mnmmmmwme Wirn IIII peed up lwuthy WM lll IM Auran GumNIHHII luAmIIM hillflint uemet IIIlulu nery snu eed Steve omen haterd the er thpey DIFW Wu ulm hwy Ind ee thr Ior low It lut Teemlnet smt Cur gnuo II but lld two hecI Erma new law lune eutl wu rdlaed by heather Al wlrnpey uul hll Retrial to end Hewlett ten III emuI Hill mIeon ee three three It het lor Hewlett uIclu ale Iw MARKET El Mel reutlun Ilepl unwed up then Iprlna mmnnmt mum ulth lud rmn eet merrily we wIer IIIII pool Llnod hete ere the HI mmrrs whn In Jurded prumullun ridnlnifrlr respemye lllqullfl Ql ABE Ir uh ArilDIII KlmIrd anII UlmlIr treueu neon lrunley Iron we ele erun Iue IIeu Itrether nod tlerren nee lhrIIlI Berber unuem Drunk Jnon Itrda 4Irolur rm Idm hemel Jemle Mitlloneld Ilrmlen men he steyen uhrodrr Ilele Iteerley Mn Hryent lrphen llunlln hru II ormIil Uludlndhnm lcum McNImIrI Jennier hrnham thne pplewn lrm Appleton llll Irlu Shin lemln lIn time Tlm hut nhrutupher Iron llIllun usedath Vulnn Meredllh thrfllm simmer Peul slephenrou Jellrey hell Jenet lm ltuIer tinhm JIua stqehnnle heru hethleen IteeIe heen leehe IIrI elmJr Meetha For lee wannabe Kleey lAlhon Hrldat Rum xmtln illenrherd lrenl Hound Luna IdlnFAyI Megn teitur llIIln huhn Muller Mwnelle Per Jump Ill sh eII yenlrl Ienrer Hermon lnllc MIleIn ln Timrwvl TI erl 1an Burnerer Mirna uullvt Ileyan ume yeut Ineenrn mm ll ngron ltllle JHII ullIn uurLI Mather lteld lIlel lofl ulilr hnlgh Kelly eeny lrnn rm rlfv NIrlI Inn lhIiilpIIrr nu Inr JI Yllrl rIrII lmId Jrranv Ni nu m1 ln6 Im med Ihllllpt Jetirey telne Andra mm utene heene Ith ManHI Arknrlullw seen none Iledl nreutlpm Kalrma Amp Am nu Kril HrIndvnbu uhley timtihne Kalli Ion anen IAIIon mretnpm Thompan IEIIE ThnmtIInI Iemte Hruclinlloli Jenmler hrlIuen rll Ion more Jnnee lwwlrm Nanciarm neeupon AllIImi Peru Jentrier Heed Nlehniu Inoderd sleyer unoderd Jennlley ugh 4mm other unhem IIrnly Hana1 JImlt Itmnedy Jenny Lumey Heelher Kobtrllon huIIn Mm lurphe shut Vim PIE In lllrrin Hluwn DIrIIn hteele lunny Tomllln MIChIEI 011W BrIIn him run wlootn Doug Illlll Ailey Smith lull valmlh qu Archl Shrul Affi aeym Carper Sheldrun mul AlI Gun Suv AMI Jdlrry AW AIrel Grey AmIIIdI 01 net Kyle luauId Tedd All JIM Aubw AIIIIPI Drr IliaII GM arm IIlrheIle IIer WWI MI ml SIuI YIIIIIIV 17 III II Recreation Dept swimming results Irlple Teelulu NCOhuh wlwc indium ll Immanuel munwarm hm mnpryheedruul Imamth mammme Dre Dene lhm mmn Ire wlnupey ln therem we we me In lqu the plele lur Wuupq end muted III Ine Coulee Mdrwomuhnrlwtr WIrrm shun hurled lat seq In the mum TodIyI taulee Product dund Duwa IMIMI In be man In In fllcw nth wlmpey el l1 poulu Tod1 mllcld lo rill DI Unrd lm llflh HIrmmon Phlllp Leer Ilele dlm lteren aaln Mimeei Btuh eulle luullP IllcheIIe Ieemn Khond Mr llure re teuert Mertlne Inaemmel Jun Johnllone KIlhrrlne