WLm fihmmmrw terrorism Judahromeo neuron JIJST LISTED Three bedroom bungalow master bedroom ensuite wltlut plece bathroom Wing dlnlllll areas Complete seltrcontaaned oa loom ax any locksup apartment inbasement $6370000 Call mGOrdeavldsorre95=fl$521rRefiH€2W TWIN Your choice of or SEMIS bedrooms Both ot exceptional value at $45900 and $45900 plus land lease proximately00009 lofilfal Gord Dav IJASQEA EDUCED 0552 purchase of ap Phone Iorjgspigflog idson 8958552 or Res Qt brlck fireplaces 0wner tran orre o2 $5990000 Call George Hoyle nitsasszhr Res 7157650 Ellis so faint Tools hbd JUSSI LISTED Four bedrooms huge eatIn kitchen wlth walkiout to covered patio and Iully tenced backyard Qulet court next to conservation area Asklng $3990m00wlttr33f5003lready tlnanced at lot4 per cents Call John Stewart 9958552 or Res 8955706 Ownenhas moved and is anxious toselllszL storey with attached garage and paved drlve3 bedroom washrooms large eat in kitchen and SEDaIBW room inished rel room CillG rd Davldson EVE 8552 or Res 472F232 FINANCED AT ONLY 10 PER CENT bedrooms washrooms separate dlnlng room Walkrout Irom 204 lot backing onto 790000 Coll oora Res 473 25 COUNTRY unc kitchen to large 51 greenbeltarea Only Davidson4t958552 or REV 35000 down $5690000 Hurry On IIIIS one Call George Hoyle in 43552 or Res 7754650 QUALITY 8r PERFECTION In our oplnlon one of the better homes in Newmarket and surrounding areasr As ng only $12900000 Ihls Spanlsh stucco bungalow Is sltuated on two lots and otters almost 3000 square lee many many extras tolllving areawlth TO view call John Stewart 8958552 or Res 8955706 Wpassea awa EY olaois tUIils 1120 the do for rnIIestrorn qttLroncher OnI years old It te uvrese In kltc on separate dlnlfifi on V2 acrelot lo ACRES $24900 nent llnancTrTg rooms and more Permits available vallifilen 12 TIME IS wonTlt MON air Let someone else do the malntohanca III lhls3 level pédrqpm storey With math tloor Iamlly Asklng $49300 GNUR Davls Dr AttaIIabI Make an often AT COUNTRY SIZED KITCHEN bedroom detached home In downtown Newmarket wlth frontageonlwo strafi ELLth ud Erie 20 In Memorlom and Cards at Thanks ADAMS Dnnnls Edmund in Iavlnn memory oi dearly boloved son and brother who MM 10 In Memorlam and Cards manila BRISTOL In lovlno memory at dear slstui Galarlsial wtio nassaoawayoctoonr la ivn 2i 3n Artltlt Noun time Moyltlo VCIlIalIIr IM 12 Llr just MM 0va MODELS FULhiAleCONDIIIO LAUNDRY ROOM IN EACH SUITE veev Low DOWNPAYMENT TWO PIECE BATHS or3BEDR 3E3 ATETHEISTIME CHOICE 11 OMSUITENow few and bedroOrns left IN9HAsI BROADLOOIVIED 7m NED IN SOME EXTRA SPACIOUS THROUGHOUT YEAR HUDAC HOME WARRANTV rand tasl ortlmi McnONALDs he Maule extrllm Wthltemm isreaiysrm ooor 154 PING rolloi IIJriflbatterilE 21 Articles tIKtlesi my EIII ilY Isle chI iiy ly Il Bopllancei goods BRICEs 75 new unit slrrimedlsle nliure annllm ARNJlluif TI wa Buy householo Iurm ippltanzes lot DrkrSrAuRUttA SED FUR DEI Vpngest lulu IGAI mint seen cult lurnlture housotra rm allth mun flureomrw Ior estate Ifwfln strrllno ruin 14 Antiques FirW noth or soTRITOn