flaunt Munic mmlaalmer at fly MARKETAM bylthtarelatououm momentumream out the York mmimsodayiom animusawn Wham haguhmh pt out In In at than the In C48 mpgltlm lit in hna an n7 ableoeniita accoran to babelan tr Yak Unitsmammal of 01an am WWYMMZW buytllamhtathcare dlwmmnm YR council criticizes plan for phone book NEWIARKET to have York Wm masons muntclpalltlea val cfltlclud lad week by rqlmal council The integrity of municipalitlea in still im taut uld Newmarket Bob thaii We raid Minthintian liemarket Richmond llill rqlonal cotcilia Hanny in hat Bdl unad he mapd In the move tally aa lay an pnraonl cmnunlty addreu could he lndilhd in in mi It at give Ya mom nullity my ttadt Iald Oaliellh Haney out Ht wufl he take 11 codtht take loo min reel from Bell laid arkham councillor Ron Koran He Inuit It took thenmine company un 1m to we lyateiii that alloed each Mt til Markham to plane and the Inuidpality without mm diam Georgina councillor Ken Smockum said hi twrhip has to content with nevui tdqitline exaharuea le they aolve that problem we look at thla otha he llld Some coinicillon laid Bdl Ml to maids me exdi aaoaa thr rqioti or at lent tr Catlin privqu But that muld mull in enrandy lajh eavtce Charles aaid Cointiller mm in Bell cable iii iii Inpaghetti You cant Mpnop it Crime is still on upswing in York statistics NEWARKEI Crime is the nae in York wan accor to rqiort submitted Iaat to the York Won puke mininon by Pdioe me Brine Cithord Criminal occurences in mm cltqoriea have increased may tn the lint mne montha at thla yer pa can compared to laat year rate at at pu met Crawtard uld he was to note that thae have latalltjea Man vdilde soulm red to 17 Thirteen have heai killed on roadl durum the first nine months of this year we killed over the aamepqlodintimanduin drl have ven In ll nutter nub tIaoomplexiie but were preuing tor anlutiixi Town hydro water bills split today NEwmuutrr starting today town int and new but will be hand mntdy from hydro bllll Wflydn Cunmlaaloii which expnit lta advice area today to cover the whale mililtipallty will an nun monthly inuead of once any two mmtll In making the an nomeement the hydro mm iniaaion aatd ratu tn the are absorbed by the municipal utility Wlu drop to town ratu binpredictedalzpuesitin crease in 1979 It the vlhde The mean will unva rue in the whnlaale end at powa rnateiala oqulmt and to eovu paymcita hr Ontamtlydrvnewlunntm pols cahlel and ml ropecuttinl ceremony wlll belidd Nov lat thnarm Barbara Dr new the Newmarket Plan The ceratmriia aretorecognimethe aid at nine year of the Newmarket Hydro tryin to hydro north at Davin Dr an in other area at NeIIiItarketfl uyl Jam ladle inane Nnmrkat Hydro Electric Cunmldu Jam Taykr unitiilata at Brno Evan diatr man at the Newmarkd Hydro Electric Colanlultll and It Blll an al pected to he at the dummy mnmmwmuMbu Mundmuahh hPhflldmmw0elhewfle HAPPY FACES wmuummmumo Mlumwkmdmlwnlhrrm 74 Lite sentence for iriiirderer ByJANICIIDCIEII dlhGrlha BRAMPTON Peter Davtttn 33 Newmark acuumed to tile initiationit laat week mm lIle in he 3nme apath la lay Davlhi pluad guilty and admitted mm the woman andnahfluhuitlmum mmuhanaddovnin VMMW lit parolealta yuan Chief Iiiatice Gre ory Evlll in film Dlvt laid the is way little can uyhutlthlnlitiav¢yim It youId that you ve admltted your guilt and ience Davldaon to life tin priaonrnait Int mild cement Jamaica My all In and but Davtibona Idle Mtnnd to Tauntnttltheutnl Davlhlita madly tum Jamtear Damhadhann ployalalacarlalnanat win inu Henry then mmd Hill where 72 md Peta me an negintuit ol latte Robbin Miarow and Robbin had dated from February ii to January 1973 crown attorney Leo Mditnanaaldincourt On May 15 Davifiwi ob tatrnd and telephone number from Mm 0n lay 31 Daviho was in Bram to atlata loan from local bank and at pm that name day wt to Robhul apartrnuit McGowan told the court Davidson was admtted to Rohhim apartment on the etexi at but Maid ol orrowI lrnni Montreal Rohhtm izyearold dams Kelly was home at the time and the um avail the evaiii tqethe Shortly an ii an pili Kdly mired tr the evening and Robbins uked Daviton to leave which did McGuiun laid At the next nunrang Davtmon minted to Rohtara apamnait and was allowed It sits bentgratuide had lost htl valid DaviMi had hidden his wallet un mm the at his car hetore goiq to Mar apartmait MW and Robbin Inflated Dam in the midi hr the uncalled kfl wallet Davthan and he wanted Rnbblrl tn have he addru and maths intheevailthatiiettnlldtal wallet What Rnhtnrl lat down to write on the tntumattai Daviton made sexual adr Vance towards her what ahe Nfilfldr McGuian told the curl Duidaon immediately began to atrule Rohtanl She renamed to he stulied handkerdiid in he mouth and knocked ha uneomaoua by atnhufl he on the head with heavy portdain lamp Davittcri struck Rohhtna mi the headmthoheavy ashtray and then took knite Ire investigating the NHL aaidlhacrubuwitintoaatdi aailtpednorth The drive of the vdiide which the countable wa lollo later ahatalmd In car wait to Ctty maulMe tdd themdthvldeotvhat hadhawd Themthumb mmmmhw armada Corina Pattaraon ll by In Illa Janna WMth MarniIotath run thr kitdiai and tabbed tuna McGutuii Idd the court Davidson then strangled Robbins With an electncal mrd whim was attadtd to broken porcelain lam pathologist rqaort stat that Robbin died as mall aaphyxiauori and head infill McGuian laid Dam made an attuu to wash mm of WWI Hand and ma by ll yenrold Kelly who in mdiatdy ran to llama apartmail whee Pd qual Police were called Danton was lrnsted mar mmgniunume day Jute while dnvn hli car on Yonge Street in Aurora Piydiiatnsu who examined Danton could find noth physically or paydtolodully wrong With him Daviihnri had been drinking wine and mm the mail the but not to exceu and had lull kmwlefle cl his art Liam OPP officer killed in crash during chase youth charged at the Harmmy Rid Uiitd Churdi llryearold Kleinhur youth will appear in primid mart in Newmarket thin teak charged with criminal uniin death aid la to main at El accent an actdnt loam h=a with north with In lame baht The tzyearold ll alae In ear tila ll Hlll Meet your candidates meeting tonight pm at the Community Centre see page