RIGHT Femh Tvlrll Cl fin Ltlle had trouble the Jdefl HIII Bank wk MI rel Irt lie Nude flylATMYBRYDON hr lll£BV Mm llho mdhnke noted an tm the claim In spot an den national equalnan tm Sunday tiling lnl and all on hts two mounts at ttker Hill horse lnll Ishtt 23 won the tn tllldl threedz evml on mt trdfr and plum lttth umlltinnaire lule bdlind Moira Lllrlmboue ol Que Liz hton oI tilltitle and fill ltlmer DI etaaaugn Prue mane Itd $7 54 tuent rlders corn ltrt the event tn prqnntlon the mtrtd mmpcnlhlp in Wk next month The crowd at the Joke eulod Ir he had no Min pulu up the ball And lru utm ll ll hill HI mom The pun rim brldle and the molt in In the junior rum II Ihe cm ecutr mum Salday Polly intuit nlgar ruin Fleelivuol got tn the llle at the Ilath hrldue Ind bled Illlo the um lot at lphlnlnl the he rlder reinvented to ltnuh hriIIs and spills at Jokers Hill Hill estate watched Janlce Tladm of Kdm EC lake Immh pllN in the $350 Junor champimmn ML Ia ribs 20 enis old and wide She was the top tnmtdtnn ndal tutllng up tndtvtduet Junior Ltsa larlbee til the lnited State The Antenuns also toolt the luntur ttam tttle It the tale Jump The lnuint as Jokers Hill Twlvililn lt ha sport crowd that turned nut on Saturday to see the mmpetlttott and outfit glimpse ol aptatn Mutt Phtttt tt husbandttl Pnncsa Anne in role as ulnal omenr taptam Phllllps weeds olmded In well wtlh the gnrb at the horse love who wore Phflythlng trom llvls to Guccts and drove their ray expatslve nthls deep another obstacle to get out lot the flu lime rain WI mutant during cross country ltm Ttm and mot ot the entl tetrr they really dont no it him they know hel hrulten The uhoe hthe llI the MA end the NHL mip tiFL we lall wahmmummp est ASI WASSAYING By RICH MURZIN Hoh Wan ol ttshawa ts tatmg bad things ahtiul lttll that Hill lunn the gold armed hat pitcher Vlllh ruttidal nm or stnktn out batten but who ts Bolt eru he disgruntled balls who ha sumred hultilliatlon lllt min time at thehnd ol Lunne Ushaua Bob the disgruntled tAtIStItIan ol the ltlltf who says Lunney llgwlty ol tllegat pttchlng Kat sdmwedoutolthetFlmwhy doesmttg hate ht tltert tn twlal beeuse bum It seems thg wntdled Lunne pllth at lndrtll Ate haltbatl Auocullon ljllmlnattuns trt tailura tall It you watch Lunacy plldt lnlllmh Vttng Ilv lump belore he talent the hall and tlld Jump at as well at Iflmm out at the etght luttt llClt ttu hatt Please the hall helm you walk out of the circle or jump tr Int notms wh Lunney was not called lt because the rlrdela aased by the tlml the hut ltttlttg whith lead toult Gee Bohr hot dld lm tt me who cloeat Ilmllllll truth the nmdtun Ftnals Bmmmcl ll pintun the Reversm Us Is bow tor dlauta It the Canadians lt he ooeutr 00 Rives Lam point by uytng he ts one the heat hen in Carule but ada Uiu ll one rtautn the htm and There are rules unigoo hut lgueu mlta are matte time much 01 hour gnpes mouse wtng Im Immutattnutenceolutwn etuclttng mlololdhynulyw meyrelttmitd ewmlrket Kays had 91 Ten sened to them Tomnlu lheppe tllge tueren ltl immediate In In exhlbtuull game at the lllrflmundh lltt nee All quln misled no ttme he tepped up to the pllile and hll homer to