larlIIon film meen my IM ermthen Kmny llIIles sun Dene Mimelle Kmnedy Shem Kerk Kohert LecI seen Mrsmere Kern RIC stephenle Rnbcruun KIrIn Inn seemed Ken Brown thrmnelnrmt sucey Main Slulll Killmnll JInir Irrun June Blind RAM Murphy Mmlm ml Jlnl lhIheru ttnherl hullan Iephrn we chernn Mare lllIflyQI Julle mm QIII Robinm thlm lIInni Arbour Innme Burm Ure FIuIerIld tllenne Meyer hrlrllne HahnIon JIIcn RareIr Kdty RourIe Itru hue IlIrren Srmth stelen unlth Jqlnlig Terpley Rhond bluerun IIIIe Grovu DIIld Hoerd MIrIIIn Huerd Debor It ml Iwmln cell BlItI linen BlIcl An MrlndkII ElInI storey Jenlre Mlleox elm Fan usury mm Ileudrhurnpeon MomcI ellenl ulrhelle irIllInI lInm lumen hn Telluen Rl Al liutr Vlurpht Mrmeel noontr Julten them he raplnda thewe Fudge Krrr turn sllnz rumpm lIhrrine JetIInn lilxnn Mrorl vumn KrIIllnr Ilem redd Ilrthur herlre lube Judd nutIon my mume YIIyInI Ktnp lln lrlvfr urle Indian tum At med Kim lhrlr uunheuoru errlnr Vet annilHlIrr It 10 1m new mm erir lteIIy mm lleeu mrudyeh tum Kane Anne FrIur kllhlefil Meuhmenr leunnle lllIIu peter rune Nellsdlt DIrrrn vile slephm down lhdllll LIInI Mere rIIIhIlr Juh mehem havdul lrehern Joey Me III rullI tann Held ld Huger hel spam Jeeneue leer N11th Ill titer llrrrI Mewhlnm Klm ohnIon wee Illan ltneu vellum mun llrn men lmlord rm John ltrfnhmxt Iad iYIImhrn smut sluyer Mlee re Heal rteere ale Ann lInlord KrllI Barton theryl llmrl tmlm Koop KIll urArlhur tr ununm Immutable Joeme NullmInt Jun Ien ks um 1099 Male Del Koop MichIel re AllIlI ltArlhu John Sdeon huh Inn Ichmlnn Ll in tourId Merge Plqu Irvin wI Leune Ann MIMI IAurI L4 Sorley smt Admon Iuh ItewecIl Den Irly Dlrdl rmen arrInput Hunter IINIoI Derrei FIIrbInI Leel CerrIIu Dave Tauu RlChIrd PocI WIyne Kin LamI Funl AIne brun LITE IAVINle III In OI PrIIIr 51 mhhu maul them atyIInl Dulytruth Wattlme Ivch II In KnotIn whol abutI hmhhfiylld II hII Ilad blflthy Weed Weed dawnplea MudI Al uulod Ind Ion hole by ul AllOIIIr Inl III Irhhlliauul IwIt Alth tumh nl lab no htt Royal Trust Tykes edge Bob Cree Bull Darryl Helllay lIIl haulm NEWIARKET RayI Tn RI ml ewa Rep fro Kinsmen trample Pant Pit EAST GWllLII BLRY Newman Kitmen timid KM Pllll IN ll lhe Ee Gwlflunhlry ewmlrm IIIIr So all mum milk hnyl home more Kitmm prunes Slam Swlll lid Rob hed Ill peru at war um vorlu wdl ee they too thetr teem nctnry Swill Itrurk 00 mo Ind and lhrec Innled plilouu Me In elm lor It bll end mud lwu nu Ih anI 01 live on In mud Ind band lu tor mm In Uiflt end rand nu Th Kim NV mm on lId In one lll Mrllwumhllrlhll IIIm rum Three Had humerr by Ilenei Tenn lor Plul Tartan Accounlinl weInl enough MIrtlnI UIr dawned than II In TVBILI ICIIIII III eeeh GIuII lllllflorl tklulld In Full Ind IYIIF 315 in enema mil mud Gqu hed shalt cue run end Ilen held In lwo mluI untrue JIIorl Alli Dole Slroud KyIn