Ontario Community Newspapers

The Era (Newmarket, Ontario), June 21, 1978, p. 22

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umhmmmu MIHlrl ELI1PAGE VM IV AUIOIA 7273 INNISIL LAKE swco sum Dedloslrs age mg room moder llmen lb sOye and lr dge ole belh arge blRMd as IM vleor heal home ne area pr rae Dem Deeyer Res ans L2 COUNTRVLIVING EAsv oMMuva super arge bedroorm room aundr ouN dowry when lb DUNN oo slore lrel eVr QQVGJV age qu hl rooms rs are an Vg swoon ur gun Pnlyacv PEACEa YIIANOUILIYV 2r les rm Ntwmarae easy grvmurmq melro lr semnq ol hr am Vlls modern me br Dunqaow wvooms eplases 1w boadlmrr flesh zlav garage goes coqe sma DIM Vvub Dona Isreafls mgqnll¢fl arres aevy MlDorlad sorey malrr How am FIRST TIME OFFERED bedrooms rased bungalo lrh om bmalon mg dlnlng 00 ram 00 Franl replare Fayed drlye plus garage muse Wllon mus see welga or OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS FOURPLEXOR SIXRLEX Abda eLe ler shower deroraled Cenlrally roared close rorsooralor and smowq All ldea meslmen ISJ 00 Fran Menard Res IVS 33¢ rrze YNORNMILL ileum luptlbl bedroom ondamlmurr Qua boadloufl hams allfldrrDOP lbrav Mlmr lew eoraled preslge mllflfic vb pool erm Laws and sauna or leqes Fran Menard Res 095 SPACIOUSANDIMMACULATE rarges ere be an laslelullr morale or ldu TU IAMKIW garner an dnlnq area Mod amdr arge lam are Du re ll rhooong ear Dy aw 04 as Wear KESWlCK lNVESTMENT row 0590 arge red good area orled cmmerrlal and owed so nssoo All all Peeyor Res 9052 04 mm REALTY Real Estate Professionals Since I913 EIND raaler happmess and omlofl lrl vhlg WlslousAhedDom home 2bavhs alleyn Ms argebreanlaslerea malnourlollorlda loom Ana pllo An exullanl lal uwrrhll anmcaped who ror young am New Kran Menard JUST LliTEDI ASHOWLACEI do blrl moye lhrd lhs lrn sDtIy M007 homo Bedblulllv decorled snd Imuhld Io uerleulon rlh burs rse room mm aflluuebrwk llreplxemdbar Walaomvo plaltswoflally lanasclpd bullyrd Plul UM Shnpr Rea r27 sln mlh pg ass19 Ion FT RIVER FIONTAOE easy bedroom alum ardlng backsplrl Wnlry Illchen super large cedar dear yerlooklng lwe beamrrul landscaped lol ldedl slarrer or relremef home call Bally MEbualfl luv VOUROFFER Yb move and may grauous and sprulous ulng an excellent reslderlllal Mlqhbourhood Newmnfllel bedrooms hollwa Ir Dc room 17 reolue double garage see Call Donna randn Res Y77 5750 lMAGlm TNIS by ass van Loon bedrooms sen ng oom barhs dualrly broadloom drapery and ghllng apollancs warm and err lhu eoflmmpory deslgn Super Auma bwrhouse all Donna yandlne Res 550 IACRESUXIRIDGE no lo unlnr slalron bus mlles away Eslae ID llh huge beech lrees runlaqes eeller bulldlnq slles usm Lrv Morrsd Hes 395 200 lay an engulslle SLARGE BEDROOMS Arba urdaand rqul alts ra no sld mp Qlldl ly rs ll rd lam ly room mm rpldm wLaae dlrlnq room lorma arble replare superb ur Ilvabas area heres ward Doll ll luvy En arr londlllanlng Ind rp9vy Drud diVESm rudr Nsorl brouqhou llm III lN LIMITED 00 DAVE DI INIAHET NEWMAIKETSOUTR alch rgdbrlclr I70 doeolol 22 re room hug 33 games room urge allcherl laalalully deeoraled many more Ilblures ineloda low lanes Call BRlAN STREETER WSIZSS EQB