest Call Torry Macuy 8817674 or 77147 HAN DYMANLSSRELIALWG YESII ITS DOLLS HOUSE $6900 200 deep ravine lot Is dream beautifully landscaped among mature trees Worktree aluminum siding neat bedroom home plus separate 2bdrm cottage Terrltlc garden Low low taxes 60 Bus to Metro Take peek with BRIAN WATERFRONT HOME 541900 Nestled among towering birch maple trees on wide Iol bedroom home attractive knotty pine Interior Living mom with picture window at view to match Detached garage Take over 10V percent mortgage tor the next live years For more intormatlen call GEORGE or DOREEN ABRUNL a91155 mornleItGEORGEBRUNfJYkIHL 3435 65 RANCHER OVERLOOKS TOWN $61900 High on the hill beautltuliy decorated broadlpomed stone tlreplace In huge squareeifl rec room plus lounge with2l bar warm brick decor up down baths I00 lrontage rooms in all Very low heatingcost to percent tlrat mortgage BRIAN STREETER 0951255 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY NOV 12 PM on Dell Mill Roll JrlmlluouuiJlllli your old large room alone ranch bungalow our gurugiiwlih wpulnle nimnmoni above $326 monthly Filoplalcoa wnsmooms cmnptole ilnlattdd bawmenl wot our walkout aundock concrein awlmmlng pool barbecue all on acma Asking $130000 Anna Mnlur Really Limited lllllIlllllIllllllllIlllllllllllil ErlszAG llnilIiinillllllllilnnlilo BRADFORD SEMI REDUCED Large Immaculate bed almost new brick home with view Properly back onto park Call Rita Peever res 095304 OUIETSECLUS IL illagreseultbstceammye ant to maor Hwy Immaculate home with beds sep dining rm Large country kitchen Re RmAl rooms are spacious and sunny Rita Peeygres 0952I04 PEACEANDTRANDUILITY iom ACRES Thls quality bullt1700 sq all brick home has4 bedrooms bathshuge tamilyreem sept dining rm Country Kitchen and Florida rm All on acres 57000 Gall Rita Peever res 6952104 R0 8984002 YOUR FIRST HOME COULD BE As nice as this bungalow 27 it Ilvln ilnlng rrfiblgkltctmnhall brdlmirAt over Family rec rms too $51900 John Moss 89674002 88172211 YOU DESERVE AMOVEUP To this spacious bdrm home on quiet select street Rec rm with fireplace lots at superb landscaping Under $80000 Moss 3984002 BIG BACKSPLITA LEVELS Lots ot living space In quiet select court Nlce rec rm fireplace walkout to big yard Favoured area but 0K tor schools $71500 Moss CLASSICCHARMCOMEESEE 558500 Centre hall plan tastetul decorating enhance this 2V storey brick home Original wood stairs big lot near downtown John Moss FORMAL DINING ROOM CENTRE HALL PLAN it you are looking tor truly elegant bedroom home this is tor you Broadloom throughout Fran de Burger 8904002 Trust REALESTATE sat178DAVIS DRIVENEWMARKET Newmarket Plaza ReaIaEstote ofessm als S1 BEDROOMS Reduced to $07000 this spacious quality built home has large rooms beds on main floor EIOIISIO rm br aktast rm for lniaWs JUST LISTED CODYCRESNEWMARKET Quiet Cres park setting storey home featuring largerbedrocms eatIn kitchen comblnetlun bathrooms lull basement garage Wont last Iong at $60900 Cali Lynn or Paul Shiner Royal Trust TNE SEN THAT BELLS TOR 88I22I PRICED RIGHTION LY $59900 For this Immaculate bedroom bungalow tastTullymflappflfcesfiiudfl super large 150 toot lot Fran de Burger 898 4002 PRETTI ER THAN PICTURE $90000AT SHARON Attractive brick entrance Invites you to qualityA bdrm split iev WIW tireplace IMO deck to 550 on ac Fred Erownlng 8984002 orrsnsnAnsr9ooiN OUALITY AREAOF KESWICK dimes lit leveivon quiet sq Attractive bu Itlns an mmensrgaregrhlghlightm this manicured property Sally Browning 8984001 OFFEREDAtuhvno NEAR ALLTOWN AMENITIES bdrmrz storey on 34 acre lot In town Brdlm In Ilv dining areas Includes natl wood trim porches Fred BWnlng 898 4002 ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION OF CANADA REALTOR National Trust Realto NEWMARKET OFFICE 47 MAIN ST 8951600 4VENDORSAV55ELEHV bedroom idelached backspilt bungalow car garage Tllz baths ground Iloor family room hasWIreplaceanrwat pool size backyard Full asking price $64900 Call Rey Pugh 0954600 CDSV BUNGALOWBJN ln Newmarket area on I00 It I50tt lot In the heart of Vegetable Garden Country this home has been completely renovated with all new broadlbom and panellingThe