Wlhll In 011th emuI Ich malow mulurJ LIII Kalli Ml Ind Ityen IIIIn hrl drum lur Llqu ltd Erin hmeIu nukd on la VIII In other bIll mIlcheI lIIl reel nu dle lcCoy but Ill Jennanel edpd ceeedy FloIn nu nth Jdln eppall Mmmeru home in lIeIIdy untuowumu Intheeevuudelm yeerold prh divIIIon cImpI med Kel immunity 5mm Is It elth Mlalriie l1 Mutter lulth home run Innnl Albr Fire Ilept dawned chlwn Ilnl ill with Lynn Idemon mIIln unlit line drivv tIlrh to hon um nounme In mu Ind uII yeeroid prlr minim thecIerboerd Ihln pureed up all pum lII nee they panned ewnurm 14m 1AA Ind Xian Gh Ind Wlntow INC luaui lapon Km Roam DUIIII SwIll Kim ILNIII IA Hm McLeod IIllIrd home lor Jocelyn In my hurled la the nut loll mm end Illaed nnly our lute end we run In lhIII Iecund nIlIh Khalil hem hummer Io mm me or the hits Pu rher thelyll II hy Ith ny heu kelden pllthrr Imne MrKIy cIuM null ad leemrnete Jule ludl lumen Ind Indore deleeled enl nee hrtete ii rim In DI INK Snowrnobilers join lorces lKK Khlrlllo lulIl nl mm lurlt Itqnn mtmnlwflf rlulae hIIr Pcvnlll lulnrd three turn we Inrlt Hrfllurl we mulrilr Anninun The muqm run Iudru Moltend lndin It rwmIrIvI Nunmonk rluh Iluhi luurl nulnlllhilr lull Ind LII hhurr souInmate Amuml here Ill Innd In lhlI menmar rIn mym eele lruomoc HI nrl neeuh men kdlmmd Hill In Peltcrh lellw rho Ian Hel Smmrk Anonum nu be men up three when trail loci of men due The IIIuIIlIon ll eieo hepg In cupId tn theeIr mule leelude en duhl In the MM 11 W1 meant reud elem hr lO5 Iteldeu pitcher DonnI IIcItey JIcey VmudErIIPIumul rqucud In IrlIIIII III mud Jury VtIdl Inde III lmu GrInI nily by mom fly eeu tor the fill 151 Ind two ldhy hn double end In Ilh Id That New Imilrrs bill If SIIIII wed Minor II Nannie bl YIIIIIIII Iliumrod Verna In Imam end Heyrc no mo use maul eud Heyuch mend III In an rneutd toe RoyJ ldhnhy Ibo III In hr Bob Cr will tentImi Tiny Puwdl end nmd NobleIdle two III Inn Iyne Lute noIeu Iml rally pleeud lo reeem leelr lrIpIIeI II rII IIIIun be runny II III rumlrln turnrnunrly tentre Sueu Iereierd lienl eed MMI Kkhril IhIrrd the mast improved IIIIan revueInna rodIbo Spurn wmothlh lyIl in IthIIflhIdPIII soled In he lor KAL with SMI Carey TIT on ILIimm NwQIM ugl InkID Ir lAIIIiIrI Cum 110 with hd In rum III IIIrd MIrilr Iy teeIn III Kellu wen III the Inp mIk Ind qu lII III Terry toutl in mm the met Iprwed IcyI upIy Ihert IpIII IMQIII The banquet laid the ad III IIIII 1hr rwulrifl club Merchants ousted at Ford tournament UHTH UKK The AurorI Merchenl IIIQIII ptclod up two Norm ImI Ilepr son hen we neon Il neat but they were outed III the Leta Ford InnerII ltd Towmutt liqe an the mafiad The Aurore Mer nun who hIW mm win Ind no ions In pIey lhu Ieeeon we dummy elunlneted lrom lbe Lorna Ford unmet II they and lid enly euer pIeyen Film Vilm Ind SCH Mn mad the InumImatt Ind It