ANOMEWITNCNARAcTEII Hannacurs wllh spran ladpond Eaeh 01 rooms deslgned mm dlsllncnm comb llraplace malnllaor lmuly room pallo doors lo dock many more hollers Lovely rural sellrng Shon drrye Irom Iovrn III horsemans ounry DOIEEN BRUNT IVs lzss BBB AURORA IEAUTVI Pram manned Ilium approxh lo ml Immaculnh brln home an wgms I01 Mm llmlly Illch mm hwalhbamhnlowr IVI mom small om me 0mm lram JEANNETTE IIGLW 525 FREE STYLE coumnv LIFE 150m SIyllsh Ddclsulll mm garage udrms blg dlnem xlrrherl mamllmr laundry Dams mrles lrom own Easy Dov Mrlls Lommulng JACK LACEY msls BEBE CENTRAL DUPLEX woo upper BDorlmefl mlh Iovfll mome shryplare kmdllo many leaures lmlml mrsery Mam lloor Dorms Drlgh modern Ilkhen llyrng roorr nr laces applanrn qu lde luv or mu slrrn GEORGE HRUN 995 255 annull ACRE LOT UVJW Qllly rolllng land loyer spol lor yovr dream home ounlry bulls lrom Vlle DAVLOR 3951255 EDDIE MINUTES NORTN OF TOWN In v00 Beaollul decor wlIh lhal prolesslonal lpdlr Neal delachad bungalow on lra shaped lal rm deeol mlh payd drwe huge garage would sun rradeamarrl sown Mum llymg room broadloom lwrllk mm Illch RICHARD ROBBINS SIZES OW SUNIEN LIVING ROOM lmmaculala homfll superlor Ilmmtd baseman gas barbwe pallo sunradon bum won Dudlhy xrllghl mm IEDROOM IACKSPLIT an Dallghllul homo Eagl Nllls Large lol carpal plus pararug or an or lraller Dorolhy Knlghl mam 71ACIE3ANDFAMILVNOME $75 adorally allchen and dlnlng room Shane llreglase saoarale manor sorle mrns Hwy on Dorolhy Knlgm an Larg rooms IDACRES IIICK IUNGALOW lo Beamllul lcros mm over mm hand planlad lrm gmd lrbnl home has double garage Ilroplne huge waded locald Aurora Dog Mllls reduced lo IV we Vendor ralll hold 2nd mrge Gord Jones an PERCENT MORTGAGE bedrbom Iz balh kllchen rer mom yum bar amend garage lenad yard close lo schools and Imam bus Harold Lcoghlm 00 an 095 m7 FAMILY ROOM $73 Plus ro raom mm lrraglaee drnmg room mlh walk our lo sun deal Four bedrooms broadlaom lhru aul Localed good aroa on hall aae lol Nnrold Loughlm in Nm7 8951600 IEST IUV Compare and see lor yoursell Thls bedroom bungalow ls rhe besl buy Desgned lor easy llylng lhere ls lamly room rallh upare and 1th our la large Ienced yard Jusl radured In 50000 Musr besold all Jcrte Mllard 395 we or Res 995w DOLLS HOUSE beaurllul begmnmg or young ruuple Thus bungalow ls small bul Mummy and ms loullorl means easy ommmmq lo easl M2070 $37 500 Cal Joye Mlllard 3V5 low or res 9m QUAKER HILL bedroom beauly lhal worl as lollq Iruly home 10 your acllye lamlly llh 7K room plus den quallly broadloom and lealurn lhal plue lhls home aboye lhe average Call Joyre Mrllard IN looo or res n59lo2 cousonauosuct ou bedroom brln delached home my payed We owe lo separale bar garage lmmaculalely key and thnIy rodeoraled Owners have boogm and Malous to move QJIQI lotlllon rn ollrr semen or lawn yel near schools and shoppmg paul Mlllard 995 loan or res mom NAPPINESS l5 Your nonlenled lamlly enlaylng lhls harmn9 uslom burll brlclr bedroom home on sparlous mallxe lal deal Io pool and lenms curl lineal loeallon lor all convenlences Large percenl marl gege can be assumed Call Paul Mlllaro nslaoo or res msvm REALTY LIMITED