YongeStto Willfim Roe Blvd 10 In Memurlam and Card Thanks Mrs Bets Lonuhursl and thank youto gyory no who alrihoay happy reunion and lot the slits cards and tlnwerl Also to In East owlillmoory council tor plaqu anti Iiowers suoslal thanks to the kitchenhsto and to Ins lollies who poured Phone7511022 at Toronto 881 2707 her IaMIly would Ilke say camé to mail hermit in Newmarket Artlcles tor 5an Articles tor Sale PIANfls DREAMS IliIIiAtls mWnEIIclilltl wulitszlin PIAN089SHEIILOCK¢MANNING MASON ltlsttlt HEINTZMAII JUSTLISTEOsssmoo Older home modern kltchen wlth bulltIn stove and oven detached garage and great backyard wlth patlo and trees galore Separate dlning room quallty braadloom and plne ttoons throughout Owner trans lerred To vlew call John Stewart 8958551 orRes 89545706 $650000 DOWN Finished lamlly room decor $6290000 Co 9552 or Res 7757550 $300000 carrles Ilke semi bungalow sun Chen close to Echoo ravlne lot beautltul ll George Hoyle B95 ONLY $4990000 rent bedroornhrlck ny brlght eatIn klt Is and shopplng Call John Stewart 8958552 or Res 8955706 QUAKE HILL ssmwm Asklng bedroom tlnlshed rec room Immaculate condltlon lust move In Close to private and crescent Call John publlc schools qulot Stewart 8575201 We anssv is MY NAME have JflverslzedbedroomsrllvlngrrISomr separate dlnlng room wlth buIIIIn dlshwash WhICIIiIS fully broadl summer pleasure sunny brlght kltchen er tlnlshed re room oomed and for your eye cedar sundeck overlookan 16 20 swlmmlng pool also have double paved drlve gas barbecue and good landscaplng Asklng only 36530000 Please call John Stewart 995 8551 or Ros 895$ I977 tarnaon The sorrow thgiday would arm The call was suoosn the shark seyure To part irom one who wu onso so clear the way you looked smiled the minus you always said and dld Are with us all the while loony as wry look at your plrturl so lovlnn runner and true oroimh Inklng orar oonnls til you Your resting place we yislt Ant put Mowers Ihere wlth care out no oneknows the heart ache when we Iurn and leave you then7 son and brother Foroyor Iovuo missed by Mom Dnanna Ifl ADAMS In memory aI our nophow Dnnnls Adams who and ivri vou wonl to on with Jesus iusl your ago may God chose you to ii roman Where lho analls Iauoh and LIIIIoAldwo know that aII We will always romomoer Tho way youwalkeo and Nomndervourheartiorr God love and watch over our Dad and wont Inhewilh Jesus Oct 12 his we mournao Ior tier in sllence No eyes ooh see us weep am ntany silent tear is shed wnlie other are aslem Toaly missed and always remembered by Surrey iosnano Raymond XI onlsroL Gate is laying passed away ostooer In 4111 Past her sutterlna Pall hor DUI Cease to weep Ior tears are val She who sutured Is al rest Gone In Heaven with tho blest Always remembered RIW l4 BRISTOLAInIniInu mrmorr or my sister oala who puma away Oct W77 Always remmama oy Jnan MGM Ell GLENN lnioylna momorV ot my orothsr nonoldEd Ward th Pulsed anY October 2i m7 Those wo love can never be More than thought sport For as low tholr II momorv TllWlIIIVB on In It hurt isauly mlssed Inoslwayr