hefulh II II Imam tram In eerlla mm In thelr nnt much Aunt ne downed by Shereon Luke tter lmenu pileer Hm Alec pm up pun IIAIII hand the Mn mun Karon moribund their film lmlru Andy winner we murmurIla AuntMEN my two Ab luauthud Ben finkId In then flrl nme la the runeoietmn round in III In Aurora Chrysler downed 43 Kl NHKA prrlItIth unheelen rurd thryslri lbmteulh Iquud metered that llnl lune the lul wen Hi Irulrumenu dam them 01mth IIIdonde nIIor upul In Iarlt Ilqu Mgr kenrm name LIue pIey 5r ueed laugh detenelve Ind end elm elth lhe ruper ueoltendln or Jlm Alnrw they rupdued the apparent in me upely Iouglt metal Auml Ken fun run Im dpened the uncanny the pm len pen tram leernrnete II smlth at newred nth Ito nlerltm heme the am n1 the Mr wrlod lu teed we Kendlllend Keswick The JII Krlmy cliclld lot It III KtndIll mung It the meme puma Ln the mund period I4 hum more Ihote no the Aurorl net tell ll Ire lhrveier who the Itorln ken un mlIhlm elm ml locum at lhe mutt had me melch end lummete Slave who put matI Id wlh hIrd MI iulhe Brld Saw mlpd oul on It In mnhIm pm end Don Mdhclnry ml the Willm puma IM Kmdell mu mfi ml ROM II myuume the name lance lulu St troeha uvr lent pee In the reel parlod line Morton lhIIIy hrnee lhrtnh the Auran Bradford split trophies at softball tourney In mt ET the nut imiUImlmry rutiurlrl III Vail lIll mxuum Iourth nhue pwl henten uurnemtnl nn lhr ueud he Inn llrldluru luv rlr lehlInI 4hInl pinnshlp irlplg IrIl Hrediurd deteet Keru 75 Mr hr peeee tonImIlIIlr than IunIhlp heel Illlllrlr luzr eu mum hII tern II are fllmllr In lIlI lint mllih lA tweethe mm hflhllk Ir tummy we rm tllllnlller VDHlIrF uyued Rrlud nvu he lIIlilplunIllH vlulld end Inleem IIr tlm mm lh murmur mnerln eon hr peeee hirhplunlhlp up thet Idlrd Immull etrer hf mllemd three run In vhe netum mln ulneelng Inund blkmln rurlvld lhr dmeenr runmunuy Spuru my Ierd In turn elllml tun Numirlrl squlru pleled In thlbIllur mllm mu Mmenu and un lth Mertm HIldm thumm me mun 3rd nem In In leltm In the mmnd It heardI1 the hi my IIIrd Taurnlmrnl dlrlnr Im lreulord noted rlfIlIh lhe ourrummi enl lerll Ihr miner nrlr duel In hr pl NJ rISI irlllord tell ltlI uurianrrl Irnfl eeeenll min mun IIxr hen mpmlue in In pun mints Ieul Yurlull pruldrnl nl the II nailllmmn rwlnIrir neulelm thnlmmud mm II II hm yeer pinIKan end en mar llntvrntd elrh hr rflull neeuh that on In had Imflu pIen but ehenl tIlIed the eelnerlm Italremanqu the km and In the will one rmlehle urea IeyI urn yeer lournement will he hooch thu Ianuh the deImee end tired the fit wlmwr lor HI Aurore Ids lemlblr lti IYICIUKHI ddmtt In the line nlinula the thrrd 1n INN mounts hemn elmhu Irena end Ml Imdlng bIllkd deer Tom MriIelne netted lue In nl three pen In open the Icon for Bell Indln Homer the leId we Ihortllyed Kenn aryen Kornd mm mnncuuve mIrlrrl