elecllid 9le PIM said the aflfllofiin would be primHY Panelsun had his awn huslrlss in me past eight ilhasliiidone unsiiénusliii council sent saidhecause Iinnli irnizlc as more lull gums could bjeclive be his list at would be llle at sllizley 52 studults hree schools Srisley arid it is BX hean now ill become when the new ung mm Capri Gnla IARKET Al ii Exgting new autogrgggli the drlvmg Experiance Capri to 79 an R233 ae engineere new rom groun up air an Allmezvngaglc fining Its sporty good looks are matched only by its nicipaicleaoard pe 50 performance and handling characteristics Plus to an appeal by system Capri comes through with more room andluggage ExtensiVe choice of space than last year Edfizejrm Capri 79 sports hi level standard SP°1Y°Pt°ns eguipmenfinfiflifling tah bucket seats front fire discfifies rackandpinion steering advanced Ken Andrews strut frontsuspensien 4vspeed manualtransmission at me om And the extensive optlon list lets you personalize mm mm Capri to almost any extent you dare or the ent nltice ad battlijs mailer sled to other lore the board make much elo hear uiem same lime Andrews nrkel Plaza ppealed it or the past according la ungassessmeni oiler for York bashful ap thergrm nds iiigi rcfllldilions in have larced in is during those plans l976 EM has already uwd mi 1088 by review er aldeclsion asked iiie 0MB oil the matter nilng to Mr helota murisilm can Signed 3g mieni Review lid il eiuieLtlle Grand Marquis Doorsadan ant oilice or the who has been isnot rhapp decislm it man lMarquis tor 1979 carries on This is warms scieniimaiiydesigned fiadltftinoléiTrfilfirfandbrestige with filéto Wfiho compromlsing elegant appea nce its an alLnew car All Meieur can have the WM spaciausness that will surprise you Technojggical advances such as anmew DUEAGUA as Mmmuom gee 11 in suspension geometry contribute to Marquis bum eand spacious hanqingAndaSNamenedsteeringrafiomakes 3ZilimmflSnzllgfiiiéalfia wwanqimcwmanoeuvwhlt WFlesta sold In Canada algiiulltwlththe fi¥ it 72 Marqms has Sixpassengerroominess DUFIAGUAElDS Ilenrolanllcanosion More head and shoulder room front Ed roar 34 inches 86 cm more llontrhiproomthanlastyear Eflsmmefifi wnn Andv30amoreg$ area corroii on lower lax bringslheoutdporsindoors p°°° Mamulstorflmmo spiral of the great nngMercurys 0N walti3 dealertodayrir reunion ol our World QMIflyydeiconomeruXUEyPafificflidEj 136 gm eYourMereurydealerhasitiallloryouinl 47 77 Mniqulfi Colony Park Cansin minimum In ovflonllll ladltlalul coll