yarn in uded mw nruérevltlfilnv PETROLEUM rlioniiiirs lining tilr lIIilulelld livery lit Approxlmltety 23000 unload lit tllmace elliir 10 tillers Ht IIIIS Vllglfll nm ii Approximately 000 Halon DI iimliie tar ltin Town and Human til Alimxllnltety figmjlllmr of diesel lull fillififlmllld Department ufimfflmrmiyfoimlned inn iiu cunnilich Culn rliesscdnmirwmldmmyerrpenad received The Ft Speclllca Terry LDlinn Eniil Town Engineer Mnnlelpaliitlicé strewn mum to V0 ma accepted Robert it Vellum flailonal Gtertl dérinentioned contract In The egionéi unlclpality iforkgi Tender documents may be purchased tor the sum loirTenQDotlaierwloflm NMEFUNDSABEAELOWED ThewlowéEt or any tender nbinecesseriiyf Tenders shall I78 delivered the Clerks oi lice 82 Bayview Avenue NorthEntrance 2nd Floor Newmarket Ontario LaY 4W9 ENDERS properly marked will be net clerk Interior and Exterior painting at the Davis Road elevated tank Town otAuremr ns lntormallon to Bidders Ten der tormeand Tender Envelopesmayteobr trained at the attics of The Engineering Departme lr The RegionalMunicipality at York dtiine Avenue one and one tillerth in so north at the Aurora Roaovn or EN 20191 pekset certified cheque or bank draft tor riot less WWW lender will be lumlshed by the Contractor when suoTnittlng the tender GllfleldEWiIgIll dour lrostiree rerrigara icooaenanei ropuin rn 30 program range ed liter mamelqliantilv laughed bedding biankais nuanriiy or good seeiianeaus nausenold ms iou numerous in men on Large ied oval dining room extenmlmdm smallroii lop desk very unusual oinder bread and mantle cldcks unusu dressers washsiand ioilai sei lpinx and whiiol ouantily ol kerosene lamnr tlat irons uresabdck and unusual old chairs rockers guaniin oi earthenware crock arm iuds large sriiool bell aroad axe depression ss and unus chlna Julnai limp Auction JIMMITMINB new NI IIRE incl cedar utigb ine id moor snowm lo 1Ilfly gurs Flynn ulh and wth 925qu me on egr than ew lccdtdlnflo M5 igl muck crl tor the Outer ni AEWI Into been comphlu Rdaedaie maintained torQuite on the punishment dont want Ia liirougilout title genie much libollt lt white as many Ids six Palflherg PnnmflflmM3thmmfl150 at ll willbe Ml undi cdyer Willa Sanlard Road mile west in rerlns cerh Ownnr glylng mwal alibi gnaw or blood ngairn Allplllinedrn piller Duncan AuEtion services Lid Bgrrleldokiuadl collindwwdl 105 it eekllL minmlri Ulltl I7 SERVICE TRADES BUSINESS ITAUIIAIIT orcouirlilli BUIIDIIIG ll IIIIIOVATING GIANDA Bruin Emu Your Family tiestauraht very yeauoldlMuelierM lluik liklenkon ii on fit nliiiro in II tools auragfi JoofiTdiiuhl skidog iraller and inanv milcglanewrilems Auction eerl vandorddpk andsdid by Lilly erndi rd 77 Auction Llll onmtufiusza executed our reverse for it +1 I0 AUC 167756637 Bradford touryarns gal hop rich illlltl doll luiooidealtl Marlh grow Diii Ila this Yea nt ol the toil mail rm and onto ton in relative lay Mr Vail finders will be called forthe removal oi snow tiom the properties of Ontario Housing Cor WTBIIO in the Regions York Municipalities involved include RICHMOND HILL WOODBRIDGEl STOUFFVILLE AURORA KING CITY NOBLEION NEWMARKET KESWICK SUTTON Interested Parties lillllbj cnntlgt mimic Houdini Corporation nttlce at 713 Davis Billie 07 Phone 8981051 attn Keir or II Mcfieiln 052 1613 we roWiliirTAsmnunnunv milliliter llli ill14 Tenders lllr Snowpinwing any Slimline SEALED iEiliiEils plainly inlitieli as in ranienu will be received tiy the clerk at tile Town at Em Gwllinlhury at the Municipal nttlur shmn lili tailll unttt113ti am on MONDAY OCTOBER 2ND 1978 for the simply at IT OneWayPlowandHopper Slaiidalrw FOR THE 19781979 SEASON YEMEN Foil FUE Bit rGASIILBIEAIID DIESEL FIIEI Tenders wlli be received by iiirundsroignad not DIIL Ociooer i978 lor ins supply tiorn new 197 ll Wu 1911 luluring FUSI Oil Iof wenoue municipal buildings Aoprox 300009aie Regular gasoline lor uarloua municipal vehicles including lira vehicles An Dfox 2000 gals Diesel Fuel lor venous municipal vehicles including nre vehicles Approx 