VOL tu no 11 PAGES URURA The primnceii million iteilhi iii art the tnrit itxirity Board ation auflhflfl lruslre ora Library closes rt of goal HHN Thr tlrlu ti ltlttllt ltir lbr urtira lillrdl tirirtl $751 in ttiiiiithh and llli tiling last Thunda Let paiplt nin lnlll lllrltix Auriira tnni tnrt ltlr Minimal TH viiiiditiiming unlls broke lllull tittitre the slime Wttrnlum watt as hr tumatte was llv ttiutt1l arts lrttm tiitiiiiini mi and tinui ttiiiuitl will it in atl lrtlm Plam tie the unir st include runl lnwmenl initulatina ding and adding an or uti Midwinle the mumt will be used dtquulllun In June worth eeutniitadiiwtu tititi It complete the and the tutmet mlyor iiiiiuncil tntntttnbiile tl THE tlr ERA Slnc 1852 IIWIIETAUIOIAKISWICL JULY st lititiald anierori charged Monday vthili the prntinne tiliildllun mlnlllr has VHllllsfl increased aid to the tittirit when it implements it ii ii da Frmth prngrini iii 01 it minimum to shill titiiri and mote at the tax burdat mumllpalllIH tit mt prtitiiitial tiiiiniiiii ti ttirit school board prinrnint has dropped mm iiiii in $0 ptr ient ttr lllli represents an iitiiiiiiiii he mllllllli burdai on to led based on the titam mt budget or three in lite it li inn Ihr local tax rate lr itllhrlm ald very ten decepllvf um ii hll the VlSl ll he local dlpatt tamerurt told the hit Width think iieiit iiwitiiui ttti pubiit Thrr lit titlestunt about Il lr lintrun slid the buard llah hm tiirt min phiaim in inimiw it dz French prtigrttii iiinitntar wltutils hm llw merit yean rather lldlt iLiiiiinute prqrant tam tinyct lo the Fraldt prouam he explained Mon day lt guild to hate second Vandun Wildman an McKianey continue hil wrfilliru area but will not include bears in NA arty he said Monday MCKlflM at hear SUNNY STRAWBERRY SUNDAY nutmanila wdlklflly hue lie be lib the heel lulu tremble trnni oiium garden sit4a Irynrdd Julie tum at rliumelratrlphallranherrylarulklm Unacudlndlud lamap My man mum around the tart were bum lorch throqh minitry grant ll put greater emphasis on French Allllrdlnfl llt mtnistr gutdeltneh tiiett it Mr tameriin the only subject receivutg nllher scheduling priorll rzngliih with students naming 9n minutes per day lmlrlxllon lndfi the guioeiinet tie iepled trustees last week French rtretm lo minuta per day fillh the remaining l7U itiiiiutieperetandard sdiool day devoted to other silme Anu tinrun pint uue it my Il1ilr at new net the klh urnberry mlcoeu tauI Ind ram arrive million in costs shifted to York trustee While both ministry Mildla and board at rancid the extra time needed tor captidal French tmtmdlovt can be latirid in the timetable without miicim tiny mama Mr imam uid surh an edmiaeiuu put the adult system in questionable LR hulth the ritpanded Frin fl program aLsti opal tti question the Vaughan mint HM while an lddllloflll it teachers would be needed oter the next lite yearn to all Jtr mlnulP day program an ad will Clm larllcllulellrluhu heathen blflfllndhelweelueobdurw ditional 45 teacher trill be ova live ean la program thnia 10 minutes lungerpadat lelr the dillerence ol till live teachen the minitry grant structure lump million hetan the It and torminute per tint programs and tn the ininistrt pasl perturniante in minim he tuiiiiinii hurden trtim prtlnlr lU he local municipality there no flulrlnlee the promised priitinml ind will be auillhte inttetinitel Mr irnernn tlzimm Police association bids for church NEWMARKI V011 Regional Police Asaoctaiton plans in buy the Parklide Tabernacle and um it into recreation centre and mean place tor police mice cording to Sgt Ken Robb chairman the aoctauoris Mlldlnfl committee ltll he mzlmfl In otter iin the proper today aald Sgt Robb Ihti wouldnt uv how truth that Mr was can tell you thechurch ll him $25 or the Wopert end the two buildings okay he wrestling NEWMAKKET The