romomuorao hyl sister Worldv oLeNN in Iovlng memory of our son lino orolhar away Oct at lvrr memory oi asiear sistsuuha IIZ DonltdEdwarHWfififiW tua ru F566 In lovlna memoryol dear lather prandtatilwr anu husoano Howard Pew who passed away quotient IWI ourthouohts are rver wllh you Yhouvh you have passed yi who those who love dearv Ae thlnklflo you INDY Always rainmonsoon wile Malia and Iaml SMITH Ralph In latIll memory or Ralph who passed sawayJILoclobisussiwo Silent memories true and lonaur vi mimvflmtaml VsjfiEIIDAWHII remembers Missed byMaerlo and homily 21 Article tor Sale owl Ilytnoroomsn oInlnoroomr Roswood ottldro Iromlnq urpntDE5IGNS IN TEAK when street soulh Aurora 121303 T=17 ollnd with an wldn Reasonable Phwl 731k PRE CONFEDIRATION 760 gEvents eorrenv SALE Ul tourr II to Vol lru nytw lo IIUII wann nn Annual iair at iliyiuuntly nand rotten loul lottery rnllc horlhoi Davis own on non Mills naau liim tight at Illraid noau inu lollul shins Phone in hooori pollsilr oiiowu Wesley and yiyisn InooCurroniare detlgntedln announce the sat orriyai oi loner ll lm Proud grand parents are ilm Lindsay arown ano Mr rind Mrs Days CuMan yory Aprouo grlalqrnnflnnrlnll are Mr anti Mrs John cum uulalihahksloor thr helpiul nurses at York county ttospllal tlewmarkel in snow FBIflhs ilAiITa Mike arid Carotare haouy lo announce the oirih their Aduunlcl Rootca JnnE lb or ht Vork Olian ilasotiat Nevmarket October ID ic nm ltrsl oranuchilo tor Mr and Mrs Ehrl Wr ht landfillVII anqus Pri iii inInd lor Mr anu MI usual lo Donors Newton and Naugnll one the nurses or thr Latior and Dnllyery Wilton +7Enoooement MDMR Donahl Blair announra ynth nlnasuro lhr manormom ot tholr llrwllnlzr Illarllyn Elslu tillnos la onry Plimkllt son at Iiirscnarios Ptlmketl ml the late Mr Piunxrti ot oiloim the woman io tnkI more ntcountry Arm yanuo siroui Newmarllot at mm mm ALLAIR Charlas aowam on Frlday October 61h Im at Thu Bulk Fallx ano olslrlrl Holpltal Charles Euwaro Allalr oi Katrlne Ontarlo hulovm husband oi Stella Lourlauli lner Kemy dear sleplather or Lynn Ann Mrs David Taylor and iahn Winn ierenoe IMcoonam Mnroarol at vork county Howllut on Sunday Oztobnr Is in Maroaiat Moth onloyeo wlio oi Bruw Rulledaedndtholatocharles Flow ers John Gablo cedar valley Heather Mrs Curl Iiunni Newmorkot McDonald our mother ot lilllv soma qoy well myrl in ihai umohn ihal you anti lha anouis share In thaoaauiliul lly Gods chosen ltierds nolhlno an earth can Lomriare Aunts ano Uncles Ruth uni Ltlll waulers Ada rind MlmorTIlfiu Eorlo were loyeo still rasl thlr oyritla glow To oraca our days and Ilonl our paths wnmvar wr may go Sadly missed by mother ondllltars llz LOVELOCK In lpvtnv vtIHtW rol In Iihe HAND and organ or searss waolrd crnlr Ill Vongl SHIII Nuwmnrhol Worlo renowan yams Pianos Ivoclal urle Bank llnanclno Osmiumms TFiZD bedroomshln Took Aoakr VIHETIAN ILINDI Four TFH and organs splclal pricu WUIIEIIZEII BESIDES THE BEST IN PIANO AORGANS WE HAVE THE MOST COMPLETE BOOK Gt SHEETMUSIC SELECTION NORTH OF TORONTO ALSO FOR PIANO TUNING ORGAN REPAIR CALL