DAVID Wu ittiaiid Landll yrl tentid seven day in welt after pleadiru ti tmrgr til ubatntctug ipril iii MN will not be IH the suiteice item it despite her in At Il tlurne Lhril Wild the court the rim had giver the mmarlter woman questioned viii renown ttttthnit Wtde trt ulflnln III In l4 time the If triiiitii landing girl durf said she was letl llmf of lh in mm turn lt Lmun Hid ll ll titcause her iimtni pawn nu tn huge1 ovations gressing bowling It titt have to allow Uirldl to ind at uni plete the am nelavm bowling Nltllrl tuittmmiorter rinut Mld Newmarket ping HIS hark at work iolluwing tuning Limit wanted the plelerl soon The firm the renotalionl N0 at hitting with them ljndulm it end They amid ht tielu tr playable tlibtapllu tinii it nit dressing to the it as levelling aim rulltrul it BC by and Hq that at lama buewlthonlyane dunk piay mittn rally and Rays had to ad with hang the wound but lutbaflteuninCuuda PBIIII only Allowed lhru hit two struts In an OQfln and Bob Rimrm and pinch hit double by Gary Wuloa BC got livedtharrunatn thellrstinmngnthehgbkna three rut harm by Dani MCIham Joe ONau ma him ol anaha an he named into the sure new awe alte catchtu the hall BC he rum name in the sixth inning on com blnilllm sloppy ridding and me hit Newmarket received some WIUWI by dream Bob Wllllll who wu nmcd lap tint baaeman In the Canadian townmail HepIayed armless ball and balld 15 Ian rm Wt Wally utw ithauid have heat plciui as tqi lama bascnan II he batted no and mark meal matroni phy Spmaor Ray Ninney while disappointed at the Ian mid but in the country in not had We didnt Agave to Inleflt We area belle ball Club than that Mr Ntnne width yurl team II the hut tum he has nu urn assembled we better thin the Newmarket ream ul rm phyuiinour tape wed but than more Hurt they belt us he laid Mme Bob iutatic Mld lm prom or evaybody they all ye lm pr nail Well be next year in hnd rte specially tautt the several hundred lam who avdlad nurly LEI mike to Mr lavan 0ur cheeri section rimma ml lane Mme team dream It while at dimrum to our flayas lt Mt titu playing in Newmarket Newmarket Inns traitlied by bu tutti airmtt and car to get there Une lnn Holt Patterson ot Aurora hitch ruled the miles Tmi Newmarttet uumen PI tti Muntreal and after three changes at buses and nearly dis Iranl arrived at the ball part but strlke here hmipaat players Ind inns tram getting mm the partt taxi shorth and tritrrir inls made hour daylight rushhour hmmuriiet IS inning mlrlhtm against samr thewn broke setterll luur mmml rewards incimtiiig must mlnulfi played tart must inning plyed is must put out Walnut with 19 most asSists ludtartbori with sevm yslose 70 finals for anadian title molt lullequ Rah Gunthadermh HumbyiadUIInIndm mgdumunm In the film Newmanmum Manlath by Mt Mann1M lnlhmdvflulc Nova Sana New and Woundm fluent in databaseamid mintwth mmm by Bill Lunney Newmarket opening game Mary the One entry Runway Raysmtheldlqtnaka whatla wuhttby Quebec was his AndiIr Ilalaud to IncId and came harm at Each team at five hill or Nevmrul htu came all the but of Wm MUMA2 RAVI mi controverly devdtrd Ill 15 ll loan to Mariin what Linney wu want by the umptru that it he med nut um man has again he be ejected The ldlhank primed one mumtoil ball tu towrandrtwo thud ramp in rend arr Dan We Ive up Put Llrllull lime to account tor all the Manitoba runs Newmarket bats were stilled by pllcfta Jud Fnuai who allowcdtrd two hiu one at them by Walton Parlluleln Walel pieu llrll tape Bi Newmarket lawyers to run in Georgina st Tlth Keanten lawyer llchael McDonald president the tieorgin thamber ut tummerte will oppe Erik larsen tor this Iownlhlp seat uri url Rfllonll tounrtl it Mr larsen was trusted by tuttgi rum the seat Um sum iiier Mayor time Burrows and all but two other countil members were alsrt time it result of election irregulariuea tit ms Tun Newmarket in yen Milt keswirl offices are alsu announced candidates utmqum this lull ii election Juueph ti Dates tr runrung tor mayur and John Regen dndldall or Council Eitrmayoi in rows rus not lnnwnced his intentions Itll ems Since 52 THE ERA NEWMIKETAUIOIAKESVICK SEPYEMIEI NEWMIKKY MIDI CIIYS Nevarid my player not minii Bob mutton IIPY its child hone in maul may Illlul the Mk Mela WI mumnip John Wm matto Run Iran the Im II but kill the final IIIItll sum pmai MIorll at the Iournlmrnl luluH not Hahn and Moth uti Inmptloli tut page it umartrt mm In mll am it tine plvillll No change in Auroras Alcan strike AURORA The ISO