EAST GWILLM NOltIlthLiiiiv oh no3 mIifijIlIzurrsuaM may variety ow its Well factions Act 1977 nominaiimai will have noculrednklrylng out aomeIthB IchWL The Widen bandldatealrlma election tor in nladay nights rather new grass eouncilhas come up with Fbilair Hr an gauntHoldmmndraafiumgri anotherWilma wrrnay or origin affirm ibefliduhbod dan preseribed In the said Section WM Yea lfl tealmite like the tea thingiAfiLb 3r cfioteai Your enceaaatqilow Wn We veiSun oneidvu noter entry andlroaurryoul 77 Joule and Francis bittai toes will nlsh out algoreate mounav omtmerrmmI it Ma ie 11 ed one should he brought to KlolIérflflare nthe Mglgds me tufthifimtlins 3M2 fihgoslt bys ThursdayI fang Iocimaeaearn mu singers do worry Pan omorrow so yo ive heard the group Douala an organizer 91 had better hurry MONDAY OCTOBER 23KB 1973 rehearse and it really in the trip toreaees another to 500 am very good Dons Cornish In the tuture this one and Al Roberta were also works out well THE olilcae lor which candidates on the hill tor the evening FOOTBALL nominated are met azaln Im in On rrldsy the T55 BWRWRIE Wsflfifi Radar and the luniur MAYOR there is another hit football learns are both Tuesday night eventlts having home games the Ian cfiub first ex against Tharnhlll and UNCILLORS not cursor at year In Williams respectively MT sfiiwww 31 in be elected by llaPuiillc schoo saohl3upportera toaewecrm orkinlz gmqufc NEWMAEKET County Board at Education grits night $réfl°éi¥riifrnonr 13W WNATON PAPERS iT unisex School wag cfiosen by me PRESCRIBED FORM MAY BE USED Eugene Page and teachers instead of the ARE AINABLE AT THE MUN Boudofgducaunnl students this year report If OFFICE SHARON school reporters Richard MacPherann and Paul Five generations together at one time is an uncommon Mounl Albert Community Dave ammugnt Infantth families hutrnut for Betsy Longhurst who Irom left her great granddaughter Audrey Crawford who IF more candidates are nominated Eight People We haslo great great grandchildren and several syts oi Titre baked and decorated the cake with the help oi Betsys raspscilve oiilcaathan Elevequliedloi famed IISDY hills generations in her tamliyihe lMyearrolll lady celebrated gran ughtgri granddaughter Lucy Ellis daughter Pearl same and quality as such gfififiefim Sgfifafi her birthday with overratiotriendseandrrelatives at th Atkinson andgrentegceaagsanddaugliter Coreen Crawford vbaiore Five odlook pm at the dayi nominations Thegslection will be helqm M0uni Albert ceméndriqn received Cameron Clark rum findsiiirtlizsc6ngrcirUleIonfr6fifhe rQUeeTlfwf lisburl éfi TTN no longer vm trnui Olympic Vance Poll on Novem er 4th 197 In an prmgléfiiri Lihfia By VIOLA GILLQ This greeting from Her naked how it felt to be 100 oliier greatest memories fill good aizedhai he hour Nlne delack RON MOUNT ALBERT Malaaty was sent to Mrs her eyes rkled and was thath picking wild meaeven children Peal BEE illéwffigfig The Queen is much Belay longhurst ofHult witlladluc eshereplled berries with members 01 Mrs Atkinson of why ealnowseiiow the mauamilwho Holla uc interestedtohearyouare who celebrated her it Clare calm our soMrslslmsge5Rinn ANGEFHnrnenfitAKENorlced gdggh may up Dmng he week hundmth thday and chat with this Having never in recalled getting water Mount Albert TOM Vic the numbenoicandldateeiorah on Wm can year book and it will go on Sale in June Holt and 10 sends you warm gentenarlanls all uplllt dulged in smoking or IOHIRWEHOH 1961mm and Fred are nominatedgai the end oi nomination an oi as vigm by Yuofiegig $151 congratulations Good ing experience Her wit drinking she contributes farm rhewell hadnroot Frank of Sharon and sumclem mm numb in camera police