MORTGAGESARRANGED AT NO COST TORONTO mm DAVISDRIVE mSIOI NEWMAIKET UTE as Dunc SVOQY home on lo IO l0 Lovely shade HRS lnludlng large Red Maples Good garden on Neallng lllchen and barb rlrrares new whlle vlnyl Sldlng wlh black shuns garage and payed drlye Desrrable erms no son Exnu LARGE DUPLEX msvllle Mam house has large bedroom larg alnlnq room good med lrymg room and more plus large tedroom apanmem reflfid To $300 DEV mofllh all lor more deralls IACRE PLUS And large solld brlcb house lusl mmoles Iown Excllml apporrumly Ior group or rbomlrrg home All rooms are large wllh bedrooms dlmng room rulerarr rlylng room lull hlgh basemenl and mum more NEWMARKETi COMMERCIAL Close lo Mam svrdel large lptfmmu ammorual spare leased and communal soue lo be leased Euellanl polerlllal lnmme Prlred lg sell Call lor lunw delalls hmv auv 594 When you an buya vuuuduvlnon 70 IN Io Ill 1067000 0071100 Ind b06100 lplvlmen EIIHInI llvlng commonhorn on elm an you LNQTD ln In WW NO all Io mo GUIII Royal Trust REAL ESTATE 118 DAVIS DRIVE NEWMARKET Numarkol Plaza VIDEOSONICSNO OUR OFFICE Through ll you an seenod mow dedcrlblng any 01 1l malor Gaulh cm Call us nll help vou see acrou me marry National Trust Realtor Mil TN mm In AUIOIA GOLF GLEN Mam lloar runny room um hraplaee walkw Ell ln MIIW MIGI VIM bolll ln um and flllhwllhof Double or garage payed ram amid Laughlln on an Ros it LOVELY TRANWILSETTINO Madr Abodroom home by lol woodland vbsv Lou no Mb dlylslon al £57500 law mlna lo NounIla John MI nun 3777 uswmnxn in bdrm advcrud may huge mch shaped llylng dlnlng use hardwood floors balhrwm lard lrr basamarrl Io oarlo ucellanl am am own an AUIOIA NOVEL slorey brlca alum hmon raylm lol bedrooms balhs Eal ln lurchu llnlahod roar wllh wallnu one pallo qulo Lawrence Bloch cm uacus NOISE ulna PADoocxs Execullvebmoalowsllullldbuillsurlovs enrry large Iormal Ilvlng and lamlly room mlh llreolau and walkout bedrooms balm pond mued bush Blom Um 6° NEWMARKEYISTOIEY TWIN mm Spollyss bdrm backqu onla arserlallon are lulurlng willow lrom Ilkher VEK room broGloom vhrobghoul lmcod Inmpod rd paved Bruce Tum 27 man 8810160 NORSE PADDOCKS AND MAY FIELDS Make your dreams reamy and WHO you with ounlry elKuIlve rolraal We hay orallable as ace parcel ol genlly rollmg and romprlsrng lrelds and bush and ever 40 ng rael on paved road near pvbllc Lonseryallon lands and mam hlghways For rlspQUlon all paul Mllllld no law or res avsvlm BIG BEAUTY IN KING Norm aI Noblalon and my runlures lo Yolomc ya my 27 or on Custom burll almos new mml chdrIlon bedroom homebn lo level acrn Ground lloor lamlly Uom umlemporlry slylmg er large brth wlndows and walkouu School bus al door and 705 la mall urllage Poul Mrllara ave law or res n5 Vlw COUNTRY RETREAT 25 due wooded propeny adlacarll la nonservnhon aru allh mllas of rldlng all bedroom home all separale masler sulle double garage and healed lnground pool Thlsproperlyls sllualedlrl melee wooded area Whllrhuuh Slouflrllle Llslod al sl2v val Call 095 loan COUNTRYSECLUSION us home properly ls sllualed on mural lounlry road near Newmrkel on acre or mlh malure lrees lhe design ol lhe home mlh seyeral walkous Iels