respond tn ltirunto apentng and tthal tn the ltrst InnlM to Indra through an unttentlul second inning up parenll lung tor HQtltrt tn ukt up the hut alum IlQutn opted to hunt but lttlinagtd to queen in triple out the drthhler un tin error by th Toronto ptlcher lloh Shelltan popth htlirt utrtttte to shallow centre mm to you ll qutn lo the tourth not lldrutfi Slnfllrd hut was tutud out 4t setohms llat tute lynched short one to nghl field Lute stole second and tnld Toronto pltch gave htnt uttm Btu tunney stepped ut It the plate 14mm poled wtirm burner put the Toronto thtld basemlln and Ihotulop lu GIN tn run tend grab at It turttntlt mulled Quln lr he tttth th Shelslon manna hlm to second on hunt tar Wuton hunted to move t1 Quin to wlthln mom dulance and Shelllon to man but wn put out before he got to lint Tm wasnt any lly chain with hark Avii Bucha la Iop mitt Ind lot hlni with Wally tmtarlo tasthall lugut he has lhm don thy lBlVln the UH lust cln ma the Jokers Hill held hpuin Phlllipl lpmt most hi lime Him the lawn l7ltol high obstacle Hank proved not ttt he the problem that organizers Ind sperlalors anlltlplltd Much more of problem was the water jump where horses had ll clear Ilshtnlz budge land tn watq and Jump over Time and time agatn Wlnts were lost It the water ump eAch horse was encountering tt Drung look up the hm dz the threeday veil and threat com petitlorl on Day Twu Becqu of tm Hm Hummus ttl ulttlutt tau iteurt lie4t ll Ia my mamn rum nut alltmm llmllnlw ml ahoutuuuoh Salurdln But ld NI Mild rm to tempqmm mm horse um louttd unttt the tool ltmprlllllln raver tln httth riffs mnlnbulmtt nurses and rtder Hull tltternattonnl tfnt tlthtante was ahttul nllnute n5 Llrtng Salurda Neill tvtllpelllurs tn the unlflr and hFIP requtrtd to mmpttte tour haw endurance test The ltltal tolummttromtho lwmarlet kilometres hter and rltkr truss lurked hard Ittr lltN ttt tine hour Hell the Ilnal tliunll phan then was to Ihll the horses lure chucked by telennznan It horse appeared Iame or had rho tVIltlpfillltm mowed ttttlithh trunk to the ettorth ot more than 140 tttlultwn The ttrora mom llutt orottdod rtIreshmalta from lntiblle rtutler untl lrlrphtlnes and who wrl munhtd by General Kdiu Assotlalitin The mmntunluttun system protttlm spertlitnn with upto htmtnute tm the SPrll reports prugrrss ol all horses Judges wore heathen and reputed results to rmtral potnt where tlndlngs were prided PHOTOS BY AASE HANSEN Wm um Phillips utitea lo leerlun netmelt end letire 54an the llth ttiunln ttiurhr NH ulla hulllrt mnqmg Hell ml ptlm ihnltigrpher ndmm RA YS MAUL INTERMEDIATES IN EXHIBITION tooper tun mulled and wtll saunteretl arm the tatllttr tllh with run turtle helped out ht ht umt Shilsltm home hut unable to keep the bases lnllt ntld ah he was put out at llrst Lune strutit out to retire the Idt Ttitunttl hall Ru runtttng tn the hull as the ztt maxed ll put men on ltm mt uttm tenre Flelder Ilan Lille mt lnd mulet1 ltt mag ball belted ttt Ttrnnttl John tianlltlu trture lt lopptttl out Ul the park It saL tIIr Ha lrttm tttmtt up thm rum ll4t 11 def tittvtl swlngln tlt hv bottom at mt ttxth min 0le Wethter lama Altllt llt HQHIH