Con panama wishes troni Buckingham and sparkle would betit her longevity to good over it but not wind Douglas Barrle An cies We me candldams mam We mm Palace England one years younger when llvingandhard work One less Eighth tilllldv dfiuzhlfili will ti $E°aslfi¥frsiidoiihfn2d What do Ya do when no dud 13 In her 3d me Wednesdayl lliifleleied you aMBcentenariarflGm iiithereon fiailglteafif 23830351 Mm Ellshififi who is 59 V9 8903mm may belween the hours at uciocilll what their WESI goggioé ssfiigwgrgrrfilg xgfldcflldfifiali Ereal lorenoon and oclock in the all eat is doing receive and certify additional nominating Sliismry IIIItfndaltgsgislizhlhcgs 81 031 pgfliflgwry the oliice In respect at which there watt siting his in the mnkins now suillcient number of candidates Swimwer and tilm entitled Stranger 2222 its 197879 season The Rogers 055 NEWMARKET years that this unique government As Management Accountant Torontos Royal Con you an oomk at the cemm or fiflgflesimkczxgfig The York Symphony couple has combined servatoryot Music Although her hearing has The Cubs and Scouts Fr Hnrklnl wen action where the mayor decisions meet at park Oldies Wei 13 mum mm mm falledconalderabl there wilibe callin an oulhis Returninauiliur smutlo mr am made To bnng halgdayiwr Scrum Hem sea imamLmperformanceérhosewlthri 55 13 naming wrung her Saturday th those cigtit oilne Toymoieulawllllmoui York Coumy Chm Balm Dav hit in Thornhills Holy long memories will 113 WIRES York geyaigmamutignidymisayiyedecoratedmnskeis satannasuitonnosp YEW loser you can begin your RIA shrion Onttic eve n1 Symphony program will wasmmedlaely Bmyou Jmeod Jordan Tnolel miiity Churdl tat all remember them back in include the Known aw Sheer since she hearing deilcioua WU mes and sixties 11 kl lruit that romises to its eto act cki Dave Patterson Sandra Barber as Si ma ng rea at make him because Richards Michelle Ertl Ciillord Poole York when my became BEBY Muslim was kW 10 WHY 5° Iifird 11me istrailon loses Novembc lure by Rossini Fiona Dunsmore Greg Symphonys conductor Cgfiagfandilggugmg rrokotietrs Classical the °° Smn° WWW Iltsaiactihatiwcthttdsolall Wright and Kevin will welcome as the arenhomlestsmurdny apple people oi East tales when the toured ymp nny IE professional accountants are in iamrte eveningsaololst his Wile the piano gymPuma Polovetalan Dances by guaogxpregs his huly need 15 thedyrarnlcfieldolManagement Chiropractor Peter Margarelparmm FWIE and Poole mroqlnt mpfigefiiuzt 01 on counci Accouniingw0iklng as Van Everdingen recently WI 91 the Mrs Poole who The Oct 20 concert gm Commit Ha controllers generaimanagw visited two Grade Beelhm Pm C0 commencedhercareeras wiliberepeated again the ertu Number Three She was the recipient of managEmenlconsuliantsand classes affiliate The wille afacherflflleasewfl follows EHillll on certificates ai ubiic SE CE posture an ilma 0C By coninues In teach Still Out 215 at the 95mm alteration andon act in lustiime many and coach pianists at Aurora High School in Ezffizaflmfig 11132 lisdlacithaionlvlheRlA tile Grades and Aurora Both er progiam IS designed specifically students visited the Vlan Manor GUXIIIGry tormsnces will star at afillliglzalljavispisénltfig lorihe broad opportunitiesoilha Outdoor Education 830 pm TOW same Dr Em ManagementAcoountmg Centra honors 95yearold individual Gwllllmbury Numerous GWlLLlMu pro eSSIOn seasonsticketa maymbe ecflrds and ems also Nllllimee iirsgtmihaionlvmem 00 hEWMARKEr reached her that purchased in advance arrived stove at old lilounl Drogram lsavdllable ihrough Snrlshtly Mrsv Vern miiatone Oct liom orchestra president The daughter of 55m MOM silos i0 vwhim idenl with 25 ngemimeansmdudmg