ontinqr MUSIC CENTRE ous631i OWN TDVSF It2PIIICE JUNGLE jXEECI TO II IIIESTDIIE ED ENROLLMENT TUES NIGHTK 7430930 STARTING 007 255 AVIS EW ARKET JELEIIIIILE ABnchs TVPEWRIT RSADDERS CALCULATORSETC LassaiivtceanenTALs IIIIIIIIIIIIIISliissIIIIIIIIIs 5m Timothy st WOOD STOVES COMEI FIREPLACE Long controllorl burril FURNIVIIREAPPUANCES LIMI 166 Sutton Itd NEWMARKET Call to litlortnnttan 41138958700 Morktewlczl surlo Llr Auroral Louflault Vancouver Brother iosroh Honmer Ont Kay Mrs Lgonaru Etioni aria MWLJMISV 7LU¢ immanent bolrror Garsofi Onl Mtnarva lerS Blll Scollordl Lonuon om Wllao Mrs Narry Weuoi Mlaml Florlda Prndeeeasm by hls lllt WIII Itla late Alma IV Ililer Laura and Dmer Frank thn and LOIM Restlng at III Dumpster le Funeral Univ lurks FIIII Dnlarln ntn on Turlalllt iionalo McDonald aI Mcomurl oaih at Toronto and In lan mu Kent hosting oi ins Roadhouse and Row Fundoral llama nesosy alfl pm Newmark Cflmfl rl SMAiu ln iovlno memory oi oaor husband who passed away October WM cont uonr tlnnry aloha ioroyo How miss your sintllnu taro liol you tell mu Io romemhor Nona on north can Iako your nllrmnnt caiaaryrmuarovahu Allen wouswofl and Lochmiora ADAMS Dennls In loving memory oI Donnls who lolt us on your non aclobar l9 Jmflnfilflfilmbwwlmlfi Funeral Alumina onw¢a EQMVJLVO vat to have Iii mlnlltel wlltl you To see your loan VOW bovlilt smlls iust Io slI on owqu year you WW away trom us ro surylr at your FalmrIl slut Iohcr ii Irl toss Momartai +r ti stairIm Linusay Ahrnther Mmrmuoomrs iwfiflfiifiltmly7nnwn€e Ihu lllrt lholr so Ronald mom Lama ID oi an lmDalIqu Proud uranu Lorne ILuu ul Locust ttlll nflMrs yyaiuL Maryal kiryiialu iornurly iMEIawmarknl It noun Mlcnut anti MR Aim MR5 southwnrih HarlY Kesvllck are mortal lrr announrlrlll llmulhl our Lynn to Mr ram road son Ill Mr and Mr Verdun Todd tomato i1 rim AND Hus rank vtoor me ha yyssosaonounusiho mririt til the rmlrlitl Illivurly Ann to Mr tumI lusrimu monoxvrmarhinon ortooar vlh lim Ihtn Io The Church oi Ihr lton soirlt BurkLrFatls ont lor AenqrvVsfltantiohaflfir MNmMMHLW0L oclock Monaav Mornlrio Parish prayers in tho Funnil chopul at 730 sunaay oyonlriwnlarmsnl In st EAlrIcltl ii etery at Kurncy mun DottiId Jr So In rouillo announcs tlt rr VA or Itlolr lot Jared 1mioui7rrlfiion on ortoiilrrratyorir calmly 111mm Allen uhonsu urlnnmic MIT AND MRI Ilvwri inoir unuittltrir inlsy In Mr thrurirlnilyrnlliirt Itaiipy lb ltnnttnflo rltio IlrrJtll ihrir uruthtr tlhion on enplvmrm ho t7llr5rwllllrr hum Rwslllli mum nnnou to tho tnnrrlaua oI trunk iosol tuulicsek son at lyInoo moulds soturuuy JYWIntraknrnlblrtmllr mnnLDunaIu and horror sultan and Ilrnmothrr enumehraih otrJnhnr nowmom ml orhlzlt nI autumnown ol xrlly nmmwknunrtm1r iitroora eruhl tluwmarkni Funrat vim In it hoIiI tram GI titll floll Flinirnl llama immortal on Trtmndnvarrrrnwrlnlmmr nllLi noony homr Wu anon on oyou How swcot Hi mumory sltll wellness iho world um nouar IIII nlwo meumtwrullu will on marnory on do FITFlirt mull away ozl ii In VII allltn Ill linll lltlnk 0t tilm witiii wo olonr Irlahli Llurlyy