Dave calla hurled Will in Sunday Smoke Mr pound blaclt lthIPd and killad his bearkfl Haida the church there la home on he prom that is presently rented lo the Newmarkei Montessori School The scrititil will be able lo continue rentmthehotelar tom it tllnla to utd Sgt Rabh At pruenl the association has nu mmuunl fltllluae or its dflLElI although it does own in arrest landon Bayview Ave that land is rented ml to it tanner and the house on it is also rented ouL Mid but Robb occasion the hear was urncd ione while Mr MlKigney wu cteanitu hi cage Smokey has heat on the prtilensmnai wrestlinlt circuit it time to three wars and has new hurt myhod acturdu tii Mr VltKigtirt Smoke appeared in the ri Tliun June at Elmlr at nm girlfriuid Lynn one an in the bedroom of home on Mulnclt 3th 11 5mm He has owned the but time 460mm ma ii in nth Ind not own Wham lither hlul tier rub called Bat Ihidi he line had or Clme in ii year Bevan the attul on suitdat Mr Methane had pllllnld in train Bert wrutle in the rim but now up he will bul it the ruling seaon and maybe that had fllmflhfl in do with it The tieir iiinn slllhll iniului Mr MrKlgie when he tried it new hll girltrima She RM 861 in maybe the tit IlleIt Io yore ratiii Prhlmrtmw Hoaptlllearlt Sunday mornim Mr MCKIIN lItld Um Naedlru he ly and via llg litthith chief inspector tor tranalerred la Stinn iiicolt thehumm max doeWt MI Centre died want it any more at pm Mr llepworth elm aid the Ilaat it luaulllv it dild nmmll ii iiichat matter whether the int up limit iii ipllhll or it many generations The bear gaitlily the run at the mull arm ml owned by Mr McKiyiey iiitm guru into the loin lhi thi the winlflu hear In hueuiheuflmuflue al Iy am the be III all amhemnuheuyuuuauewdt But the dont hate an recreational use til that land and what we uiint centni location tor our altiren tn le hiemutton alaoplanato home in dlicea in the church building Renovation will be made to the unsung buildirg whith tnll cal somewhere In the neighborhood main tlccordlnl to S1 Robb He said he expects the building iii be read lot or CupInC the anonLion in tonna or Iummer at in iirflkdlh luH heen burn in triplnllh it still wild iitimitl and you cln nevfl lull rlbl Aild animda he said Th hear had always heat il0lilld with mdn and tin llllllfl was use til woman full lhin whi may or ma nnt lli0 twn titmtriiiitiiu and mu hr llllddll til the bears tiiliiiiii Wlum She stiieit her llllll iiit ttl llw Window and wiltd that Mr MCKIW was minted on the phone Now what interpretation the bear put on ha ell ldont Km ite wait tin la he diani ninit Mr Mleflnfl method til min the bear wrstlimin the priileuititiiil circuit wait truei II lflllflly tar ten trufl to the bar than draair it up and man it ride motorcycle Ill lune people du he and Smokey will not be uaranltned tor the iiii period at Alrican Ilai Milan Within and he and timi III pnetbtiiiy that he will 78 election shapes up as repeat of 76 Wlhehu ballad tuttim Innamun Inhe hhdimht mummmm Tinaka be one Um Nanak and lube the hire already litled Mr lull ink the rim Waton SIOQIIC bait dealer 1mm town mod to ulnarattainment in me and trtl76andwtllbelnt1iaahot at Ray thnneya regional minell mi ita year laid earlla thta year when minty ten Mum his troublqu lwould run against hlniandlcanlaaanymuonto diam my mind aaid Mr Sweetie Mr Ninney laid he would welcome the companion Mr SWRUE Ml ml formed platform yet but expects to have hll plini tinaiitea sometime in July Alla rumqu tor seat on murth ll Frank Patterson local plumha Ihu is president the ivllln lluh Mr Patterson has not limililul any platform plans either but isexpectedttictn in the near iuture Bruce Even who has sand tin ruunctl helm regionii guiernmmt rame intit bum said he hasnt really thought iihout iunnirut again He was ddeatm in lid ltir twat in 1975 Crosby