munbtl or Uta the WWIthud Minna Ire nil on strut at Awas Alcan plant to any alter rejecting latent lnrhour Inau tar rm and want anhcl mane br 1979 According to union wait John Sandal the timm has not beat approadied by manqematt With betra offer The proposed rauen mareair In more about pa tmt tn the aurnge tit $5 79 an hour Ntittiiug happened macs been no mange atha nae hu approached the MM Mr Sunder Umnlénlfld Vltiriday mun mlfllfn manning thr pittin line it the unltll I3 asking tur it lll per Fm Mitre htlr tinn asking tiir hr utiiritt mil um pICkHH Just uni miiugh 1M iii The Alran employer umi llhhfij tii runlm lnatyrrtous utd lhr Memeit utter is unrealistic roustdering lav ten Infllltofl rate has ctrst ti to per cent Tht uni mipiim it hAt Afwrt the last Unlratl was in up my ear ago he titiimt irimilIr Huh hi1 wires mm at llllt inlt lhr rttt lnllaliuri Huard gilttklirtm hep Winnn mint Hlusll UlAH tillter Funds slated for Newmarket iob reallocated to Georgina protest SlTTll The recent renxmtmctton at Egypt Rd wait sumo over budget Ytli Region council has lumcd The total cost of the proper trtim Regional rm toliwy in new about 87me in report in munm the engineering Cummlllef llld extra tmls resulted mainly run unlavunble site condiuona that demanded extra work and materials trim the mntractur Warmth KlLlluflllll Ltd Tii pa hr the primer tvurwil mill use CStlIi Ihlkh I23 iii he pmt tin lllfln strutting the nefxellltm iit rlKltiflal math Jlltl liltihalll ht iit 1min lhr iiimi Mull mum mi iiwr lllu ttv 7Itdllt ifl itqtiiwiim ix titqiititt Milllm iiiiitit htw titzhtirim ly in em iii mm iii in hr rvsurtatitix vl rtegiant iti lllllfltt Change your cr0p judge advises man with pot in pail NlZWVIUKKFT prlllnlil mun Jimm HdHW trfiirxim rtiuwimip man to her tti thtitigi hlh tnip it he Inlnt iii tiiniriut in agrwu Jrr Judge Viitiihtm heard it fiullll pitt tnim Imdtl Ernest Juries um um titdrgtxi Wllh prism it drljuand Pnllre lriund health marijuana pllnl Hinean tn ti tihh li um ruining til tintw it l11 Iiiiin Art wwtmi int ii tit ii ltutttulitrr tlrtn ttu hlttl iiti tiiitit grim ttlilrlhlnfl kl lrlthli unitu ludfll lt laltlli ash1 it granm tit tmirgtm man tiinditititit tliMhIrgt ttiu assessed iiiiittth HYlti iii tiriitwiiin Library book rush on before sevenweek closing Saturday NEWMAKKLT Books are time uut ol the Newmlrlfi Library by the hm lnaa nccordtng to llbtltr stall member erlme Best The rush it stuck up tin tihury boon tor use while the library ll cloned or mutations Iran Sept it to Not ha unwedlhelhelruulthem at man at lodn most popular authon said In Best Gone are the WM Iudt ml sdlir write as Leon Um Mry Stewart and Altartr Mcln Shewarrulihrary um who havent yet borrowed their aerialId filly not to Ive tatr will In the inn day All rm iitirari niititiiimt iti MRI ago thi it mt Mint in limtl rm the numba nl boots mmum ma llle out during hl Wlud hr titnri is iiiiwt tutti that ll HII dulare an annual tin late Mum alter Mlfiipfiillgxtmtlw will hate ti pay lines The murI tutu tittt dunt the more the neer we will hate to move MIG librarian Lisa At Mrs Best llsu wlrnen sttxatu who had planned to meardt lint term paper at the hitr3 wart early as lintIndone at theIddthdr lint week Na in Aha tinun Thtw men tin lhr pllKl iii lmda night it the lrilt it ainudi vetting iii iii tit tumm Htlfnlr lllalitis anti ml iii iii the tiutrituiwt mi plum le1l iiiiimt hintr tult rit pitii iiiti iiiiiiiiiiitiu rm iititii it it put iiimititnt Alam ttmii hr lrlkr lu M1 wtrm iii it tht ttti uul iviit aim Anrititi ll 2hr llr¢l iir liHlltK an iii ktlhfl Mllurtiln tlv flti niih var tiiiitm taint IfllllT illlllifi tiitx iti rm tlth mu writing in vth titittr Yll 11 Mix it iiii ii ti igiwit itiii ii ti mir trllfat Roland Gamache dines in King lh it Irsldrnl lilrflntvmn pm Knitmi tmthr has dlurnrtvd xiii1 iimitn itiri film at g4hullltnt4la trim newllvd In lht iiiiiiitg mll klnx rimming tuiti Hi Guys and Dolls comes to Aurora lhtalrr tunu hit in lrdtith na with in mm minim yltlhlllllxl it iiiiin lbuul Ihll hwpontng III thr mum iii the that Ill tin Region it Course variety offered amight yttimpniimirnt the name at th tum hoot thi titti uhm aduu are iltpmt Illth huh trium tnnzinx tnmi uui nirchuiiu it anun rrllnhllnl hp How did teachers spondthesummol All tint warhen in the mum hpfnd the Mlllnlll llllll up ln lrlHPIOd tit If diurnered lhr PPrlhll mini wrlll ruihooh lu elrllbl llnltnlng the Iw tin page DIRECTORY Dianr tai nunam tuna an lbal n4 tinn tutlu