on the wlthml link Whnn illl ultinr Ihinui my our low tor him will stII mi arson Arlll rllw too may lir mrmurao II Winmo mini Vim Adll mound NDIIIIIIIII ow mummy Ihnaoninnosrorin For memory Is the only Jhaturi trulleWnr nayrr Indo or halo your mommy door lnsloa Pu ovor yuurtr anti ndo Burris ADAM Dunnll in loylno away octooor ra gray not or away Whammytel Iriunii Denim onuioLAlouhuame tusionryruroooioday KlflllmhflrfidAnnlIlavld always Wayne vairrlr nRIITOL In lovlno mimer awry Octubvr ii Iii on and on our lholluh wnllar do Whvrqwl lulu our um Lovlilalyrtlhrhlb all ROIIrMnrylnflCIMV tfl xlfl ltvwa coulo mlkulwlitl vouruoo lam rwy rwtts am 9mm MltJmiomemusM To lilo arm not Ill5WD memoryol it our mother waywcmbl wno hortshlid our secrets our sorrow our IIrlll Who Iauvht us In love one DLDI mnlhlir In ttoovorl Cr Illnss you lousy Your liirlyms unsulllsh tor ulhars you IIVDILV Not Ibr om you but who you could HIVU Evvr ramumurru Violet Earl and flobl iho lnmlly ot the late Mrs iurloon Rush would Iliu lo naluhbor tor Ihnlr IMI slindnuss lIflWLtl Ymunth not andrdonotlons to In MirScotctymdurtnvwvv horuoyomonl suoclal InnnkstKMrS MOW Johnson MU honhsi oorhr IoPiil romllno wordlt LMILIL 7n tumor no or mlfirfirilrmlllrfi liitiir Itll lull Roy Rnlnh MD Itidlrv Ilantt usLumuumourzz mail hulhtinoullluayd MW rind runny WIWW ho Luigi luau fluumwlllo Ior lhelr holpi on pnlr at boys Ililn pndt Wmtwmt KITIIJ IMF TEIIKWIWI FUR TUHE 53AM illuiirtluli feminine now orlvn Mll Iind Irluoo 14 one up lully INMOHI ivy IIIJIY yr I75TWO Wltllltllldwéodhdd and arawrr tllnclbl armrt til or tel nrillco Drldal to HILArborllotnn Emil lmm iPZIIIDYr own no iltln ritonaiu To 1w Iurntahlo own =lm WWW Gokoh rimourF GE BeANTIOUE our 21 52210 In ELWESI or makesandi prlcosmhomvl am no PIANO oomlnlon upright Vflrv good nndlllon 7274613 aIIIISDim 42 mass ihurmo oana oloss Darallnl 0V IDI unlts per so it Plus eoll Ior it luinlllrllmll 933 ml ltltltntjtotltlvl thomsyo ant to In main 2x4 13 urn Iounri letszfltlln Fl 4x4 20thl Ft Itlll ll oi ltlllttyat allow out wunluo Ptlono mouth or um J= 1trtllllllrlllrr hldrdurluttalIloul WIT llrmsandrnuchmou Mil L430 ilu man Nnmlca 601mm 17 mo It It wtillo wot Duncan title lablo choirs Olld OhBIrEllBDlir washland plno IIIle wmn bullets lira lalno hlin mlldttr ii to tugtowns ML rimi4aoo UWW Wynsur llimn AMnyoilioilllimu ya out IIlttttIoVllRRfiY Ikatn pair olrl lullrululurln all It whlllnlllr IJ Ill lllli iamlisrrom amt III drrrlnvi liliemcoltm sslllll Emulan CWTmi tlnImIlluliflanMV Ime iBBEjl ANTIQUESrIIr MEOW our day north or our Sutton Roadlll WHATNOT Dining room case vine boxes ooaros rhaiuit orass and 09 more Antiquriiu lullASullde 16 Help Willi AIIE Vflll FIJII IIETIII Ilnanclal Ital business is It you how to servlca to help them happiness mind Ir pd and llrid cul ii ain anrexlr brighter luluit PM ous DBI lance work and together prolltablo will unlit fiMWAV III JACKSUII Flollablrni poison to Customers They are world IBM products Avon IBPIS Y0 mono hours available delalls call it El Iliumlllc l1 ilionli till 71