tottunhed Ith htutt lull plh ht ptuuttu tItl Titll tttueett ttst ht wttmtt amt ungh uhlll mtttm elislel to ttirlli pteluut hheltton nailed nu past the Ttlrutitu pttrher short star to Cllff thder htlh tI Quin ttatmg his an In lhlltl on bungled Tumtw mill Toronto ratchet Mlle lsen hlil hall Into the back of tar Weston head Is he littelnpled to tip shelstnn lront steallru serond Weston sullered no inlury during the incident and returned in the dqaut on In inIleld pop Hub Richardson retJred the H69 wtth an infield cannon Rog Mnmn cam tn to relleve WehItzr on the mound and seemed to hve ml Mg hia pace him he not mc torolttu team to thetr mttu tuoper lathd tn the bottom ot the month out nut out at the iulld hag till telder hum uhtth allowed MUM one hast latith ma Judged out at llfSl hut nut helore lllrLle tittttemt mto third Lunrtet walled anti used hls pilrher lr tn grdtt mood as Mnrutt tutted stngle to let llaruet ttmlh deal to rubber tor another run Tttrttrlttt the wt Ha lltil wttlltl and till umtlpt not tempt mwttm not to ottttoh tottthtox lttltttng hmaumt otttlttlt tllllllu xurklt In rtng lllltl to gotthlo up hltmt Trtllllidl lttt tut pm Mr tumt tilt th the the ttgttut mqmn hammered triple and lklslult tut htm to mum htt Ultrtl KHI ot the milht Toronto Caterers dish up 91 victory ttltmt lllbul mgr mm titltllt L441 lltmv 1t Ith tAI llt ttvlttu untow worm bttliwr our the me to ittlltdl th Vlttlttl rull lIl tht mutt lull lhl up at the game tttettt ttttl thtt tlill tttnm tor ttt lttlllt tlhlttlu tout lhllll roll Attt HJull tttntt limut ll Ill fluIlll in tttht ltltlllh llnlkT ttfldlhfl ltthtlultttvt ltmlot ltt Tltlllvlln tt tht ltllrgnitmlh LITTLE HOPE FOR TOP SPOT Orillio Maiors dump Hawks 156 IAllthll Thi tvlltltkll Huka had their Illlfih Upped no the Urillla lAJtirs unlld turlher hltm mm lhetr thflnkes ll lop Ilsltlln the south tlnlfiw enlllr Husehall league The than are llll tied at tlr plnnucle pmnt my wmuritet has lml one game lttltuiltlng uhlle tmllln has hru hand Both team were mutated tuttnt lttr pntltt dllf tine luller uilh the runs Barr tlmr ml base on tall with Jam udnm muting him to mud on 31le Elm Need ulned tut wthollt havtru to touch the ball as Brendon Mrlunplldledoul Illk to more Gnu llnr ltts lit dutmm l4ll all In mutton hum on who tlttm homer as Htettnx ttrmtt the out other Hawk nth not uttml tn the lhtrrt tnntntt tuxrt ltlte Manor storm on an errtir Mtlh umr It hat hundttt game wasnt the llrsl tune the Hulls men In trouble Hawks sewpm the last plan min lAgitinnairh run In the bottom til the snenth inning Onllla has ahead untll the third tnhtttg uhat Brian Dunn scored on ltelaers than by Dan County Pindl NIII Bud modeflmhaaeafltahlnlln uttqt tttt mu tom tIltI hum KItIH ttrttlm Ileltk tululwl ttule ht ttllort tlllllh lAll tlrtllld hat tou wttllitllu shes ilt IltLIKITIK tux Itmgttt Ildtlln lltal oi rummt to at with tdgell lliston torturit lurltlr tlt the ilulfllnfl the guml on threw tttn rnl he thtrtt tmttng month tnfilul to opal the mitt Aith tun rum and tud more namet1 llixlon un qmc hunt ttt smre the Mn rter Altman two run llllh in mf mart elu the mamt Greer Ind lodAn lured the win an the