you lllle lull adyanlage al the properly Some of me many lealures are Ilrtpllco In lamrly room barhs and waclous garage ths home ls lrl moye ln condmon and prlcod lo sell 1mm no CAIN now NW we won mar Maxu THE DIEFERENCE SIEDROOMS EIRELACE SpKVaICUIII IQI hlgh hill VIN QUIT sale cul de sac ms lamIy rm you would caper ln sloo 000 home llreolace booksholrru allow dble garage Owner lranslarrad you musl see rompare lo appraclala prlce too 900 TREES TREES TREES rm buck bungalow Jhdrms gourmel all rloor Io celllng replace willow lo sun deck garage IulIul decor landscapmg ounmdlng coonlry properly lowerlng ban lrees rooyenlerlce ol Nwmarlm mrles area al eell homes moon AURORA wool sun Pvlme are rma lrreplace lmrnadlala possesson Yry your oflar DRASTIC REDUCTION VIM chance ol lllallme lo own sum acres 2000 so rr rm lum bl Cenlury home gleamlhg gm llbors coumry lrll slalnod glass don balcony over sunoorzh new rdol mung plumblhg heallng al rhls prlce you musl acl Fasll NEWMARKET AREA AURORA LISTINGS NEEDED MAUREEN HALE RES M2 IUS 1111 CANADA PERMANENT TRUST REALTOR AMA MATE Wliimoomw whenm roomwflhnnlodoon rocroom unduly larrcadlarldeoapodlol macham No wontpl 7171 mCSSS KEITH ROSE LIMITED 26 DON MILLS ROAD KESWICK ONTARIO LO IMO KEIICK Usalll Mt ALIEIT nus WEEISVILLE IIIflu SUTTON OPEN NOUSE OPEN noose Salurday and Sunday whandulhlroml rpm mungr Waslclan Subdlylslon Saloon om comer oI Wesl and ourre srs Corro neovr model homes sllualad In Ihe of vacMarl land yal close to HIwa my ommmlnq lo lhe sown For lum mlormallorl please call Vlc Sunny 21 UbJIJI 47112 To 7919 ACRESV1 NOW UK And llumlnum on la la wllh 227 lrorllago on good cont rod Fulbrqu large llylng Ar separ dmmg lrllchen and la rly rm Iliwael OII heal ully plllllled ur anxhed garage DON NARRlSONl £37550 Nome Tor 797 mo IEAVERTONJ ACRES PIG FARM 13 Corner larm lrorrllng on Na mam ry ways soulh oI Beayerlorl Omano slael quarrsel barns sel op lor lot so and prgs Clay loam all bedroom larmhouse balh all her drlllodwell alllerKed Manual Owners mll hold Flrsl Manger Kellh Rose 1132550 Yor 2w loco Survorl 722 NEWMARKEY uonnkwavtnrnmfl IOATERS DREAMIH AC seaulrlul 2200 sq reel rarsad brl bungalow lealurlng large ery IlIC sew1e drnmg and llymg room beamed cerlrng and swallow lb balcony 25 lamlly room llh beamed ell 00¢ llrtplde and wallow Fly bedrooms mam llbor laundry room washrooms lop qualrvy broad oc lhrdughoul ar Hum garage vs car allached ar porl Thls rlorre slroalad or beaulrlur wooded lo rune lronlage aru DI superb ham Io lrrspeel lhls work home l2 SWEEZIE al 4732350 Home as WM lado NEWMARKET NORTH ACRE I054 New brlca and alum sldespllv be no In Fealurmg large llllchdn wlh aaIW separale dlnlng and hung room mm Kv lamlly room mlh lrreglace and galw large bedrooms washrooms re ao area Double ca anaehad gar9 Chum row ovm salon and on malenal lrbm bullder samples 30 SWEEZIE 2712550 Home lzll al 797 I660 Emc zllll lsll ulll lllll lIMllID Almuml Largeolderbnclrhomasrrualodlwa mod lol wnh sloray 08 Dow large counlry human be moorla mung room bay whdow porch Cal Nunlor Ill2377 7734391 ADVERTISE WEEKI

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