enrolment Vanslack who will be alrthday party Arlhuernlgmhlshome lerrsnish Wilkinson and WWWl business ex mnemondence and evening celebrating her ninely convener Daisy Mc iis Avenue Rd the former Johanna Emmi its announced Mle meehng ntthbirthdayou 23 was Calium oirrAurora in Newmarkalr mailedAzdubmjhilflmuLL onlvsimrm wk LEN the oldest York Manor lroduccdagroupolladiea request will do the trick iamiiy oi nine seven Exmlmmp QC 93 as Jammonomhylorplmm ihLflogurttown oponlhknlghtyofrrlher rgiriaandtwoboyklnrlm mkmsmim MTntunicipal signighT Manor Auxiliary at the Womenstnstituteledby performance she married William October birttidnypartyat Doris Dunn with Eva Ticket costs are 312 Log hurst In law they edatointher at AURORA The the Manor Wednesday Greenwood at the piano per series ticket tor cele rated their diamond 5mm Manama has York County Board oi l0ct ii They came up with some adults and only $1 for wedding annlveraary The man imualod sum In Natl America last 14 years Educlitlun will hold The former Keswiek solos mod led the students and senior anmtlnsondlcdlnlaez sale iced nd operated the public meeting tonight residenttitew out the rtaldents in the slug citizens at the age urea Mnmvrile tWednesdayi at the candles on the birthday songs they like best The For more in gathering at Mrs Jnlnilrfiland onetime TV AP board room in Aurora to cake and smiled her be Bogartlown Indies also formation call ENS8713 Longhurata family would HS 5m can mm 50 Ma Di and Carpet Ltd The Society of receive response to birthday pilrty smile provided the ice cream as in Bradlord ManagememA countams position paper on shitting Others at the gala table and cake and helped CLERKS NOTICE Albelv and declining enrolment were Mrs Mabel alnok auxiliary members serve 14 years of Ontario The paper has been Newmarkel Mini Bessie It 0F FIR STIN lmmducmly Ollel Humming circulated to various Coker nichvale and Margarete Coleman PHELI IN Processing Act now groups and organizations Mrs CeceliaDuncan Keawick presidentor the Mung d9hm unfinammmdimiy inthereglonitwillbethe Newmarket each 92 York Manor Auxiliary Mme gsmwm Processinzr nmmmonismflableloc rinsl public meeting Ute years old and Mrs May expressed thanks to the pmumlmcmflmfifgammoWNW DI No sales taxi Mm bylelephoningz 5321 will hold on the Keeler of Keswiek who quurttown groun wmlcmchlsoummWm1ch Enema at inning an 22hiafiiiifliifliiiiliiiiiéiilriiiiii immune 77 33 Hegbowmuu consider uqlmgljlilmnlon Nn ffi dy ottobsi tom lIalu ol 5313312le L°°d 0° mun Ala 23 224bii7lddvli Bdlrtiilabltv ti and reaponies received °°ei° °°° Wmzi mlee to an TCHURCH STOUFFVllLE ntha1ilhiihdiihlimilin°°°l°l and on Hillolaanllwk lMBiIildavs issue anddwliili minketh Ahdlhsiobyenlluponallolselotstoexnmlnethsllsiloi imfléba rmommen on km or unashamihereon mi 1978 TAXES thistrlinhnaniittantalize 5thounl Intuitnation and Registration meetingl accord to 4309 lNlChurdthe Evemnse DorothyStrool executive Magnuman wwflim meflon lmtntfinttorthvfltrec Isiha 27th day olOetober197B we mm 100 Kink Slieel raw lutunlo entrants N10 Wllllflml fiéfiffiw 17 ITBIJliliS wnouwrii Mamth Ollobw Ii siosiim NEWMAnKET Due on or below °°°° fifflfiiiéiiiifiii October 31st1978 The time at which the revision will 2391931 hearte arettucnmnlou heart discuss their ohlldreni Pfomptpaymentwliiavdid handily Datedmg1gmuayotocloban1378 Paul Torkoli led progress with the EFoakoii ream xégnnglnif woe era clotk amid Coilwmilon pllne Town Porenla may vlnlt the otwrtltehutchStoulivlllo DIVISION DISCOUNT roots lTD school Iram in pm 119Holland3t aroeffixprbss Olflclal opening VVVV Saturday October21 Openiiaiiytia 1Up nctudelngttllldal8 For informati call 7735327