2000 dais Il amen la or Intel Ind Tort ri learn my met not tlfllfltlv wilted Iran ugm lam VIII BI ilummut to an 17 Hall 8m marlin filmi LSV ll Lost and Found LOST HING 0F KEYS IN THE NEWMARKET sriiiioN AREA 727 5674 CN ea an en Ponier ii unclaimed needs name with running space rvsoai aner ram ma All ons Pine MaeMlLLAn FARMS 10 C0 WES GWIIIIMDUYY Take wa ZirNortreoljchomhflra apprax 2v miles then ium Easi an con cl approx miles lo loan on sAruiuiAVT SEPTEMBER ATIPM Macuiusev MF turrow plow irlo beam MF 2a olaie lli disk her side rake Model NlH modal i=1 er bale buncner lni No llali hammer NM model 575 randem axle rrs bu P1 manure spreader Eieeirle Model 5025 roller oearlnd wagon collie lorags seL in la wadon allure 20 ll lona Wfimfllroilfltshtllrlw unommm ger flglflllxattie aleei waler iroudrls med ZJrioe or me larrn Model FflnA cell creep ieeden large wooden sell reeder ior drain NOTE oenrlernen all the ebov iiems are good and ior your lniorrnaiian will siarl ine mocninery satent Ir pm please be an lime muck WeiFargo In lun pirx up sells as scrap FIJI NITUIE wrougni iron table wlin diasl ion chairs chesterlleld suiles number or good occasional main aprsoedroom sulle um sorlnd aedar dressers most drawers Vanllvs ereaxiasl labia and halrs chrome ladle Wood leatherdrmchaim Kitchen utensils retriueratorsréno tabled Cotmahtmmmrnlr lilies books Antiques latn cupbdard ireiirnineul Pine bake boord small pinoilablei small pine cupbdord urine Eiec loblelaml bridge lamp Acane seal chairs Parlour intlie welnlii clock motor 41 iolnier roiary Iawnmdwer mid liner no snlwl aiower drill press Fora irariur new iires utelIent dndiiion iurrow ooiiomploueilrruhoer4lred rarrn woodmduanlllyoiusedi lumber alanxs eic quality or scrap iron Proprietor or auriluneers ndi responsiule tlrthe publicor1ciuenlr day oi saleYerms cash or known cneques wllii aooin available Pollard Aueiion services mailiorlumr 2g SATURDAY MORNINo SEPTJo Auction sale the properly or Ruben erandun aw Gurtlam si Newmarket John Deere model no wllh irloie more lill lnovmlmr and ra ler and lawnmower eHi nuaniliy oi nousmud lurn ure dlsnrAll kinds iii smalLarilaia Number oi anilluainllcfi me an Luncn or said io am snaro terms rasn Alvin Farmer auctioneer M7 51 SATURDAY SEPT Auction sale OI Real ESIIIE Small mnlor parg mowmobiles lawn mowers Tools at IM property at john Vlndenekker will in field in Ihe Viliegeoi Pal ierlaw larga stucco bungalow nause5 bedrooms double liaraar large greenhouses 35 50 and 75 steel and NBS emlosurer conaetetloor in out other large buildings liso water weddings WConstruction nnWsarieT 4732466 ilrllliiPrrliicoilrlueriilc Barrie Garages Additions Renovetlona Ree Rooms Cedar Decks Aluminum Siding Fireplaces Patios COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL FREE ESTIMATES 7752613 PRECISION KITCHENMART Quality Custom Kitchens and at the right price WATCIIFOR flflflmfipmflflwmou rilAluElln 2091MAIN=STNEWMARKET= sires 7mm We ROBINSL PHARMACY I91 Main St Downsview 142W Discountrs Monday Karoll 7Now=emzvsi=ml NEXTWMEW Mlmm earnS9 rlgnis id Pellerlaw river sliu Yuri thS businass is presenin in warlion nvood WIEIIIIII LYeunsjtim tilt dualimliLnL mIeruiance cash in me Mobil lnflpfl information zai hE mower power In mowers waler dumps lnasi jib and av rip lso it lira im isiinEii FORMS may be outlined It no time oi tllli Town Engineer TllE Welter any Ieildér nflfienTrl Iccfifid Dunn Enn swear as land PM POLLAR DSAUCTIDN JhMILES EAST OF KESWICK ESTATESALE Kelvlnetor Ldaor ralrldordiar do range in eull enesi lreerer Kenmore dry Viking Tdililn Endnw rwrlnuer wasnar chrome Maugham suite eneslerniasune iShIOrI gull Malorgle ulor erlhlt use ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER andsiand cirlna caramel coileeand end rabies lamps elc Fair or twin bids aroe dressers aniidue dresser gummy or pinures ironies mique iockar miscellaneous xlirnan and lionsyield ettect iao Supply and Delivery No Domes lc Fuel Oil to the Iollovfllg ggaligng Court House PARRY SOUND NOO4387879 