or WIrren Blll Fol end Inert Jennem trlpad III on mo the Brynn uh In lIe neared peeled Menelm euth and the urn II he lulld ln an peee tram Kevin Erwin lo llhlm up the more Teemmele Pet HIrnI mm the help Indrn leIIqIIIlt wmtedthe more It three eelde mlmIII let lIlII ro reamed the teed tor IIrrHI only to lmollwhen Iteyln KeenI qund the III uh pen Irurn Mcllwllm The penod ended In 55 dudlorl II Fox Milled tIIIr murr or sunehlne Ind PhIl Klmmrr mm or Bell Indln lmm tlen maepenaeni ladies tie Bradford 22 EIMAHKET lhr nmIrlfl Lemee lndrpmdent Imnu teem ued Hrldlord run metal eech here leu leal The fwnllrltl pm hlll We end Lynd Ilddletun eme up Ilrnn Illnll Ihnr are oppunmu Ie they cupped them In Ind ecu rwmIrIIl den uul end berh uehnrne lnltledlur mm In at end lo rupture when wlorv lethlr IslIr end lKlk rlxuerud Ia II and 14 me In their IIrediord appmenu terol Felrley end HeIlhIr himon uI Nmml use mwrd Ind 04 SImpIon end It sehnenel ln lhr lhird Hell FIflin Icortd are an noel by IItIlvrelne md tum Brutude leed let pel by Brynn Ullh fill with IM with hII hIl lrlrl IIlv ed the lie lor Wm mm flurov AuroraJrs win 2l over Richmond Hill AlRORA The AurorI thryIler Plymoulh Junior and hem H11 11 her llll ell II the Aura IquId Inaed put teem lrIllh thekepuuonm Iouh Wheatweanl tme Mclny end PIul How IIth potIce lot Auran Mme Hm mung II midllrld lor he Junm Alum Attrme Lumbvl Panvar AI lad 14fi al Mlle MIMI brand hol MIrlhIm on the weIuId IIul RuIIdl pIeyed hell In mldlllld lm Aurore Th Aurorl Hurt an llub Pmu flownd NWmIrlll 14 Int eel ellh Ueye tIeIe Ind Eddie Am dtclu lor Auran Th Aurml Eire munrun Meyer BIn lem ewe detected lIII wet In Mum Kevin Goadr tented lb len lor Aurorl The Aaron Mod mInI MIIar Alum AI pleyed um meteh with no MU III UNI ml Ice ed Io AIIHII Donn HI Minr Alan we deteeud II home by Hutum III Ink Aurorl Perkin sum AI wI II III mu deepttee Irag Inert hy olh GritIn Aurwl aleted Hlmlllnn with Dre LuluIII tIIrlIn threehlner lar nucleate LIIIIIIII Ilrucl Mll Indial hum Am collmud III ne the quh IIIIII an In ma En Humy wII thr Iur bII II bet at Aumrl Ind loImmIle Illo Incl arrchum manta II Ith droppod In Ider Hui at Scum huhIII hurled in the llrl men lannu end Ive leree run on Mu Alum rim Ind Illawfl we run at III II IdIr HIIl oulhll Aunt Immanuel IIIy Indd two mmlum with Inch Ind Lenom IddlnI In larchnu coIcI Fran Chenml com mulled he It Iltu eeeeppnlutd mu they wlt drmlneled III III Irlmn MIrchInII edged hoIt ARIMy 1K Ill week run tworun tuner by her BmhIm lll the Ir lumnq deleting the win tor Ilqu mm In two III tour Il Ml In mIKh Alrorll hurled the urn Ill luelep eud Itnllq uul In mu one end IlloIIII tmhlu GIry Willlnlon rind Ind Ind all Ind Illa wIlIId an In Auror Imt IN hInded OIhIlI teem ThundIy Inchnu were Vic lorlolll wllh VillaIn put up my fill ln hr in rclllerl Alcorn