elected church president PAULHLNT Er mth LWMARKET The newly elected presided iii the Assaulted tioepei mm at tanada said he l1 quite hlpm with the rent cabinet deriaion not sell her at Exhibition lildium thinng mitt games alUr tiriiter trtishy tit lira fhtlrth who was elected in time term praldfii ill the tnihptl thurdien two works aiiit initiated petition illnltISl ear igii thlttu rw priiiiiwe not in iiiiiti the dlr iii river at the lfldlutll raided tip sitting Mm ltlir tii lw itiimstir it mil ullitr dltll itimlitrrtial tillnin tut Itim itnim him llldlh tithit hlglldlllrrh iit lndi hal retied atd lasinr trttslix tilting itiriett the presitlrttt iii he intimateii titnpvl thurrhes tor the past min Plsltir rtub wit it IS traditional that he Itt president is levied ti hr post and he happy tit thr tradition Mas nttl broker this Plr Ml Mas asked ii vitiuld assume the duliu til the president he said went tn tmr thilrth heard here at irate dhd halted them it the wanted in artcpl The said the would he htlnttrul in hate me serve at prfitdent and that it wouldn he satrilite tin their part president til PASTOR in It zi lh lI allltvlld in uni4n Nldri Mr McKlaney utivttmiy Allen by the occurreitre declined to male In mmmatts other than to aay he would Ullllfllfl wrestling career iareer that ha apamm more huil tut deride Ind has sent at least two wresth bear Terrible Ted and sinoltey Both were Mirth AmEICIH Bloch bun urorier JoIl Duiilon She and in stain yhntilt hospital he laid Chairman tit the Hydra Communion and dun knme ill would be eligible it run in counttl he utd was defeated lax lime because didnt work hard mew hath really naught about running Ill but you never Imm he added Seneca not who hated All town tuuneil tor setrral term in the put said he elm had ml given the matter iii cindittaii much thought it itinit tit earl it hinaing about it Ill not lie said Mr ttlol lualm delvaluj in his dKlllxl attempt in ma Ruse Katie tutti iiut tn his lUullll election ir in mo and was asked it he ghiru ti rimslder fitting the mien utuntlllols it run or lletr mule this year Not at the pth llTll he said lit 99 per rent sun not gtiitu lll ruti Iiii tllt intiiiteit it running int mum long HHH niiiiiiiipiit pniitician lare satishurt uh has tentit tin ledrliet IVHHKll anti lean lihllllnllmr tttumil ald he itsri think he ltas ant electionaim platiiml ltir the immediate lulurr Mt Wind tin Newmarlet lluntll triim loan it i970 and on East Mtlllmhurt lrtini then tltlll i975 iii the Imflnlmlls iainr lint lviirhan Minna Itiuti iitiitr RA ninnet tituiwtiitirx tw hmt lltirts Hihir iitiii Litltir llfiiry antkrt with ultrt sitiitii lrtcr ll iiii let Ktrllfl hr unit tint Vbll tiigltt titit welt reelectii Illlll hniith reall h1Htl mallt in mi niiiittiiim he said It littt itr in the tear RAYS WIN ONTARIO TITLE Mliuu II eumarlrt Ra did it hot onlh did lhr do it but in lit in Titet grabbed lhr Unllllli ntiiteiir saithIi tullulltm lhlmplllnhly here tin tiir neeiiend alter itth imim undeleiilrd in tact lhvi Olllh it up three riiiit in the lit ituiin and tan virtr riiriiett rhr Illllf pain ihrir tut In Inlti the tiniiiiin hiiii pmthip iii he tiriiiiumti Ill Vplrmbl ind iiili thm Iould wnd them in lhr mind ptiiiittt iii tiiiriii itiiii tirii inirr rhr Mitt rut iiiiiipetiiiini the timt ii iii llnal ugiiintt aull tiii hut the rdurd them it uiih itiii in the too thr tenth Intian itat hurl iiiii Ilrlln threw hurlillrr up until the hintiini tit lhr tetmth whort he en rrlllHrd hi Hill iiimet Kl held iiinun lilen eiite and the to eemartirt lln Ihll mute the trrlt were huitne when thri mittd home late lundai night ergr gruflrd it in the hut Ill Unlanli iii unlllm ihtitit titt tum linen thi enen in put lhr Irilm together iiti lhvh time through int tiiit rtrtlitt tn p414 it ls its owners girlfriend DESPIR DAV Kle