Tourist lniorrrlation Buieauway 400 EmmiW Muck Research Station Hwy 400 BRADFORDQDL 3156657879 Beglstiv onice 134 Main St WMAEKE OnLLOaflMZBfl o4 TReistrTOiiio€BRk€EBBiDGET Qnt B1BZBI79 generate Ind ldual Sealed Tenders will be oca me on JHURSDAY SEPTEMBER 28 1978 Combined Tendere will not be accepted vices Georgian Bay Regional Oiilce 24 James Street East Box 790 Orlllla fimaiifiTEaVBKTNOTETFor Further Inior matio egaidlngrthe Tenders please caller Mr Moleaac at the above endless Telephone Nq 705 3267403 The toWeet or any Tender riot necesaarily anaemia Aboveheing ins prope les kriniwii crewman1ile TendeLDowmentsmeybubmmdotmmg iiLhe Ontario Ministryroi Government 59 In we or numerous id menilon Also lmfiWilebWrflflellr being oilered as In and sunlen ion low reurve AnHietaphonIwiMHele 7Atiixlon7LPLAJSML Mr Ralph Lona and ATrs Ron nrulur isharon onii gner inclusions indils spin urywa firrewwrwiaulr willmarldmnnodi lblcyclhr bol iraltcr Ienl snuedderand aquanllly oi lob ldl arilcies Terms cam or 41 dryer lIlarveai Gold as new lat irorn eradlord on copper holler OFFIE FURNITUH ertlna desks larbe its risk swivel the all sectionsol 5mawel nth map ahlnet lame draltlrlq table bookkeeping cabllle drawer metal cabinets rrielal Al leather arm the Dresseroremachlnetoiui nrwitmntlrrflamnli chain saw cornpleier die set benrh grinders ou or motorcycle loci and parla Large ouaniliy or small motor Doris new and usedl memalilenqincsi electric welder eceteiyne welder aluminum ladders llirea ilés uul F16T°bclipppsaddlnilrl lolflil ine above ollica equipment is mutlybv Grand and ray reams asn day oi saieenques with Li NplhIM lo lie removed unili gamed ior ACCIDENT Neliner the owner nor the Alldloireer will be responsible tor accidonis or prooeriy lullErnie Severn Auctioneer m2 No Nol in NOVSENOLD Arm ANriéus EVENlNGAUCTInN SALE weal 557120 rm AI mo EM AT rue LENme collilrmr AUCTION CENTRE Mw la la rsldeToad and BIG eradidrd on rlwy ii mu Machine mltlo tinder nearly newi porlable dlr compresser sec or heavy chain block grinder sei lap and dlé finlififivnflrwi ol diner artlcls Hamlin small molars shop Tu casirsaleailomam men 5551 R29 and Lerrr Johnson Auclimen Phone iiosi 1573210 palm flume lr rill FOR Amuuoli LEAIMONM Cfififbwh north lrom in can ii wisl Giiilim rownsiilaandwesi es Tarwaitirlnrsalerarr an no ii and ar lnrludes Alliscna mars truclon ldelI 50 with Large Auction sale at lur nliure and amino and renl esiaia IIII proveny or the laio Min Myrtle Ella JDY mm all Frlwldulujotrineraler and deep nears combined luor modIi odod Frlgldalra wa ar dryr ood GE 21 new Pin Illlhnck kite cupooard odiidlnlng room will idoodi anllquo Jndues and May Min reupnolsleted Slnuer rpogllhIJnllctnichnwlnn mum rich Inclnl inellarlirld and anal beige and brown linearly riawi elaclrona solid sla aillir 1V Ll quantity at diner luxflltur and anllqua dunmbetglilla armeer Also al red lor II lvhlrci tq redo bid dam brick mu bedroo iliuaied mm lo per zonrdaym Jul uwliniMunllmnrlrulllreb Muuni MlelnIOVHIVIAI arm Ihlrni lieu pm uduuetwm AuztIomlursi prion 705451 3770 pumilfljmllidlfltflmmsz film on space heat zenilil coloured intll oariaula sewina macnlne bdwback wicker rooulr Blanketbolesiualr hut opn wamiann wasnsiandf ieco bedroom reclinerr lllt shoving mirror nay IUlIV oil mfllrsfiwbw mnalnlltks lludema do and cndlr usyul ilams oi lnleml ia um home owner or ii antique enlliuslni rrom lilo non room nuns cam cheques with LD Nothing to he removed unlll miledllor Allan Horn Auctioneer iousum Aerie Eli more tulle Tu liurg did riilna Royal collion wadgnwopd tHOIS cvlllidar 250 Hessian PT rhaybina and ii wagon and llai ruin aiolrar drIr lar load Allifl 30 ii oala riavaior al Inow blower good imdiiion and regular dlnrm will cnarai liarelord int and year Nlrolordlbrlrcell slldm ill llllersdmduo Eala mflwm York Halli Tilililli moniin old rim hole at Alialla milled my 200 ham snilila imlil straw ton mixed int ouanlly di WDIIWrWllmn eder these In only 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