lhrec thI III tun ml Ind AIDIII no IllI or lb rIIIIl IIIInn Willmou MI out In fill1 Alum five Ind mmuh thr vorI oulrhll IIII 106 end the NM III II In and In Inu waI Rd Hm WI Ind 1h Mil hyM pin pey blasts Hewlett 83 and Au ora BBQ House In II III III AURORA The IIIan IIIuer HocIey Ilerry LIlIy will tee my elm eed hed Kyle the aha Lady racketeer take Northwoo Mommvoou The NIwnIrIel du lutercnuuty IIIIII endearedIguana hm Ieet ween II they drpped lhe Northcod Cuuntry lub three Mata In on NeImIrIfl pen al neeher Burllnl Ind Er KIrwIn um II WI InLl lid 52 Ifl wllh llllk llcully JoIn NIll Ird Ideul have NilHurt umr llr III 44 but Auto Body Atom stomp Alcan 10 AURORA IAI pd by GIII Flute It Aurore Auto My arrId an In la mmmhn Ian flvm nu In AurINcwmrlq mum Milk RIcreIIIonII Soccer tune but III Guile Jlmmy null wII voted yech III the II Iher he am up It with milieu lur Auran Auu Body In the Ime Lula Body Alu JorrIlImI Ind JIIolI RInIII Ind AchIII Andrew My pleyed Doug Nigh Esso blasts Jets 60 NEWWWI three gel Inert by ch IIlIreherpeluer my Elm helped curry than to to Henry am the NImIrlrl llll II In the Namriot lbw Sou Club mile Inte lune Burgess Tballers zap Jarmain 181 NEIARKET BurpIWMIJIIS by the Ilunnlnl per hemno Karla In Huh md JIrmIln CAN TV llll in Newmlrlrl Ilnor BIlcbIll AIIIKIIUOI qun dileton honI hll mIlm lII not lullm malt rwo fly hIllI III m1 ml ll III Ind rut Irener all Moe plete HI IIIo tripled the mm mm lot BunI Gru ShIwn Fltueuld Tanner Ind ll Grlflln In three runl uch inf mrlI mm mumIII Jeeen end GrIory Splcer Iddlul tn Jelmey Cole Itch It Print It II III McFIrlInd Ind Peal um mind Ipuce Ill Hlbtl JIM Alibi Tod Whi red Iueun Inn tented two nu Inch for JII quI wlth Peul suey leyll Briefly km Ind Kan DIVII Adan III IIIn in lry BInI Id MI Scythe III Sui DemI Ind men to II II be our Aunt II Tu notI In Id rep team coache peem Iernre II will lb ma mwflhGulO IIIII the ri II ruler bIIIlIlnI Teplu will leed my tentInna Norton lhe III Inact Due saun the they and III GrInI Miller panele cInII an In rub be two Ifl Fl Nmrifll lld Dun Idud lhII IIItly ln Ind KImlI NewmIrlq the aurlln lIIm downed negurueee end no Jane the All GYM Iaviu Rim Ind Newtnut Iaet uther three metehee WWW Putn BI uoun Ill um IIlIey end Gert menu lwv eeal lu AIIIVII Andre Steven Idded ruler Alarm soccer publlaty dunner Hanan II mech who name lo ther verI bul mud Inc In Irlll Iocur youthl lullnl very um ppmd LUCII chrn ulhdtopdlorz Huh with lee Btu CImlm IMflnllwIllltr hrll Il mmmmm WNW Herrt eleu dom end trlple me double Joey Ferhen cm Eddy bible In May Great hll tanI Ind Ila end ulnaen tnpu urIe Jun Oman an Evil Ind douhk um Honey Appli Illtrad Blue leI mother heII hum II Ina Wellrm hernm two lumen end tor Botb seven men Plul HumpreyIILIo horns Ind lwo real rm Men doublI me NM Bauer lwo Ilnlln nd Inn GI till