warm living room with fireplace and spacious bedrooms will make com fortable home tor the coming season Call Ray Pugh 8951600 BEST SEMI IN TOWN $43800 This bedroom home boasts well Iandscaped lot with coiered patio large kitchen tlnlshed rec room and the Dutch clean condition will make splendid home tor thrltty temlly mew2 per cent mortgage will only convince you to buy now findmvwallfiayfiughfllfloi fig and shopping Call Robin ward 0954600 Storey aluminum sided bedrooms hardwood tloora up broadloom downv Good Iurnace attached garee overlooking park taut poeaesslon Ask ng UXBRIDGE CHARMER $53500 Ll bedroomt separate dining room countrv kitchen pine trim highrcolllngsrqulet area Vendor has bought Cali Leo Weldon 6404131 or 2972103 TORONTO brick bungalow three bedrooms dullhlgh poumnv LIVI mm 1000 so toot bungalow structlon pond Cell Lea Waldo 1971283 Tornnlo 2423200 Mlllflltt will ill llnl iltiillit 8810160 7A 4wlienecmt voueux space and value at $59900 bedrooms baths real tamlly home with large eatIn shaped Ilvlngdlnlng room to cedar deck and Franklin tireplace in cosy rec room Lots of room 40 do your own thing Call Raul Millard 8954600 VIVIAN FOREST i0 acres at hardwood bush on paved road Cosy bungalow features Ioguburnlng tireplace sun rWIh slindeck green house and garages Priced to sell at $109000 Call Peter von Richter 8951600 THE PRICE ISgRiGHT On this lovely brick bungaTow Only LW will purchase well landscaped lot paved drive and home dosignedto save steps Three bedrooms and many extras ln cludlrlg large recreation room and bedroom In the basement Close to schools 315000 down lmmedlalaposuaalon Time to tell Se nta syouiknewiedtireuiEasp upkeep on this attractive unconditioned basement stove and Relrluerntor ltr cludod cor healed garage $69500 Armctron Mount Dunlap ltdI Itnte Ltd Rallio KEFIITE nos fierso 216 DON MILL$1ROAD KESWICK ONTARIO LOE xsswmk lflIlil tongue Ill2550 queeusvme 47022 OUEENSVILLE asztes cod beautllul tlnl $353900 Large Lot rm 333 Ieet with surpassed Jlfikfilm cos Holland River alley it yr olduglae Brlckwoodstonehomeover 1000 Large living room with stone ilrepim codflourrlargefamltym vi natural barn beTamsftloor tonal tlreplace2 pc washrooms Zcarg with automatic door paved reads sewers underground hydro lewn appointment onlywlth early posse mvetln betorerChrlstmasrtor pplntrnent to View call Ic Sturdy 426llt 4702116 or Tor 2912 IACRESMOUNTALBERT ANGE STONE RANanRsm even HAM 34 extra Iargi lbwe rod mint near 60 sent tlnanclng Market Call Large ranch style bungelowen rcel at land featuring separate living dining rooms tamlly room with tloorl celllfig stonetlrepiace lull basem broadioom throughout utilityexooni main tloor 2car attached garage Ow have purchased another home 47345 4781226 KESWIck 47643131 NEWMARK ET NORTH W2 ACRE WATERFRONT ULV OEMI glow broadlc Sui tram ml Ily room stem Builders own home featuring own kitchen separate dining andllvlng with walkout to balcony Four In bedrooms 20 25 family room with til lava rock replace and walkout to pa iarge gamesroomrthreebalbmmafll our laundry room top quality broadl throughout car attached garage pl carport Situated on mature i1 waterfront lot For more Inlormatloll this superb home call Rob Sweexle 1660 4732550 res 5951038 Med homes ltrge lots her atlon call look at Pt um men gmvmo churchmen KESWICK OFFICE 25 METRO RDJ 3034 729 5784777 4764327 DREAM HOME llrst time lawyer retirement Immaculate Inside and steps to stores akejlmgoeg North Ne only 35 miles Reduced $44900 Quick Warholi5 cos pool deck and patio must to sea John Stephens EXECUTIVE HOME MMIII LB three bedroom home located oil wooded acreswlth pogo Fronting on in highwayTZi rifles south ol unbrldger Len erghtman HbMEl room brick Possession CHAELE IBELIEVE IT OR NOT 5017500 bungalowwlth attac ed garage tea rep ace haldwoodtloorsrsepa raomrand bright skin mom Loinzjobfi Dont miss this one Call Gav STARTER HOME SI bedrooml aomo tender loving care Im possession Asking 51900 LGckle lemmlnv pool tannlrcourt AvnIlanI Immedlalllv Call llflifllnillo Holly Mcmlllalo LcFapl iomurioi Lia lunulluathouIa Jam FunMarsh cuilrnl Nmmnrksl mm non Nowrllarkcl